Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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Bro . Robsou , resigned ; and after a vote of thanks to the installing master , the lodge was closeel in due form . The annual festival took 2 * laee afc Bro . Manning ' s , Albion Hotel , on Thursday , the 3 rd inst ., when about sixty brethren sat clown to a splendid banquet prepared in the usual Albion style . The AA ' . M . wes supported by the following brethren , Bros . AV . Twizell , Prov . ¦ S . G . W . ; R . Garland , Prov . G . Chap . ; J . G . Tulloch , P . Prov .
J . G . AV . ; J . Fenwick , P . Prov . G . Res . ; H . C . Hanser , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; J . P . Simpson , P . Prov . J . G . D . ( and AV . M . Tyne Loelge No . 991 ); X H . Thompson . P . Prov . G . S . B . Durham ( and "W . M . Industry Lodge No . 48 ); J . Symington , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cirs . ; J . Roeldam , P . M . ; G . Lawson , P . M . ; J . Robertson , S . W . St . Hildas No . 210 ; M . F . Gray , J . AA ' . 240 ; Rev . — Horsfall , Chap . No . 949 , & c . The AVardens occupied their i-espective positions . After discussing tbe good things on the table , toast aud song abounded , and the clay was really spent in love and harmony .
NORTHAMPTON . NORTHAMPTON . —Pomfret Lodge ( No . 360 . )—The brethren of this lodge assembled in the lodge room at the George Hotel on St . John ' s Day , under the presidency of Bro . Richard Dun-Idey , the AV . M ., when , the minutes of the last loelge night having been read and confirmed , the AV . M . vacated the chair , in favour of Bro . Thomas Riley , P . AI ., of the Stuart Lodge ,
Bedford , No . 540 . Bro . Samuel Inns , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., then presented Bro . AVilliam Kingston , the AA ' . M . elect , for installation , tbe ceremony being performed with Bro . Riley ' s accustomed ability . Bro . Kingston then appointed the following officers : —Bros . J . T . Green , S . AV " . ; Kellett , J . AV . ; Revill , S . D . ; ¦ Stanton , J . D . ; Sedgwick , Chap . ; Flewifct , S . S . ; Hinton , J . S . ; Michael , I . G . ; Kirby and Dean , O . G . ' s . Bro . Butler AVrTkins , P . M ., was elected Treasurer . There were several visiting brethren present . An excellent banquet followed the lodge proceedings .
SOUTH AVALES ( EASTERN DIVISION . ) SWANSEA .. —Indefatigable Lodge ( No . 237 ) . —The brethren ¦ of this important lodge celebrated the festival of St . John , on Thursday , the 27 th ult ., with great eclat . The attendance of members and visitors from neighbouring lodges was unusually large , and the presence of a number of Provincial Grand Officers , many of whom came from grest distancesmarked the interest
, felt in tbe evening ' s proceedings ; the chief event being tbe investiture of Bro . C . Bath , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., as AV . M . for tbe ¦ ensuing year , to which office his deservedly esteemed and much respected brother had been unanimously re-elected at the preceding meeting of the lodge . The R . AA' . the Prov . G . M . had intended to be present ; on the occasion , hub was unavoidably prevented , but among those who crowded the lodjre rooms might
ue observed Bros . E . J . Morris , D . Prov . G . M . ; F . D . Michael , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; J . G . Hall , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; 0 . G . AVilliams , ? . Prov . J . G . W . ; P . H . Rowland , P . Prov J . G . W . ; AA' . Cox , Prov . G . Treas . ; N . B . Allen , P . Prov . G . Treas . ; T . Thomas , Prov . G . Reg . ; R . Eaton , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; J . Felton , Prov . G . Sec . ; AA ' . AVhittington , P . Prov . G . Sec . ; T . Powell , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; E . Pricker , Prov . G . Org . ; L . Tullock , Prov . G . S . ; D . Lougdon , Prov . G-S . ; J . Jones Hewson , Prov . G . S . ; R .
