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Royal Arch.
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . WAKEFIELD . — Wakefield Chapter ( No . 495 ) . —This chapterheld its regular meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , on Tuesday evening , March 7 th , at seven o'clock , for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year . There were present , Comps . F . Lumb , Z . ; Henry Smith , as H . ; John Gill , J . ; Roland Childe , as Scribe E . ; AV . H . France , as Scribe N . ; Thomas AV . Few ,
P . Soj . ; Daniel AA'ilson , Francis Walker , Joseph Sykes , and others . The chapter being declared open in due form , the minutes of last chapter were read for confirmation . The following officers were duly proposed , seconded , and carried fertile ensuing year : —Comps . ? red . Lumb , Z . ; John Hill , H . ; Thos . AV . Few , J . ; Thos . Senior , Scribe E . ; Daniel AVilson , Scribe N . ; AA . H . France , P . Soj . ; Wm . Henry Gill , Treasurer ; J . Sykes , Janitor . Propositions were received from Pontefract .
The next meeting was ordered for Tuesday , April 4 th , at six o ' clock , for the purpose of installing the new officers . The business being concluded , the chapter was closed in harmony at 8 . 30 .
Mark Masonry.
DEVONSHIRE . Monies TOWN , DEVONPOBX . —Lodge St . Auhyn ( No . 64 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge , under the Grand Lodge of England , was held at four p . m . on Monday , the 27 th ult ., to ballot for a Master Mason of Lodges 201 and 998 . The ballot being satisfactory , the candidate was intro * duced and advanced to this degree . Several minor matters of '
business was brought before the lodge and disposed of , and the lodge closed with accustomed prayer . SOUTH AVALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . CARDIFF . —Langley Lodge ( No . 16 S . C . )—The regular monthly meeting of the above lodge was held at Freemasons ' Hallon Monday 6 th inst . the AV . M . Bro . AV . J . GaskellP . M .
, , , , , 36 , presiding , supported by Bro . R . F . Langley , P . M ., assisted by Bros . T . G . South , P . M . ; E . J . Thomas , R . Robinson , IS . Marks , M . Marks , P . Ware , < fee . After the lodge had been opened in solemn form , and the minutes of the preceding evening read and confirmed , ballots were severally taken for Bros . Rowlands , P . M . 364 ; AV . H . Martin , AV . M . 960 ; T . G . Glass , 36 ; M . Davies , 960 ; aud Ii . R . Watkins , 36 , all of whom wero unanimously received . Bros . Rowlands , Glass , and Davies being
in attendance , were admitted , and having undergone a satisfactory examination , and proved themselves duly qualified , again retired for preparation . When properly passed they were readmitted , and duly advanced to the ancient degree in the most correct and impressive maimer , the legend being admirably given hy Bro . E . J . Thomas , P . M . 36 ( S . W . pro tern . ) , and the lecture by the AV . M . A candidate for advancement was proposed , and the lodge closed in ancient form until the first Monday
in April , emergencies expected . At half-past nine the brethren met at Bro . Cousins , Angel Hotel , where an excellent supper had been provided by the AV . M . ; after full justice being done to which the toasts of " The Queen and the Craft , " " The Principal of the Scottish Grand Chapter , " " The Founder of the Lodge" ( responded to very feelingly and eloquently by Bro . Langley ) , "The AVorshipul Master , " "TheOfficers , " "Thenewlyadvanced Brethren , " & c , were given and ably responded to , and a very enjoyable evening spent .
