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History Of Freemasonry In Cornwall.
( ballot he Avas admitted to the " first degree and passed Fellow Craft , he was afterwards proposed by the Secretary to be raised to the degree of Master , this Avas seconded by the R . W . M ., and pasfc unanimously , as a seafaring brother , he Avas
raised to that degree . '" Ifc was the present lengthy preliminaries thus dispensed with at that meeting , and for the saving of time , the proposition , initiation , passing * , and raising * were all eniereed upon and completed within a few hours .
The lodge held July 2 Sth , Avas " convened by order of the R . W . M ., to propose Mr . Stephen SoAvel , Master of the Hanover packet , the ballot being favourable he AA as initiated and passed , and the lodge Avas closed after a lecture in the first
degree . " At the next meeting it is stated that tho " Minutes of the last regular lodge night , and ihafc of emergency Avere read and confirmed . " The following strange minute occurs , September 13 fch , 1780 . "The reason of the last lodge
feeing postponed Avas on account of the great number of people which Avere then in the House , who landed from a numerous fleet . " Bro . Stephen Squce " on his application setting forth the distresses he had undergone by the Avar breaking out between Spain and England ( being at that time
resident afc Gales ) was relieved by the lodge with tone guinea . " The question on being "thrice demanded , " and nothing for the good of Masonry proposed the lodge was closed in due form . " On account of the house being full of companj * , and
by the particular desire of Mr . Job , the lodge has been discontinued to this night ( from November 8 fch to December loth , 1780 ) . Bro . George Quash proposed , the R . W . M . seconded , and " on a shoAV of hands " ifcAvas carried unanimously , that
tlie "Custom House and Sergeant Major John Heart , of the South Devon Militia , be admitted for the mysteries of Masonry . It Avas , at the same 4 ime "Resolved unanimously that the S . W . past , should sifc on the Master ' s right hand until he
passes the chair . " Tho officers appointed for the term ensuino * were Bros . Thomas McLellan , R . W . M ., Thomas Williams , S . W . ; George Quash , J . W . Bellhouse , 'Ureas . Elliot , Sec ; and Lewty , Tyler . " The
zninufces of the last lodge , Dec . 27 fch , were read and confirmed . On a motion , made by Bro . Calder , ifc was agreed fco relieve Bro . Nutt Avith £ 2 2 s ., £ 1 of AA'hich was to be given him then , and the remainder Avhen the Treasurer thought jtAi-oper . " A letter from the Grand Secretary Avas
read ( January 10 th , 1781 ) , "this night , acquainting us that a committee of Charity was to be held the 2 nd of February , and requiring us to send our subscriptions ; in consequence of which it was unanimously agreed to send £ 2 2 s . to the fund
of charity , aud the registering fees of all the new made members since the 29 th February , 1780 , for the Hall Fund . " It was "thought proper by them to alter the number of this lodge from 116 to 94 , for reasons assigned in
their letter dated November 4 th , and they also recommended a calendar to every lodge which was supported by the Grand Lodge . " This calendar was first published in 1777 , and the several laws in reference to registration and
initiation fees Avere passeel at the same meeting of the Grand Lodge , requiring "that every admitted member of a regular lodge since the 29 fch October , 1768 , should be registered , under the penalty of such Mason made , or member
admitted , being deprived of the privileges of the society . " No Mason Avas allowed to be initiated under the Constitution of Ens-land for a less sum than two guineas . It was customary to present a charitable donation in most lodges at initiation
which generally amounted to five guineas , and frequently double that sum . A motion being * made , April 11 th , 17 S 1 , the R . W . M . on behalf of the lodge , agreed to relieve Bro . Benjamin Salmon ( not a member of the lodge ) with one guinea .
Two black balls appearing * on a ballot being taken for a candidate he was rejected . The attendance of members and visitors has increased exceedingly of late , and certainly the amount of business transacted Avould be considered sufficient for a
large lodge of the present day . Two seamen Avere proposed , carried , initiated , and passed on April 25 th , and lectures on the first and second degrees were delivered . The next minute makes mention
of a new lodge . ( To be continued . )
KENLIS , M . ILL . G . SOV . By Bro . ROBERT WENTWORTH LITTLE , P . M ., & c . ( Continued from page 502 . ) His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent ( the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
History Of Freemasonry In Cornwall.