Thomas , AV . M . elect 364 ; M . Tennant , AV . M . elect 833 ; G . T . Stroud , P . M . ; D . AVilliams , F . A . Hopwood , AV . J . Nood , R . A . Essery , J . R . Francis , G . E . Bird , A . Hall , Spencer , Robinson , Harris , Edwards , Lewis , Brown , Canton , Hassall , McKiernon , Douglas , W . M . Rees , Deer , J . Jones , J . Jones , jun ., Davies , Phillips , Bradford , Goldberg , Roberts , Hughes , and many others . The AV . M . on resuming the chair , having made suitable and very graceful acknowleelgments to the brethren for the honour
and compliment paid him , proceeded to appoint his officers as follow : —Bros . J . G . Hall , I . P . M . ; D . Williams , S . W . ; F . A . Hopwood , J . AA' . ; C . T . Heart-ley , Chap . ; J . T . Nettell , Sec . ; G . B . Brock , S . D . ; AV . J . Nood , J . D . ; J . L . Towett , Dir . of Cers . ; E . Flicker , Org . ; J . Bradford , I . G . ; AV . E . Brown and AV . T . Canton , Stewards . Bro . T . Powell , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., was for the eihth timeunanimously elected Treasurerevidencing
g , , the confidence and respect entertained by the brethren for so trusty a purse bearer . Bro . Robertson , a comparatively untried brother , was selected to fill tbe post of Tyler . Bros . O . G . AA'illiams , and J . G . Hall , P . M . ' s , were unanimously elected to represent the lodge at the Provincial Grand Lodge committee , both brethren thanking the lodge for the honour conferred . The brethren subsequently dined together at the Cameron Arms
Hotel , where the annual banquet was most admirably served by Host Dods , whose catering gave universal satisfaction . The usual loyal anel Masonic toasts were given and received with much enthusiasm . The D . Prov . G . M . in acknowledging the hearty and complimentary manner in which the brethren bad responded to the flattering mention of his name by the AA' . M ., took occasion to observe that the Prov . G . M . and himselfmost
, cordially approved the choice the brethren hael made of a AA ' . M . for the ensuing year . He spoke with highest terms of praise of the admirable manner in which the lodge hael been worked during the past year , in which the AV . M . had earned a position second to none in the province , and hael succeeded , by his genial kindness and forbearance , in gaining the esteem and fraternal regard of every brother in the lodge . He hoped and
believed that the present year would be a successful , profitable , and happy one , and concluded by proposing " Tbe Health of the AVorshipful Master , " in terms of high eulogimn . The toast was most heartily received anel responded to , and the AA ' . M . having acknowledged the compliment , proposod in succession , " The Provincial Grand Officers , " " The Past Masters , " " The Visitors , " and " The Officers" eliciting some capital speechesthoroughly
, , in tone with the prevailing harmony , from Bros . F . D . Michael , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., the oldest Mason in the Principality ; AA ' . Cox , Prov . G . Treas . ; J . Felton , Prov . G . Sec ; D . AA'illiams , S . W ., and others . The musical arrangements were under the skilful direction of Bro . E . Fricker , Prov . G . Org ., assisted by Bro . S . Jones Hudson , Prov . G . S ., and gave the fullest satisfaction . The proceedings throughout were of tbe heartiest aud most
harmonious character , and the brethren separated at an early hour well pleased with the evening ' s entertainment . AA ' e are informed that it is intended immediately to establish a Knights Templar Encampment in connection with the R . A . Chapter attached to the Indefatigable Lodge , and steps are being takeu to make the necessary arrangements forthwith . The movement is warmltaken bthe companions of the chapterwho
very y up y , confidently assure themselves of a great success . The Prov . G . M . will accept the position of E . G ., and the D . Prov . G . M . will occupy tbe second chair . The other positions will be assigned to tbe Sir Knts . resident at Cardiff and other parts of the province , and it is hoped that much benefit will result from
the associating together of brethren from the neighbouring lodges and chapters , who have given in their names as candidates iu large numbers . CARDIEF . —Bute Lodge ( No . 960 . )—Tbe installation of Worshipful Master for the ensuing year took place on Monday , 31 st ult ., when Bro . Thomas B . Bell , P . S . AV ., Prov . G . Purst ., was duly installed , ' and appointed his officers as follow : —Bros . P . BirdS . \ A ' . ; S . ' H . SladenJ . AA ' . ; W . H . MartinP . M . Treas . ;
