Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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Forbes , J . Saw , I . Latimer , Rev . T . Bennett , etc . The evening was most pleasantly spent , and Loelge Sincerity was spoken of as one of the most prosperous as well as one of the best worked lodges in the province . A letter -was read by Bro . Metham from the Rev . John Huyshe , the Provincial Grand Master of Devon , expressing his regret that bis magisterial and and other duties would keep bim at Exeteranel woulel thus
, prevent him from having the pleasure of joining their banquet . TORQUAY . —Lodge of St . John ( No . 328 ) . —Tbe members o f this lodge assembled at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 27 th ult ., at four o ' clock p . m ., to instal the AA ' . M . elect , Bro . tho Rev . R . Bowcler . it being the festival of tbe St . John the Evangelist . The lodge was openeel at half-past four , Bro . G . Glanfielel , W . M ., presiding . Bros . Harland , P . M . ; R . Bowden , S . W . ; .
J . Greenfield , J . AA ' . ; W . Gills , S . D . ; T . Gliver , J . D . ; J . Rossiter , I . G . ; AV . Cbenneour , Tyler ; R . H . Dyer , Hon . Sec . ; AVatts , Guyer , AVreyford , Melluish , P . M . ; Shut ' fclewood , Boothman , E . Appleton , Prov . S . G . D . ; add C . Pridham . Tbe lodge was visited by the D . Prov . G . M . for the East Riding of York ; Bro . Newman , P . M ., Ellis , Tanner ; and tbe Senior Warden , also tbe Junior Warden and Secretary of the Devon Lodge ( No . 1138 ) . After the minutes were read and confirmed , the lodge having been
opened in the first degree , it was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Harland , P . M ., occupied the chair as Installing Master The lodge was theu openeel in the appropriate degree for the the purpose of installing tbe W-M . elect , which ceremony was performed in the most solemn manner . The brethren being re-admitted , the usual forms were gone through . The W . M . proceeded to invest bis officers for the ensuing year . Bro . G . Glanfield received the collars of I . P . M . and Treas . RH . Dyer
; , , those of S . W . and Hon . Sec ; Greenfield , J . AV . ; G . Rossiter , S . D . ; Oliver , J . D . ; Gills , I . G . ; Chenneour , Tyler . The Installing Master aud the AA ' . M . having severally addressed the officers and brethren , the lodge closed . The banquet took place at Bro . Gills , Torbay Inn , at which about thirty sat down to a most excellent dinner , the game having been presented by Bro . Sir Laurence PalkBart . who expressed regret at his inability
, , toattend , as did also Bro . Royds , the Prov . G . M . for Worcestershire . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and the company retired shortly after eleven o'clock , having spent a pleasant evening . This lodge is progressing favourably . During the past two years , under the able Mastership of Bvo . Glanfield , sixteen initiations have taken place . May ifc go on aud prosper .
SOUTHMOLTON . —Loyal Lodge of Industry ( No . 421 . )—At the meeting of this lodge on Monday the 31 st December , Bro . J . T . AVidgery was duly installed AA ' . M . for tbe ensuing year , and he appointed anel invested the following brethren as bis officers for the year , viz .: —Bros . J . Hill , S . AV . ; E . Furse , J . AV . ; H . S . Hill , S . D . ; AA' . R . Huxtable , J . D . ; T . Chappie , I . G . ; J . Quick , Sec ; G . Garrett , Org . ; J . R . Kingdon , Treas . ; R . ICingdonTlerThe usual Masonic banquet was helel on
, y . AA ' ednesday , the 2 nd inst ., afc the Unicorn Hotel . The AV . M . occupied the chair , supported by almost all tbe brethren of tbe lodge , and several brethren from the Barnstaple and other Loelges . The viands were excellent , and the wines of the choicest description . The noble Bro . Earl Fortescue , of Castlehill , kindly sent a splendid haunch of vension for the festive board .
