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degree of M . M . The Lodge Avas then closed in harmony , and tho brethren ad journed to refreshment . LINCOLNSHIRE . ArroiMirEST . —ioc / ffc—AVednesday , April 20 th , Lindsey ( 1011 ) , Public Buildings , Louth , at 0
NORTHUMBERLAND . AproiiriiijjNT . —Lodge . —AVednesdaj ' , April 20 th , Northern Counties ( 58 G ) , Bell's Court , NerVcastle , at 7 . OXFORDSHIRE . ArroisraissTS . —tod / zra . —Monday , April 18 th , Cherwcll ( S 73 ) , Hed Lion , Banbury ; Tuesday , 19 th . Alfred ( 425 ) , Masonie Hall , Oxford . OXFORD . —Churchill Lodge ( No . 702 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held on
Tuesday , the 5 th instant , at the Masonic Hall , Oxford , for the purpose of electing a AA . M ., Treasurer , & c , for the ensuing year . Bro . the Rev . J . S . Sidebotham , P . M ., occupied the chair , in the unavoidable absence of the AA . M ., and was supported by the AVardens , Bros . Plowman and Cartu-right ; the Secretary , Bro . Talbot : Bro . Spiers , P . G . S . B . ; Bro . Joy , P . M . ; Bro . Thin-laud , S . D . ; Bros . Rainsford , Severs , Harrison , and other brethren . Tlie business was chiefly of a formal kind . Five brethren of the Apollo Lodge , No . 4 C 0 , viz ., Bros . Lord Hamilton , Mills , and AVilliamsonof Christ Church ; Bro . R . L . AVatsonof Exeter Collegeand Bro J .
, , , Pratt , of St . Mary Hall , were elected joining members . The Bev . Sir F . A . Gore Ouseley , Bart ., M . A ,, of Christ Church , and Professor of Music in the University of Oxford , the S . AV . of last year , ivas duly elected to the office of AV . M . ; Bro . B . J . Spiers , Prov . G . Sword Bearer , to that of Treasurer ; and Bro . B . Bull , Tyler . The 12 th clay of May having been fixed for the installation of the AV . M . elect and his officers , the Lodge was closeel in due form and order .
SOMERSETSHIRE . ArroiKTMEHis . —Zw / j / c—AVednesday , April 20 th , Sincerity ( 327 ) , Clarke's Hotel , Taunton , at 7 . Chapter . —Tuesday , 19 th , lioyal Cumberland ( 48 ) , Masonic Hall , Bath , at 8 . Encampment —Thursday , 21 st , Hedemption through Christ , Taunton . STAFFORDSHIRE . Arr-onmiiKl . —Ledge . —AVednesday , April 20 th , Sunderland ( G 60 ) , Town HaU , Burster , at G , SUFFOLK ,
APPOIHTHINIS . —Lodges . —Moilday , * April 18 th , Providence ( 541 ) , King ' s Arms , Halesworth , at 7 ; Tuesday , 19 th , Apollo ( 383 ) , White Lion , Beecles , at 7 ; Wednesday , 20 th , Perfect 1 ' riendship ( 522 ) , "While Horse , Ipswich , at 7 . SUSSES . CHICHESTEK . —Lodge of Union ( No . A 5 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on FridayApril Sththe AA . M ., Bro . George Molesworthin the chair .
, , , Bro . AA illiam Barrett was raised to the degree of M . M . The brethren present unanimously decided on supporting Bro . Slade at the ensuing election to the Annuity Fund . A committee AA'as appointed to consider the claims of the other candidates for this , as also the AA idoira Fund . Bro . James Powell , jun ., P . M ., No . 45 , at the request of the brethren , consented to act as steward' at the anniversary festival of tire Girls School . The Lodge closed in harmony .