, , , , H . AA ' . Moreton , P . M ., Sec . ; Rev . J . Jones , Chap . ; AA ' m . AA'illiams , S . D . ; Jns . Hurman , J . D . ; D . Davies , Dir . of Cers . ; R . Evans , Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Thomas Shelper , I . G . ; S . AA ' eitehert and J . Column , Stewards ; AA' . Davies , Tyler . The whole of the impressive ceremony was most ably performed , and tbe addresses to the officers fervently delivered by the retiring P . M ., Bro . Jno . AVillans , and the Board of Past Masters was composed
solely of members of the lodge . At the conclusion of the ceremony a vote of thanks was proposed by Bro . Martin , and seconded by Bro . Bird , to Bro . AA'illans for the very efficient performance of the duties of the chair during tbe past , ' year , as well as for his services as installing master . Bro . AA ' are congratulated the brethren upon a very favourable balance sheet , and proposed a vote of thanks to the Treasurer , for the excellent manner in which he had managed the finances of the lodge ; in
acknowledging which Bro . Martin informed the brethren that , notwithstanding the heavy expenses of starting a lodge , and the considerable balance in hand , during the two years and a half of the existence of the Bute Lodge , no less a sum than £ 150 has been devoted to Masonic Charities . Bro . AA'are gave notice of his intention to move at the next meeting that a likeness of each of the Past Masters who has filled the chair of the lodge , be taken and added to the furniture of the
lodge , a proposition which it was evident would meet with the hearty concurrence of the brethren . Labour being concluded the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Windsor Hotel where an excellent banquet had been provided by Bro . S . Marks embracing all the delicacies of tbe season , indeed , we have before remarked that this worthy brother knows how to serve up a Masonic banquet as well as any caterer at whoso table we have sat . Bro . Marks having the happy knack of providing good viands , good wines , at moderate charges , aud good attendance under his personal
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . Robsou , resigned ; and after a vote of thanks to the installing master , the lodge was closeel in due form . The annual festival took 2 * laee afc Bro . Manning ' s , Albion Hotel , on Thursday , the 3 rd inst ., when about sixty brethren sat clown to a splendid banquet prepared in the usual Albion style . The AA ' . M . wes supported by the following brethren , Bros . AV . Twizell , Prov . ¦ S . G . W . ; R . Garland , Prov . G . Chap . ; J . G . Tulloch , P . Prov .
J . G . AV . ; J . Fenwick , P . Prov . G . Res . ; H . C . Hanser , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; J . P . Simpson , P . Prov . J . G . D . ( and AV . M . Tyne Loelge No . 991 ); X H . Thompson . P . Prov . G . S . B . Durham ( and "W . M . Industry Lodge No . 48 ); J . Symington , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cirs . ; J . Roeldam , P . M . ; G . Lawson , P . M . ; J . Robertson , S . W . St . Hildas No . 210 ; M . F . Gray , J . AA ' . 240 ; Rev . — Horsfall , Chap . No . 949 , & c . The AVardens occupied their i-espective positions . After discussing tbe good things on the table , toast aud song abounded , and the clay was really spent in love and harmony .
NORTHAMPTON . NORTHAMPTON . —Pomfret Lodge ( No . 360 . )—The brethren of this lodge assembled in the lodge room at the George Hotel on St . John ' s Day , under the presidency of Bro . Richard Dun-Idey , the AV . M ., when , the minutes of the last loelge night having been read and confirmed , the AV . M . vacated the chair , in favour of Bro . Thomas Riley , P . AI ., of the Stuart Lodge ,
Bedford , No . 540 . Bro . Samuel Inns , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., then presented Bro . AVilliam Kingston , the AA ' . M . elect , for installation , tbe ceremony being performed with Bro . Riley ' s accustomed ability . Bro . Kingston then appointed the following officers : —Bros . J . T . Green , S . AV " . ; Kellett , J . AV . ; Revill , S . D . ; ¦ Stanton , J . D . ; Sedgwick , Chap . ; Flewifct , S . S . ; Hinton , J . S . ; Michael , I . G . ; Kirby and Dean , O . G . ' s . Bro . Butler AVrTkins , P . M ., was elected Treasurer . There were several visiting brethren present . An excellent banquet followed the lodge proceedings .
