Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES . ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES . Page 2 of 2 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries .
cooks giving an account of the system , and my conclusion was that the God of Xenophanes was not ¦ ihe Great Architect of the "Universe . I have not the work of Monsieur Victor Cousin to which my 'brother refers ; hut the ensuing passage extracted from the " Biographie tfniverselle " ( 1828 ) , is hy the of that distinguished hilosophical writer : —
pen p "' 3 Lie systeme de Xenopbane est un systeme indecis , ou le tkeisine et le pantheisms co-existent , avee line predominance assez marquee de Felement Pythagorieien et theiste , qui peu-a-peu s ' accroissaut et se developpant , finife par ahsorber 1 'elemenfc panth & sie et humaindans l ' unite ahsolue et l'ldealisme exclusif
, de l'ecole d'Elee . " Next , as to Anaxagoras , my brother will find my opinion stated in my communication "The God of Anaxagoras and the God of freemasonry , " pages 207 and 203 of the present volume . Lastly , as to Socrates , my brother will readilinfer sentiments from commnnication
y my my a Great Architect ofthe Universe—Teachings of the Old Greek Philosophers , " PEEEMASONS' MAGAZINE , xiv ., page 228 , and my communication " The Religion of Socrates and the Religion of Freemasonry as a Universal Institution , " page 86 of the present volume . CEAEHES PUETON COOPEE .
TIELD LODGES . In perusing an American newspaper containing an account of lodge proceedings in fche States , I find the term "Field lodges" used . Perhaps some American brother will favour me with a correct definition of the term and its signification . —CANTAB .
EOEMATION OE THE GEAND LODGE IN" 1717 . Bro . James Frederick Spurr will have received the thanks of many of your readers for the interesting quotations from his " Masonic Mems " ( which will , I feel sure , also contribute much more when he finds ihe time ) , especially from those who are almost entirely ignorant of the questionalthough nominally
, free and accepted Masons . My remarks , however , had reference more particularly to those Masons who at ishafc time took no part in the formation of the Grand Lodge of England , and I hope some such intelligent and enthusiastic Mason as Bro . Spurr will kindly throw some light on that matterand he able to
, inform us what description of Masons were those - « ho kept aloof from the body referred to , and who subsequently united Avith the "Antients" so called , as mentioned by Laurance Dermott in "Ahiman Bezon . " 1 have carefully read every class of works on the Craft that I can procure or obtain a perusal
© f , and have neither from them , nor the " Constitutions" of 1723 , 1738 , 1756 , 1767 , 1784 , and later editions been gratified to discover any authentic information on the subject . Should no evidence be forthcoming , and in the absence at present of any confirmation of the statements of Bro . Laurence
Dermott , I shall feel compelled to consider the socalled " Antients " a modern hoax , and the " Moderns " the only legitimate body of Freemasons ever constituted in this country . I feel personally obliged to your able correspondent of Scarborough for the trouble Jhe has taken . —> J < WILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN , 18 ° .
BUENING A MASONIC APEON AT " FALMOUTH . In answer to " P . M . " in your issue of the 22 nd © eeember last , who objects to the punishment
Masonic Notes And Queries .
awarded to an unworthy brother by the Love and Honour Lodge , of Falmouth ( page 401 ) , I am inclined to think that he would not have acted very differently after all under similar circumstances , and were the whole details of the transaction suitable for
publication , he would m all probability justify the members for so acting . It strikes me that I have alluded to the subject of the latter part of "P . M . ' s " letter before , and , feeling certain of the correctness of my surmise , I recognise him to be an old and most deservedly esteemed member of the Craft and friend of minewho has not failed to vigorously oppose the
, Provincial Grand Master of a certain neighbourhood for many outrageously un-Masonic actions , notwithstanding a most determined and bitter resistance on the part of the ruler of the province , who should have been a pattern of good works . He may be assured that his courageous defence of the spirit of the laws
of Masonry has received the hearty concurrence of many intelligent Masons ; and were such strong sympathisers able to give effect to their opinions hy votes of support , they would gladly do so . Were hut the Masonic public to be made aware of the noble and disinterested stand "P . M . " has madeand fche
, utter moral , social , and intellectual unfitness of the party to whom he refers to act as a ruler of the Craft , a general outburst of approval for the former , and well-merited disgust for the latter would ensue . — pU WILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN , 18 ° , & c .
