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Titus AVilson , Thomas Busher , Dr . Noble , John Mann , Jones Taylor , R . Hodgson , John Medcalf , Samuel Gawith , J . AV . -Scott , Geo . Cartmell , & c , & c , and Bro . Porter , from Lodge of Concord , Preston . Bro . Thomas Simpson Home ( son of the -late P . AI . Home ) being a candidate for the mysteries of Freemasonry , tliej ballot having been previously taken , was initiated in a most impressive manner by the AA ' . AI . This being the time for the election of AV . M . for tbe ensuing The
year . choice of the brethren unanimously fell ou Bro . Wm . Wilson , of High Park , and lately S . W . of the Underley Lodge ( No . 1074 ) . Bro . C . Gardner Thomson , County Coroner , was also unanimousl y elected Treas . Bro . Busher intimated that as he was serving the office of steward for the Royal Benevolent Institution he would be glad of as much support as possible for this most deserving charity . The loelge then closed in
harmony , and with solemn prayer at nine o ' clock . CARLISLE . —Union Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —This lodge met afc four o ' clock , p . m ., on Thursday , the 27 th ult :, being St . John ' s Day . The chair of K . S , was occupied by Bro . the Rev . AV . Cockett , W . M ., P . Prov . G . Chap ., ably supported by Bros . G . G . Hayward , S . AV ., P . Prov . G . S . ; J . Slack , J . W . ; F . AV . Hay ward , P . M . p . Prov . S . G . Was SDGMnrchieas JDGT
, ., .. ; . , .. ; . . Clark , Sec ; A . Woodhouse , I . G . ; AV . Irwin , S . Steward ; G . Somerville , J . Steward ; J . A . AA'heatley , anel J . Barnes , Tylers . The lodge was opened in due form , the minutes of a former meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Captain Owen Jones , being a candidate to be passeel to the second degree , was tested
. as to his proficiency , entrusted , and retired . The lodge being opened in the second degree , the candidate was duly passed by . Bro . C . J . Bannister , P . M ., P . G . S . B . of England , in his usuril -accomplished style of working . Bro . G . Goddard Hayward , S . W ., P . Prov . G . S ., the AV . M . elect , was then escorted to the pedestal , and after he gave his assent to the usual questions being read , was obligated , and the lodge being opened in the third degree Board of Installed Masters formed
. , a was . ' The W . M . elect was inducted to the chair of K . S ., and saluted .. according to ancient custom , in tbe several degrees . Bro . C . J . Bannister , the Installing Master , delivered a lecture on the working tools in each degree ; after which the following officers were duly appointed and invested , viz .: Bros . J . Slack . S . W . ; AV . Garrick , J . W . ; W . Johnston , S . D . ; G . Somerville , J . D . ; W . CourtTreas . ; F . AVHaywardDirof CersGMurchie
, . , . . ; . , Sec . ; J . Gibson , I . G . ; A . AVoodhouse , Steward ; T . Sherrington , Tyler . The visitors were , Bros . H . Fleming , W . M . and R . Baker , Longtown Lodge , ( No . 412 ); also Bros . T . Routledge , and A , Kerr , AVigton Lodge . The lodge was then closed , and all the brethren retired to the banquet provided at the Coffee House Hotel , by Bro . T . . McGowan . The cloth being drawn , the AA' . M . elect presided ; the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drank
and responded to . The brethren parted afc an early hour , well pleased with their entertainment . The harmony prevalent amongst the brethren wns further promoted by the vocal powers of Bros . Court , Gibson , Routleelgo , and Kerr . Bro . F . H . Hayward giving , by desire , and in a very effective manner , an appropriate recitation .
