Article MASONIC MEMS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Mems.
only of this lodge , but also of tbe inhabitants generally of the colony . " AVe regret that wants of space compels us to defer giving the appeal in our present issue , and as the subject cannot come before Grand Lodge until the next quarterly com--emnvication , we feel justified in embracing the earliest possible opportunity of making known to the Craft , through the
medium of our pages , the extent of the unforeseen calamity , which has fallen upon our brethren in the west . We heartily endorse the sentiments expressed by an esteemed provincial correspondent holding a high position in the Craft , who is persoiiallyacqu-iiniec ! with tbe I . P . M . Bro . Ockenden , who heads the list of signatures to the appeal , and who has written us upon
this sad visitation . In the words of our correspondent , " May every lodge and every individual member of the same , especially at this urgent call , maintain in its fullest splendour that virtue which may justly be denominated the distinguishing characteristic of a Freemason ' s heart . "
ROYAL JUBILEE LODGE ( NO . 72 ) . —At the meeting of this lodge , hold at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 7 th inst ., Bro . Henry AA ebb , W . M ., surrendered the chair he had so worthily filled during the past year to his successor , Bro . Oxford . There were several raisings and passings , anel no less than five initiations ; the gentlemen admitted being Messrs . Berger , Button , Read , Setcbell , and Squire . At tbe request of tbe AA \ M ., tbe ceremony of installation was performed in his usual faultless
style by Bro . Jos . Nunn , P . M . and [ Secretary . The newly installed AV . M . appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . Hoclson , S . AV . ; AVormald , J . W . ; Jenkins , S . D . ; Fairrs , J . D . ; Penny , I . G . ; Dodson , D . C ; and Bro . Bolfes , AV . S . These brethren were invested by the Installing Master . Bro . Williams , P . M ., who had been re-elected by the lodge as Treasurer anel Bro . Nunn , P . M ., who had again accepted the post of Secretary , were invested hy Bro . H . AVebb , I . P . M ., who addressed some
very appropriate observations to both brethren , and thanked them for their past services to the lodge . About 70 brethren sat down to bauepiefc under the presidency of the newly installed AA ' . M ., who was supported by no less than nine P . M . ' s of the loelge , viz ., Bros . H . Webb , T . Nunn , Clunt , Braneler , Parr , James , J . Nnnn , AA iUiams , and Roads , and by nearly twenty visitors , including Bros . Hodges , P . Prov . G . Sec , AA . M . 720 , P . M . 523 , 730 , etc . ; Samuel Webb , W . M . of the Confidence Lodge , 193 ; Houghton , P . M . 167 ; Pope , P . M . 36 S ; Garrod , P . M . 7-19 , etc . After the usual toasts of "The Queen anel The Craft , " and " Tlie Most AA orsbipful Grand Master , " the
W . M . proposed "The health ofthe Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master , and the Officers of Grand Lodge , past and pretent , " aud in the absence of any officer of Grand Lodge called upon Bro . Hodges to respond . That brother obeyed the Master ' s commands , though he reminded his brethren that Prov . G . officers are not entitled to rank out of their own province . He however fully appreciated the honour of being permitted to respond for such a distinguished body , and especially on behalf
of so excellent a Mason as the Earl de Grey and Ripon , who by his talents and administrative abilities adorned the important post which he helel . The health of tlie Initiates was next given , Bro . Berger replying in an admirable speech , conceived in the best taste anel abounding in Masonic sentiment . The health of the visitors was next given and responded to by Bro . Garrod , who claimed to be the oldest acquaintance present of the W . M ., and whom he predicted would render his year of office a
successful one . A visiting brother from Scotland also brieiiv responded . Bro . AVebb , I . P . M .. then proposed " The Health o ' f the Worshipful Master" in eulogistic terms , mentioning the fact that though comparatively a young Mason , he had already rendered important services to his lodge . The W . M . acknowledged the toast anel then proposed " The Health of the Past Masters of the Lodge . " With especial reference to his immediate
pre decessor , he remarked that Bro . AVebb had earned for himself the good will and esteem of every one with whom he came in contact , and especially of the brethren over whom he had presided , with such great advantage to the lodge . The brethren had so deeply felt the great value of his services that they had
unanimously voted him a handsome P . M . s jewel , and he himself felt proud at being the medium of affixing to Bro . Webb's breast that token of their admiration and esteem . He wished him long life to wear it , and although he had otherdecorations which had been bestowed upon him for like services rendered to other lodges , he was sure that he would ever value the Jubilee Jewel , not for its intrinsic worth , but as a memento of the prosperous and successful year of office which had been tbe happy result of his rule , and that he would continue to exhibit the same interest in that lodge which he hael hitherto done . The toast was received with acclamation . Bro .
