Article IRELAND. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ISLE OF MAN. Page 1 of 1 Article ISLE OF MAN. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 2 →
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The AV . M . requested tbe brethren to fill a bumper , as he intended to propose the health of a valued old Mason who was present , and was no other than Bro . William Glover , P . M . The toast was received with every mark of respect and esteem . Bro . Glover , in rising to respond , said ; AA'orshipful Master and brethren , I thank you sincerely for this manifestation of friendship towards myself . I am now in my eighty-fifth year , anel , no doubt , nofc far from the grave . I feel that I can depend on
our Grand Master above , and that all my dependence is on the Deity . Whilst on this earth I know I cannot have too many friends , and I feel that I am here amidst my best friends . I feel happy among you , my brethren . I have been a member of your noble Order for over sixty-two years , and I must say that during that long period I have never regretted being a member of that honourable brotherhood . Look where you will all over the glohe , from India to the Polos , and round about every region and clime , and yon will find the existence of Freemasonry frnvn time immfimorial . Wherever man is to be found there
our Order prevails— -all are brought into that fold , which is safety and brotherly love . No matter what creed or politics , you have peace , lave , and harmony ; and safety is the watchword and beauty of Masonry . Bro . Glover concluded a most interesting discourse , which was listened to throughout with the greatest possible interest . Other toasts followed , and the brethren dispersed highly gratified with the proceedings of the daywhich were enlivened btbe singing- and recitations
volun-, y teered by several of the brethren . TRALEE . —Lodge No . 379 . —The members of this lodge celebrated the festival of St . John , at Benners Hotel , on the 2 Sth ult . Upwards of forty-five sat down to dinner at six o'clock . Tbe bill of fare was excellent , and did credit to tbe establishment . Under the late AV . M . Bro . D . de Courcy Mc'Gillicuddy , jun ., the lodge made rapid progress . His zeal , his energy , and
Iiis close attention to the duties of his office have greatly contributed to advance the interests of the lodge . Visiting brethren have from time to time , we are informed , pronounced 379 amongst one of the best conducted lodges in Ireland . Its members have increased largely during the past year . The evening past off most agreeably . A ftei- the usual toasts , some excellent singing and music followed . The chair was ably filled by Bro . AVilliam J . Egar , who has been elected AA' . M . for the ensuing half year . The brethren were highly pleased with the evenings proceedings .
Isle Of Man.
DOUGLAS . —Athole Lodge ( No . 1004 ) . —Tbe members of this lodge celebrated the Festival of St . John , on Thursday , the 27 th ult ,, at the loelge rooms , Douglas Hotel . There wasim excellent muster of tire members of the Craft , special interest being taken in the proceedings from tho fact that tho installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . II . Priest Mayle , was to take place during the evening . Amongst those present were the following four Past MastersBros . H . MayleT . BawdenE . R . Allpressand J . It
, , , , . Bowman . The last two rvero visitors , as were also Bros . Dr . Montford , Kntwistle , 371 ; AValton , of London ; and 11 . Murray Scott , of King Solomon ' s Lodge . The new AA ' . M . was duly installed by the Past Masters , the Installing Master being Bro . H . Mayle . Bro . Dr . J . N . Cregeen , was then raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason ; and subsequently the officers for the ensuing year were appointed as follow : Bros . T . S . Shaw , "
S . AV . ; L . P . Ken-ley , J . AV . ; H . Mayle , P . M ., Treas . ; John A . Brown , Sec ; T . Hundley , S . D . ; and Samuel AVebb . J . D . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the banquetting room , where the usual loyal anel Masonic toasts were dul y honoured . RAMSEY . —St . Mangliold Lodge ( No . 1 , 075 . )—The anniversary meeting of this young and flourishing lodge , was celebrated on AVednesdaythe 2 nd inst . The lodge having been opened b
, y Bro . H . Rothwell ivbo had been unanimously re-elected W . M . for the ensuing year , the only business before it , was the appointment of officers , who were duly invested by Bro . J . Crennell , P . M . 104 , with an ability rarely witnessed in any loelge , as follow , viz . .- — Bros . Dmnbell , S . W . ; AVebb , 'J . W . ; Hunter , Treas . ; Higgins , See . ; Rev . W . Kermode , Chap . ; Walter , S . D . ; Henderson , J . D . ; Skeoch , I . G . ; A ' ondy , Tyler . Bro . Crennell
delivered the usual addresses in a very able manner . The lodge was then closeel , anel the brethren proceeded to the Royal Hotel where a sumptuous banquet was prepared and served up in the
Isle Of Man.