HAMPSHIRE . PORTSMOUTH . —Phoenix Lodge ( No . 257 ) . —The members of this lodge assembled at tbe lodge room , High-streefc , on Sfc . John ' s Day ( Thursday , the 27 th ulfc . ) for the purpose of installing Bro . F . L . M . Dyer as WM . for the ensuing year . The loelge having been regularly opened , ahdTthe business on the notice paper transactedthe of installation most
, ceremony was impressively performed by Bro . Hyde Pullen , Prov . G . M . Isle of of Wight . The AV . M . appointed his officers as follows : Bros C . Napier Pearn , S . W . ; Rev . J . W . Banks , J . AV . ; R . W . Brad ' ley , Treas . ; J . Heath , Sec ; C . B . Elliott , S . D . ; Eelgar Besant , J . D . ; H . J . Mills , I . G . Bro . Colonel Median is the I . P . M . of the lodge . After the loelge hael been closed , the brethren partook of an excellent banquet , the AV . M . presiding .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . Everton Lodge ( No . 823 ) . —A regular meeting of this lod ge was held at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , on AVednesday , the 19 th nit . There were present Bros . AV . J . Lunt , W . M . ; J . Hamer S . AV . ; T . Asbmore , J . W . ; J . Jackson , Sec ; S . Haynes , S . D .
J . D . Pierce , J . D . ; J . Holland , I . G . ; Boulton , Hudson , Blundelf Bird , Hargreaves , AVilliams , Thompson , Molitor , Lowe , Lyallr Forrest , Q . hunt , J . Lant , & c . A'isifcors ; Bros . AV . T . May ,-P . M . 673 ; C . Leedham , AV . M . 220 ; Haywood , 594 ; Griffiths * 241 ; Unsworth and Pepper , G 67 ; Williams , 1 , 094 ; Robinsoiir 295 ; Burrows , 673 ; Irvine , GSO ; AVilliams , 203 ; and Yates , 673-The lodge was opened by Bro . Lunt , AA ' . M . The minutes of
thelast regular meeting were read anel confirmed , with the exception of a proposal referring to the organ subscription . Tbe ballot was then taken for Mr . Councillor R . R . Minton and Mr . T . Dodson , who were both unanimously elected , and having been properly prepared , were admitted anel duly initiated into ancient Freemasonry . The ceremony was very impressively performed by the AV . M . Bro . T . Asburst , J . W ' ., explained theworking toolsand Bro . JarvisS . W . delivered the ancient
, , , charge very effectively . The sum of one guinea was voted forthe relief of the widow of tbe late Bro . Spurring ( No . 203 . ) A letter was read from a brother , apologising for unbecomingconduct to the AA ' . M ,, in the lodge . This explanation was considered to be satisfactory . Nothing further appearing , the lodge was closeel with solemn prayer , anel the brethren adjourned fco refreshment . The repast was served by Bro . Ball in a . manner which gave general satisfaction . Tbe AV . M . having
proposed the usual loyal and formal toasts , Bro . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . ; J . Pepper-, anel AV . T . May , as past Prov . G . Officers , each responded on behalf of the Provincial Grand Officers . Bro . Goepel , P . M ., then proposed "The Health of tbe AVorshipful Master , Bro . Lunt , " highly eulogising him for his zeal for-Masonry , and the creditable manner in which he performed his duties as AA ' orshipful Master . Bro . Lunt , in responding ,
attributed mncb of his success to the kind assistance he received from the Past Masters , Officers , and brethren in general , and in . concluding , proposed * ' The Health of the Officers , " to whichi . Bro . Jarvis , S . W ., ably responded . The AV . M . in proposing "Tlie : Newly-Initiated Brethren , " expressed bis conviction that they would do honour to the Craft . Bro . Minton responded in it humorous speech , and expressed much gratification on beingadmitted a member of our ancient and honourable institution .