LONGTOWN . —Holy Temple Lodge ( No . 412 ) . —On Friday , the 2 Sth ult ., a regularly summoned meeting of this lodge was held at tire Wheatsheaf Inn , tho chair being occupied by Bro . F . AV . . Hayward , honorary member , P . M . 310 , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Romulus Irviirn-, I . P . M . ; J . Carriitber , P . M ., as S . W . ; Robert Forster , . P . M ., as J . AA ' . ; Fleming , AA ' . M . elect , as S . D . ; Robert Baker , as J . D . ; J . Robinson , P . M ., as I . G . ; D . Murray , P . M ., Sec ; Robt . NixonP . M . Tler . There were also present Bros . W . Murray
, , y , Senior ( who , ifc may be mentioned , has attained the ripe old ag ' e of eighty-five years ) , A . AVoodhouse , and R . M . Hill . The lodge was opened in ancient form , and the minutes were read anel con'firined . The loelge was then opened in the second , and afterwards in the third degree , when Bro . II . Fleming was , with tho usual formality , inducted to the chair of K . S ., and proclaimed Master of Loelge 412 for the ensuing year , and received tbe
customary salutations in the several degrees . Bro . F . AV . Hayward being the Installing Master , gave lectures on the working tools in each degree , after which the W . M . appointed his officers , who were duly invested as follows , viz .: —Bros . A Woodhouse , Steward 310 , as S . W . ; R . M . HiU , J . AV . ; Thos . Robinson , S . D . ; J . Pendrigh , J . D . ; Robt . Forster , Treas . and Dir . of Cirs . ; D . Murray , Sec ; J . Carrutber , I . G . ; Robert Nixon , Tyler . After the usual questions bad been asked , the W . M- proposed Messrs . Mulcaster and Normington , of AVorkington , as candidates to be initiated into Masonry . Bro . Thomas Blacklock ,
P . M . 310 , was elected a joining member , and the lodge was then closed by Bro . Fleming , W . M ., and the brethren retired to a dinner supplied in excellent style by the host anel hostess of the bouse . After tbe cloth was drawn the usual loyal and Masonic toasts wore given and responded to . Bro . Irving , P . M ., fchen ' gave a toast to the departed memory of the late Prov . G . M ., which was drank in solemn silence , the brethren cliaunting , " In
the Grand Lodge above . " Bro . F . AV . Hayward returned thanks on behalf of the P . Prov . G . officers in a true and feeling speech . Bro . Irving returned thanks on behalf of the past and present officers of Lodge 412 , anel saiel that the past officers had done their duty , and he sincerely hoped that the present ones would try to emulate fclrem , and so long as he continued a member either of this lodge or of the Order in general , he would endeavour to elo his duty for the good of Masonry . The visiting
brethren eich returned thanks for the honour tho AV . M . had done in proposing , and the brethren in responding to that call , viz ., Bros . Blacklock , F . AA . Hayward , and A . AVoodliouese , in short but feeling speeches . The bewitching hour of midnight fast approaching , and the visiting brethren having to go to Carlisle , the meeting was brought to a close , and the members of the border city drove home in a voiture provided for the purpose , all . arriving safe afc home in the small hours of the morn , highly delighted with their trip to Longtown town . Bros . Murray , Foster , anel Pendrigh exerted their vocal powers with marked effect on this occasion .
KIRKBY LONSDALE . —Underley Lodge ( No . 1 , 074)—This lodge held its first annual meeting on Friday , the 4 th inst ., at the public rooms , Bro . Lord Kenlis , W . M ., occupying the chair of K . S ., and supported by Bros . Busher , P . M . ; Rev . Jas . Simpson , Chap . ; Wilson , S . W . ; and Major Whitwell , as J . W . ; James , S . D . ; Dodd , J . D . ; Davis , Sec . ; James , Treas .,- W . R . Gregg , I . G . ; and Saunders , North North , Eastham , Clapham , Bentham , Hatch , Robinson , Rev . Hy . AVare , Vicar of Kirkby
Lonsdale , Rev . Chadwick , Thorphetfc , & c . The minutes having been read and confirmed , Bro . Busher , P . M ., announced that Lord Kenlis having been duly re-elected , he now proclaimed him W . M . of 1 , 074 for the ensuing twelve months . After the usual salutations , the AV . M . proceeded to invest his officers as follow : —Bros . Eelw . Busher , P . M . ; Rev . II . AA ' are , Chap . ; Capfc Braithwaite , S . W . ; Rd . Atkinson , J . AV . ; Rd . Tames , Treas .,-Hy . ' DavisSec . ; AV . JamesS . D . ; AV . Romaine GreggJ . D . ;
, , , AV . Dodd , I . G . The lodge was then closeel in due form anel with solemn prayer . After which the brethren to the number of nearly thirty , adjourned to the Royal Hotel , where a most enjoyable evening was spent , under the presidency of his lordship . Many of the brethren having a long anel cold drive home , the meeting broke up about eight o ' clock , sorry to part but happy to meet again .
