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History Of Freemasonry In Cornwall.
father of our present Gracious Queen ) was a zealous supporter of Avhat is now called Highgrade Masonry ; under his auspices the Grand Conclave of Knights Templar , both in England and Scotland were re-established , and he omitted no opportunity of testifying his appreciation of the Christian Orders . Sir Knt , Waller Rochvell
Wright was elected Grancl Master of the Templars on the 12 th April , 1807 , and Sir Knts . John Christian Burckhardt , Richard Jebb , and William Henry White ( all of whom were Red > 5 < Knights ) , are found on the list of his Grand Officers . This
is mentioned to shoAV that the two Orders although kept strictly separate , worked amicably and harmoniously together . About this period the minutes of the meetings held appear to have been duly recorded and a few verbatim extracts
may interest those who desire to see an Order once so nobly and royally supported reinstated in a similarly proud position . It is , however , desirable to premise that the titles of the principal officers were changed when the present Grand Council
was re-organised so as to avoid clashing * Avith those used in other Orders of Freemasonry . It is also as- well to state that the Cross of the
Order can no longer be conferred upon a brother by an individual member , but that all Knights must now be installed in a regular Conclave . On the 4 fch May , 1808 , a meeting was held at Freemasons' Tavern , when " The Constitution and
Laws were read and confirmed and the following Knights elected members of the High Council , viz ., Sir Waller Rocbvell Wright , Sir Thomas Peyton Slapp , Sir George Adams Browne , Sir Richard Jebb , Sir John Christian Burckhardt ,
Sir Frederic Perkins , and Sir Charles Dalton to £ 11 that situation for the nexfc seven years . The High Council then proceeded to elect Grand Officers from amongst themselves , when the following were chosen : —Sir W . R . Wright ,
G . M . ; Sir R . Jebb , G . Chan . ; Sir J . C . Burckhardt , G . Marshall , & c , who severally took upon themselves their offices in constitutional form for the next ensuing three years . The Grand Master then nominated Sir Charles Perkins and Sir Okey Belfour , G . Heralds .
' Sir Knt . J oseph Gwilt having * been created a Knight Noviciate of this Order by Sir Knt . Frederic Perkins , 2 nd May , 1808 , Avas elected and installed a Sovereign or Knt of the Grand Cross in full chapter . " It Avas proposed by Sir Knt . F . Perkins that
any Knight who makes a noviciate should give him a certificate under his hand and seal , anil report the same to the Grand Chapter throus **!* . the Grand Registrar or his Deputy . " It may here be remarked that various terms .,
such as " Grand Council , Grand Chapter , High . Council are indifferently used to designate the ruling body . The minutes of the next meeting are brief bufc interesting , inasmuch as they record the fact of
the installation of Bro . W . H . White , then Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge , and lately deceased .. Bro . White ' s father became a member in 1788 .
" 13 th March , 1809 , Freemasons' Tavern . " The minutes of the 4 th May , 1808 , were read and confirmed . Sir J . C . Burckhardt proposed that Sir Knt . William Henry White , on whom ha had conferred the honour of creating * him s ,
Noviciate Knight should be raised to the Grand Cross . Sir Knt . William Henry White was elected and installed a Knight of the Grand Cross . "
Another meeting was held on the 4 th May , and " general business transacted " and the Knights met again on the 22 nd November , 1809 , when eight members were promoted to the Grand Cross , viz ., " Sir William Gretton , D . D . ; Rev .
Robert Hole , John Powell , William Lindley 0 John Dyke , Henry Woodthorpe , Thomas William Holder Woodthorpe , and Joseph Hippolyta da-Costa . These , however , Avere not present to be installed .
" It was agreed to meet on Monday , the ISfca , December , at the Freemasons' Tavern , afc 7 p . m .., in a Committee ofthe 1 st class . Also , that Knights creating a Noviciate should give notice fco the High Council , and that no Noviciate could receive
the greater cross until he has been a Noviciate . sis : months , unless by special dispensation in eifchei * case from the High Council . It Avas resolved that a petition signed by all Knights now of the Grand Cross should be presented to the Grand Lodge of
England for one ( of ) the vacant numbers in Grain Masonry , also to the Grand Master of the Knight Templars for a warrant of constitution to hold am encampment . " From the foregoing it would appear at the first ;
glance that all the members of the 1 st class Avere Templars—that this , hoAvever , was not the case is evidenced by the fact that Sir Knt . W . H . White received the Grand Cross on the 13 fch March ,, 1809 , and was not exalted into Royal Arclt
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
History Of Freemasonry In Cornwall.
