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LIMERICK . FESTIVAL or ST . JOHN . EDEN LODGE ( NO . 73 ) . —The members of the lodge met at their rooms , Cecil-street , at high noon on the 27 th ult ., to install the officers for the ensuing six months . The following brethren were duly installed : —Bros . Horrell , AA . M . j Bloore , S . AA . j Blanning , J . W . ; Peacock , P . M ., Treasurer ; Bassett ,
P . BL , Secretary ; Adams , S . D . ; Bforgan , J . D . ; Langley , I . G . At half-past six o ' clock the Junior Warden announced to the brethren present that their attendance was required in the dining-room , which was tastefully fitted up with festoons and laurels . The cloth being removed , the AV . BIASTER rose and said , Brethren , —It is an admitted fact that there is no body of men more loyal than Free and Accepted Masons , and I , therefore ,
give you " Tlie Health of her gracious Blajesty the Queen . " Hie toast was enthusiastically received by the brethren . " God Save the Queen" by Bros . Peacock and Keane , the former accompanying on the piano . The W . MASTER again rose and said he had great pleasure in proposing "The Health of the Prince and Princess of AVales , " which was well received . The next toast was the three Grand Blasters , Earl of Zetland for England , Bro . Melville for Scotland , and the Duke of Leinster for Ireland , which was cordially responded to , and received all the honours these exalted brethren were entitled to .
Ihe AV . MASTER , then called on the Senior and Junior AVardens to command the brethren to fill their glasses , and in doing so he said he had a toast to propose ivhich would , no doubt , be received with every possible esteem and respect , and when he mentioned the name of their excellent Provincial Grand Blaster , Bro . Henry Westropp , he was sure it would be responded to in the manner he so eminently deserved . The toast was received with great honours , cheering , and the
usual salute . Bros . PEACOCKE and BI'QUAIDE , Prov . Grand Officers , returned thanks . The W . BIASTER said—The next toast on my list is one which , I am sure , all Bfasons present will respond to with every feeling of attachment . I mean " Our ex-Provincial Grand Master , Brother Blichael Furnell , 33 , " who is undoubtedly one of the best of Bfasons in this kingdom , and one whose very
name shall ever be revered in Lodge 73 . ( Applause . ) Tho toast was received , as it always has been , with great cheering . The W . BIASTER then requested Bros . Burke , Peacocke , and M'Quaido to visit the Brethren of Lodge 13 ( who were also celebrating the festival at Cleary's , late Cruise ' s Royal Hotel ) , as a deputation from Lodge 73 . The next toast was— " The Visiting Brethren , " which was well received . Bro . SMYTH , P . M ., said—AVorshipful Blaster , Brother Senior and Junior Wardens , I thank you sincerely for your kindness in proposing my health , and for the enthusiastic manner in which it has been received . I do not deserve such a manifestation of
your festeem towards _ me . As an old member of this lodge ( although not now a subscribing member ) , I always found the greatest possible pleasure in working with you . 1 am happy to see such unanimity of feeling and brotherly love . Blay it long continue . I can only say , if my stay in this garrison be further prolonged , I will feel it an honour to again join your lodgo . ( Several voices . —You are right welcome to 73 . ) I thank you , brethren , for your kindness . Blay relief and truth still be your
motto . Bro . Smyth concluded an excellent speech , and resumed his seat amidst much applause . Bro . PERSSE rose to respond and said—AA'brshipful Blaster and brethren , I thank you on behalf of Lodge No . 333 , for coupling my name with the toast of the Visiting Brethren . I have only to say , as far as lies in my power , I shall to the best of my ability advance the cause of Bfasonry , and I never shall forget the kindness of Lod 73 . ( Hearhear . )
ge , A Past Blaster ' s jewel was then presented to Bro . Langley . At this juncture of the proceedings Bro . Gubbins , D . Prov . G . M . ( ex-High Sheriff , co . Limerick ) , and Bro . Crokcr , the deputation from Lodge 13 , were announced by the I . G . They were cordially saluted by the lodge , and took their seats at thc festive board . Bro . ADAMS , S . D ., proposed the health of the AV . M . in very happy terms , which ivas ably responded to .
