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History Of Freemasonry In Cornwall.
By > r < Bro . WILLIAM JAIIES HtreitAsr , 18 ° , & c , ( Continued from page 489 . ) Tlie second volume of tlie Transactions is missing , and not even the most energetic and thorough search instituted by the members have been successful in . finding the lost important and most valuable Avork . It Avill be recollected that
we left off in the first volume Avhen mentioning the fact of an interesting minute being recorded on concluding the last page , as ifc refers to a much later date Ave will allude to it in its proper place , and content ourselves now with , commencing the third volume of the Transactions of the Love
and Honour Lodge hoping that the means employed for the discovery of the " missing link " will soon result in bringing to the light what now prevents the circle of Masonic history at Falmouth from being complete .
The volume which UOAV lies before us is a large one , and made in exact imitation of the first one , great care being displayed by the Secretaries in transcribing the minutes ; and frequently they are Avell designed and beautifully coloured in various
shades of ink . The opening sentence '' Love and Honour , April 26 th , 1780 , informs us ofthe most unfortunate blank in the history of some nine years . The officers present Avere Bros . William Oalder , R . W . M .: Arthur Nankin , S . W . Thos . Williams , J . W . ; John Bellhouse , Sec ; Hosea Roberts : Thomas McLellan , Philip Elliot , and
Anthony Moncolas . All fresh names , Avith one exception , and revealing the transforming influences and changes of a few years . This night Mr . John Honeychurch Avas proposed by Bro . Nancolas and seconded by Bro . Elliot . Bro .
Nancolas deposited ten shllings and sixpence in conformity to the by-laAV for that purpose in a SIIOAV of hands it Avas in favour of the candidate being balloted for at the next lodge night . The R . W . M . proposed that every person having a
demand on this lodge should deliver their accounts to the secretary before the next lodge night . This Avas agreed to nem . eon . The lodge Avas subsequentl y closed after an excellent lecture . 11 ns is the first time any such notice occurs , and Ave suppose about this date the various lectures on the principles and practices of the Craft must
have been communicated to the several lodges m the West of England , and thus became the possession of our Falmouth friends . It is refreshing to find , after the large arrears that hael been accumulating * for so long a period that afc
length the members obtained the victory , ami their financial statement on May 10 th , 1780 , gave the gratifying intelligence of the lodge having a balance on the credit side of £ 3 17 s . 9 d . The number of the lodo-e is now mentioned as 116 , lint hitherto no -notice has been taken of ita
numerical position . On June 14 th a letter Avas read from the Grand Secretary recommendiug that Bro . James Gann be discouraged in his application for charity , as the Grand Lodge had liberally relieved him . The sum of £ 1 17 s . was
also acknowledged to have been received on account of the Hall Fund . On referring to Preston ' s illustrations Ave are informed of the . reasons for such subscription . It appears that the debts due on ahcount of the Hall of the Sociefcv were
considerable , and in consequence it Avas resolved that the Grand Lodge should open a subscription to raise the money by loan , without interest at the discretion of . the subscribers . - " The money was speedily raised and applied for the purpose
intended , and honorary medals were presented to several subscribers Avho had especially distinguished themselves . A candidate for the offices of Treasurer and Secretary were severally found , proposed and elected , as ifc was the custom of the
lodo'e to make both of those offices elective . We also read that " Our Avorthy brother and R . W . M . was again proposed for the chair , an honour Avhich he modestly declined , * bufc by the earnest solicitations of the lodge he accepted that office for the
half-year ensuing . Next Saturday night being the festival of St . John , the same is ordered hy the R . W . M- to be observed accordingly . " No minute is recorded of the proceedings at fche festival .
July 12 th , 17 S 0 . Mr . Patrick Murray , Commander of the Retaliation Privateer , Avas this night proposed as a candidate for the mysteries of Masonry by the Worshipful Senior Warden , he Avas seconded by the Secretary ¦ on a ballot the
same Avas Avithout a negative and he accordingly Avas admitted . A very rapid promotion occured on July 26 th , when the R . W . M . was in the chair , and a goodly number of the members present . The Secretary proposed and the W . D . W ., seconded that Mr . Mark be initiated , and on an approved
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
History Of Freemasonry In Cornwall.
