Article MASONRY IN INDIA. Page 1 of 1
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Masonry In India.
[ From a Special Indian Correspondent . ] Bombay , 24 th February , 1859 . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER—When last I addressed you , it ivas from Malta ; I then called myself a "bird of passage . " I now write from Bombay , which I think IAT . 11 convince you of the correctness of that title . On my ivay here from Malta , overland , I ivas detained a short time in Alexandriawhere I ivas much pleased ivith the numerous shi 1 saw
-, ps pass ing in and out of the harbour , carrying Masonic emblems on their flags . There is one Lodge ( French ) in Alexandria . ¦ I now speak for Bombay , the European population of which I can safely say are all Freemasons , for walk where you -svill , you are invariably greeted by brethren . In this city I have visited many Lodges , and was well received in all . I was particularly delighted with the Lodge of Perseverance ( not our English Perseverancewhich I am sorry to say is extinctbut tho Scottish
, , Perseverance ); of which I may say that it is perhaps tbe finest that I have seen during my career in Masonry . It is , indeed , remarkable as to numbers , general appearance , and particularly for its hospitality . The first occasion on which I visited this Lodge was , fortunately for me , the installation ni ght , the R . W . Bro . Henry D . Cartwright , Prov . G . M . for Western India , presiding . There were seventy-four brethren present ; ' amongst whom were many military menof the -1-thor King's own Regimentivhich has a
, , , Lodge of its own , under the " Irish Constitution . " The lodge room , about fifty feet long by thirty broad , was'beautifully fitted up ivith flags and banners of all sorts , and some line chandeliers , which gave tbe room a most brilliant appearance ; large fans ( punkas ) were kept continually moving for thc comfort of the brethren , whose ears also were delighted with the tones of a fine organ . The whole ivas more like a fairy scene than anything I ever beheld .
The officers were installed , and the addresses given to each , in first rate styk hy the WM ., Bro . W . II . S . Crawford . After the business of the evening ivas concluded , the Lodge Avas closed in due form , and soon after the brethren retired to the banquet hall , ivhich presented a brilliant scene , in the extreme from the number of brethren present , in full craft costume . The creature comforts were elegantly and amply provided . Among the principal toasts of the evening were , " Thc Queen and the Craft ; " "All poor and distressed
Masons ; " "The three Grand Lodges ; " "The Visitors ; " to which Major Martin , of the 4 th King's Own Regiment , responded in a neat manner , inviting the brethren to visit the Lodge held in the corps to Avhich he belongs , and regretting that his regiment being under orders for the interior he could not visit the other Lodges of Bombay . I must not omit to mention that I was honoured with an invitation to the Masonic Ball , ivhich ivas held on the 26 th of January , at ivhich all the
fashionable population of the city assisted . It ivas a very delightful evening , the music and refreshments ivere both excellent , aud the dancers appeared resolved to enjoy themselves , regardless of considerations of climate . The ball was honoured by the presence of several members of both sendees , with their wives and daughters . Perhaps you may find space in yonr really valuable magazine for these few lines , ivhich may add to the information of the brethren in merry England , as to the state of Masonry in India . I remain , dear Sir and brother , yours fraternally , F . J ., 28 th Kegt ., Bombay ,
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Masonry In India.
[ From a Special Indian Correspondent . ] Bombay , 24 th February , 1859 . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER—When last I addressed you , it ivas from Malta ; I then called myself a "bird of passage . " I now write from Bombay , which I think IAT . 11 convince you of the correctness of that title . On my ivay here from Malta , overland , I ivas detained a short time in Alexandriawhere I ivas much pleased ivith the numerous shi 1 saw
-, ps pass ing in and out of the harbour , carrying Masonic emblems on their flags . There is one Lodge ( French ) in Alexandria . ¦ I now speak for Bombay , the European population of which I can safely say are all Freemasons , for walk where you -svill , you are invariably greeted by brethren . In this city I have visited many Lodges , and was well received in all . I was particularly delighted with the Lodge of Perseverance ( not our English Perseverancewhich I am sorry to say is extinctbut tho Scottish
, , Perseverance ); of which I may say that it is perhaps tbe finest that I have seen during my career in Masonry . It is , indeed , remarkable as to numbers , general appearance , and particularly for its hospitality . The first occasion on which I visited this Lodge was , fortunately for me , the installation ni ght , the R . W . Bro . Henry D . Cartwright , Prov . G . M . for Western India , presiding . There were seventy-four brethren present ; ' amongst whom were many military menof the -1-thor King's own Regimentivhich has a
, , , Lodge of its own , under the " Irish Constitution . " The lodge room , about fifty feet long by thirty broad , was'beautifully fitted up ivith flags and banners of all sorts , and some line chandeliers , which gave tbe room a most brilliant appearance ; large fans ( punkas ) were kept continually moving for thc comfort of the brethren , whose ears also were delighted with the tones of a fine organ . The whole ivas more like a fairy scene than anything I ever beheld .
The officers were installed , and the addresses given to each , in first rate styk hy the WM ., Bro . W . II . S . Crawford . After the business of the evening ivas concluded , the Lodge Avas closed in due form , and soon after the brethren retired to the banquet hall , ivhich presented a brilliant scene , in the extreme from the number of brethren present , in full craft costume . The creature comforts were elegantly and amply provided . Among the principal toasts of the evening were , " Thc Queen and the Craft ; " "All poor and distressed
Masons ; " "The three Grand Lodges ; " "The Visitors ; " to which Major Martin , of the 4 th King's Own Regiment , responded in a neat manner , inviting the brethren to visit the Lodge held in the corps to Avhich he belongs , and regretting that his regiment being under orders for the interior he could not visit the other Lodges of Bombay . I must not omit to mention that I was honoured with an invitation to the Masonic Ball , ivhich ivas held on the 26 th of January , at ivhich all the
fashionable population of the city assisted . It ivas a very delightful evening , the music and refreshments ivere both excellent , aud the dancers appeared resolved to enjoy themselves , regardless of considerations of climate . The ball was honoured by the presence of several members of both sendees , with their wives and daughters . Perhaps you may find space in yonr really valuable magazine for these few lines , ivhich may add to the information of the brethren in merry England , as to the state of Masonry in India . I remain , dear Sir and brother , yours fraternally , F . J ., 28 th Kegt ., Bombay ,