Bro . BASSETT said , —I feel great pleasure , AVorshipful Blaster and brethren , in proposing the health of two esteemed brethren whom we are right glad to see amongst us this evening . I mean Bros . Gubbins and Croker , the deputation from Lodge 13 . AVe are always happy to meet visiting brethren from every lodge , but more particularly those of our sister lodges in this city . ( Hear , hear . ) The toast was put from the chair , and very warmly received with all the honours .
Bro . GUBBINS , D . Prov . G . Bf ., in responding , said , —AVorshipful Blaster , Senior and Junior Wardens , and brethren , I thank you for the kind and fraternal manner in which our healths , as the deputation of Lodge 13 to 73 , has been proposed by Bro . Bassett and so warmly acknowledged by you all . I only express the sentiments of No . 13 when I tell you how delighted they will be to receive any members of this lodge , when they think fit to visit usas we are most happy to meet them and ive them
, g the right hand of brotherly fellowship . ( Applause . ) For the very kind and fraternal manner in which we have been received , accept our warmest acknowledgments . Bro . Gubbins took his seat amidst great applause . Bro . SMYTH proposed the toast of Lodge 13 , ivhich was very well received by the brethren and ably responded to by Bro . Gubbins .
Bro . ADAMS said , —I wish , AVorshipful Sir and brethren , to propose the health of our excellent Secretary . Take him in that capacity , or as a gentleman , or proprietor of the Limerick Southern Chronicle , we don't know in which to admire him most . AA ere I gifted with eloquence I might dilate on the many amiable qualities of Bro . Bassett ; but I will content myself by giving you his very good health . ( Hear , hear . ) It was very warmly received by the brethren with all the honours .
Bro . BASSETT rose to respond . He said , —AVorshipful Blaster , Senior and Junior AVardens , and brethren , I really feel somewhat embarrassed by the very kind and eloquent manner in which Bro . Adams has proposed my health . In his allusion to me as Secretary of this lodge , I can only say that I have always continued to feel the very sincerest pleasure in doing everything in my power , as associated with the interests of the brethren of 73 . ( Hear , hear . ) AVith regard to my position as
a journalist , it has been my constant endeavour to pursue a fair aud honourable course between all sections of the community . BIy desire is still to continue in that course , and I shall ever make it my duty to uphold , in the columns of the Limerick Southern Chronicle , the time-honoured principles of Freemasonry . ( Applause . ) Bro . BIOORE , S . AV ., said he wished to propose the health of one of the deputationin his official capacity as Deputy
Pro-, vincial Grand Blaster , and in doing so felt sure that the . brethren ivould receive it with all possible respect . ( Hear , hear . ) Tlie toast was received with all the honours . Bro . GUBBINS said—Worshipful Blaster , Brother Senior and
Junior AVardens , I thank you tor the honour now done me in proposing my health in my official capacity as Deputy Provincial Grand Blaster . I feel that I do not altogether deserve such a compliment from you , and that it is all attributable to our worthy Provincial Grand Blaster , Bro . AA estropp , who is , I assure you , a good head over mo . ( Hear , hear . ) I did not expect , however , when I came amongst you this evening to enjoy your hospitality , that I would be required to make this , my third
speech . ( Laughter . ) Again I beg to thank you . ( Cheers . ) The Senior Warden's health was then proposed and heartily responded to . Bro . BASSETT—I am sure , Worshipful Master , you will permit me to propose the health of our Junior Warden , Bro . Blanning , for his assiduity , care , and attention in providing so excellent a dinner as that we have partaken of this evening . He has done his duty well , and deserves our thanks . ( Hear , hear . )
The toast was then given , and received right well by the brethren . Bro . BIANNING returned thanks in very suitable terms , and further contributed to the harmony of the evening by singing " Shilly Shally . " Bro . BASSETT proposed the toast of Lodge 333 , coupling with it the Worshipful Blaster of that lodge ( Captain Burke ) , which was received by the brethren with every manifestation of esteem
and respect for that worthy brother . All the honours being given , Bro . BURKE , AV . BI . of 333 , rose to respond . He said—Really , Worshipful Blaster , AVardens , and brethren , I return you my most heartfelt thanks for the very , I must say over