Bro . Dodson also happily returned thanks . Bro . Haywood returned thanks for "The Visitors , " anel the last toasfc " To ail ; poor and distressed Masons throughout the Globe , " having beendrunk , the brethren dispersed at eleven o ' clock . KIEKDALE . —Prince of Wales Lodge ( No . 1035 ) . —An emergency meeting of this loelge was held on the 27 th ult ., for thepurpose of installing Bro . Satellite , AV . M- elect , and celebratingthe Festival of St . John . The loelge was called for half-past
two , and was openeel by Bro . Fizzard , AV . M ., assisted by Bro , Sntcliffe , S . AA' . ; J . F . Newell , S . D ., as J . W . The minutes of the last regular meeting with regard to the election of AA ' . M . and-Treasurer , were read and confirmed . Mr . John Reynolds , who had been ballotted for on a previous lodge night , beino- in attendance , was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The ceremony of installation was next proceeded withand
was-, performed by Bro . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . West Lancashire , in his usual kind and able manner . After the usual salutes the-AV . M . invested his officers as follows , viz .: Bros . J . F . Newell , S-AV . ; AVilliams , J . AA ' . ; Boyers , Sec . ; Draper , S . D . ; Lloyd , J . D . ; Jones , LG- ; Lovelacly , S . S , ; Carver , J . S . ; Davis , Tyler . The usual toasts were given and responded to , anel the brethren spent a very agreeable evening .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NORTH SHIELDS . —St . George's Lodge ( No . 431 ) . —A meetinnv of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall on AA ' ednesday , the 2 nd inst ., for the purpose of installing the WM . and officers , for the ensuing year . The loelge being opened in due form b y the AA ' . M . Bro . the Rev . J . Featherstone , P . Prov . G . Chap .,, the minutes of election of Bro . Joseph GibsonSAVas AVM
, .., ... elect , were read and unanimously confirmed . Bro . John G . Tulloch , P . Prov . G . J . AV ., was then requested to take the chair as installing master , and , after agreeing to conform to the ancient charges , Bro . Joseph Gibson was regularly installed in . the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom . The AA' . M . appointed anel invested the following brethren as officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . T .
FeatberstonPProvGChapas-, . . . ., I . P . M . ; H . W . AVeatberstone , Prov . G . Purs ., as S . W . ; M . J .. Robson , M . D ., as J . W . ; R . Garland , Prov . G . Chap ., as Chaplain ; J . G . Tulloch , P . Prov . J . G . W ., as See . and Dir . of Cirs . ; , J . D . Brown , as S . D . ; G . Ovston , J . D . ; A . M . Scott , as I . G .-J . AA' . Hewett , S . S . ; T . AVoodruff , as J . S . ; and J . Evans , Tyler . ' Bro . J . Jackson was nominated for election as Treas ., in place of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Forbes , J . Saw , I . Latimer , Rev . T . Bennett , etc . The evening was most pleasantly spent , and Loelge Sincerity was spoken of as one of the most prosperous as well as one of the best worked lodges in the province . A letter -was read by Bro . Metham from the Rev . John Huyshe , the Provincial Grand Master of Devon , expressing his regret that bis magisterial and and other duties would keep bim at Exeteranel woulel thus
, prevent him from having the pleasure of joining their banquet . TORQUAY . —Lodge of St . John ( No . 328 ) . —Tbe members o f this lodge assembled at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 27 th ult ., at four o ' clock p . m ., to instal the AA ' . M . elect , Bro . tho Rev . R . Bowcler . it being the festival of tbe St . John the Evangelist . The lodge was openeel at half-past four , Bro . G . Glanfielel , W . M ., presiding . Bros . Harland , P . M . ; R . Bowden , S . W . ; .
J . Greenfield , J . AA ' . ; W . Gills , S . D . ; T . Gliver , J . D . ; J . Rossiter , I . G . ; AV . Cbenneour , Tyler ; R . H . Dyer , Hon . Sec . ; AVatts , Guyer , AVreyford , Melluish , P . M . ; Shut ' fclewood , Boothman , E . Appleton , Prov . S . G . D . ; add C . Pridham . Tbe lodge was visited by the D . Prov . G . M . for the East Riding of York ; Bro . Newman , P . M ., Ellis , Tanner ; and tbe Senior Warden , also tbe Junior Warden and Secretary of the Devon Lodge ( No . 1138 ) . After the minutes were read and confirmed , the lodge having been
opened in the first degree , it was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Harland , P . M ., occupied the chair as Installing Master The lodge was theu openeel in the appropriate degree for the the purpose of installing tbe W-M . elect , which ceremony was performed in the most solemn manner . The brethren being re-admitted , the usual forms were gone through . The W . M . proceeded to invest bis officers for the ensuing year . Bro . G . Glanfield received the collars of I . P . M . and Treas . RH . Dyer
; , , those of S . W . and Hon . Sec ; Greenfield , J . AV . ; G . Rossiter , S . D . ; Oliver , J . D . ; Gills , I . G . ; Chenneour , Tyler . The Installing Master aud the AA ' . M . having severally addressed the officers and brethren , the lodge closed . The banquet took place at Bro . Gills , Torbay Inn , at which about thirty sat down to a most excellent dinner , the game having been presented by Bro . Sir Laurence PalkBart . who expressed regret at his inability
, , toattend , as did also Bro . Royds , the Prov . G . M . for Worcestershire . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and the company retired shortly after eleven o'clock , having spent a pleasant evening . This lodge is progressing favourably . During the past two years , under the able Mastership of Bvo . Glanfield , sixteen initiations have taken place . May ifc go on aud prosper .