father of our present Gracious Queen ) was a zealous supporter of Avhat is now called Highgrade Masonry ; under his auspices the Grand Conclave of Knights Templar , both in England and Scotland were re-established , and he omitted no opportunity of testifying his appreciation of the Christian Orders . Sir Knt , Waller Rochvell
Wright was elected Grancl Master of the Templars on the 12 th April , 1807 , and Sir Knts . John Christian Burckhardt , Richard Jebb , and William Henry White ( all of whom were Red > 5 < Knights ) , are found on the list of his Grand Officers . This
is mentioned to shoAV that the two Orders although kept strictly separate , worked amicably and harmoniously together . About this period the minutes of the meetings held appear to have been duly recorded and a few verbatim extracts
may interest those who desire to see an Order once so nobly and royally supported reinstated in a similarly proud position . It is , however , desirable to premise that the titles of the principal officers were changed when the present Grand Council
was re-organised so as to avoid clashing * Avith those used in other Orders of Freemasonry . It is also as- well to state that the Cross of the
Order can no longer be conferred upon a brother by an individual member , but that all Knights must now be installed in a regular Conclave . On the 4 fch May , 1808 , a meeting was held at Freemasons' Tavern , when " The Constitution and
Laws were read and confirmed and the following Knights elected members of the High Council , viz ., Sir Waller Rocbvell Wright , Sir Thomas Peyton Slapp , Sir George Adams Browne , Sir Richard Jebb , Sir John Christian Burckhardt ,
Sir Frederic Perkins , and Sir Charles Dalton to £ 11 that situation for the nexfc seven years . The High Council then proceeded to elect Grand Officers from amongst themselves , when the following were chosen : —Sir W . R . Wright ,
G . M . ; Sir R . Jebb , G . Chan . ; Sir J . C . Burckhardt , G . Marshall , & c , who severally took upon themselves their offices in constitutional form for the next ensuing three years . The Grand Master then nominated Sir Charles Perkins and Sir Okey Belfour , G . Heralds .
' Sir Knt . J oseph Gwilt having * been created a Knight Noviciate of this Order by Sir Knt . Frederic Perkins , 2 nd May , 1808 , Avas elected and installed a Sovereign or Knt of the Grand Cross in full chapter . " It Avas proposed by Sir Knt . F . Perkins that
any Knight who makes a noviciate should give him a certificate under his hand and seal , anil report the same to the Grand Chapter throus **!* . the Grand Registrar or his Deputy . " It may here be remarked that various terms .,
such as " Grand Council , Grand Chapter , High . Council are indifferently used to designate the ruling body . The minutes of the next meeting are brief bufc interesting , inasmuch as they record the fact of
the installation of Bro . W . H . White , then Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge , and lately deceased .. Bro . White ' s father became a member in 1788 .
" 13 th March , 1809 , Freemasons' Tavern . " The minutes of the 4 th May , 1808 , were read and confirmed . Sir J . C . Burckhardt proposed that Sir Knt . William Henry White , on whom ha had conferred the honour of creating * him s ,
Noviciate Knight should be raised to the Grand Cross . Sir Knt . William Henry White was elected and installed a Knight of the Grand Cross . "
Another meeting was held on the 4 th May , and " general business transacted " and the Knights met again on the 22 nd November , 1809 , when eight members were promoted to the Grand Cross , viz ., " Sir William Gretton , D . D . ; Rev .
Robert Hole , John Powell , William Lindley 0 John Dyke , Henry Woodthorpe , Thomas William Holder Woodthorpe , and Joseph Hippolyta da-Costa . These , however , Avere not present to be installed .
" It was agreed to meet on Monday , the ISfca , December , at the Freemasons' Tavern , afc 7 p . m .., in a Committee ofthe 1 st class . Also , that Knights creating a Noviciate should give notice fco the High Council , and that no Noviciate could receive
the greater cross until he has been a Noviciate . sis : months , unless by special dispensation in eifchei * case from the High Council . It Avas resolved that a petition signed by all Knights now of the Grand Cross should be presented to the Grand Lodge of
England for one ( of ) the vacant numbers in Grain Masonry , also to the Grand Master of the Knight Templars for a warrant of constitution to hold am encampment . " From the foregoing it would appear at the first ;
glance that all the members of the 1 st class Avere Templars—that this , hoAvever , was not the case is evidenced by the fact that Sir Knt . W . H . White received the Grand Cross on the 13 fch March ,, 1809 , and was not exalted into Royal Arclt