DEVONSHIRE . STONEHOUSE , PLYMOUTH . — Sincerity Lodge ( No . 189 . )—An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday afternoon , the 2 nd inst ., at the lodge , St . George's Hall , Stonehouse , for the purpose of initiating two new numbers . Tbe brethren of the lodge afterwards assembled to partake of their annual banquet at the Duke of Cornwall Hotel , and there were present the following distinguished brethren : —Bros . AV . II . Madclock
, AV . M ., Prov . G . Steward ; Lord Eliot , W . M ., S . AV . ; T . S . Bayly , J . W . ; I . C . Radford , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . D . ; L . P . Metham , P . M ., Prov . S . G . W . ; R , R . Roelel , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W . of Cornwall ; R . H . Rae , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Org .: Rev . E . Risk , Chap ., P . Prov . G . Chap . ; R . Dowse , P . M ., Treas ., P . Prov . S . G . D . ; C . Trotter , Sec . ; F . P . Balkwill , S . D . ; Lieut . Shanks , J . D ., P . G . S . B . ; T . B . Forster , Dir . of Curs . ; W . Roberts , J . D . ;
Dr . Forbes and J . Saw , Stewards ; J . Sadler , Capt . II . Howeth ( 17 th Reg . ) , H . II . P . Shanks , R . J . Laity , AV . Laitv , B . B . Rawling , R . B . Oram , R . Rodda , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; I . Latimer , S . Roach , C . G . Gibson , P . M . ; J . P . Mann , P . M . ; Lieut . James , I . Scott , Capt . En-art , Ji-N ., Rev . B . Howe , R . Ridley , P . Prov . S . G . W .: Balcarras , AV . W . Ramsey ( town major ) , G . S . B . ( Grand Lodge , Scotland ;) G . Allen , J . Dampney , J . G . Gilder , T . AVade , J . FlexmanW . C . MoretonM . JoplinJ . AA'illoughbE .
, , , y , Bissett , S . Hutchings , J . P . Briggs , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Rev . XI . Measbam , Rev / Theophilns Bennett ( 183 , Ireland ) . After dinner the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed by the AVorshipful Master and by other brethren , and some excellent and appropriate speeches were made by tbe AA' . M . and Bros . Trotter , Metham , Lord Eliot , M . P ., I . C . Radford , Balcarras Ramsey , Dr . Dowse , F . P . Balkwill , Lieut . Shanks , Forster , Dr .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Titus AVilson , Thomas Busher , Dr . Noble , John Mann , Jones Taylor , R . Hodgson , John Medcalf , Samuel Gawith , J . AV . -Scott , Geo . Cartmell , & c , & c , and Bro . Porter , from Lodge of Concord , Preston . Bro . Thomas Simpson Home ( son of the -late P . AI . Home ) being a candidate for the mysteries of Freemasonry , tliej ballot having been previously taken , was initiated in a most impressive manner by the AA ' . AI . This being the time for the election of AV . M . for tbe ensuing The
year . choice of the brethren unanimously fell ou Bro . Wm . Wilson , of High Park , and lately S . W . of the Underley Lodge ( No . 1074 ) . Bro . C . Gardner Thomson , County Coroner , was also unanimousl y elected Treas . Bro . Busher intimated that as he was serving the office of steward for the Royal Benevolent Institution he would be glad of as much support as possible for this most deserving charity . The loelge then closed in
harmony , and with solemn prayer at nine o ' clock . CARLISLE . —Union Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —This lodge met afc four o ' clock , p . m ., on Thursday , the 27 th ult :, being St . John ' s Day . The chair of K . S , was occupied by Bro . the Rev . AV . Cockett , W . M ., P . Prov . G . Chap ., ably supported by Bros . G . G . Hayward , S . AV ., P . Prov . G . S . ; J . Slack , J . W . ; F . AV . Hay ward , P . M . p . Prov . S . G . Was SDGMnrchieas JDGT
, ., .. ; . , .. ; . . Clark , Sec ; A . Woodhouse , I . G . ; AV . Irwin , S . Steward ; G . Somerville , J . Steward ; J . A . AA'heatley , anel J . Barnes , Tylers . The lodge was opened in due form , the minutes of a former meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Captain Owen Jones , being a candidate to be passeel to the second degree , was tested
. as to his proficiency , entrusted , and retired . The lodge being opened in the second degree , the candidate was duly passed by . Bro . C . J . Bannister , P . M ., P . G . S . B . of England , in his usuril -accomplished style of working . Bro . G . Goddard Hayward , S . W ., P . Prov . G . S ., the AV . M . elect , was then escorted to the pedestal , and after he gave his assent to the usual questions being read , was obligated , and the lodge being opened in the third degree Board of Installed Masters formed