most perfect manner , calling forth the eneomunns of the brethren , and reflecting the greatest credit ou Miss Mybrea ' s skill as a . purveyor . About thirty sat down , the AV . M . presiding . After . the repast , the toasts of "The Queen and the Craft , the Prince and Princess of Wales anel tbe rest of the Royal family , " were drunk with becoming loyalty , after which the W . M . gave "The Most AA'orshipful Grancl Master of England , the Earl of Zetland , the Riht AA ' orshipful Deputy Grand MasterEarl de Grey and
g , Bipon , and Officers of the Grand Lodge , " in doing so he observed that the Earl of Zetland , was known to be a good Mason , and for many years presided over our Masonic affairs with unwearied exertions , the AA ' . M . regretted that Bro . Bannister , P . G . S . B . who was with them the last lodge , could not attend this evening , to return thanks on behalf of the Grand Lodge , The AV . M . then gave "The Past Officers of the St . Mangliold
Lodge , " who briefly replied , Bro . R . Teare then proposed " Tbe Health of the AVorshipful Master , " in highly complimentary terms , which was received with Masonic honours , accompanied by the warmest demonstrations of respect and attachment . The AA ' . M . briefly returned thanks , and hoped his next year of office woulel prove as successful as the last had been . Tho AV . M . then proposed "Tbe Health of the Newly Elected Officers , " who
severally responded . The Rev . Chaplain in replying to this health being drunk , delivered a very eloquent oration , on Masonry , its history , progress and teachings . The toast of " The Visitors , " was responded to by Bro . Crennell , P . M ., who pointed out to the officers and brethren their respective duties for the success of the lodge , and also congratulated the lodge on its increase in the number of respectable members admitted during the past year . The Tylers toast was then proposed , and the . brethren separated after having spent a very agreeable evening .
Obituary .
DEATH OF BRO . AVILLIAM BEAN , ALDERMAN , SCARBORO . ' AVe regret to have to announce the death , on the morning of the 22 nd ult ., of a very old anel highly respected member and P . M . of the Old Globe Lodge , " Sc . irboro' ( No . 200 ) . The deceased , Bro . Alderman Bean , was in the eightieth year of his age . His loss will not only be regretted amongst the Craft ,
bufc by a numerous circle of non-Masonic friends to whom hehad endeared himself as one of the oldest inhabitants of Scarboro , ' and who bad during his whole lifetime manifested a warm anel constant interest in the welfare of the town . Bro . Bean was initiated in the Old Globe Lodge , Scarboro , ' on November 16 th , 1 S 14 , and was exalted to the Royal Arch degree on the ? 7 th June , 1816 , of which be was a P . Z ., and was unremitting in his attendances at the lodge anel chapter meetingsProvincial
, Grand Lodge , ttc . Bro . Bean , as a public man , held the position of a member of the Scarboro' Town Council , of which bod y he was the oldest niernbeiy anel had , we understand , been elected by the burgesses a greater number of times than any other gentleman . In the year 1856 , lie was first raised to the aldermanie bench . He was generally regular in his attendance at the meetings of the Council , and
was mostly able to give useful advice on the subjects brought up for discussion . Although Bro . Bean did not push himself forward as a public man , his influence in municipal , and especially in political matters , was considerable , and he was for many years the acknowledged leader of the Liberal party in this " town , until advancing age obliged him to take a less active interest in party strife . There was , however , one way in which Bro . Bean distinguished himselfand one pursuit in the study of which he
, was known , we may say , in every scientific circle , at home or abroad . AVe allude to his passionate love and successful study of natural science . Bro . Bean ' s affection for tbe pursuit of natural history may almost be said fco have been inherent . Very early in life he distinguished himself as a botanist and entomo-Iygist ; hut it is in geology and British conchology that he has won a reputation , not only European bufc even American . There
is scarcely a museum in the kingdom or on the continent hub where his familiar handwriting attached to his specimens maybe seen , and his discoveries in conchology , though not always acknowledged so handsomely as they ought to have been , were numerous and important . The magazines of natural history are the depository of many of his valuable contributions , and his collections have been tho wouder and aclmiratiovi of visitors to .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The AV . M . requested tbe brethren to fill a bumper , as he intended to propose the health of a valued old Mason who was present , and was no other than Bro . William Glover , P . M . The toast was received with every mark of respect and esteem . Bro . Glover , in rising to respond , said ; AA'orshipful Master and brethren , I thank you sincerely for this manifestation of friendship towards myself . I am now in my eighty-fifth year , anel , no doubt , nofc far from the grave . I feel that I can depend on
