Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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inspection , a combination which goes far to satisfy the mosfc fastidious . The cloth having been removed and a good dessert placed in the table , the following Masonic and other toasts were given and responded to . "The Queen arrd the Craft , " by the W . M . " Tbe Prince anel Princess of AA'ales , and Royal Family , " in proposing which the AA' . M . stated that he was informed that the former illustrious individual has been recently proposed ,
ballotted for , and accepted as a Freemason , an announcement which was received with the greatest enthusiasm ( and which we trust may be correct ) . Bro . Thorpe , P . AT ., proposed " The Grand Master , Bro . Earl Zetland , " and the Worshipful Master , "The Deputy Grand Master and Grand Lodge . " In proposing "The Health ofthe Provincial Grand Master , " the AA ' . M . expressed his regret that he had received no answer to his invitation to that worthbrother to be present on that
y evening . "The Deputy Provincial Grand Masters and Officers of Provincial Grancl Lodge , " was proposed by the W . M ., and ably responded to by Bro . AA'illans , P . M ,, Prov . G . Deacon . " The Past Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Tynte , " by the AA ' . M ., responded to by Bro . Thorpe , P . M . " The Health ' of the Worshipful Master , " proposed in eulogistic terms by Bro . AA'illans , elicited a very feeling response from Bro . Bell . Song , Bro . B . Jenkins— "The Cork Leg" with characteristic effect . The
, , W . M . proposed " The Immediate Past Master , Bro . AA'illans , " who duly responded . "The Officers , " responded to by Bro . Bird , S . AV ., and Bro . Sladen , S . AY . "The Visitors , " coupled with the names of Bros . E . J . Thomas and P . Thomas , and the Tyler's toast by the Senior Warden , concluded the list , and the brethren separated at an early hour in tbe new year , after a most agreeable and truly harmonious meeting .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . HULL . —The Humher Lodge . —On the 27 th ult . being the anniversary of St . John the Evangelist , this lodge met for the purpose of installing the officers for the year ensuing . There was a large attendance of brethren of the lodge , and many visitors , including the Worshipful Masters of the Minerva and Kingston Lodges , tbe Beverley Lodge , some provincial officers
from Lincolnshire , & c . The lodge was opened by Bro . M . Kemp , the W . M ., and received with the proper Masonic salute the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . J . P . Bell , M . L ., who subsequently performed the ceremony of installing Bro . AV . D . Keyworth , tbe W . M . elect . At the close of tbe ceremony thanks were given by acclamation to the D . Prov . G . Master for his kindness in attending and performing the ceremony . The newly-installed W . M . then proceeded to instal his officers .
After lodge duties , sixty of the brethren dined together at Glover ' s Hotel , where a first-class banquet was set before them , and served in Bro . Glover's usual excellent manner . The following is a complete list of the officers of the Humber Lodge for the ensuing year : —Bros . W . D . Keyworth , WM . ; M . Kemp , P . M . ; J . AA' alker , S . W . ; E . Raw , J . AV . ; D . Middlemist , Chap . ; J . Fountain , P . Prov . G . S . B ., Treas . ; J . P . Backwell , Sec . ; B . S . GatesLecture Master ; AV . E . DuncanS . D . ; G .
, , H . 0 . Hamerton ; J . D . ; R . Thomas , Dir . of Cers . ; J . Linwood , Librarian and Secretary to the Lodge of Instruction ; J . AA ' . Stephenson , Org . ; Tessevman , AV . H . Bee , G . Spikins , G . Boulbv , L . L . Gosschalk , W . H . Sollitt , M . Haberland , G . Peacock , Stewards ; G . Haigh , Inner Guaid ; G . Gawthorn , Assistant Inner Guard ; AA' . Johnson , Prov . G . T ., Tyler ; J . Norton , Assistant Tyler . Sixty sat clown to the banquet .
Royal Arch.
CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . —Chapter of Union ( No . 310 ) . —A regularly summoned , " convocation of this chapter was held , at the Freemasons ' Hall , on the 27 th ult ., being St . John ' s Day . The chapter' was duly openeel at 1 . 30 p . m ., by Comps . C . J . Bannister , P . Z ., Prov . G . Dir . of Cirs . Grand Chapter of England , as Z . ; F . AA ' . Hayward , as H . ; Thomas Routledge , P . Z ., as I . ; Thos . Blacklock , H . as Scribe N : AAA'oodhouseScribe EGGHayward
, . . , . ; . . , Prin . Soj . ; AV . Irwin , Assist . Soj . ; also , Comps . Henry Fleming and the Rev . VV . Cockett . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . Henry F . Faithful ! , P . M . 1 , 074 , Cockevmoutb , which proved unanimous in his favour . He being in attendance , was duly prepared , admitted , and exalted to the high and holy degree of R . A . by
Royal Arch.
