Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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that he believed the brethren of the Yarborough Lodge had secured a WM . who would do honour to their choice , and would reflect great credit to the lodge in particular aud the Craft in general . The AV . M ., Bro . Mosely , then rose and said : Bro . Clark , allow me to thank you for the toast just proposed by you , anel yon , brethren , for your response , anel the manner in which it was iven . If I for one moment thought that
g response was one of mere custom , I should simply value it at its worth ; but , brethren , I take it as an earnest of the future , as a spontaneous outburst of those truly Masonic feelings which are so tenderly nourished in the utmost recesses of your hearts . Brethren , by your kindness I now occupy , in connection with our lodge , the highest position wnieh the Craft can give ; in other words-I stand before the Master of choice ' and
, you your , , believe me when I say I am proud , very proud , of the position which I occupy amongst you , but it is that pride which is but another name for satisfaction ; it is not that pride which goes before destruction , nor that haughty spirit which precedes a fall . On the contrary , I feel that as my position amongst you improve so does my responsibility increase , and that increased responsibility , brings with it increased need of counsellorsPast Masters of
. the Yarborough Lodge , those amongst yon who are tried and experienced Masons , it is to you that I must go for counsel in every time of need . Officers of tbe Yarborough Lodge , particularly my AVardens , it is on your assistance I depend for the well ruling anel governing the loelge . Brethren of the Y ' arborough Lodge generally , it is on your cooperation I rely for carrying on the great Masonic work . The lodis its future is
ge yours , — in your keeping , and it is for you to say whether that future shall be one of weal or woe , On the evening of my election I said ifc is my intention to take for my motto during my year of office , this proverb , "That without ¦ counsel purposes are disappointed , but in the multitude of counsellors they are established . " Brethren , I like a motto , —it is a something with which tho mind le—it is something
may grapp , a which rivets itself upon the memory when other things are forgotten , —it is , as it were , a bright star boldly shining in the moral firmament , on which the wearied mind can safely find repose . _ Then , brethren , can I do better on this evening of my installation , and at our first meeting in a new year , than to ask lod
you , as a ge , to take for your motto , these words , "Look to the end , " as Masons , the end which each of us has , or ought to have in view , is the good of Freemasonry in general , but of his own lodge in particular . Then , brethren , with such a noble object in the foreground , can we elo better than look to the end . Should differences unfortunatel y arise amongst us , for no society is so perfectly constituted that differences may not arise , then let us look to the endLet us that differences
. see our are speedily and amicably adjusted , remembering that unadjusted they will engender contention—contention become the parent of discord , and discord the progenitor of strife ; and the wisest of men and the greatest of Masons has saiel , " The beginning of strife is as when one lettetb out water ; " therefore leave off contention before it is meddled with . Brethren , it is my earnest desire that in all our lodworkinss take for
ge we our standarel—perfection . I hold ifc to be a laudable ambition—a noble effort to strive for perfection , although perchance we may never reach it . May I now ask each brother who has this evening been' appointed to office to make himself thoroughly acquainted with the duties appertaining thereto , and which , by accepting office , he has undertaken to perforin . That each will consider it a privilege as well as a duty to obey all summonses which he receive from
may his Master Mason ' s lodge ; that each will be m his proper place at the appointed time , and thus observe that precision and punctuality without which good order anel good working can never be secured . Brethren , I will detain you no longer ; I leave this matter with you ' in the full conviction that the true principles of Freemasonry are too firml engrafted in features to render it
y your very possible for you to allow this , my first request , to pass by unheeded In conclusion , let us one anel all rally round the banner of our lodge , and make it the standard of perfection ; let our progress as a lod ge be onward , and still onward ; and as we tread alon ° - the beaten track of Freemasonry , that same old path in which our ancient brethren trod , carefully examining , noting , and never departing from the landmarks of the Orderlet steadil
, us y and steadfastl y « look to the East . " Upon the conclusion of this speech the AV . 1 I . resumed his seat amidst the acclamation or the brethren , which we can only describe as a perfect ovation . Ihe health of the visitors was then drank and responded to by Bros , fecotcher , P . M . ; Saqui , P . M . ; Curtis , and Thompson .
The health of the P . M . ' s was drank , and responded to by Bros . AA ' ynne , Clarke , Hamilton , and Hudson , followed by a song ,. "Daddy Neptune , " by Brol Scurr . The health ofthe officers was responded to by Bros . Stevens , Brown , Green , Roberts , and Barnes . The toast , " Prosperity of Yarborough Lodge" was responded to by Bro . AA ynne . The Tyler ' s toasfc brought the ; proceedings of the evening to a timely conclusion .
