Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
"We are informed that the absence of Sir Hedworth Williamson , the new S . G . AY . at Grand Lodge , on the 30 th ult ., was caused hy pure accident . Sir Hedworth was under the impression that the appointments were made at the regular meetings of Grand Lodge , and therefore intended to he present on the 3 rd of June ; and lie ivas strengthened in this belief by
not receiving any official communication when he ought to attend . AVe understand that a Masonic lodge , to he called the Prince of AA ales ' s Lodge , is about to be established at Stow-onthe-Wold , in the province of Gloucestershire , by Bro . E . S . Cossens , who has also been solicited to erect an additional Masonic Pillar in the province of AA oi'cestershire .
The Prestonian Lecture.
( From a Leeds Correspondent ) PIEIEAJN-TUROPIC LODGE OF IBTSTBTJCTION ( No . 3 S 2 , ) LEEDS . A special meeting of this lodge of iiA _ t _\ Actioi _ was held in the Grand Jury Boom of the Town Hall , Leeds , on Saturday evening , the 26 th April , for the purpose of hearing Bro . H . G . "Warren deliver the Prestoniau Lecture . The lodge was opened
in the first degree at 6 . 45 , by the AY . M ., Bro . AVm . Perkin , P . ProA ' . G . Beg ., assisted by his officers . A considerable number of brethren were present , amongst whom were : — Bro . Eev . A . P . A . Woodford , P . Prov . S . G . AV . and Q . Chop . „ John Batley , P . Prov . G . Beg . „ K . B . Nelson , Prov . G . Sec .
„ J . Buchton , P . Prov . S . G . D . „ AV . AA'hite , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ John Gill , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ E . Inchbold , Prov . G . Purst . „ H . AA ehstcr , "VV . M . of Pho 3 iiix Lodge , Eotherham . „ Major Pillsworth , No . 3 S 2 . and many other brethren of the Leeds lodges 361 . 382 and 3 S 4 , and of other lodges in tho province of AA ' est Yorkshire . A letter was read from Bro . Dr . Fearnley , R . AV . Dep . Prov .
G . M . of AVest Yorkshire , regretting his inability to attend in consequence of professional engagements . Bro . AVarren was introduced to the brethren by Bro . AVoodford and , after receiving the Masonic honours , proceeded to deliver the first lecture as derived from the late Bro . Preston . The lecture occupied the marked attention of the assembled brethren for about two hours , ancl was of the most interesting
character , being delivered in an attractive and impressive manner by the talented lecturer , whose industry and ability in resuscitating the Presfconian AVorking , in such a connected form as to permit its being delivered in open lodge , is worthy of all praise . At the close of tho lecture a vote of thanks to Bro . Warren
Avas proposed by Bro . Batley , and seconded by Bro . A . P . A Woodford , and unanimously carried ivith acclamation , Avhich having been suitably acknowledged by Bro . AA ai'reu , terminated the business of the evening , and the lodge was then closed in ancient form at nine o ' clock . It is understood that Bro . Warren is likely soon to revisit
Yorkshire at the invitation of the Sheffield brethren , for the purpose of delivering the second lecture , when another rare treat will be enjoyed by the intellectual Masons of the district , to which they look forward with the srreatest pleasure .
The Royal Benevolent Institution.
MRS . ELIZABETH PIPER . —EIG-HTU APPLICATION . —LET IT BE TUB LAST . As before we have again an opportunity of addressing our brethren the election of Annuitants on tho Boyal Benevolent Institution will have taken place , Ave once more appeal for support from those brethren Avho have not already disposed of
their votes , on behalf of Mrs . Elizabeth Piper , aged ^ 6 , who makes her eighth application to be placed on the funds . We are altogether unacquainted ivith Mrs . Piper , and only support the case looking upon it as a disgrace to Freemasons , that any candidate should have to make eight appeals before obtaining that boon , which a little energy upon the part of two or three brethren can always secure , in about three elections at the furthest .