BEO . CHAELES PUETON COOPEE A MASONIC POET ZATJREATE . I have been a little surprised at reading in your transatlantic Masonic contemporary the National Freemason , under the head of " A Column from Bro . Charles Parton (?) Cooper" a paragraph in which it
, is stated that he ( Bro . C . P . Cooper ) succeeded the late Bro . Pringle in the laureateship . Surely there must be some mistake here . I have long been a reader of the "Freemasons' Magazine and Masonic Mirror , " but never till now was I aware that Bro . Cooper had attained eminence as a Masonic poet
, although he is deservedly worthy of credit as an indefatigable contributor to your Notes and Queries department . Those of your readers who have access to the National Freemason , will find the paragrap h , referred to on page 359 of the issue for the Sth ulfc—JONATHAN .
The ' Editor is not responsible for tlie opinions expressed by Correspondents , THE BOYS' SCHOOL . TO THE EDITOR OE THE PEEEMASO ^ fs' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIKEOK . DEAE SIE AND BEOTHEE , —I should first thank Bro . Binckes for his reply to my letter iu your pages
of the loth December last . 1 am delighted to find that a step has been made in the right direction . Perhaps he will permit me to make a remark : nv two upon the portion of the report which he quotes . The report I have not seen . To ensure success to proposed schemewhich
my , the report embodies and apparently anticipates , more than from twenty to thirty boys should be admitted upon payment , if fairly low terms are demanded , as indeed they should be . Let us suppose the terms for
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries .
cooks giving an account of the system , and my conclusion was that the God of Xenophanes was not ¦ ihe Great Architect of the "Universe . I have not the work of Monsieur Victor Cousin to which my 'brother refers ; hut the ensuing passage extracted from the " Biographie tfniverselle " ( 1828 ) , is hy the of that distinguished hilosophical writer : —
pen p "' 3 Lie systeme de Xenopbane est un systeme indecis , ou le tkeisine et le pantheisms co-existent , avee line predominance assez marquee de Felement Pythagorieien et theiste , qui peu-a-peu s ' accroissaut et se developpant , finife par ahsorber 1 'elemenfc panth & sie et humaindans l ' unite ahsolue et l'ldealisme exclusif
, de l'ecole d'Elee . " Next , as to Anaxagoras , my brother will find my opinion stated in my communication "The God of Anaxagoras and the God of freemasonry , " pages 207 and 203 of the present volume . Lastly , as to Socrates , my brother will readilinfer sentiments from commnnication
y my my a Great Architect ofthe Universe—Teachings of the Old Greek Philosophers , " PEEEMASONS' MAGAZINE , xiv ., page 228 , and my communication " The Religion of Socrates and the Religion of Freemasonry as a Universal Institution , " page 86 of the present volume . CEAEHES PUETON COOPEE .
TIELD LODGES . In perusing an American newspaper containing an account of lodge proceedings in fche States , I find the term "Field lodges" used . Perhaps some American brother will favour me with a correct definition of the term and its signification . —CANTAB .