Comp . C . J . Bannister , in that beautiful and impressive manner which distinguishes him . The historical lecture was given by Comp . Thomas Routledge , the lecture on the emblems and working tools by Comp . F . AV . Hayward , Z ., after which the chapter was closed with prayer , according to ancient custom , the companions retiring to make room for the Craft meeting , which was held the same day .
Knights Templar.
DEA'ONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . —Soyal Veteran Encampment . —A meeting of this encampment was held at the H , uyshe Temple , on Monday , the 31 st ult . Iu the unavoidable absence of the E . Commander of the Encampment , Sir Knt . Ash , it was presided over in a most efficient way by Sir Knt . Rodda , P . E . Commander , who most ably installed a companion into the Order , and created
him a Knight of the Temple and Sepulchre . At the conclusion of this ceremony Sir Knt . Isaac AVatts , 1 st Capt ., was presented by Sir Knt . Rodda to Sir Knt . R . Rodd , P . E . Commander , for the benefit of installation , by whom the eeremony was most ably performed . Sir Knt . Isaac AVatts having been duly proclaimed , he thereupon proceeded to appoint his officers for the coining year , viz .: —Sir Knts . R . Lowe , 1 st Prelate ; V . Bird , P . Prov . B . B . 1 st Capt . ; J . ShanksProv . G . S . ; T . Heath
, , Expert ; J . Hawton , Capt . of Lines ; J . Austen , Herald , Smith , Equerry . Congratulations having been exchanged as to the recent removal into the Temple , a companion was proposed for the next encampment , and the Sir Knts . finished their Masonic labour for the year in peace and harmony .
RENFREWSHIRE . RENFREW - . —Prince of Wales Lodge ( No . 426 ) . —This lodge met in their ball on the 27 th ult . Bro . Noble , Deputy Master , occupied the chair , and installed Bros : Sim as AV . M . ; Grindlay , as Deputy Master ; Kilpatrick as S . M . The other office-bearers were 'installed by the W . M . as follows -. —Bros . J . M'L Henderson , P . M . ; J . AVeir , S . W . ; AA ' . Vernall , J . AV . ; Carl Mummie ,
Sec ; AV . Douglass , Treas . ; Rev . R . Stephen , Chap . ; J . Cameron , S . D . ; A . Buchanan , J . D . ; W . Foggo , S . Steward ; J . Crauford , J . Steward ; J . AA ' ells , I . G . ; T . Steward , S . S . Bearer ; J . Todd , I . S . Bearer ; AV . J . P . Kidd , Bible Bearer ; J . Jack , Dir . of Cers . ; J . Hay , Jeweller ; G . Fraser , Tyler . After the ceremony of installation a social meeting was held , at which the W . M . presided , and Bro . Weir , S . AV ., acted as croupier . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts the Senior AA'arden presented the AA ' . M . with a handsome watch and appendages . Bro . Sim suitably acknowledged this mark of respect from the brethren .