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LIMERICK . FESTIVAL or ST . JOHN . EDEN LODGE ( NO . 73 ) . —The members of the lodge met at their rooms , Cecil-street , at high noon on the 27 th ult ., to install the officers for the ensuing six months . The following brethren were duly installed : —Bros . Horrell , AA . M . j Bloore , S . AA . j Blanning , J . W . ; Peacock , P . M ., Treasurer ; Bassett ,
P . BL , Secretary ; Adams , S . D . ; Bforgan , J . D . ; Langley , I . G . At half-past six o ' clock the Junior Warden announced to the brethren present that their attendance was required in the dining-room , which was tastefully fitted up with festoons and laurels . The cloth being removed , the AV . BIASTER rose and said , Brethren , —It is an admitted fact that there is no body of men more loyal than Free and Accepted Masons , and I , therefore ,
give you " Tlie Health of her gracious Blajesty the Queen . " Hie toast was enthusiastically received by the brethren . " God Save the Queen" by Bros . Peacock and Keane , the former accompanying on the piano . The W . MASTER again rose and said he had great pleasure in proposing "The Health of the Prince and Princess of AVales , " which was well received . The next toast was the three Grand Blasters , Earl of Zetland for England , Bro . Melville for Scotland , and the Duke of Leinster for Ireland , which was cordially responded to , and received all the honours these exalted brethren were entitled to .
Ihe AV . MASTER , then called on the Senior and Junior AVardens to command the brethren to fill their glasses , and in doing so he said he had a toast to propose ivhich would , no doubt , be received with every possible esteem and respect , and when he mentioned the name of their excellent Provincial Grand Blaster , Bro . Henry Westropp , he was sure it would be responded to in the manner he so eminently deserved . The toast was received with great honours , cheering , and the
usual salute . Bros . PEACOCKE and BI'QUAIDE , Prov . Grand Officers , returned thanks . The W . BIASTER said—The next toast on my list is one which , I am sure , all Bfasons present will respond to with every feeling of attachment . I mean " Our ex-Provincial Grand Master , Brother Blichael Furnell , 33 , " who is undoubtedly one of the best of Bfasons in this kingdom , and one whose very
name shall ever be revered in Lodge 73 . ( Applause . ) Tho toast was received , as it always has been , with great cheering . The W . BIASTER then requested Bros . Burke , Peacocke , and M'Quaido to visit the Brethren of Lodge 13 ( who were also celebrating the festival at Cleary's , late Cruise ' s Royal Hotel ) , as a deputation from Lodge 73 . The next toast was— " The Visiting Brethren , " which was well received . Bro . SMYTH , P . M ., said—AVorshipful Blaster , Brother Senior and Junior Wardens , I thank you sincerely for your kindness in proposing my health , and for the enthusiastic manner in which it has been received . I do not deserve such a manifestation of
your festeem towards _ me . As an old member of this lodge ( although not now a subscribing member ) , I always found the greatest possible pleasure in working with you . 1 am happy to see such unanimity of feeling and brotherly love . Blay it long continue . I can only say , if my stay in this garrison be further prolonged , I will feel it an honour to again join your lodgo . ( Several voices . —You are right welcome to 73 . ) I thank you , brethren , for your kindness . Blay relief and truth still be your
motto . Bro . Smyth concluded an excellent speech , and resumed his seat amidst much applause . Bro . PERSSE rose to respond and said—AA'brshipful Blaster and brethren , I thank you on behalf of Lodge No . 333 , for coupling my name with the toast of the Visiting Brethren . I have only to say , as far as lies in my power , I shall to the best of my ability advance the cause of Bfasonry , and I never shall forget the kindness of Lod 73 . ( Hearhear . )
ge , A Past Blaster ' s jewel was then presented to Bro . Langley . At this juncture of the proceedings Bro . Gubbins , D . Prov . G . M . ( ex-High Sheriff , co . Limerick ) , and Bro . Crokcr , the deputation from Lodge 13 , were announced by the I . G . They were cordially saluted by the lodge , and took their seats at thc festive board . Bro . ADAMS , S . D ., proposed the health of the AV . M . in very happy terms , which ivas ably responded to .