CORNWALL . HAYLE .- —CornvMan lodge ( No . 450 ) . —The brethren of this ; lodge met at noon , on St . John ' s Day , to instal the AV . Master for the ensuing year . The lodge was opened by the W . M . Bvo .. Mudge , when the minutes of the former lodge were read and confirmed . On the retirement of entered apprentices the lodgewas opened in the second degree , when the W . M . elect Bro-Coombe was presented by P . M . Bro . Robinson , and duly
installed , according to ancient custom , the ceremony being performed by Bro . Mudge , tbe retiring W . M . Tbe newly-installed Master then appointed and invested bis officers as follow ,, viz ., Bros . J . Mudge , I . P . M . ; F . Pool , S . W . ; N . J . Wesfc , J . AV . j . F . Harvey , Treas . ; P . Smith , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . D ., Sec ; J . Pool , S . D . ; AV . Mildren , J . D . ; F . AV . Pool , Org . ; W . Hollow ,. I . G . ; AV . H . Thomas and M . Dunn , Stewards ; and AV . Baddy ,. Tyler . A circular from tbe Prov . G . Lodge was read , soliciting
funds in aid of the Cornwall Masonic Annuity Fund , and it wasproposed by Bro . Smith , and seconded by Bro . John Poole , that the sum of £ o be given as a donation to the said fund , whichwas unanimously carried . Bro . Frank Harvey , Prov . S . G . W .,. Treas ., kindly consented to act as steward to the fund . Thebrethren then repaired to an excellent dinner , provided by Bro . Crotch . About forty brethren sat down , among whom were nine P . M . ' s of this lodge . On the removal of the cloth ,,
the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , not forgetting all poor and distressed Masons throughout the universe . The lodge was then finally closeel , after whichgood songs were sung , and a pleasant evening was passed , thebrethren separating afc an early hour . During tbe
Mastershipof Bro . Mudge—twelve months—there have been fifteen initiations , anel seven propositions now stand over ; the Craft , therefore , congratulate themselves on tbe progress of Freemasonry in the western part of the province of Cornwall . ST . AUSTELL . —Lodge Peace and Harmony ( No . 496 ) . — Theannual meeting of the brethren of this lodge was helel at the lodge rooms , on Wednesday , the 2 nd inst ., when a goodly number of brethren , including the W . M . ' s and Wardens of the
neighbouring lodges , met to elo honour to the W . M . elect , Bro . Berryman , who was most ably installed by Bro . Chirgwin , of Truro . After the ceremonies observed in the installation of the AV . M ., he immediately entered on the duties of his office by installing his officers , viz .: —Bros . Grigg , S . AV . ; Hicks , J . W . ; . Gny , Treas . ; Kitt , Sec ; P . Giles , S . D . ; Guy , J . D . ; Loye , S . ; C . Truscott , I . G-. ; and Borrows , Tyler . A P . M . 's jewel was unanimouslvotecl to Bro . HancockP . M . for the able manner
y , , in which he has superintended the lodge , not only in 1865 , when be himself held the office of AV . M ., but also throughout theyear , when he has done duty most ably for the AV . M ., Bro . Sir C . B . G . Sawle , Bart . The brethren then adjourned to the dining room , where a sumptuous banquet awaited them , and the evening was spent in true Masonic felicity . LOSTWITHIEL . — St . Matthew's Lodge ( No . 496 . )—The
. brethren of this lodge held their annual meeting at their lodge rooms , at the Talbot Hotel , on AVednesday , tbe 2 nd inst ., when Bro . Nichols was duly installed the W . M . for the year ensuing , the ceremony being performed by Bro . Harvey , of Truro , afteiwbich Bro . Nichols appointed and invested Bros . Stephens , S . AV .,. N , Kendall , J . AV ., Stephens , Sec ; AVright , S . D . ; Absolan , J . D . ; . Bush , P . M ., I . G . ; and McLean , Tyler .