LniERicir . —Lden Lodge ( No . 73 ) . —The members of this lodge met at their rooms on Thursday , the 27 th ult ., at high noon , to instal officers for the next six months . The following brethren were duly installed : —Bros . M'Quaide , P . M ., AV-M . ; Adams , P . M ., S . AA' . ; Stuart , J . AV . ; Peacocke , P M . ; Bassett , P . M . ; Gibson , S . D . ; Drinkwater , J . D . ; MacNie , I . G . There was a numerous attendance of visiting brethren . At 6 . 30 the brethren adjourned to an excellently-provided banquet , which
reflected much credit upon the caterer , Bro . Stuart , who carried out all the arrangements . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given anel cordially responded to , the AA ' . M . rose and said : Brethren , the next toast on my list is one which is never forgotten in Lodge 73 , and whose name is ever mentioned with the greatest respect and Masonic friendship—I mean our old , tried , " trusty , and faithful Bro . Furnell , P . Prov . G . M . The toast was received most enthusiasticallall tbe members joining
y , in " Should auld accjuaintaince be forgot . " Bro . Bassett returned thanks on behalf of Bro . Furnell , and assured the brethren that he would not fail to inform that illustrious Bro . of the enthusiastic manner in which the toast of his health was so well proposed by the AA ' . M ., and responded to by all present .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
inspection , a combination which goes far to satisfy the mosfc fastidious . The cloth having been removed and a good dessert placed in the table , the following Masonic and other toasts were given and responded to . "The Queen arrd the Craft , " by the W . M . " Tbe Prince anel Princess of AA'ales , and Royal Family , " in proposing which the AA' . M . stated that he was informed that the former illustrious individual has been recently proposed ,
ballotted for , and accepted as a Freemason , an announcement which was received with the greatest enthusiasm ( and which we trust may be correct ) . Bro . Thorpe , P . AT ., proposed " The Grand Master , Bro . Earl Zetland , " and the Worshipful Master , "The Deputy Grand Master and Grand Lodge . " In proposing "The Health ofthe Provincial Grand Master , " the AA ' . M . expressed his regret that he had received no answer to his invitation to that worthbrother to be present on that
y evening . "The Deputy Provincial Grand Masters and Officers of Provincial Grancl Lodge , " was proposed by the W . M ., and ably responded to by Bro . AA'illans , P . M ,, Prov . G . Deacon . " The Past Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Tynte , " by the AA ' . M ., responded to by Bro . Thorpe , P . M . " The Health ' of the Worshipful Master , " proposed in eulogistic terms by Bro . AA'illans , elicited a very feeling response from Bro . Bell . Song , Bro . B . Jenkins— "The Cork Leg" with characteristic effect . The
, , W . M . proposed " The Immediate Past Master , Bro . AA'illans , " who duly responded . "The Officers , " responded to by Bro . Bird , S . AV ., and Bro . Sladen , S . AY . "The Visitors , " coupled with the names of Bros . E . J . Thomas and P . Thomas , and the Tyler's toast by the Senior Warden , concluded the list , and the brethren separated at an early hour in tbe new year , after a most agreeable and truly harmonious meeting .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . HULL . —The Humher Lodge . —On the 27 th ult . being the anniversary of St . John the Evangelist , this lodge met for the purpose of installing the officers for the year ensuing . There was a large attendance of brethren of the lodge , and many visitors , including the Worshipful Masters of the Minerva and Kingston Lodges , tbe Beverley Lodge , some provincial officers
from Lincolnshire , & c . The lodge was opened by Bro . M . Kemp , the W . M ., and received with the proper Masonic salute the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . J . P . Bell , M . L ., who subsequently performed the ceremony of installing Bro . AV . D . Keyworth , tbe W . M . elect . At the close of tbe ceremony thanks were given by acclamation to the D . Prov . G . Master for his kindness in attending and performing the ceremony . The newly-installed W . M . then proceeded to instal his officers .
After lodge duties , sixty of the brethren dined together at Glover ' s Hotel , where a first-class banquet was set before them , and served in Bro . Glover's usual excellent manner . The following is a complete list of the officers of the Humber Lodge for the ensuing year : —Bros . W . D . Keyworth , WM . ; M . Kemp , P . M . ; J . AA' alker , S . W . ; E . Raw , J . AV . ; D . Middlemist , Chap . ; J . Fountain , P . Prov . G . S . B ., Treas . ; J . P . Backwell , Sec . ; B . S . GatesLecture Master ; AV . E . DuncanS . D . ; G .
, , H . 0 . Hamerton ; J . D . ; R . Thomas , Dir . of Cers . ; J . Linwood , Librarian and Secretary to the Lodge of Instruction ; J . AA ' . Stephenson , Org . ; Tessevman , AV . H . Bee , G . Spikins , G . Boulbv , L . L . Gosschalk , W . H . Sollitt , M . Haberland , G . Peacock , Stewards ; G . Haigh , Inner Guaid ; G . Gawthorn , Assistant Inner Guard ; AA' . Johnson , Prov . G . T ., Tyler ; J . Norton , Assistant Tyler . Sixty sat clown to the banquet .
Royal Arch.
CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . —Chapter of Union ( No . 310 ) . —A regularly summoned , " convocation of this chapter was held , at the Freemasons ' Hall , on the 27 th ult ., being St . John ' s Day . The chapter' was duly openeel at 1 . 30 p . m ., by Comps . C . J . Bannister , P . Z ., Prov . G . Dir . of Cirs . Grand Chapter of England , as Z . ; F . AA ' . Hayward , as H . ; Thomas Routledge , P . Z ., as I . ; Thos . Blacklock , H . as Scribe N : AAA'oodhouseScribe EGGHayward
, . . , . ; . . , Prin . Soj . ; AV . Irwin , Assist . Soj . ; also , Comps . Henry Fleming and the Rev . VV . Cockett . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . Henry F . Faithful ! , P . M . 1 , 074 , Cockevmoutb , which proved unanimous in his favour . He being in attendance , was duly prepared , admitted , and exalted to the high and holy degree of R . A . by
Royal Arch.