( ballot he Avas admitted to the " first degree and passed Fellow Craft , he was afterwards proposed by the Secretary to be raised to the degree of Master , this Avas seconded by the R . W . M ., and pasfc unanimously , as a seafaring brother , he Avas
raised to that degree . '" Ifc was the present lengthy preliminaries thus dispensed with at that meeting , and for the saving of time , the proposition , initiation , passing * , and raising * were all eniereed upon and completed within a few hours .
The lodge held July 2 Sth , Avas " convened by order of the R . W . M ., to propose Mr . Stephen SoAvel , Master of the Hanover packet , the ballot being favourable he AA as initiated and passed , and the lodge Avas closed after a lecture in the first
degree . " At the next meeting it is stated that tho " Minutes of the last regular lodge night , and ihafc of emergency Avere read and confirmed . " The following strange minute occurs , September 13 fch , 1780 . "The reason of the last lodge
feeing postponed Avas on account of the great number of people which Avere then in the House , who landed from a numerous fleet . " Bro . Stephen Squce " on his application setting forth the distresses he had undergone by the Avar breaking out between Spain and England ( being at that time
resident afc Gales ) was relieved by the lodge with tone guinea . " The question on being "thrice demanded , " and nothing for the good of Masonry proposed the lodge was closed in due form . " On account of the house being full of companj * , and
by the particular desire of Mr . Job , the lodge has been discontinued to this night ( from November 8 fch to December loth , 1780 ) . Bro . George Quash proposed , the R . W . M . seconded , and " on a shoAV of hands " ifcAvas carried unanimously , that
tlie "Custom House and Sergeant Major John Heart , of the South Devon Militia , be admitted for the mysteries of Masonry . It Avas , at the same 4 ime "Resolved unanimously that the S . W . past , should sifc on the Master ' s right hand until he
passes the chair . " Tho officers appointed for the term ensuino * were Bros . Thomas McLellan , R . W . M ., Thomas Williams , S . W . ; George Quash , J . W . Bellhouse , 'Ureas . Elliot , Sec ; and Lewty , Tyler . " The
zninufces of the last lodge , Dec . 27 fch , were read and confirmed . On a motion , made by Bro . Calder , ifc was agreed fco relieve Bro . Nutt Avith £ 2 2 s ., £ 1 of AA'hich was to be given him then , and the remainder Avhen the Treasurer thought jtAi-oper . " A letter from the Grand Secretary Avas
read ( January 10 th , 1781 ) , "this night , acquainting us that a committee of Charity was to be held the 2 nd of February , and requiring us to send our subscriptions ; in consequence of which it was unanimously agreed to send £ 2 2 s . to the fund
of charity , aud the registering fees of all the new made members since the 29 th February , 1780 , for the Hall Fund . " It was "thought proper by them to alter the number of this lodge from 116 to 94 , for reasons assigned in
their letter dated November 4 th , and they also recommended a calendar to every lodge which was supported by the Grand Lodge . " This calendar was first published in 1777 , and the several laws in reference to registration and
initiation fees Avere passeel at the same meeting of the Grand Lodge , requiring "that every admitted member of a regular lodge since the 29 fch October , 1768 , should be registered , under the penalty of such Mason made , or member
admitted , being deprived of the privileges of the society . " No Mason Avas allowed to be initiated under the Constitution of Ens-land for a less sum than two guineas . It was customary to present a charitable donation in most lodges at initiation
which generally amounted to five guineas , and frequently double that sum . A motion being * made , April 11 th , 17 S 1 , the R . W . M . on behalf of the lodge , agreed to relieve Bro . Benjamin Salmon ( not a member of the lodge ) with one guinea .
Two black balls appearing * on a ballot being taken for a candidate he was rejected . The attendance of members and visitors has increased exceedingly of late , and certainly the amount of business transacted Avould be considered sufficient for a
large lodge of the present day . Two seamen Avere proposed , carried , initiated , and passed on April 25 th , and lectures on the first and second degrees were delivered . The next minute makes mention
of a new lodge . ( To be continued . )
KENLIS , M . ILL . G . SOV . By Bro . ROBERT WENTWORTH LITTLE , P . M ., & c . ( Continued from page 502 . ) His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent ( the