CUMBERLAND AND AVESTMORELAND . KENDAL . — Union , Lodge ( No . 129 ) , —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Kentstreet , on the 28 th ulfc . Bro . Major AVhifcwell , W . M . presiding , anel supported by Bro . Edward Bnsher , P . M . as S . AV . ; Bros . Atkinson , J . AV . ; C . J . Thomson , Treas . ; AV . Cartmel , Sec ; W . 'Doubleday , Deacon ; J . 0 . Atkinson , I . G . ; and the following brethren : Dr . Deeming , John Holme , AV . Tattersall ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
that he believed the brethren of the Yarborough Lodge had secured a WM . who would do honour to their choice , and would reflect great credit to the lodge in particular aud the Craft in general . The AV . M ., Bro . Mosely , then rose and said : Bro . Clark , allow me to thank you for the toast just proposed by you , anel yon , brethren , for your response , anel the manner in which it was iven . If I for one moment thought that
g response was one of mere custom , I should simply value it at its worth ; but , brethren , I take it as an earnest of the future , as a spontaneous outburst of those truly Masonic feelings which are so tenderly nourished in the utmost recesses of your hearts . Brethren , by your kindness I now occupy , in connection with our lodge , the highest position wnieh the Craft can give ; in other words-I stand before the Master of choice ' and
, you your , , believe me when I say I am proud , very proud , of the position which I occupy amongst you , but it is that pride which is but another name for satisfaction ; it is not that pride which goes before destruction , nor that haughty spirit which precedes a fall . On the contrary , I feel that as my position amongst you improve so does my responsibility increase , and that increased responsibility , brings with it increased need of counsellorsPast Masters of
. the Yarborough Lodge , those amongst yon who are tried and experienced Masons , it is to you that I must go for counsel in every time of need . Officers of tbe Yarborough Lodge , particularly my AVardens , it is on your assistance I depend for the well ruling anel governing the loelge . Brethren of the Y ' arborough Lodge generally , it is on your cooperation I rely for carrying on the great Masonic work . The lodis its future is
ge yours , — in your keeping , and it is for you to say whether that future shall be one of weal or woe , On the evening of my election I said ifc is my intention to take for my motto during my year of office , this proverb , "That without ¦ counsel purposes are disappointed , but in the multitude of counsellors they are established . " Brethren , I like a motto , —it is a something with which tho mind le—it is something
may grapp , a which rivets itself upon the memory when other things are forgotten , —it is , as it were , a bright star boldly shining in the moral firmament , on which the wearied mind can safely find repose . _ Then , brethren , can I do better on this evening of my installation , and at our first meeting in a new year , than to ask lod
you , as a ge , to take for your motto , these words , "Look to the end , " as Masons , the end which each of us has , or ought to have in view , is the good of Freemasonry in general , but of his own lodge in particular . Then , brethren , with such a noble object in the foreground , can we elo better than look to the end . Should differences unfortunatel y arise amongst us , for no society is so perfectly constituted that differences may not arise , then let us look to the endLet us that differences
. see our are speedily and amicably adjusted , remembering that unadjusted they will engender contention—contention become the parent of discord , and discord the progenitor of strife ; and the wisest of men and the greatest of Masons has saiel , " The beginning of strife is as when one lettetb out water ; " therefore leave off contention before it is meddled with . Brethren , it is my earnest desire that in all our lodworkinss take for
ge we our standarel—perfection . I hold ifc to be a laudable ambition—a noble effort to strive for perfection , although perchance we may never reach it . May I now ask each brother who has this evening been' appointed to office to make himself thoroughly acquainted with the duties appertaining thereto , and which , by accepting office , he has undertaken to perforin . That each will consider it a privilege as well as a duty to obey all summonses which he receive from
may his Master Mason ' s lodge ; that each will be m his proper place at the appointed time , and thus observe that precision and punctuality without which good order anel good working can never be secured . Brethren , I will detain you no longer ; I leave this matter with you ' in the full conviction that the true principles of Freemasonry are too firml engrafted in features to render it
y your very possible for you to allow this , my first request , to pass by unheeded In conclusion , let us one anel all rally round the banner of our lodge , and make it the standard of perfection ; let our progress as a lod ge be onward , and still onward ; and as we tread alon ° - the beaten track of Freemasonry , that same old path in which our ancient brethren trod , carefully examining , noting , and never departing from the landmarks of the Orderlet steadil
, us y and steadfastl y « look to the East . " Upon the conclusion of this speech the AV . 1 I . resumed his seat amidst the acclamation or the brethren , which we can only describe as a perfect ovation . Ihe health of the visitors was then drank and responded to by Bros , fecotcher , P . M . ; Saqui , P . M . ; Curtis , and Thompson .
The health of the P . M . ' s was drank , and responded to by Bros . AA ' ynne , Clarke , Hamilton , and Hudson , followed by a song ,. "Daddy Neptune , " by Brol Scurr . The health ofthe officers was responded to by Bros . Stevens , Brown , Green , Roberts , and Barnes . The toast , " Prosperity of Yarborough Lodge" was responded to by Bro . AA ynne . The Tyler ' s toasfc brought the ; proceedings of the evening to a timely conclusion .