Webb replied in an excellent speech , reviewing the many great services rendered in times past by his colleagues the P . Masters , and expressing the gratification lie experienced in knowing that he hael been able , as he had always desired to do , to give every satisfaction to the brethren of tbe Royal Jubilee Lodge . The health of the officers was next given and responded to hy the S . AV ., who promised that the AV . M . should find himself well supported during his tenure of officeThe Tler ' s toast brought
. y the proceedings to a termination . AA e should nofc omifc _ to mention that Bro . Bartleman , so well known in the musical world for bis unrivalled musical abilities , sang a number of songs in his very best style , eliciting great applause from all present . Bro . Samuel AA ebb also greatly contributed to the harmony of the evening , his vocal powers being also of a high order , and several other brethren also sang some songs of a varied
character . MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( NO . 73 ) . —The last emergency meeting of the season , of this old prosperous lodge was held on Friday , the 28 fch ult ., afc the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark . Bro . J . C . Gooddv , W . M . presided , assisted by Bros . G . Morris , S . AV . anel AV . M . elect ; T . J . Sabine , J . W . ; E . Harris , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Donkin , P . M ., Sec . ; F . H . Ebswortb , SDDRoseJDM . A . LoewenstarkI . G . ; G . FreeW . S .-.
.. ; . . .. ; , , H . Moore , I . P . M . ; P . Walters , P . M . ; T . Knott , J . Gale , AVilliams , E . Halfpenny , T . Fames , and many others . Visitors t Bros . C . G . Dilley , J . H . Pembroke , and others . The business done was passing Bro . Browning , and initiating Mr . Freebody . The work was well rendered . One gentleman was proposed for initiation at tbe next regular meeting , and tbe lodge was duly closeel to ancient custom
according . Yarhorough " lodge ( No . 554 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing loelge was held on the 3 rd inst ., at the Green Dragon , Stepney , E . The lodge was opened at five o'clock , by Bro . J . H . Wynne , P . M ., assisted by the officers and brethren . The minutes of the former meeting were read and confirmed .
This being the night of installation Bro . H . Mosely , W . M . elect was duly presented by the AV . M . Bro . AV . G . Clarke to receive the benefit of installation , and having given his assent to the ancient charges qualifying him to that high office , the ceremony was proceeded with by Bros . AVynne and Hamilton . P . M . ' s of the loelge . The customary preliminaries having been observed anel a board of regularly installed masters formed , consisting of BrosClarkeHudsonHamiltonMiddletonCarr
. , , , , , AA ynne , Scoteher , Shaboe . Vesper , Scurr , Parker , Walters , Harris , anel Saqui . Bro . Henry Mosely was duly installed into chair of K . S . The usual honours having been rendered , the board of installed masters was closeel , and the brethren M . M . ' s admitted and having saluted the AV . M ., the lodge was then closed in the third degree and the F . C . 's admitted , when the AA . M . was saluted in that degree . The loelge was closed in that degree
, and the E . A . 's admitted , and the W . M . again saluted . The working tools , warrant , etc ., were then presented by the installing master , after the which the AA . M . appointed and invested the following brethren as officers of the Yarboroush Lodge for the current year , viz ., Bro . J . G . Stevens , S . W . ; Fred G . Brown , J . W . ; W . Hamilton , P . M ., Treas . ; Josiah GreenSec ; H . PreeceS . D . ; Geo . RobertsJ . D . ; T . J .