SOUTHMOLTON . —Loyal Lodge of Industry ( No . 421 . )—At the meeting of this lodge on Monday the 31 st December , Bro . J . T . AVidgery was duly installed AA ' . M . for tbe ensuing year , and he appointed anel invested the following brethren as bis officers for the year , viz .: —Bros . J . Hill , S . AV . ; E . Furse , J . AV . ; H . S . Hill , S . D . ; AA' . R . Huxtable , J . D . ; T . Chappie , I . G . ; J . Quick , Sec ; G . Garrett , Org . ; J . R . Kingdon , Treas . ; R . ICingdonTlerThe usual Masonic banquet was helel on
, y . AA ' ednesday , the 2 nd inst ., afc the Unicorn Hotel . The AV . M . occupied the chair , supported by almost all tbe brethren of tbe lodge , and several brethren from the Barnstaple and other Loelges . The viands were excellent , and the wines of the choicest description . The noble Bro . Earl Fortescue , of Castlehill , kindly sent a splendid haunch of vension for the festive board .
HAMPSHIRE . PORTSMOUTH . —Phoenix Lodge ( No . 257 ) . —The members of this lodge assembled at tbe lodge room , High-streefc , on Sfc . John ' s Day ( Thursday , the 27 th ulfc . ) for the purpose of installing Bro . F . L . M . Dyer as WM . for the ensuing year . The loelge having been regularly opened , ahdTthe business on the notice paper transactedthe of installation most
, ceremony was impressively performed by Bro . Hyde Pullen , Prov . G . M . Isle of of Wight . The AV . M . appointed his officers as follows : Bros C . Napier Pearn , S . W . ; Rev . J . W . Banks , J . AV . ; R . W . Brad ' ley , Treas . ; J . Heath , Sec ; C . B . Elliott , S . D . ; Eelgar Besant , J . D . ; H . J . Mills , I . G . Bro . Colonel Median is the I . P . M . of the lodge . After the loelge hael been closed , the brethren partook of an excellent banquet , the AV . M . presiding .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . Everton Lodge ( No . 823 ) . —A regular meeting of this lod ge was held at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , on AVednesday , the 19 th nit . There were present Bros . AV . J . Lunt , W . M . ; J . Hamer S . AV . ; T . Asbmore , J . W . ; J . Jackson , Sec ; S . Haynes , S . D .