EOEMATION OE THE GEAND LODGE IN" 1717 . Bro . James Frederick Spurr will have received the thanks of many of your readers for the interesting quotations from his " Masonic Mems " ( which will , I feel sure , also contribute much more when he finds ihe time ) , especially from those who are almost entirely ignorant of the questionalthough nominally
, free and accepted Masons . My remarks , however , had reference more particularly to those Masons who at ishafc time took no part in the formation of the Grand Lodge of England , and I hope some such intelligent and enthusiastic Mason as Bro . Spurr will kindly throw some light on that matterand he able to
, inform us what description of Masons were those - « ho kept aloof from the body referred to , and who subsequently united Avith the "Antients" so called , as mentioned by Laurance Dermott in "Ahiman Bezon . " 1 have carefully read every class of works on the Craft that I can procure or obtain a perusal
© f , and have neither from them , nor the " Constitutions" of 1723 , 1738 , 1756 , 1767 , 1784 , and later editions been gratified to discover any authentic information on the subject . Should no evidence be forthcoming , and in the absence at present of any confirmation of the statements of Bro . Laurence
Dermott , I shall feel compelled to consider the socalled " Antients " a modern hoax , and the " Moderns " the only legitimate body of Freemasons ever constituted in this country . I feel personally obliged to your able correspondent of Scarborough for the trouble Jhe has taken . —> J < WILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN , 18 ° .
BUENING A MASONIC APEON AT " FALMOUTH . In answer to " P . M . " in your issue of the 22 nd © eeember last , who objects to the punishment
Masonic Notes And Queries .
awarded to an unworthy brother by the Love and Honour Lodge , of Falmouth ( page 401 ) , I am inclined to think that he would not have acted very differently after all under similar circumstances , and were the whole details of the transaction suitable for
publication , he would m all probability justify the members for so acting . It strikes me that I have alluded to the subject of the latter part of "P . M . ' s " letter before , and , feeling certain of the correctness of my surmise , I recognise him to be an old and most deservedly esteemed member of the Craft and friend of minewho has not failed to vigorously oppose the
, Provincial Grand Master of a certain neighbourhood for many outrageously un-Masonic actions , notwithstanding a most determined and bitter resistance on the part of the ruler of the province , who should have been a pattern of good works . He may be assured that his courageous defence of the spirit of the laws
of Masonry has received the hearty concurrence of many intelligent Masons ; and were such strong sympathisers able to give effect to their opinions hy votes of support , they would gladly do so . Were hut the Masonic public to be made aware of the noble and disinterested stand "P . M . " has madeand fche
, utter moral , social , and intellectual unfitness of the party to whom he refers to act as a ruler of the Craft , a general outburst of approval for the former , and well-merited disgust for the latter would ensue . — pU WILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN , 18 ° , & c .
BEO . CHAELES PUETON COOPEE A MASONIC POET ZATJREATE . I have been a little surprised at reading in your transatlantic Masonic contemporary the National Freemason , under the head of " A Column from Bro . Charles Parton (?) Cooper" a paragraph in which it
, is stated that he ( Bro . C . P . Cooper ) succeeded the late Bro . Pringle in the laureateship . Surely there must be some mistake here . I have long been a reader of the "Freemasons' Magazine and Masonic Mirror , " but never till now was I aware that Bro . Cooper had attained eminence as a Masonic poet
, although he is deservedly worthy of credit as an indefatigable contributor to your Notes and Queries department . Those of your readers who have access to the National Freemason , will find the paragrap h , referred to on page 359 of the issue for the Sth ulfc—JONATHAN .
The ' Editor is not responsible for tlie opinions expressed by Correspondents , THE BOYS' SCHOOL . TO THE EDITOR OE THE PEEEMASO ^ fs' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIKEOK . DEAE SIE AND BEOTHEE , —I should first thank Bro . Binckes for his reply to my letter iu your pages
of the loth December last . 1 am delighted to find that a step has been made in the right direction . Perhaps he will permit me to make a remark : nv two upon the portion of the report which he quotes . The report I have not seen . To ensure success to proposed schemewhich
my , the report embodies and apparently anticipates , more than from twenty to thirty boys should be admitted upon payment , if fairly low terms are demanded , as indeed they should be . Let us suppose the terms for