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The Nemesis: A Tale Of The Days Of Trajan.
Christians , but the presence of Balbus among them showed him how absurdly Avide of the mark he Avas . It was after this that he launched the shaft at Balbus in the bath , and he saw how deeply it had told . Cenna hated Balbus with a furious
hatred , all the more deadly that it was concealed . Robbed by him of his patrimony , in debt to him , under guise of which he Avas compelled to part Avifch his writings ; all hope of escape had left him . Bufc Cenna had a perfect knowledge of the
nefarious life of Balbus , and this secret meeting in the Suburra gave him the faint hope that by discovering * some breach of the law committed by Balbus , he might succeed in hurling him from his proud position , and escaping * from his thrall .
Night after night did he watch , but no one came , till the appointed time when once more the Bacchanals returned to celebrate their orgies . The sky was overcast with clouds , and a slight rain fell . Crossing * over to the door , he hid himself in a recess behind a pillar , and Avaited anxiously for a new arrival . Murenna came next . He knocked
m a peculiar manner at the door , when a slide in a panel opened and a voice asked : " Who is there ?" " A worshipper of Bacchus , " was the reply . The door was cautiously opened , and Murenna admitted . Cenna required very little additional
information , but he Avaited for completer proof . When satisfied that all were in , he listened at the door for some sound of revelry , but care had been taken to deaden such . From the exterior the house looked uninhabited , and no noise could be
heard without . Patiently he waited the departure of the revellers , bufc ifc was far on ere they came forth . The rain fell heavily , and the Bacchanals although reeling in their gait , staggered quickly away . "
"A brave night it has been , Balbus , " said Murenna , " Bacchus should be proud of his worshippers . " " Be silent , Murenna , mention not that name . " The women , although not so overcome Avith
wine as the men , showed by then * gestures that they had not spared the bowl . Cenna could not conceive hoAv they succeeded in escaping the watch ' s notice , but seemingly they were never interfered with , if seen . Perhaps they knew the
passwords for the night . He could furthermore perceive that in their dress they carefully imitated men's , a heavy cloak covering them up from view . He drew a long breath as he hurried away , escape from the clutches of Balbus now seemed easy .
and he had little doubt that for his valuable information , Trajan would restore to him the fortune Avhich he had been robbed of . Next morning he had an intervieAv Avitb Cassius to whom , be revealed the existence of the Bacchanals , but
without giving * any particulars . It was arranged between them that on the next night of assembly ,, he should hasten for a troop to arrest them . But for the mere accident of Caius mentioning thematter to Balbus , the Bacchanals would have been
arrested the very next night . To resolve and to perform were one and the same thing with Balbus . That afternoon he met-Cenna iu the Forum , and invited him to an entertainment at a villa without the Avails ,
whichthe unfortunate author too Avillingly accepted ,, hoping thereby to gain a further insight into thedoings of the society . Murenna and three otherswere of the number of guests , but Murtius declined to make one . The viands were of the most
sumptuous character , the wines unrivalled in Rome .. Cenna , a long stranger to the good things of life ,, ate and drank abundantly , while the others , whilepretending to indulge heavily , drank but little .. Cenna began to talk fast , and laugh loudly , drank
off bumper after bumper , till his senses reeled under his potations . Seeing him in this state .,. Balbus took a small chrystal phial from his dressand poured a portion of its contents into a gobletof Avine .
"Come , Genua , said he , pushing the goblet towards him , " let us pledge each other in a bumper . " " With all my heart . I do not love you Balbus ,, still I'll pledge yon . "
He raised the goblet to his lips , but his hand Avas so unsteady that he spilt it over his gown .. Laying down his empty goblet upon the table , helooked at it sombrely , and his senses seemed tocome back to him , and the fumes of the Avine to
dissipate . Balbus bit his lips , while the otherswatched him with uneasy countenances . "It is strange , " said Cenna , " very strange ,, what can be about to happen to me noAv ?" " What is strange ? " asked Balbus .
" Yes , it is marvellously strange , twice beforehave I spilt my wine , and misfortune followed ,. What is about to happen noAv . By the gods , ifc issurpassing strange . " " What is strange , Cenna ? " again asked Balbus , Avith anxious impatience . Cenna lifted hisheavy bloodshot eyes to his and looked earnestlj
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Nemesis: A Tale Of The Days Of Trajan.
