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Obituary .
BRO . JOSEPH TAYLOR . AVK regret to announce the death of this , one of the oldest members of the London Craft . Bro . Taylor was initiated in the Lodge of Emulation , No . 21 , on the 18 th January , 1819 , and having passed through the various offices , served the office of W . M . some years since , continuing a member of the Lodge until the day of his death . He was elected Treasurer on the death of tho late Bro . Norris , Prov . G . D . ; Bro . Taylor was an annual subscriber to the Girls School , and a member of the House Committee and other committees of that charity . He was also a governor and annual subscriber to the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons , and a member of the Committee of Management .
Advertisers and other friends are requested to notice that accounts are in future to bo paid , on printed receipts only , to Mr . JOHN COGGIN , of NO . 8 , Denmark Street , Camberwell ; or at the Office , 2 , Red Lion Court , Fleet Street , E . C . Post Office Orders should be made payable to HHNKY G . WARKEN . Advertisers will oblige by forwarding their favours at tho latest by 12 o ' clock on Monday morning .
We shall be happy to receive essays or lectures on Masonic subjects' returning them ( should they not be accepted ) if desired . Emblematic covers for the last volume of the Magazine for 1858 are now ready , price Is . ; or tho volumes ( containing twenty-six numbers ) may be had bound , price lis . Sd ., or with gilt edges los . 6 d . Brethren can have their volumes bound at the office if they desire it , for Is . 6 rf ., or with gilt edges 2 s . Gd .
To Correspondents.
" JOSHUA . ''—Bro . Hyde Clarke informs us there is no pretence for imagining that John Milton was a Freemason , Rose Croix , or member of auy of tho rites existing in his time . ' ¦ J . D . '—The subject will be resumed iu onr pages , if space permits , next week , and will then most likely be concluded ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Obituary .
BRO . JOSEPH TAYLOR . AVK regret to announce the death of this , one of the oldest members of the London Craft . Bro . Taylor was initiated in the Lodge of Emulation , No . 21 , on the 18 th January , 1819 , and having passed through the various offices , served the office of W . M . some years since , continuing a member of the Lodge until the day of his death . He was elected Treasurer on the death of tho late Bro . Norris , Prov . G . D . ; Bro . Taylor was an annual subscriber to the Girls School , and a member of the House Committee and other committees of that charity . He was also a governor and annual subscriber to the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons , and a member of the Committee of Management .
Advertisers and other friends are requested to notice that accounts are in future to bo paid , on printed receipts only , to Mr . JOHN COGGIN , of NO . 8 , Denmark Street , Camberwell ; or at the Office , 2 , Red Lion Court , Fleet Street , E . C . Post Office Orders should be made payable to HHNKY G . WARKEN . Advertisers will oblige by forwarding their favours at tho latest by 12 o ' clock on Monday morning .
We shall be happy to receive essays or lectures on Masonic subjects' returning them ( should they not be accepted ) if desired . Emblematic covers for the last volume of the Magazine for 1858 are now ready , price Is . ; or tho volumes ( containing twenty-six numbers ) may be had bound , price lis . Sd ., or with gilt edges los . 6 d . Brethren can have their volumes bound at the office if they desire it , for Is . 6 rf ., or with gilt edges 2 s . Gd .
To Correspondents.
" JOSHUA . ''—Bro . Hyde Clarke informs us there is no pretence for imagining that John Milton was a Freemason , Rose Croix , or member of auy of tho rites existing in his time . ' ¦ J . D . '—The subject will be resumed iu onr pages , if space permits , next week , and will then most likely be concluded ,