SOUTH AVALES ( EASTERN DIVISION . ) SWANSEA .. —Indefatigable Lodge ( No . 237 ) . —The brethren ¦ of this important lodge celebrated the festival of St . John , on Thursday , the 27 th ult ., with great eclat . The attendance of members and visitors from neighbouring lodges was unusually large , and the presence of a number of Provincial Grand Officers , many of whom came from grest distancesmarked the interest
, felt in tbe evening ' s proceedings ; the chief event being tbe investiture of Bro . C . Bath , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., as AV . M . for tbe ¦ ensuing year , to which office his deservedly esteemed and much respected brother had been unanimously re-elected at the preceding meeting of the lodge . The R . AA' . the Prov . G . M . had intended to be present ; on the occasion , hub was unavoidably prevented , but among those who crowded the lodjre rooms might
ue observed Bros . E . J . Morris , D . Prov . G . M . ; F . D . Michael , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; J . G . Hall , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; 0 . G . AVilliams , ? . Prov . J . G . W . ; P . H . Rowland , P . Prov J . G . W . ; AA' . Cox , Prov . G . Treas . ; N . B . Allen , P . Prov . G . Treas . ; T . Thomas , Prov . G . Reg . ; R . Eaton , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; J . Felton , Prov . G . Sec . ; AA ' . AVhittington , P . Prov . G . Sec . ; T . Powell , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; E . Pricker , Prov . G . Org . ; L . Tullock , Prov . G . S . ; D . Lougdon , Prov . G-S . ; J . Jones Hewson , Prov . G . S . ; R .
Thomas , AV . M . elect 364 ; M . Tennant , AV . M . elect 833 ; G . T . Stroud , P . M . ; D . AVilliams , F . A . Hopwood , AV . J . Nood , R . A . Essery , J . R . Francis , G . E . Bird , A . Hall , Spencer , Robinson , Harris , Edwards , Lewis , Brown , Canton , Hassall , McKiernon , Douglas , W . M . Rees , Deer , J . Jones , J . Jones , jun ., Davies , Phillips , Bradford , Goldberg , Roberts , Hughes , and many others . The AV . M . on resuming the chair , having made suitable and very graceful acknowleelgments to the brethren for the honour
and compliment paid him , proceeded to appoint his officers as follow : —Bros . J . G . Hall , I . P . M . ; D . Williams , S . W . ; F . A . Hopwood , J . AA' . ; C . T . Heart-ley , Chap . ; J . T . Nettell , Sec . ; G . B . Brock , S . D . ; AV . J . Nood , J . D . ; J . L . Towett , Dir . of Cers . ; E . Flicker , Org . ; J . Bradford , I . G . ; AV . E . Brown and AV . T . Canton , Stewards . Bro . T . Powell , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., was for the eihth timeunanimously elected Treasurerevidencing
g , , the confidence and respect entertained by the brethren for so trusty a purse bearer . Bro . Robertson , a comparatively untried brother , was selected to fill tbe post of Tyler . Bros . O . G . AA'illiams , and J . G . Hall , P . M . ' s , were unanimously elected to represent the lodge at the Provincial Grand Lodge committee , both brethren thanking the lodge for the honour conferred . The brethren subsequently dined together at the Cameron Arms
Hotel , where the annual banquet was most admirably served by Host Dods , whose catering gave universal satisfaction . The usual loyal anel Masonic toasts were given and received with much enthusiasm . The D . Prov . G . M . in acknowledging the hearty and complimentary manner in which the brethren bad responded to the flattering mention of his name by the AA' . M ., took occasion to observe that the Prov . G . M . and himselfmost
, cordially approved the choice the brethren hael made of a AA ' . M . for the ensuing year . He spoke with highest terms of praise of the admirable manner in which the lodge hael been worked during the past year , in which the AV . M . had earned a position second to none in the province , and hael succeeded , by his genial kindness and forbearance , in gaining the esteem and fraternal regard of every brother in the lodge . He hoped and