, , , Barnes , I . G . ; H . Chadwick , Steward ; Verry , Dir . of Cers . ; and Speight , Tyler . The addresses were then given by Bro . Hamilton in a very impressive maimer , which elicited the admiration of the brethren . A Past Master's jewel was unanimously voted to Bro . Clarke . Bro . the Rev . J . Vaughan was made an honorary member of the lodge . Mr . Joseph Fawcett was proposed bBro . Green for initiation . All Masonic
y business being ended , the brethren , about 140 in number , sat down to a sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Walters in his usual style . The cloth having been drawn and grace returned , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and , as is customary amongst the Craft , were heartily responded to . Bro . Clarke , P . M ., in proposing the AA . M . ' s health , observed
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
only of this lodge , but also of tbe inhabitants generally of the colony . " AVe regret that wants of space compels us to defer giving the appeal in our present issue , and as the subject cannot come before Grand Lodge until the next quarterly com--emnvication , we feel justified in embracing the earliest possible opportunity of making known to the Craft , through the
medium of our pages , the extent of the unforeseen calamity , which has fallen upon our brethren in the west . We heartily endorse the sentiments expressed by an esteemed provincial correspondent holding a high position in the Craft , who is persoiiallyacqu-iiniec ! with tbe I . P . M . Bro . Ockenden , who heads the list of signatures to the appeal , and who has written us upon
this sad visitation . In the words of our correspondent , " May every lodge and every individual member of the same , especially at this urgent call , maintain in its fullest splendour that virtue which may justly be denominated the distinguishing characteristic of a Freemason ' s heart . "
ROYAL JUBILEE LODGE ( NO . 72 ) . —At the meeting of this lodge , hold at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 7 th inst ., Bro . Henry AA ebb , W . M ., surrendered the chair he had so worthily filled during the past year to his successor , Bro . Oxford . There were several raisings and passings , anel no less than five initiations ; the gentlemen admitted being Messrs . Berger , Button , Read , Setcbell , and Squire . At tbe request of tbe AA \ M ., tbe ceremony of installation was performed in his usual faultless
style by Bro . Jos . Nunn , P . M . and [ Secretary . The newly installed AV . M . appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . Hoclson , S . AV . ; AVormald , J . W . ; Jenkins , S . D . ; Fairrs , J . D . ; Penny , I . G . ; Dodson , D . C ; and Bro . Bolfes , AV . S . These brethren were invested by the Installing Master . Bro . Williams , P . M ., who had been re-elected by the lodge as Treasurer anel Bro . Nunn , P . M ., who had again accepted the post of Secretary , were invested hy Bro . H . AVebb , I . P . M ., who addressed some
very appropriate observations to both brethren , and thanked them for their past services to the lodge . About 70 brethren sat down to bauepiefc under the presidency of the newly installed AA ' . M ., who was supported by no less than nine P . M . ' s of the loelge , viz ., Bros . H . Webb , T . Nunn , Clunt , Braneler , Parr , James , J . Nnnn , AA iUiams , and Roads , and by nearly twenty visitors , including Bros . Hodges , P . Prov . G . Sec , AA . M . 720 , P . M . 523 , 730 , etc . ; Samuel Webb , W . M . of the Confidence Lodge , 193 ; Houghton , P . M . 167 ; Pope , P . M . 36 S ; Garrod , P . M . 7-19 , etc . After the usual toasts of "The Queen anel The Craft , " and " Tlie Most AA orsbipful Grand Master , " the
W . M . proposed "The health ofthe Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master , and the Officers of Grand Lodge , past and pretent , " aud in the absence of any officer of Grand Lodge called upon Bro . Hodges to respond . That brother obeyed the Master ' s commands , though he reminded his brethren that Prov . G . officers are not entitled to rank out of their own province . He however fully appreciated the honour of being permitted to respond for such a distinguished body , and especially on behalf
of so excellent a Mason as the Earl de Grey and Ripon , who by his talents and administrative abilities adorned the important post which he helel . The health of tlie Initiates was next given , Bro . Berger replying in an admirable speech , conceived in the best taste anel abounding in Masonic sentiment . The health of the visitors was next given and responded to by Bro . Garrod , who claimed to be the oldest acquaintance present of the W . M ., and whom he predicted would render his year of office a
successful one . A visiting brother from Scotland also brieiiv responded . Bro . AVebb , I . P . M .. then proposed " The Health o ' f the Worshipful Master" in eulogistic terms , mentioning the fact that though comparatively a young Mason , he had already rendered important services to his lodge . The W . M . acknowledged the toast anel then proposed " The Health of the Past Masters of the Lodge . " With especial reference to his immediate
pre decessor , he remarked that Bro . AVebb had earned for himself the good will and esteem of every one with whom he came in contact , and especially of the brethren over whom he had presided , with such great advantage to the lodge . The brethren had so deeply felt the great value of his services that they had
unanimously voted him a handsome P . M . s jewel , and he himself felt proud at being the medium of affixing to Bro . Webb's breast that token of their admiration and esteem . He wished him long life to wear it , and although he had otherdecorations which had been bestowed upon him for like services rendered to other lodges , he was sure that he would ever value the Jubilee Jewel , not for its intrinsic worth , but as a memento of the prosperous and successful year of office which had been tbe happy result of his rule , and that he would continue to exhibit the same interest in that lodge which he hael hitherto done . The toast was received with acclamation . Bro .