J . D . Pierce , J . D . ; J . Holland , I . G . ; Boulton , Hudson , Blundelf Bird , Hargreaves , AVilliams , Thompson , Molitor , Lowe , Lyallr Forrest , Q . hunt , J . Lant , & c . A'isifcors ; Bros . AV . T . May ,-P . M . 673 ; C . Leedham , AV . M . 220 ; Haywood , 594 ; Griffiths * 241 ; Unsworth and Pepper , G 67 ; Williams , 1 , 094 ; Robinsoiir 295 ; Burrows , 673 ; Irvine , GSO ; AVilliams , 203 ; and Yates , 673-The lodge was opened by Bro . Lunt , AA ' . M . The minutes of
thelast regular meeting were read anel confirmed , with the exception of a proposal referring to the organ subscription . Tbe ballot was then taken for Mr . Councillor R . R . Minton and Mr . T . Dodson , who were both unanimously elected , and having been properly prepared , were admitted anel duly initiated into ancient Freemasonry . The ceremony was very impressively performed by the AV . M . Bro . T . Asburst , J . W ' ., explained theworking toolsand Bro . JarvisS . W . delivered the ancient
, , , charge very effectively . The sum of one guinea was voted forthe relief of the widow of tbe late Bro . Spurring ( No . 203 . ) A letter was read from a brother , apologising for unbecomingconduct to the AA ' . M ,, in the lodge . This explanation was considered to be satisfactory . Nothing further appearing , the lodge was closeel with solemn prayer , anel the brethren adjourned fco refreshment . The repast was served by Bro . Ball in a . manner which gave general satisfaction . Tbe AV . M . having
proposed the usual loyal and formal toasts , Bro . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . ; J . Pepper-, anel AV . T . May , as past Prov . G . Officers , each responded on behalf of the Provincial Grand Officers . Bro . Goepel , P . M ., then proposed "The Health of tbe AVorshipful Master , Bro . Lunt , " highly eulogising him for his zeal for-Masonry , and the creditable manner in which he performed his duties as AA ' orshipful Master . Bro . Lunt , in responding ,
attributed mncb of his success to the kind assistance he received from the Past Masters , Officers , and brethren in general , and in . concluding , proposed * ' The Health of the Officers , " to whichi . Bro . Jarvis , S . W ., ably responded . The AV . M . in proposing "Tlie : Newly-Initiated Brethren , " expressed bis conviction that they would do honour to the Craft . Bro . Minton responded in it humorous speech , and expressed much gratification on beingadmitted a member of our ancient and honourable institution .
Bro . Dodson also happily returned thanks . Bro . Haywood returned thanks for "The Visitors , " anel the last toasfc " To ail ; poor and distressed Masons throughout the Globe , " having beendrunk , the brethren dispersed at eleven o ' clock . KIEKDALE . —Prince of Wales Lodge ( No . 1035 ) . —An emergency meeting of this loelge was held on the 27 th ult ., for thepurpose of installing Bro . Satellite , AV . M- elect , and celebratingthe Festival of St . John . The loelge was called for half-past
two , and was openeel by Bro . Fizzard , AV . M ., assisted by Bro , Sntcliffe , S . AA' . ; J . F . Newell , S . D ., as J . W . The minutes of the last regular meeting with regard to the election of AA ' . M . and-Treasurer , were read and confirmed . Mr . John Reynolds , who had been ballotted for on a previous lodge night , beino- in attendance , was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The ceremony of installation was next proceeded withand
was-, performed by Bro . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . West Lancashire , in his usual kind and able manner . After the usual salutes the-AV . M . invested his officers as follows , viz .: Bros . J . F . Newell , S-AV . ; AVilliams , J . AA ' . ; Boyers , Sec . ; Draper , S . D . ; Lloyd , J . D . ; Jones , LG- ; Lovelacly , S . S , ; Carver , J . S . ; Davis , Tyler . The usual toasts were given and responded to , anel the brethren spent a very agreeable evening .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NORTH SHIELDS . —St . George's Lodge ( No . 431 ) . —A meetinnv of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall on AA ' ednesday , the 2 nd inst ., for the purpose of installing the WM . and officers , for the ensuing year . The loelge being opened in due form b y the AA ' . M . Bro . the Rev . J . Featherstone , P . Prov . G . Chap .,, the minutes of election of Bro . Joseph GibsonSAVas AVM
, .., ... elect , were read and unanimously confirmed . Bro . John G . Tulloch , P . Prov . G . J . AV ., was then requested to take the chair as installing master , and , after agreeing to conform to the ancient charges , Bro . Joseph Gibson was regularly installed in . the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom . The AA' . M . appointed anel invested the following brethren as officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . T .
FeatberstonPProvGChapas-, . . . ., I . P . M . ; H . W . AVeatberstone , Prov . G . Purs ., as S . W . ; M . J .. Robson , M . D ., as J . W . ; R . Garland , Prov . G . Chap ., as Chaplain ; J . G . Tulloch , P . Prov . J . G . W ., as See . and Dir . of Cirs . ; , J . D . Brown , as S . D . ; G . Ovston , J . D . ; A . M . Scott , as I . G .-J . AA' . Hewett , S . S . ; T . AVoodruff , as J . S . ; and J . Evans , Tyler . ' Bro . J . Jackson was nominated for election as Treas ., in place of