GRAND TURK , TURKS ISLANDS . TURKS ISLANDS' FOETH LODGE ( NO . 647 , E . C . ) . —At the installation meeting of this lodge , which , in accordance with its by-laws , took place on Tuesday , December 27 th , the Festival of St . John the Evangelist , an unusually large number of brethren were present . Bro . AV . C . Moxey , a P . M . of the lodge , having been again elected W . M . for the ensuing year , was duly
installed into the chair of K . S , by the retiring AV . M ., Bro . Thos . Ockenden , who had filled that position for the last two years . The W . M . invested the following brethren as his officers : — Bros . H . J . Mmray , S . W . ; A . Omler , J . W . ; Thomas Ockenden ,
P . M . ( who had been elected at the last stated meeting ) , Treas . ; T . J . Godet , Sec ; J . H . F . Bruns , S . D . ; J . A . Durham , J . D . ; A . P . Dan-ell , I . G . ; and A . Francis , Tyler . The labours of the evening being concluded , the brethren adjourned to their refreshment-room , where a sumptuous banquet awaited them , which had been prepared under the direction of Bros . Murray and Bruns , who had been specially appointed for that purpose . The brethren having done ample justice to the- good
thingsprovided for them , the usual toasts , commencing with "The-Queen and the Craft , " were then proposed , and drunk in clue-Masonic form . The healths of the W . M . and the I . P . M . were , proposed in very eulogistic terms , and drunk with great enthusiasm . The proceedings of the evening were much enlivened by the vocal abilities of some of the brethren ; indeed , it may be said of all , for every one joined most heartily in the National Anthem , and this happy meeting was brought to a close at an . early hour .
( From our own Correspondent . ) SHANGHAI . NORTHERN LODGE OF C HINA ( NO . 570 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge took place at the Masonic Hall , on St . John ' s day—the ceremony being conducted by the retiring Master . The following are the officers for 1865 : —Bros . Nutt ,
W . M . ; Gould , P . M . ; Fearon , S . AV . ; Jamieson , J . AV . ; Maitland , S . D . ; Wallace , J . D . ; Smith , I . G . ; Birdseye , P . M . Treas . ; Lloyd , Sec . ; Phillips , Tyler . A vote of thanks to the retiring officers was passed unanimously , and , in acknowledgment , Bro . Gould , P . M ., dwelt on the indefatigable exertions of the late Secretary , as having materially conduced to tho satisfactory position of the lodge .
TUSCAN LODGE ( NO . 1027 ) . —The installation ceremony of this lodge , started in June of last year , through the exertions of Bros . Cornelius Thome , P . M . and R . F . Gould , AV . M . Northern Lodge of China ( No . 570 ) , took place on St . John's day , 27 th December , at the Masonic Hall at half-past four in the afternoon . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . S . Rawson , PProvGMRFGouldNorthern Lod of China ( No
. . .. ; . . , ge . 570 ) , AA . M . elect ; J . Donaldson , Cosmopolitan Lodge , W . M . > C . E . Hill , Ancient Landmark , American , W . M . ; A . R . Tilly , Tuscan Lodge , W . M ., and a large number of visiting brethren and members of the lodge . Bro . H . A . Suford , S . AV . and W . M . elect , was installed by Bro . Gould , and the various offices iu the lodge were filled hy the W . M . as follows , after the brethren had saluted the AV . M . according to ancient custom : —Bros . 0 . R .
Crocket , S . AV . ; R . S . Gundry , J . AV . ; Jas . Jaques , Sec . and Treas . ; Emil Oppert , S . D . ; E . des Landes , J . D . ; D . A . Emery , I . G . ; Phillips , Tyler . The charges were very ably given by the Installing Master , Bro . Gould , W . M . It was then proposed by Bro . A . 1 * . Tilly , P . M ., and seconded by Bio . H . A . Suford , AV . M ., that Bro . S . Rawson , P . Prov . G . M ., be placed on the list of honorary members , ou account of the zeal he has always displayed in forwarding and promoting English Freemasonry in
China , & c . This was carried nem . con ., and Bro . Rawson , in suitable terms , acknowledged the compliment and accepted the nomination . The thanks of the lodsre were tendered by the AV . M . to Bro . Gould , W . M . of the Northern Ledge of China , for the able manner in which the ceremonies were conducted , and after thanking the visiting brethren for their attendance , the lodge was closed at 6 . 15 p . m ., in ancient form , the brethren separating in peace , harmony , and brotherly love . The lodge furniture , jewels , and regalia , furnished the lodge by Bro . R . Spencer , London , and in use for the second time , were extremely admired . The Tuscan now numbers over thirty members on its books .