our Grand Master above , and that all my dependence is on the Deity . Whilst on this earth I know I cannot have too many friends , and I feel that I am here amidst my best friends . I feel happy among you , my brethren . I have been a member of your noble Order for over sixty-two years , and I must say that during that long period I have never regretted being a member of that honourable brotherhood . Look where you will all over the glohe , from India to the Polos , and round about every region and clime , and yon will find the existence of Freemasonry frnvn time immfimorial . Wherever man is to be found there
our Order prevails— -all are brought into that fold , which is safety and brotherly love . No matter what creed or politics , you have peace , lave , and harmony ; and safety is the watchword and beauty of Masonry . Bro . Glover concluded a most interesting discourse , which was listened to throughout with the greatest possible interest . Other toasts followed , and the brethren dispersed highly gratified with the proceedings of the daywhich were enlivened btbe singing- and recitations
volun-, y teered by several of the brethren . TRALEE . —Lodge No . 379 . —The members of this lodge celebrated the festival of St . John , at Benners Hotel , on the 2 Sth ult . Upwards of forty-five sat down to dinner at six o'clock . Tbe bill of fare was excellent , and did credit to tbe establishment . Under the late AV . M . Bro . D . de Courcy Mc'Gillicuddy , jun ., the lodge made rapid progress . His zeal , his energy , and
Iiis close attention to the duties of his office have greatly contributed to advance the interests of the lodge . Visiting brethren have from time to time , we are informed , pronounced 379 amongst one of the best conducted lodges in Ireland . Its members have increased largely during the past year . The evening past off most agreeably . A ftei- the usual toasts , some excellent singing and music followed . The chair was ably filled by Bro . AVilliam J . Egar , who has been elected AA' . M . for the ensuing half year . The brethren were highly pleased with the evenings proceedings .
Isle Of Man.
DOUGLAS . —Athole Lodge ( No . 1004 ) . —Tbe members of this lodge celebrated the Festival of St . John , on Thursday , the 27 th ult ,, at the loelge rooms , Douglas Hotel . There wasim excellent muster of tire members of the Craft , special interest being taken in the proceedings from tho fact that tho installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . II . Priest Mayle , was to take place during the evening . Amongst those present were the following four Past MastersBros . H . MayleT . BawdenE . R . Allpressand J . It
, , , , . Bowman . The last two rvero visitors , as were also Bros . Dr . Montford , Kntwistle , 371 ; AValton , of London ; and 11 . Murray Scott , of King Solomon ' s Lodge . The new AA ' . M . was duly installed by the Past Masters , the Installing Master being Bro . H . Mayle . Bro . Dr . J . N . Cregeen , was then raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason ; and subsequently the officers for the ensuing year were appointed as follow : Bros . T . S . Shaw , "
S . AV . ; L . P . Ken-ley , J . AV . ; H . Mayle , P . M ., Treas . ; John A . Brown , Sec ; T . Hundley , S . D . ; and Samuel AVebb . J . D . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the banquetting room , where the usual loyal anel Masonic toasts were dul y honoured . RAMSEY . —St . Mangliold Lodge ( No . 1 , 075 . )—The anniversary meeting of this young and flourishing lodge , was celebrated on AVednesdaythe 2 nd inst . The lodge having been opened b
, y Bro . H . Rothwell ivbo had been unanimously re-elected W . M . for the ensuing year , the only business before it , was the appointment of officers , who were duly invested by Bro . J . Crennell , P . M . 104 , with an ability rarely witnessed in any loelge , as follow , viz . .- — Bros . Dmnbell , S . W . ; AVebb , 'J . W . ; Hunter , Treas . ; Higgins , See . ; Rev . W . Kermode , Chap . ; Walter , S . D . ; Henderson , J . D . ; Skeoch , I . G . ; A ' ondy , Tyler . Bro . Crennell
delivered the usual addresses in a very able manner . The lodge was then closeel , anel the brethren proceeded to the Royal Hotel where a sumptuous banquet was prepared and served up in the
Isle Of Man.