CORNWALL . HAYLE .- —CornvMan lodge ( No . 450 ) . —The brethren of this ; lodge met at noon , on St . John ' s Day , to instal the AV . Master for the ensuing year . The lodge was opened by the W . M . Bvo .. Mudge , when the minutes of the former lodge were read and confirmed . On the retirement of entered apprentices the lodgewas opened in the second degree , when the W . M . elect Bro-Coombe was presented by P . M . Bro . Robinson , and duly
installed , according to ancient custom , the ceremony being performed by Bro . Mudge , tbe retiring W . M . Tbe newly-installed Master then appointed and invested bis officers as follow ,, viz ., Bros . J . Mudge , I . P . M . ; F . Pool , S . W . ; N . J . Wesfc , J . AV . j . F . Harvey , Treas . ; P . Smith , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . D ., Sec ; J . Pool , S . D . ; AV . Mildren , J . D . ; F . AV . Pool , Org . ; W . Hollow ,. I . G . ; AV . H . Thomas and M . Dunn , Stewards ; and AV . Baddy ,. Tyler . A circular from tbe Prov . G . Lodge was read , soliciting
funds in aid of the Cornwall Masonic Annuity Fund , and it wasproposed by Bro . Smith , and seconded by Bro . John Poole , that the sum of £ o be given as a donation to the said fund , whichwas unanimously carried . Bro . Frank Harvey , Prov . S . G . W .,. Treas ., kindly consented to act as steward to the fund . Thebrethren then repaired to an excellent dinner , provided by Bro . Crotch . About forty brethren sat down , among whom were nine P . M . ' s of this lodge . On the removal of the cloth ,,
the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , not forgetting all poor and distressed Masons throughout the universe . The lodge was then finally closeel , after whichgood songs were sung , and a pleasant evening was passed , thebrethren separating afc an early hour . During tbe
Mastershipof Bro . Mudge—twelve months—there have been fifteen initiations , anel seven propositions now stand over ; the Craft , therefore , congratulate themselves on tbe progress of Freemasonry in the western part of the province of Cornwall . ST . AUSTELL . —Lodge Peace and Harmony ( No . 496 ) . — Theannual meeting of the brethren of this lodge was helel at the lodge rooms , on Wednesday , the 2 nd inst ., when a goodly number of brethren , including the W . M . ' s and Wardens of the
neighbouring lodges , met to elo honour to the W . M . elect , Bro . Berryman , who was most ably installed by Bro . Chirgwin , of Truro . After the ceremonies observed in the installation of the AV . M ., he immediately entered on the duties of his office by installing his officers , viz .: —Bros . Grigg , S . AV . ; Hicks , J . W . ; . Gny , Treas . ; Kitt , Sec ; P . Giles , S . D . ; Guy , J . D . ; Loye , S . ; C . Truscott , I . G-. ; and Borrows , Tyler . A P . M . 's jewel was unanimouslvotecl to Bro . HancockP . M . for the able manner
y , , in which he has superintended the lodge , not only in 1865 , when be himself held the office of AV . M ., but also throughout theyear , when he has done duty most ably for the AV . M ., Bro . Sir C . B . G . Sawle , Bart . The brethren then adjourned to the dining room , where a sumptuous banquet awaited them , and the evening was spent in true Masonic felicity . LOSTWITHIEL . — St . Matthew's Lodge ( No . 496 . )—The
. brethren of this lodge held their annual meeting at their lodge rooms , at the Talbot Hotel , on AVednesday , tbe 2 nd inst ., when Bro . Nichols was duly installed the W . M . for the year ensuing , the ceremony being performed by Bro . Harvey , of Truro , afteiwbich Bro . Nichols appointed and invested Bros . Stephens , S . AV .,. N , Kendall , J . AV ., Stephens , Sec ; AVright , S . D . ; Absolan , J . D . ; . Bush , P . M ., I . G . ; and McLean , Tyler .
CUMBERLAND AND AVESTMORELAND . KENDAL . — Union , Lodge ( No . 129 ) , —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Kentstreet , on the 28 th ulfc . Bro . Major AVhifcwell , W . M . presiding , anel supported by Bro . Edward Bnsher , P . M . as S . AV . ; Bros . Atkinson , J . AV . ; C . J . Thomson , Treas . ; AV . Cartmel , Sec ; W . 'Doubleday , Deacon ; J . 0 . Atkinson , I . G . ; and the following brethren : Dr . Deeming , John Holme , AV . Tattersall ,