Brethren who have not already subscribed are reminded that every 5 s . subscribed buys four votes . Subscriptions and votes should be sentj , forthwith to Bro . HISXEY G-. AVATCRESJ , FREEUASOXS MAG-AZIKE , 19 Salisbury-street , Strand , AV . C , or 6 Red Lion Square , AV . C . REMEMBER EIGHTH APPLICATION . —LET IT BE THE LAST . Azotes already announced 396
ByF . E . AV 200 „ Bro . Paas ( No . 30 ) 100 „ „ Buss ( No . 29 ) 120 „ „ Galloway 16 „ „ Cossens ( No . 1202 ) 4 „ „ Harrison ( No . 202 ) 4 „ „ Cave ( No . 412 ) 4 „ „ Faithful 4
„ „ WJ ? 16 „ „ Evans , S . G . D 2 S „ „ Treadwell 4 „ „ Capt . Creatoii , J . G . D 4 „ „ AV . M . No . 1109 12 „ „ P . M . No . 522 , ( 5 s . ) 4 „ Lodge 292 4 „ Chapter 292 4
924 AA e have also received male proxies from Bros . Cossens ,. Creaton , Faithful , and Treadwell , and Cabbell Lodge ( No . 1109 ) , inacMition to several already announced . AVe have reason to helieve that hofore the day of election we shall also receive the votes of many of the most distinguished
members in the Craft . Having communicated to Mrs . Piper that Ave Avere making efforts for her election , and asking her if she had any friends at work for her , we have received tho following reply , Avhich of itself speaks for tho necessity of her election : — " SIB , —I received your kind letter this morning Avith much
pleasure , and beg to return my most sincere thanks to you for the great interest you and all friends have taken in my behalf . I trust I may be successful this time , as I have nothing to depend upon hut my widowed daughter—the widow of a young Freemason—Avho supports herself and little boy by needlework . " Your obedient servant , "ELIZABETH PIPER . "Rochford , May 7 th , 1862 . " " P . S . —I had no cards printed as I could not afford it .
The Lodge Of Benevolence.
The following "brief directions for petitioning for relief have just been issued . Full instructions are given in the Doole of Constitutions , edition 1 S 61 , pp . 93 to 101 . Applications for relief must bo by petition , addressed to tho Board of Benevolence , stating the name , occupation , place of abode , and present circumstances ofthe Petitioner ; the name and number of the lodge in which , and the time when he was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
"We are informed that the absence of Sir Hedworth Williamson , the new S . G . AY . at Grand Lodge , on the 30 th ult ., was caused hy pure accident . Sir Hedworth was under the impression that the appointments were made at the regular meetings of Grand Lodge , and therefore intended to he present on the 3 rd of June ; and lie ivas strengthened in this belief by
not receiving any official communication when he ought to attend . AVe understand that a Masonic lodge , to he called the Prince of AA ales ' s Lodge , is about to be established at Stow-onthe-Wold , in the province of Gloucestershire , by Bro . E . S . Cossens , who has also been solicited to erect an additional Masonic Pillar in the province of AA oi'cestershire .
The Prestonian Lecture.
( From a Leeds Correspondent ) PIEIEAJN-TUROPIC LODGE OF IBTSTBTJCTION ( No . 3 S 2 , ) LEEDS . A special meeting of this lodge of iiA _ t _\ Actioi _ was held in the Grand Jury Boom of the Town Hall , Leeds , on Saturday evening , the 26 th April , for the purpose of hearing Bro . H . G . "Warren deliver the Prestoniau Lecture . The lodge was opened
in the first degree at 6 . 45 , by the AY . M ., Bro . AVm . Perkin , P . ProA ' . G . Beg ., assisted by his officers . A considerable number of brethren were present , amongst whom were : — Bro . Eev . A . P . A . Woodford , P . Prov . S . G . AV . and Q . Chop . „ John Batley , P . Prov . G . Beg . „ K . B . Nelson , Prov . G . Sec .
„ J . Buchton , P . Prov . S . G . D . „ AV . AA'hite , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ John Gill , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ E . Inchbold , Prov . G . Purst . „ H . AA ehstcr , "VV . M . of Pho 3 iiix Lodge , Eotherham . „ Major Pillsworth , No . 3 S 2 . and many other brethren of the Leeds lodges 361 . 382 and 3 S 4 , and of other lodges in tho province of AA ' est Yorkshire . A letter was read from Bro . Dr . Fearnley , R . AV . Dep . Prov .