NATURE is loved by what is best in us . It is loved as the city of God , although , or rather because there is no citizen . The sunset is unlike anything that is underneath it ; it wants men . And the beauty of nature must always seem unreal and mocking until the landscape has human figures .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . WAKEFIELD . — Wakefield Chapter ( No . 495 ) . —This chapterheld its regular meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , on Tuesday evening , March 7 th , at seven o'clock , for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year . There were present , Comps . F . Lumb , Z . ; Henry Smith , as H . ; John Gill , J . ; Roland Childe , as Scribe E . ; AV . H . France , as Scribe N . ; Thomas AV . Few ,
P . Soj . ; Daniel AA'ilson , Francis Walker , Joseph Sykes , and others . The chapter being declared open in due form , the minutes of last chapter were read for confirmation . The following officers were duly proposed , seconded , and carried fertile ensuing year : —Comps . ? red . Lumb , Z . ; John Hill , H . ; Thos . AV . Few , J . ; Thos . Senior , Scribe E . ; Daniel AVilson , Scribe N . ; AA . H . France , P . Soj . ; Wm . Henry Gill , Treasurer ; J . Sykes , Janitor . Propositions were received from Pontefract .
The next meeting was ordered for Tuesday , April 4 th , at six o ' clock , for the purpose of installing the new officers . The business being concluded , the chapter was closed in harmony at 8 . 30 .
Mark Masonry.
DEVONSHIRE . Monies TOWN , DEVONPOBX . —Lodge St . Auhyn ( No . 64 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge , under the Grand Lodge of England , was held at four p . m . on Monday , the 27 th ult ., to ballot for a Master Mason of Lodges 201 and 998 . The ballot being satisfactory , the candidate was intro * duced and advanced to this degree . Several minor matters of '
business was brought before the lodge and disposed of , and the lodge closed with accustomed prayer . SOUTH AVALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . CARDIFF . —Langley Lodge ( No . 16 S . C . )—The regular monthly meeting of the above lodge was held at Freemasons ' Hallon Monday 6 th inst . the AV . M . Bro . AV . J . GaskellP . M .
, , , , , 36 , presiding , supported by Bro . R . F . Langley , P . M ., assisted by Bros . T . G . South , P . M . ; E . J . Thomas , R . Robinson , IS . Marks , M . Marks , P . Ware , < fee . After the lodge had been opened in solemn form , and the minutes of the preceding evening read and confirmed , ballots were severally taken for Bros . Rowlands , P . M . 364 ; AV . H . Martin , AV . M . 960 ; T . G . Glass , 36 ; M . Davies , 960 ; aud Ii . R . Watkins , 36 , all of whom wero unanimously received . Bros . Rowlands , Glass , and Davies being
in attendance , were admitted , and having undergone a satisfactory examination , and proved themselves duly qualified , again retired for preparation . When properly passed they were readmitted , and duly advanced to the ancient degree in the most correct and impressive maimer , the legend being admirably given hy Bro . E . J . Thomas , P . M . 36 ( S . W . pro tern . ) , and the lecture by the AV . M . A candidate for advancement was proposed , and the lodge closed in ancient form until the first Monday
in April , emergencies expected . At half-past nine the brethren met at Bro . Cousins , Angel Hotel , where an excellent supper had been provided by the AV . M . ; after full justice being done to which the toasts of " The Queen and the Craft , " " The Principal of the Scottish Grand Chapter , " " The Founder of the Lodge" ( responded to very feelingly and eloquently by Bro . Langley ) , "The AVorshipul Master , " "TheOfficers , " "Thenewlyadvanced Brethren , " & c , were given and ably responded to , and a very enjoyable evening spent .