. , a was . ' The W . M . elect was inducted to the chair of K . S ., and saluted .. according to ancient custom , in tbe several degrees . Bro . C . J . Bannister , the Installing Master , delivered a lecture on the working tools in each degree ; after which the following officers were duly appointed and invested , viz .: Bros . J . Slack . S . W . ; AV . Garrick , J . W . ; W . Johnston , S . D . ; G . Somerville , J . D . ; W . CourtTreas . ; F . AVHaywardDirof CersGMurchie
, . , . . ; . , Sec . ; J . Gibson , I . G . ; A . AVoodhouse , Steward ; T . Sherrington , Tyler . The visitors were , Bros . H . Fleming , W . M . and R . Baker , Longtown Lodge , ( No . 412 ); also Bros . T . Routledge , and A , Kerr , AVigton Lodge . The lodge was then closed , and all the brethren retired to the banquet provided at the Coffee House Hotel , by Bro . T . . McGowan . The cloth being drawn , the AA' . M . elect presided ; the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drank
and responded to . The brethren parted afc an early hour , well pleased with their entertainment . The harmony prevalent amongst the brethren wns further promoted by the vocal powers of Bros . Court , Gibson , Routleelgo , and Kerr . Bro . F . H . Hayward giving , by desire , and in a very effective manner , an appropriate recitation .
LONGTOWN . —Holy Temple Lodge ( No . 412 ) . —On Friday , the 2 Sth ult ., a regularly summoned meeting of this lodge was held at tire Wheatsheaf Inn , tho chair being occupied by Bro . F . AV . . Hayward , honorary member , P . M . 310 , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Romulus Irviirn-, I . P . M . ; J . Carriitber , P . M ., as S . W . ; Robert Forster , . P . M ., as J . AA ' . ; Fleming , AA ' . M . elect , as S . D . ; Robert Baker , as J . D . ; J . Robinson , P . M ., as I . G . ; D . Murray , P . M ., Sec ; Robt . NixonP . M . Tler . There were also present Bros . W . Murray
, , y , Senior ( who , ifc may be mentioned , has attained the ripe old ag ' e of eighty-five years ) , A . AVoodhouse , and R . M . Hill . The lodge was opened in ancient form , and the minutes were read anel con'firined . The loelge was then opened in the second , and afterwards in the third degree , when Bro . II . Fleming was , with tho usual formality , inducted to the chair of K . S ., and proclaimed Master of Loelge 412 for the ensuing year , and received tbe
customary salutations in the several degrees . Bro . F . AV . Hayward being the Installing Master , gave lectures on the working tools in each degree , after which the W . M . appointed his officers , who were duly invested as follows , viz .: —Bros . A Woodhouse , Steward 310 , as S . W . ; R . M . HiU , J . AV . ; Thos . Robinson , S . D . ; J . Pendrigh , J . D . ; Robt . Forster , Treas . and Dir . of Cirs . ; D . Murray , Sec ; J . Carrutber , I . G . ; Robert Nixon , Tyler . After the usual questions bad been asked , the W . M- proposed Messrs . Mulcaster and Normington , of AVorkington , as candidates to be initiated into Masonry . Bro . Thomas Blacklock ,
P . M . 310 , was elected a joining member , and the lodge was then closed by Bro . Fleming , W . M ., and the brethren retired to a dinner supplied in excellent style by the host anel hostess of the bouse . After tbe cloth was drawn the usual loyal and Masonic toasts wore given and responded to . Bro . Irving , P . M ., fchen ' gave a toast to the departed memory of the late Prov . G . M ., which was drank in solemn silence , the brethren cliaunting , " In
the Grand Lodge above . " Bro . F . AV . Hayward returned thanks on behalf of the P . Prov . G . officers in a true and feeling speech . Bro . Irving returned thanks on behalf of the past and present officers of Lodge 412 , anel saiel that the past officers had done their duty , and he sincerely hoped that the present ones would try to emulate fclrem , and so long as he continued a member either of this lodge or of the Order in general , he would endeavour to elo his duty for the good of Masonry . The visiting
brethren eich returned thanks for the honour tho AV . M . had done in proposing , and the brethren in responding to that call , viz ., Bros . Blacklock , F . AA . Hayward , and A . AVoodliouese , in short but feeling speeches . The bewitching hour of midnight fast approaching , and the visiting brethren having to go to Carlisle , the meeting was brought to a close , and the members of the border city drove home in a voiture provided for the purpose , all . arriving safe afc home in the small hours of the morn , highly delighted with their trip to Longtown town . Bros . Murray , Foster , anel Pendrigh exerted their vocal powers with marked effect on this occasion .