believed that the present year would be a successful , profitable , and happy one , and concluded by proposing " Tbe Health of the AVorshipful Master , " in terms of high eulogimn . The toast was most heartily received anel responded to , and the AA ' . M . having acknowledged the compliment , proposod in succession , " The Provincial Grand Officers , " " The Past Masters , " " The Visitors , " and " The Officers" eliciting some capital speechesthoroughly
, , in tone with the prevailing harmony , from Bros . F . D . Michael , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., the oldest Mason in the Principality ; AA ' . Cox , Prov . G . Treas . ; J . Felton , Prov . G . Sec ; D . AA'illiams , S . W ., and others . The musical arrangements were under the skilful direction of Bro . E . Fricker , Prov . G . Org ., assisted by Bro . S . Jones Hudson , Prov . G . S ., and gave the fullest satisfaction . The proceedings throughout were of tbe heartiest aud most
harmonious character , and the brethren separated at an early hour well pleased with the evening ' s entertainment . AA ' e are informed that it is intended immediately to establish a Knights Templar Encampment in connection with the R . A . Chapter attached to the Indefatigable Lodge , and steps are being takeu to make the necessary arrangements forthwith . The movement is warmltaken bthe companions of the chapterwho
very y up y , confidently assure themselves of a great success . The Prov . G . M . will accept the position of E . G ., and the D . Prov . G . M . will occupy tbe second chair . The other positions will be assigned to tbe Sir Knts . resident at Cardiff and other parts of the province , and it is hoped that much benefit will result from
the associating together of brethren from the neighbouring lodges and chapters , who have given in their names as candidates iu large numbers . CARDIEF . —Bute Lodge ( No . 960 . )—Tbe installation of Worshipful Master for the ensuing year took place on Monday , 31 st ult ., when Bro . Thomas B . Bell , P . S . AV ., Prov . G . Purst ., was duly installed , ' and appointed his officers as follow : —Bros . P . BirdS . \ A ' . ; S . ' H . SladenJ . AA ' . ; W . H . MartinP . M . Treas . ;
, , , , H . AA ' . Moreton , P . M ., Sec . ; Rev . J . Jones , Chap . ; AA ' m . AA'illiams , S . D . ; Jns . Hurman , J . D . ; D . Davies , Dir . of Cers . ; R . Evans , Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Thomas Shelper , I . G . ; S . AA ' eitehert and J . Column , Stewards ; AA' . Davies , Tyler . The whole of the impressive ceremony was most ably performed , and tbe addresses to the officers fervently delivered by the retiring P . M ., Bro . Jno . AVillans , and the Board of Past Masters was composed
solely of members of the lodge . At the conclusion of the ceremony a vote of thanks was proposed by Bro . Martin , and seconded by Bro . Bird , to Bro . AA'illans for the very efficient performance of the duties of the chair during tbe past , ' year , as well as for his services as installing master . Bro . AA ' are congratulated the brethren upon a very favourable balance sheet , and proposed a vote of thanks to the Treasurer , for the excellent manner in which he had managed the finances of the lodge ; in
acknowledging which Bro . Martin informed the brethren that , notwithstanding the heavy expenses of starting a lodge , and the considerable balance in hand , during the two years and a half of the existence of the Bute Lodge , no less a sum than £ 150 has been devoted to Masonic Charities . Bro . AA'are gave notice of his intention to move at the next meeting that a likeness of each of the Past Masters who has filled the chair of the lodge , be taken and added to the furniture of the
lodge , a proposition which it was evident would meet with the hearty concurrence of the brethren . Labour being concluded the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Windsor Hotel where an excellent banquet had been provided by Bro . S . Marks embracing all the delicacies of tbe season , indeed , we have before remarked that this worthy brother knows how to serve up a Masonic banquet as well as any caterer at whoso table we have sat . Bro . Marks having the happy knack of providing good viands , good wines , at moderate charges , aud good attendance under his personal