Comp . C . J . Bannister , in that beautiful and impressive manner which distinguishes him . The historical lecture was given by Comp . Thomas Routledge , the lecture on the emblems and working tools by Comp . F . AV . Hayward , Z ., after which the chapter was closed with prayer , according to ancient custom , the companions retiring to make room for the Craft meeting , which was held the same day .
Knights Templar.
DEA'ONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . —Soyal Veteran Encampment . —A meeting of this encampment was held at the H , uyshe Temple , on Monday , the 31 st ult . Iu the unavoidable absence of the E . Commander of the Encampment , Sir Knt . Ash , it was presided over in a most efficient way by Sir Knt . Rodda , P . E . Commander , who most ably installed a companion into the Order , and created
him a Knight of the Temple and Sepulchre . At the conclusion of this ceremony Sir Knt . Isaac AVatts , 1 st Capt ., was presented by Sir Knt . Rodda to Sir Knt . R . Rodd , P . E . Commander , for the benefit of installation , by whom the eeremony was most ably performed . Sir Knt . Isaac AVatts having been duly proclaimed , he thereupon proceeded to appoint his officers for the coining year , viz .: —Sir Knts . R . Lowe , 1 st Prelate ; V . Bird , P . Prov . B . B . 1 st Capt . ; J . ShanksProv . G . S . ; T . Heath
, , Expert ; J . Hawton , Capt . of Lines ; J . Austen , Herald , Smith , Equerry . Congratulations having been exchanged as to the recent removal into the Temple , a companion was proposed for the next encampment , and the Sir Knts . finished their Masonic labour for the year in peace and harmony .
RENFREWSHIRE . RENFREW - . —Prince of Wales Lodge ( No . 426 ) . —This lodge met in their ball on the 27 th ult . Bro . Noble , Deputy Master , occupied the chair , and installed Bros : Sim as AV . M . ; Grindlay , as Deputy Master ; Kilpatrick as S . M . The other office-bearers were 'installed by the W . M . as follows -. —Bros . J . M'L Henderson , P . M . ; J . AVeir , S . W . ; AA ' . Vernall , J . AV . ; Carl Mummie ,
Sec ; AV . Douglass , Treas . ; Rev . R . Stephen , Chap . ; J . Cameron , S . D . ; A . Buchanan , J . D . ; W . Foggo , S . Steward ; J . Crauford , J . Steward ; J . AA ' ells , I . G . ; T . Steward , S . S . Bearer ; J . Todd , I . S . Bearer ; AV . J . P . Kidd , Bible Bearer ; J . Jack , Dir . of Cers . ; J . Hay , Jeweller ; G . Fraser , Tyler . After the ceremony of installation a social meeting was held , at which the W . M . presided , and Bro . Weir , S . AV ., acted as croupier . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts the Senior AA'arden presented the AA ' . M . with a handsome watch and appendages . Bro . Sim suitably acknowledged this mark of respect from the brethren .
LniERicir . —Lden Lodge ( No . 73 ) . —The members of this lodge met at their rooms on Thursday , the 27 th ult ., at high noon , to instal officers for the next six months . The following brethren were duly installed : —Bros . M'Quaide , P . M ., AV-M . ; Adams , P . M ., S . AA' . ; Stuart , J . AV . ; Peacocke , P M . ; Bassett , P . M . ; Gibson , S . D . ; Drinkwater , J . D . ; MacNie , I . G . There was a numerous attendance of visiting brethren . At 6 . 30 the brethren adjourned to an excellently-provided banquet , which
reflected much credit upon the caterer , Bro . Stuart , who carried out all the arrangements . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given anel cordially responded to , the AA ' . M . rose and said : Brethren , the next toast on my list is one which is never forgotten in Lodge 73 , and whose name is ever mentioned with the greatest respect and Masonic friendship—I mean our old , tried , " trusty , and faithful Bro . Furnell , P . Prov . G . M . The toast was received most enthusiasticallall tbe members joining
y , in " Should auld accjuaintaince be forgot . " Bro . Bassett returned thanks on behalf of Bro . Furnell , and assured the brethren that he would not fail to inform that illustrious Bro . of the enthusiastic manner in which the toast of his health was so well proposed by the AA ' . M ., and responded to by all present .