By > r < Bro . WILLIAM JAIIES HtreitAsr , 18 ° , & c , ( Continued from page 489 . ) Tlie second volume of tlie Transactions is missing , and not even the most energetic and thorough search instituted by the members have been successful in . finding the lost important and most valuable Avork . It Avill be recollected that
we left off in the first volume Avhen mentioning the fact of an interesting minute being recorded on concluding the last page , as ifc refers to a much later date Ave will allude to it in its proper place , and content ourselves now with , commencing the third volume of the Transactions of the Love
and Honour Lodge hoping that the means employed for the discovery of the " missing link " will soon result in bringing to the light what now prevents the circle of Masonic history at Falmouth from being complete .
The volume which UOAV lies before us is a large one , and made in exact imitation of the first one , great care being displayed by the Secretaries in transcribing the minutes ; and frequently they are Avell designed and beautifully coloured in various
shades of ink . The opening sentence '' Love and Honour , April 26 th , 1780 , informs us ofthe most unfortunate blank in the history of some nine years . The officers present Avere Bros . William Oalder , R . W . M .: Arthur Nankin , S . W . Thos . Williams , J . W . ; John Bellhouse , Sec ; Hosea Roberts : Thomas McLellan , Philip Elliot , and
Anthony Moncolas . All fresh names , Avith one exception , and revealing the transforming influences and changes of a few years . This night Mr . John Honeychurch Avas proposed by Bro . Nancolas and seconded by Bro . Elliot . Bro .
Nancolas deposited ten shllings and sixpence in conformity to the by-laAV for that purpose in a SIIOAV of hands it Avas in favour of the candidate being balloted for at the next lodge night . The R . W . M . proposed that every person having a
demand on this lodge should deliver their accounts to the secretary before the next lodge night . This Avas agreed to nem . eon . The lodge Avas subsequentl y closed after an excellent lecture . 11 ns is the first time any such notice occurs , and Ave suppose about this date the various lectures on the principles and practices of the Craft must
have been communicated to the several lodges m the West of England , and thus became the possession of our Falmouth friends . It is refreshing to find , after the large arrears that hael been accumulating * for so long a period that afc
length the members obtained the victory , ami their financial statement on May 10 th , 1780 , gave the gratifying intelligence of the lodge having a balance on the credit side of £ 3 17 s . 9 d . The number of the lodo-e is now mentioned as 116 , lint hitherto no -notice has been taken of ita
numerical position . On June 14 th a letter Avas read from the Grand Secretary recommendiug that Bro . James Gann be discouraged in his application for charity , as the Grand Lodge had liberally relieved him . The sum of £ 1 17 s . was
also acknowledged to have been received on account of the Hall Fund . On referring to Preston ' s illustrations Ave are informed of the . reasons for such subscription . It appears that the debts due on ahcount of the Hall of the Sociefcv were
considerable , and in consequence it Avas resolved that the Grand Lodge should open a subscription to raise the money by loan , without interest at the discretion of . the subscribers . - " The money was speedily raised and applied for the purpose
intended , and honorary medals were presented to several subscribers Avho had especially distinguished themselves . A candidate for the offices of Treasurer and Secretary were severally found , proposed and elected , as ifc was the custom of the
lodo'e to make both of those offices elective . We also read that " Our Avorthy brother and R . W . M . was again proposed for the chair , an honour Avhich he modestly declined , * bufc by the earnest solicitations of the lodge he accepted that office for the
half-year ensuing . Next Saturday night being the festival of St . John , the same is ordered hy the R . W . M- to be observed accordingly . " No minute is recorded of the proceedings at fche festival .
July 12 th , 17 S 0 . Mr . Patrick Murray , Commander of the Retaliation Privateer , Avas this night proposed as a candidate for the mysteries of Masonry by the Worshipful Senior Warden , he Avas seconded by the Secretary ¦ on a ballot the
same Avas Avithout a negative and he accordingly Avas admitted . A very rapid promotion occured on July 26 th , when the R . W . M . was in the chair , and a goodly number of the members present . The Secretary proposed and the W . D . W ., seconded that Mr . Mark be initiated , and on an approved