G . M . of AVest Yorkshire , regretting his inability to attend in consequence of professional engagements . Bro . AVarren was introduced to the brethren by Bro . AVoodford and , after receiving the Masonic honours , proceeded to deliver the first lecture as derived from the late Bro . Preston . The lecture occupied the marked attention of the assembled brethren for about two hours , ancl was of the most interesting
character , being delivered in an attractive and impressive manner by the talented lecturer , whose industry and ability in resuscitating the Presfconian AVorking , in such a connected form as to permit its being delivered in open lodge , is worthy of all praise . At the close of tho lecture a vote of thanks to Bro . Warren
Avas proposed by Bro . Batley , and seconded by Bro . A . P . A Woodford , and unanimously carried ivith acclamation , Avhich having been suitably acknowledged by Bro . AA ai'reu , terminated the business of the evening , and the lodge was then closed in ancient form at nine o ' clock . It is understood that Bro . Warren is likely soon to revisit
Yorkshire at the invitation of the Sheffield brethren , for the purpose of delivering the second lecture , when another rare treat will be enjoyed by the intellectual Masons of the district , to which they look forward with the srreatest pleasure .
The Royal Benevolent Institution.
MRS . ELIZABETH PIPER . —EIG-HTU APPLICATION . —LET IT BE TUB LAST . As before we have again an opportunity of addressing our brethren the election of Annuitants on tho Boyal Benevolent Institution will have taken place , Ave once more appeal for support from those brethren Avho have not already disposed of
their votes , on behalf of Mrs . Elizabeth Piper , aged ^ 6 , who makes her eighth application to be placed on the funds . We are altogether unacquainted ivith Mrs . Piper , and only support the case looking upon it as a disgrace to Freemasons , that any candidate should have to make eight appeals before obtaining that boon , which a little energy upon the part of two or three brethren can always secure , in about three elections at the furthest .
Brethren who have not already subscribed are reminded that every 5 s . subscribed buys four votes . Subscriptions and votes should be sentj , forthwith to Bro . HISXEY G-. AVATCRESJ , FREEUASOXS MAG-AZIKE , 19 Salisbury-street , Strand , AV . C , or 6 Red Lion Square , AV . C . REMEMBER EIGHTH APPLICATION . —LET IT BE THE LAST . Azotes already announced 396
ByF . E . AV 200 „ Bro . Paas ( No . 30 ) 100 „ „ Buss ( No . 29 ) 120 „ „ Galloway 16 „ „ Cossens ( No . 1202 ) 4 „ „ Harrison ( No . 202 ) 4 „ „ Cave ( No . 412 ) 4 „ „ Faithful 4
„ „ WJ ? 16 „ „ Evans , S . G . D 2 S „ „ Treadwell 4 „ „ Capt . Creatoii , J . G . D 4 „ „ AV . M . No . 1109 12 „ „ P . M . No . 522 , ( 5 s . ) 4 „ Lodge 292 4 „ Chapter 292 4
924 AA e have also received male proxies from Bros . Cossens ,. Creaton , Faithful , and Treadwell , and Cabbell Lodge ( No . 1109 ) , inacMition to several already announced . AVe have reason to helieve that hofore the day of election we shall also receive the votes of many of the most distinguished
members in the Craft . Having communicated to Mrs . Piper that Ave Avere making efforts for her election , and asking her if she had any friends at work for her , we have received tho following reply , Avhich of itself speaks for tho necessity of her election : — " SIB , —I received your kind letter this morning Avith much
pleasure , and beg to return my most sincere thanks to you for the great interest you and all friends have taken in my behalf . I trust I may be successful this time , as I have nothing to depend upon hut my widowed daughter—the widow of a young Freemason—Avho supports herself and little boy by needlework . " Your obedient servant , "ELIZABETH PIPER . "Rochford , May 7 th , 1862 . " " P . S . —I had no cards printed as I could not afford it .
The Lodge Of Benevolence.
The following "brief directions for petitioning for relief have just been issued . Full instructions are given in the Doole of Constitutions , edition 1 S 61 , pp . 93 to 101 . Applications for relief must bo by petition , addressed to tho Board of Benevolence , stating the name , occupation , place of abode , and present circumstances ofthe Petitioner ; the name and number of the lodge in which , and the time when he was