Christians , but the presence of Balbus among them showed him how absurdly Avide of the mark he Avas . It was after this that he launched the shaft at Balbus in the bath , and he saw how deeply it had told . Cenna hated Balbus with a furious
hatred , all the more deadly that it was concealed . Robbed by him of his patrimony , in debt to him , under guise of which he Avas compelled to part Avifch his writings ; all hope of escape had left him . Bufc Cenna had a perfect knowledge of the
nefarious life of Balbus , and this secret meeting in the Suburra gave him the faint hope that by discovering * some breach of the law committed by Balbus , he might succeed in hurling him from his proud position , and escaping * from his thrall .
Night after night did he watch , but no one came , till the appointed time when once more the Bacchanals returned to celebrate their orgies . The sky was overcast with clouds , and a slight rain fell . Crossing * over to the door , he hid himself in a recess behind a pillar , and Avaited anxiously for a new arrival . Murenna came next . He knocked
m a peculiar manner at the door , when a slide in a panel opened and a voice asked : " Who is there ?" " A worshipper of Bacchus , " was the reply . The door was cautiously opened , and Murenna admitted . Cenna required very little additional
information , but he Avaited for completer proof . When satisfied that all were in , he listened at the door for some sound of revelry , but care had been taken to deaden such . From the exterior the house looked uninhabited , and no noise could be
heard without . Patiently he waited the departure of the revellers , bufc ifc was far on ere they came forth . The rain fell heavily , and the Bacchanals although reeling in their gait , staggered quickly away . "
"A brave night it has been , Balbus , " said Murenna , " Bacchus should be proud of his worshippers . " " Be silent , Murenna , mention not that name . " The women , although not so overcome Avith
wine as the men , showed by then * gestures that they had not spared the bowl . Cenna could not conceive hoAv they succeeded in escaping the watch ' s notice , but seemingly they were never interfered with , if seen . Perhaps they knew the
passwords for the night . He could furthermore perceive that in their dress they carefully imitated men's , a heavy cloak covering them up from view . He drew a long breath as he hurried away , escape from the clutches of Balbus now seemed easy .
and he had little doubt that for his valuable information , Trajan would restore to him the fortune Avhich he had been robbed of . Next morning he had an intervieAv Avitb Cassius to whom , be revealed the existence of the Bacchanals , but
without giving * any particulars . It was arranged between them that on the next night of assembly ,, he should hasten for a troop to arrest them . But for the mere accident of Caius mentioning thematter to Balbus , the Bacchanals would have been
arrested the very next night . To resolve and to perform were one and the same thing with Balbus . That afternoon he met-Cenna iu the Forum , and invited him to an entertainment at a villa without the Avails ,
whichthe unfortunate author too Avillingly accepted ,, hoping thereby to gain a further insight into thedoings of the society . Murenna and three otherswere of the number of guests , but Murtius declined to make one . The viands were of the most
sumptuous character , the wines unrivalled in Rome .. Cenna , a long stranger to the good things of life ,, ate and drank abundantly , while the others , whilepretending to indulge heavily , drank but little .. Cenna began to talk fast , and laugh loudly , drank
off bumper after bumper , till his senses reeled under his potations . Seeing him in this state .,. Balbus took a small chrystal phial from his dressand poured a portion of its contents into a gobletof Avine .
"Come , Genua , said he , pushing the goblet towards him , " let us pledge each other in a bumper . " " With all my heart . I do not love you Balbus ,, still I'll pledge yon . "
He raised the goblet to his lips , but his hand Avas so unsteady that he spilt it over his gown .. Laying down his empty goblet upon the table , helooked at it sombrely , and his senses seemed tocome back to him , and the fumes of the Avine to
dissipate . Balbus bit his lips , while the otherswatched him with uneasy countenances . "It is strange , " said Cenna , " very strange ,, what can be about to happen to me noAv ?" " What is strange ? " asked Balbus .
" Yes , it is marvellously strange , twice beforehave I spilt my wine , and misfortune followed ,. What is about to happen noAv . By the gods , ifc issurpassing strange . " " What is strange , Cenna ? " again asked Balbus , Avith anxious impatience . Cenna lifted hisheavy bloodshot eyes to his and looked earnestlj