most perfect manner , calling forth the eneomunns of the brethren , and reflecting the greatest credit ou Miss Mybrea ' s skill as a . purveyor . About thirty sat down , the AV . M . presiding . After . the repast , the toasts of "The Queen and the Craft , the Prince and Princess of Wales anel tbe rest of the Royal family , " were drunk with becoming loyalty , after which the W . M . gave "The Most AA'orshipful Grancl Master of England , the Earl of Zetland , the Riht AA ' orshipful Deputy Grand MasterEarl de Grey and
g , Bipon , and Officers of the Grand Lodge , " in doing so he observed that the Earl of Zetland , was known to be a good Mason , and for many years presided over our Masonic affairs with unwearied exertions , the AA ' . M . regretted that Bro . Bannister , P . G . S . B . who was with them the last lodge , could not attend this evening , to return thanks on behalf of the Grand Lodge , The AV . M . then gave "The Past Officers of the St . Mangliold
Lodge , " who briefly replied , Bro . R . Teare then proposed " Tbe Health of the AVorshipful Master , " in highly complimentary terms , which was received with Masonic honours , accompanied by the warmest demonstrations of respect and attachment . The AA ' . M . briefly returned thanks , and hoped his next year of office woulel prove as successful as the last had been . Tho AV . M . then proposed "Tbe Health of the Newly Elected Officers , " who
severally responded . The Rev . Chaplain in replying to this health being drunk , delivered a very eloquent oration , on Masonry , its history , progress and teachings . The toast of " The Visitors , " was responded to by Bro . Crennell , P . M ., who pointed out to the officers and brethren their respective duties for the success of the lodge , and also congratulated the lodge on its increase in the number of respectable members admitted during the past year . The Tylers toast was then proposed , and the . brethren separated after having spent a very agreeable evening .
Obituary .
DEATH OF BRO . AVILLIAM BEAN , ALDERMAN , SCARBORO . ' AVe regret to have to announce the death , on the morning of the 22 nd ult ., of a very old anel highly respected member and P . M . of the Old Globe Lodge , " Sc . irboro' ( No . 200 ) . The deceased , Bro . Alderman Bean , was in the eightieth year of his age . His loss will not only be regretted amongst the Craft ,
bufc by a numerous circle of non-Masonic friends to whom hehad endeared himself as one of the oldest inhabitants of Scarboro , ' and who bad during his whole lifetime manifested a warm anel constant interest in the welfare of the town . Bro . Bean was initiated in the Old Globe Lodge , Scarboro , ' on November 16 th , 1 S 14 , and was exalted to the Royal Arch degree on the ? 7 th June , 1816 , of which be was a P . Z ., and was unremitting in his attendances at the lodge anel chapter meetingsProvincial
, Grand Lodge , ttc . Bro . Bean , as a public man , held the position of a member of the Scarboro' Town Council , of which bod y he was the oldest niernbeiy anel had , we understand , been elected by the burgesses a greater number of times than any other gentleman . In the year 1856 , lie was first raised to the aldermanie bench . He was generally regular in his attendance at the meetings of the Council , and
was mostly able to give useful advice on the subjects brought up for discussion . Although Bro . Bean did not push himself forward as a public man , his influence in municipal , and especially in political matters , was considerable , and he was for many years the acknowledged leader of the Liberal party in this " town , until advancing age obliged him to take a less active interest in party strife . There was , however , one way in which Bro . Bean distinguished himselfand one pursuit in the study of which he
, was known , we may say , in every scientific circle , at home or abroad . AVe allude to his passionate love and successful study of natural science . Bro . Bean ' s affection for tbe pursuit of natural history may almost be said fco have been inherent . Very early in life he distinguished himself as a botanist and entomo-Iygist ; hut it is in geology and British conchology that he has won a reputation , not only European bufc even American . There
is scarcely a museum in the kingdom or on the continent hub where his familiar handwriting attached to his specimens maybe seen , and his discoveries in conchology , though not always acknowledged so handsomely as they ought to have been , were numerous and important . The magazines of natural history are the depository of many of his valuable contributions , and his collections have been tho wouder and aclmiratiovi of visitors to .