Webb replied in an excellent speech , reviewing the many great services rendered in times past by his colleagues the P . Masters , and expressing the gratification lie experienced in knowing that he hael been able , as he had always desired to do , to give every satisfaction to the brethren of tbe Royal Jubilee Lodge . The health of the officers was next given and responded to hy the S . AV ., who promised that the AV . M . should find himself well supported during his tenure of officeThe Tler ' s toast brought
. y the proceedings to a termination . AA e should nofc omifc _ to mention that Bro . Bartleman , so well known in the musical world for bis unrivalled musical abilities , sang a number of songs in his very best style , eliciting great applause from all present . Bro . Samuel AA ebb also greatly contributed to the harmony of the evening , his vocal powers being also of a high order , and several other brethren also sang some songs of a varied
character . MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( NO . 73 ) . —The last emergency meeting of the season , of this old prosperous lodge was held on Friday , the 28 fch ult ., afc the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark . Bro . J . C . Gooddv , W . M . presided , assisted by Bros . G . Morris , S . AV . anel AV . M . elect ; T . J . Sabine , J . W . ; E . Harris , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Donkin , P . M ., Sec . ; F . H . Ebswortb , SDDRoseJDM . A . LoewenstarkI . G . ; G . FreeW . S .-.
.. ; . . .. ; , , H . Moore , I . P . M . ; P . Walters , P . M . ; T . Knott , J . Gale , AVilliams , E . Halfpenny , T . Fames , and many others . Visitors t Bros . C . G . Dilley , J . H . Pembroke , and others . The business done was passing Bro . Browning , and initiating Mr . Freebody . The work was well rendered . One gentleman was proposed for initiation at tbe next regular meeting , and tbe lodge was duly closeel to ancient custom
according . Yarhorough " lodge ( No . 554 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing loelge was held on the 3 rd inst ., at the Green Dragon , Stepney , E . The lodge was opened at five o'clock , by Bro . J . H . Wynne , P . M ., assisted by the officers and brethren . The minutes of the former meeting were read and confirmed .
This being the night of installation Bro . H . Mosely , W . M . elect was duly presented by the AV . M . Bro . AV . G . Clarke to receive the benefit of installation , and having given his assent to the ancient charges qualifying him to that high office , the ceremony was proceeded with by Bros . AVynne and Hamilton . P . M . ' s of the loelge . The customary preliminaries having been observed anel a board of regularly installed masters formed , consisting of BrosClarkeHudsonHamiltonMiddletonCarr
. , , , , , AA ynne , Scoteher , Shaboe . Vesper , Scurr , Parker , Walters , Harris , anel Saqui . Bro . Henry Mosely was duly installed into chair of K . S . The usual honours having been rendered , the board of installed masters was closeel , and the brethren M . M . ' s admitted and having saluted the AV . M ., the lodge was then closed in the third degree and the F . C . 's admitted , when the AA . M . was saluted in that degree . The loelge was closed in that degree
, and the E . A . 's admitted , and the W . M . again saluted . The working tools , warrant , etc ., were then presented by the installing master , after the which the AA . M . appointed and invested the following brethren as officers of the Yarboroush Lodge for the current year , viz ., Bro . J . G . Stevens , S . W . ; Fred G . Brown , J . W . ; W . Hamilton , P . M ., Treas . ; Josiah GreenSec ; H . PreeceS . D . ; Geo . RobertsJ . D . ; T . J .
, , , Barnes , I . G . ; H . Chadwick , Steward ; Verry , Dir . of Cers . ; and Speight , Tyler . The addresses were then given by Bro . Hamilton in a very impressive maimer , which elicited the admiration of the brethren . A Past Master's jewel was unanimously voted to Bro . Clarke . Bro . the Rev . J . Vaughan was made an honorary member of the lodge . Mr . Joseph Fawcett was proposed bBro . Green for initiation . All Masonic
y business being ended , the brethren , about 140 in number , sat down to a sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Walters in his usual style . The cloth having been drawn and grace returned , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and , as is customary amongst the Craft , were heartily responded to . Bro . Clarke , P . M ., in proposing the AA . M . ' s health , observed