GRAND TURK , TURKS ISLANDS . TURKS ISLANDS' FOETH LODGE ( NO . 647 , E . C . ) . —At the installation meeting of this lodge , which , in accordance with its by-laws , took place on Tuesday , December 27 th , the Festival of St . John the Evangelist , an unusually large number of brethren were present . Bro . AV . C . Moxey , a P . M . of the lodge , having been again elected W . M . for the ensuing year , was duly
installed into the chair of K . S , by the retiring AV . M ., Bro . Thos . Ockenden , who had filled that position for the last two years . The W . M . invested the following brethren as his officers : — Bros . H . J . Mmray , S . W . ; A . Omler , J . W . ; Thomas Ockenden ,
P . M . ( who had been elected at the last stated meeting ) , Treas . ; T . J . Godet , Sec ; J . H . F . Bruns , S . D . ; J . A . Durham , J . D . ; A . P . Dan-ell , I . G . ; and A . Francis , Tyler . The labours of the evening being concluded , the brethren adjourned to their refreshment-room , where a sumptuous banquet awaited them , which had been prepared under the direction of Bros . Murray and Bruns , who had been specially appointed for that purpose . The brethren having done ample justice to the- good
thingsprovided for them , the usual toasts , commencing with "The-Queen and the Craft , " were then proposed , and drunk in clue-Masonic form . The healths of the W . M . and the I . P . M . were , proposed in very eulogistic terms , and drunk with great enthusiasm . The proceedings of the evening were much enlivened by the vocal abilities of some of the brethren ; indeed , it may be said of all , for every one joined most heartily in the National Anthem , and this happy meeting was brought to a close at an . early hour .
( From our own Correspondent . ) SHANGHAI . NORTHERN LODGE OF C HINA ( NO . 570 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge took place at the Masonic Hall , on St . John ' s day—the ceremony being conducted by the retiring Master . The following are the officers for 1865 : —Bros . Nutt ,
W . M . ; Gould , P . M . ; Fearon , S . AV . ; Jamieson , J . AV . ; Maitland , S . D . ; Wallace , J . D . ; Smith , I . G . ; Birdseye , P . M . Treas . ; Lloyd , Sec . ; Phillips , Tyler . A vote of thanks to the retiring officers was passed unanimously , and , in acknowledgment , Bro . Gould , P . M ., dwelt on the indefatigable exertions of the late Secretary , as having materially conduced to tho satisfactory position of the lodge .
TUSCAN LODGE ( NO . 1027 ) . —The installation ceremony of this lodge , started in June of last year , through the exertions of Bros . Cornelius Thome , P . M . and R . F . Gould , AV . M . Northern Lodge of China ( No . 570 ) , took place on St . John's day , 27 th December , at the Masonic Hall at half-past four in the afternoon . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . S . Rawson , PProvGMRFGouldNorthern Lod of China ( No
. . .. ; . . , ge . 570 ) , AA . M . elect ; J . Donaldson , Cosmopolitan Lodge , W . M . > C . E . Hill , Ancient Landmark , American , W . M . ; A . R . Tilly , Tuscan Lodge , W . M ., and a large number of visiting brethren and members of the lodge . Bro . H . A . Suford , S . AV . and W . M . elect , was installed by Bro . Gould , and the various offices iu the lodge were filled hy the W . M . as follows , after the brethren had saluted the AV . M . according to ancient custom : —Bros . 0 . R .
Crocket , S . AV . ; R . S . Gundry , J . AV . ; Jas . Jaques , Sec . and Treas . ; Emil Oppert , S . D . ; E . des Landes , J . D . ; D . A . Emery , I . G . ; Phillips , Tyler . The charges were very ably given by the Installing Master , Bro . Gould , W . M . It was then proposed by Bro . A . 1 * . Tilly , P . M ., and seconded by Bio . H . A . Suford , AV . M ., that Bro . S . Rawson , P . Prov . G . M ., be placed on the list of honorary members , ou account of the zeal he has always displayed in forwarding and promoting English Freemasonry in
China , & c . This was carried nem . con ., and Bro . Rawson , in suitable terms , acknowledged the compliment and accepted the nomination . The thanks of the lodsre were tendered by the AV . M . to Bro . Gould , W . M . of the Northern Ledge of China , for the able manner in which the ceremonies were conducted , and after thanking the visiting brethren for their attendance , the lodge was closed at 6 . 15 p . m ., in ancient form , the brethren separating in peace , harmony , and brotherly love . The lodge furniture , jewels , and regalia , furnished the lodge by Bro . R . Spencer , London , and in use for the second time , were extremely admired . The Tuscan now numbers over thirty members on its books .
NATURE is loved by what is best in us . It is loved as the city of God , although , or rather because there is no citizen . The sunset is unlike anything that is underneath it ; it wants men . And the beauty of nature must always seem unreal and mocking until the landscape has human figures .