KIRKBY LONSDALE . —Underley Lodge ( No . 1 , 074)—This lodge held its first annual meeting on Friday , the 4 th inst ., at the public rooms , Bro . Lord Kenlis , W . M ., occupying the chair of K . S ., and supported by Bros . Busher , P . M . ; Rev . Jas . Simpson , Chap . ; Wilson , S . W . ; and Major Whitwell , as J . W . ; James , S . D . ; Dodd , J . D . ; Davis , Sec . ; James , Treas .,- W . R . Gregg , I . G . ; and Saunders , North North , Eastham , Clapham , Bentham , Hatch , Robinson , Rev . Hy . AVare , Vicar of Kirkby
Lonsdale , Rev . Chadwick , Thorphetfc , & c . The minutes having been read and confirmed , Bro . Busher , P . M ., announced that Lord Kenlis having been duly re-elected , he now proclaimed him W . M . of 1 , 074 for the ensuing twelve months . After the usual salutations , the AV . M . proceeded to invest his officers as follow : —Bros . Eelw . Busher , P . M . ; Rev . II . AA ' are , Chap . ; Capfc Braithwaite , S . W . ; Rd . Atkinson , J . AV . ; Rd . Tames , Treas .,-Hy . ' DavisSec . ; AV . JamesS . D . ; AV . Romaine GreggJ . D . ;
, , , AV . Dodd , I . G . The lodge was then closeel in due form anel with solemn prayer . After which the brethren to the number of nearly thirty , adjourned to the Royal Hotel , where a most enjoyable evening was spent , under the presidency of his lordship . Many of the brethren having a long anel cold drive home , the meeting broke up about eight o ' clock , sorry to part but happy to meet again .
DEVONSHIRE . STONEHOUSE , PLYMOUTH . — Sincerity Lodge ( No . 189 . )—An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday afternoon , the 2 nd inst ., at the lodge , St . George's Hall , Stonehouse , for the purpose of initiating two new numbers . Tbe brethren of the lodge afterwards assembled to partake of their annual banquet at the Duke of Cornwall Hotel , and there were present the following distinguished brethren : —Bros . AV . II . Madclock
, AV . M ., Prov . G . Steward ; Lord Eliot , W . M ., S . AV . ; T . S . Bayly , J . W . ; I . C . Radford , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . D . ; L . P . Metham , P . M ., Prov . S . G . W . ; R , R . Roelel , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W . of Cornwall ; R . H . Rae , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Org .: Rev . E . Risk , Chap ., P . Prov . G . Chap . ; R . Dowse , P . M ., Treas ., P . Prov . S . G . D . ; C . Trotter , Sec . ; F . P . Balkwill , S . D . ; Lieut . Shanks , J . D ., P . G . S . B . ; T . B . Forster , Dir . of Curs . ; W . Roberts , J . D . ;
Dr . Forbes and J . Saw , Stewards ; J . Sadler , Capt . II . Howeth ( 17 th Reg . ) , H . II . P . Shanks , R . J . Laity , AV . Laitv , B . B . Rawling , R . B . Oram , R . Rodda , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; I . Latimer , S . Roach , C . G . Gibson , P . M . ; J . P . Mann , P . M . ; Lieut . James , I . Scott , Capt . En-art , Ji-N ., Rev . B . Howe , R . Ridley , P . Prov . S . G . W .: Balcarras , AV . W . Ramsey ( town major ) , G . S . B . ( Grand Lodge , Scotland ;) G . Allen , J . Dampney , J . G . Gilder , T . AVade , J . FlexmanW . C . MoretonM . JoplinJ . AA'illoughbE .
, , , y , Bissett , S . Hutchings , J . P . Briggs , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Rev . XI . Measbam , Rev / Theophilns Bennett ( 183 , Ireland ) . After dinner the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed by the AVorshipful Master and by other brethren , and some excellent and appropriate speeches were made by tbe AA' . M . and Bros . Trotter , Metham , Lord Eliot , M . P ., I . C . Radford , Balcarras Ramsey , Dr . Dowse , F . P . Balkwill , Lieut . Shanks , Forster , Dr .