Article MASONIC ANTIQUITIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article WHERE ARE YOU GOIING? Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Antiquities.
were brethren of our ancient order ; but an old record imports , ' that in the glorious reign of King Edward III ., when Lodges were many and frequent , the Grand Master with his Wardens , at the head of the Grand Lodge , with consent of the lords of the realm ( then generally Freemasons ) ordained that for the future , & c ., & c . " Tradition informs us that Edward HI . was Grand Master in 1327 , and
commenced rebuilding Windsor Castle , becoming a general patron of arts and sciences . John de Sponlce , Grand Master in 1350 , rebuilt St . George ' s Chapel , where the king instituted the Order of the Garter . William ol Wykeham , Grand Master in 1357 , at the head of four hundred Freemason ; - , rebuilt a large portion of the Castle ; and when he became bishop of Winchester Robert of Barnham succeeded him in his duties , and at the head of two hundred and fifty Freemasons finished St . George ' s great halland
, other works in the Castle . Hoping that a more efficient correspondent may supply fuller information on the subject , I remain , clear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , HEXI ' . V MADLEY , Hon . Sec . Mo , 55 . Notlhwham . April 30 $ , 1859 .
Where Are You Goiing?
TO THE EDITOit OP TIIE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIHltOii . DEAF . SIR AND BROTHER , — " Where are you going ? " Don't take this question as a personal insult , classing it with the once popular phrases , "Does your mother know you're out ? " "Who ' s your hatter ? " & c . —and as a result , throw this paper into the fire without condescending to peruse it , expressing a hurried anathema on the writer , and threatening to visit him with all sorts of unpleasant consequences , when you can catch him .
" Where are you going ? " Such were the words I once found printed on the usual pink cover of a pamphlet transmitted by post . I have frequently received these missives on different subjects , of such a nature as to show that the senders had a most unfavourable notion of my opinions , character or conduct , or perhaps of all three . Whence ihey came 1 know not . Doubtless the intention has been good , but the course pursued not always the most judicious , for on opening the pamphlet , I found the answer to rise question mentioned as on the cover , contained in the words at the commencement of
the first paragraph— " To h—1 . " It need hardly be remarked that- this ivas enough to disgust , and to destroy any effect which might have been produced , if the writer had confined himself to calm suggestions on the considerations which the question presented , leaving the reader to frame his own reply , and then to act in accordance with it , possibly benefiting b y the arguments laid before him . Whatever may have been the faults which needed so serious an inquiry , I could not but feel that it is one which every
thoughtful and conscientious man at least occasionally puts to himselfmyself among the number—ancl that they were not so heinous as to require a remonstrance couched in terms so ruck , and presented anonymously , in auch a form . Now , brother Editor , " where are you going ? " I do not presume to dictate the answer , but only ask you to examine tor yourself in reference to your weekly periodical , to direct your steps accordingl y , and to allow me
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Masonic Antiquities.
were brethren of our ancient order ; but an old record imports , ' that in the glorious reign of King Edward III ., when Lodges were many and frequent , the Grand Master with his Wardens , at the head of the Grand Lodge , with consent of the lords of the realm ( then generally Freemasons ) ordained that for the future , & c ., & c . " Tradition informs us that Edward HI . was Grand Master in 1327 , and
commenced rebuilding Windsor Castle , becoming a general patron of arts and sciences . John de Sponlce , Grand Master in 1350 , rebuilt St . George ' s Chapel , where the king instituted the Order of the Garter . William ol Wykeham , Grand Master in 1357 , at the head of four hundred Freemason ; - , rebuilt a large portion of the Castle ; and when he became bishop of Winchester Robert of Barnham succeeded him in his duties , and at the head of two hundred and fifty Freemasons finished St . George ' s great halland
, other works in the Castle . Hoping that a more efficient correspondent may supply fuller information on the subject , I remain , clear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , HEXI ' . V MADLEY , Hon . Sec . Mo , 55 . Notlhwham . April 30 $ , 1859 .
Where Are You Goiing?
TO THE EDITOit OP TIIE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIHltOii . DEAF . SIR AND BROTHER , — " Where are you going ? " Don't take this question as a personal insult , classing it with the once popular phrases , "Does your mother know you're out ? " "Who ' s your hatter ? " & c . —and as a result , throw this paper into the fire without condescending to peruse it , expressing a hurried anathema on the writer , and threatening to visit him with all sorts of unpleasant consequences , when you can catch him .
" Where are you going ? " Such were the words I once found printed on the usual pink cover of a pamphlet transmitted by post . I have frequently received these missives on different subjects , of such a nature as to show that the senders had a most unfavourable notion of my opinions , character or conduct , or perhaps of all three . Whence ihey came 1 know not . Doubtless the intention has been good , but the course pursued not always the most judicious , for on opening the pamphlet , I found the answer to rise question mentioned as on the cover , contained in the words at the commencement of
the first paragraph— " To h—1 . " It need hardly be remarked that- this ivas enough to disgust , and to destroy any effect which might have been produced , if the writer had confined himself to calm suggestions on the considerations which the question presented , leaving the reader to frame his own reply , and then to act in accordance with it , possibly benefiting b y the arguments laid before him . Whatever may have been the faults which needed so serious an inquiry , I could not but feel that it is one which every
thoughtful and conscientious man at least occasionally puts to himselfmyself among the number—ancl that they were not so heinous as to require a remonstrance couched in terms so ruck , and presented anonymously , in auch a form . Now , brother Editor , " where are you going ? " I do not presume to dictate the answer , but only ask you to examine tor yourself in reference to your weekly periodical , to direct your steps accordingl y , and to allow me