AVALES ( NORTH . ) ArivoisTnem . —Lodge . —Tuesday , April 19 th , St . David ' s ( 5 J 0 ) , British Hotel , Bangor , at 0 , AVARAA'ICKSHIRE . ArioiXTin-NTS . —Lorfffft—AVednesday , April 20 th , Abbey ( G 25 ) , Uewuegate Anns , Nuneaton , at 7 . jlfori-, —Monday , 18 tb , Howe ( T . I . ) , Masonic ltooms , Birmingham , at 0 ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
degree of M . M . The Lodge Avas then closed in harmony , and tho brethren ad journed to refreshment . LINCOLNSHIRE . ArroiMirEST . —ioc / ffc—AVednesday , April 20 th , Lindsey ( 1011 ) , Public Buildings , Louth , at 0
NORTHUMBERLAND . AproiiriiijjNT . —Lodge . —AVednesdaj ' , April 20 th , Northern Counties ( 58 G ) , Bell's Court , NerVcastle , at 7 . OXFORDSHIRE . ArroisraissTS . —tod / zra . —Monday , April 18 th , Cherwcll ( S 73 ) , Hed Lion , Banbury ; Tuesday , 19 th . Alfred ( 425 ) , Masonie Hall , Oxford . OXFORD . —Churchill Lodge ( No . 702 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held on
Tuesday , the 5 th instant , at the Masonic Hall , Oxford , for the purpose of electing a AA . M ., Treasurer , & c , for the ensuing year . Bro . the Rev . J . S . Sidebotham , P . M ., occupied the chair , in the unavoidable absence of the AA . M ., and was supported by the AVardens , Bros . Plowman and Cartu-right ; the Secretary , Bro . Talbot : Bro . Spiers , P . G . S . B . ; Bro . Joy , P . M . ; Bro . Thin-laud , S . D . ; Bros . Rainsford , Severs , Harrison , and other brethren . Tlie business was chiefly of a formal kind . Five brethren of the Apollo Lodge , No . 4 C 0 , viz ., Bros . Lord Hamilton , Mills , and AVilliamsonof Christ Church ; Bro . R . L . AVatsonof Exeter Collegeand Bro J .
, , , Pratt , of St . Mary Hall , were elected joining members . The Bev . Sir F . A . Gore Ouseley , Bart ., M . A ,, of Christ Church , and Professor of Music in the University of Oxford , the S . AV . of last year , ivas duly elected to the office of AV . M . ; Bro . B . J . Spiers , Prov . G . Sword Bearer , to that of Treasurer ; and Bro . B . Bull , Tyler . The 12 th clay of May having been fixed for the installation of the AV . M . elect and his officers , the Lodge was closeel in due form and order .
SOMERSETSHIRE . ArroiKTMEHis . —Zw / j / c—AVednesday , April 20 th , Sincerity ( 327 ) , Clarke's Hotel , Taunton , at 7 . Chapter . —Tuesday , 19 th , lioyal Cumberland ( 48 ) , Masonic Hall , Bath , at 8 . Encampment —Thursday , 21 st , Hedemption through Christ , Taunton . STAFFORDSHIRE . Arr-onmiiKl . —Ledge . —AVednesday , April 20 th , Sunderland ( G 60 ) , Town HaU , Burster , at G , SUFFOLK ,
APPOIHTHINIS . —Lodges . —Moilday , * April 18 th , Providence ( 541 ) , King ' s Arms , Halesworth , at 7 ; Tuesday , 19 th , Apollo ( 383 ) , White Lion , Beecles , at 7 ; Wednesday , 20 th , Perfect 1 ' riendship ( 522 ) , "While Horse , Ipswich , at 7 . SUSSES . CHICHESTEK . —Lodge of Union ( No . A 5 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on FridayApril Sththe AA . M ., Bro . George Molesworthin the chair .
, , , Bro . AA illiam Barrett was raised to the degree of M . M . The brethren present unanimously decided on supporting Bro . Slade at the ensuing election to the Annuity Fund . A committee AA'as appointed to consider the claims of the other candidates for this , as also the AA idoira Fund . Bro . James Powell , jun ., P . M ., No . 45 , at the request of the brethren , consented to act as steward' at the anniversary festival of tire Girls School . The Lodge closed in harmony .
AVALES ( NORTH . ) ArivoisTnem . —Lodge . —Tuesday , April 19 th , St . David ' s ( 5 J 0 ) , British Hotel , Bangor , at 0 , AVARAA'ICKSHIRE . ArioiXTin-NTS . —Lorfffft—AVednesday , April 20 th , Abbey ( G 25 ) , Uewuegate Anns , Nuneaton , at 7 . jlfori-, —Monday , 18 tb , Howe ( T . I . ) , Masonic ltooms , Birmingham , at 0 ,