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Knights Templar.
PROVINCIAL ENCAMPMENT . BIACKBURN . —HwjhdePayc'iisEiwaviprMtti . —Theregular meeting of this Encampment ( in consequence of special circumstances ) , was held on Monday , 29 th March , at the Old Bull Hotel , Blackburn , the E . Commander , Sir Knt . AVm . Harrison , presiding , assisted by Sir Knt . Houlker , 1 st Capt . Sir Knt . Bell , ( as 2 nd Capt . ) , Sir Knt . Clough , Prelate , and a goodly muster of the Knights of this Encampment . Several communications were readafter the minutes of previous meeting had been
, confirmed . On the motion of the B . C ., seconded by Sir Knt . Hornby , Expert , the 1 st Capt . ( Sir Knt . Houlker ) , AA-as unanimously elected E . C . for the ensuing year . Sir Knt . Clough , seconded by Sir Knt . Radcliffe , Registrar , moved a vote of thanks to Sir Knt . AVm . Harrison , E . C , for his able presidency during his term of office , and for his services in the formation and progress of the Encampment , ivhich vote ivas mianimously carried amid acclamation . The Knights had the gratification to receive the very handsome present of a muster rollfull bound in morocco and
, gilt , each page emblazoned in the proper colours , AA'ith the arms , crest , and motto of each Knight , and the name , title , & c , & c , of each illuminated in gold and colours hi juxtaposition to tho arms . The donor is the ProA-. Grand Chancellor , Sir Knt . G . J . French , of Bolton , to AA-hom a unanimous and cordial vote of thanks was given on the motion of the E . G ., seconded by Sir Knt . Bell . After Comp . John Henderson had been proposed and seconded for admission into the order , the Encampment Avas adjourned .
THURLES . A MASONIC Lodge has been established iu Thurles , through the instrumentality of Bro . James Oldham , on yyhose application a warrant ( No . 135 ) has been issued by the Grand Lodge . CAVAN . THE brethren of tho Belturbet Masonic Lodge ( No . 300 ) have just entertained Bro . Elias Hughes at a parting supper at the Lauesborough Arms Hotel on the occasion of his leaving Belturbet .
NEAV JERSEY . DEDICATION OP THE ST , JOHN ' S MASONIC HALL AT NEWARK . The dedication of this beautif id hall , confessedly one of the best appointed iri all respects of any in the Union , together ivith the usual celebration of AVashington ' s birthday by the Lodge , drew together a large number of the fraternity from
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
PROVINCIAL ENCAMPMENT . BIACKBURN . —HwjhdePayc'iisEiwaviprMtti . —Theregular meeting of this Encampment ( in consequence of special circumstances ) , was held on Monday , 29 th March , at the Old Bull Hotel , Blackburn , the E . Commander , Sir Knt . AVm . Harrison , presiding , assisted by Sir Knt . Houlker , 1 st Capt . Sir Knt . Bell , ( as 2 nd Capt . ) , Sir Knt . Clough , Prelate , and a goodly muster of the Knights of this Encampment . Several communications were readafter the minutes of previous meeting had been
, confirmed . On the motion of the B . C ., seconded by Sir Knt . Hornby , Expert , the 1 st Capt . ( Sir Knt . Houlker ) , AA-as unanimously elected E . C . for the ensuing year . Sir Knt . Clough , seconded by Sir Knt . Radcliffe , Registrar , moved a vote of thanks to Sir Knt . AVm . Harrison , E . C , for his able presidency during his term of office , and for his services in the formation and progress of the Encampment , ivhich vote ivas mianimously carried amid acclamation . The Knights had the gratification to receive the very handsome present of a muster rollfull bound in morocco and
, gilt , each page emblazoned in the proper colours , AA'ith the arms , crest , and motto of each Knight , and the name , title , & c , & c , of each illuminated in gold and colours hi juxtaposition to tho arms . The donor is the ProA-. Grand Chancellor , Sir Knt . G . J . French , of Bolton , to AA-hom a unanimous and cordial vote of thanks was given on the motion of the E . G ., seconded by Sir Knt . Bell . After Comp . John Henderson had been proposed and seconded for admission into the order , the Encampment Avas adjourned .
THURLES . A MASONIC Lodge has been established iu Thurles , through the instrumentality of Bro . James Oldham , on yyhose application a warrant ( No . 135 ) has been issued by the Grand Lodge . CAVAN . THE brethren of tho Belturbet Masonic Lodge ( No . 300 ) have just entertained Bro . Elias Hughes at a parting supper at the Lauesborough Arms Hotel on the occasion of his leaving Belturbet .
NEAV JERSEY . DEDICATION OP THE ST , JOHN ' S MASONIC HALL AT NEWARK . The dedication of this beautif id hall , confessedly one of the best appointed iri all respects of any in the Union , together ivith the usual celebration of AVashington ' s birthday by the Lodge , drew together a large number of the fraternity from