Bro . BASSETT said , —I feel great pleasure , AVorshipful Blaster and brethren , in proposing the health of two esteemed brethren whom we are right glad to see amongst us this evening . I mean Bros . Gubbins and Croker , the deputation from Lodge 13 . AVe are always happy to meet visiting brethren from every lodge , but more particularly those of our sister lodges in this city . ( Hear , hear . ) The toast was put from the chair , and very warmly received with all the honours .
Bro . GUBBINS , D . Prov . G . Bf ., in responding , said , —AVorshipful Blaster , Senior and Junior Wardens , and brethren , I thank you for the kind and fraternal manner in which our healths , as the deputation of Lodge 13 to 73 , has been proposed by Bro . Bassett and so warmly acknowledged by you all . I only express the sentiments of No . 13 when I tell you how delighted they will be to receive any members of this lodge , when they think fit to visit usas we are most happy to meet them and ive them
, g the right hand of brotherly fellowship . ( Applause . ) For the very kind and fraternal manner in which we have been received , accept our warmest acknowledgments . Bro . Gubbins took his seat amidst great applause . Bro . SMYTH proposed the toast of Lodge 13 , ivhich was very well received by the brethren and ably responded to by Bro . Gubbins .
Bro . ADAMS said , —I wish , AVorshipful Sir and brethren , to propose the health of our excellent Secretary . Take him in that capacity , or as a gentleman , or proprietor of the Limerick Southern Chronicle , we don't know in which to admire him most . AA ere I gifted with eloquence I might dilate on the many amiable qualities of Bro . Bassett ; but I will content myself by giving you his very good health . ( Hear , hear . ) It was very warmly received by the brethren with all the honours .
Bro . BASSETT rose to respond . He said , —AVorshipful Blaster , Senior and Junior AVardens , and brethren , I really feel somewhat embarrassed by the very kind and eloquent manner in which Bro . Adams has proposed my health . In his allusion to me as Secretary of this lodge , I can only say that I have always continued to feel the very sincerest pleasure in doing everything in my power , as associated with the interests of the brethren of 73 . ( Hear , hear . ) AVith regard to my position as
a journalist , it has been my constant endeavour to pursue a fair aud honourable course between all sections of the community . BIy desire is still to continue in that course , and I shall ever make it my duty to uphold , in the columns of the Limerick Southern Chronicle , the time-honoured principles of Freemasonry . ( Applause . ) Bro . BIOORE , S . AV ., said he wished to propose the health of one of the deputationin his official capacity as Deputy
Pro-, vincial Grand Blaster , and in doing so felt sure that the . brethren ivould receive it with all possible respect . ( Hear , hear . ) Tlie toast was received with all the honours . Bro . GUBBINS said—Worshipful Blaster , Brother Senior and
Junior AVardens , I thank you tor the honour now done me in proposing my health in my official capacity as Deputy Provincial Grand Blaster . I feel that I do not altogether deserve such a compliment from you , and that it is all attributable to our worthy Provincial Grand Blaster , Bro . AA estropp , who is , I assure you , a good head over mo . ( Hear , hear . ) I did not expect , however , when I came amongst you this evening to enjoy your hospitality , that I would be required to make this , my third
speech . ( Laughter . ) Again I beg to thank you . ( Cheers . ) The Senior Warden's health was then proposed and heartily responded to . Bro . BASSETT—I am sure , Worshipful Master , you will permit me to propose the health of our Junior Warden , Bro . Blanning , for his assiduity , care , and attention in providing so excellent a dinner as that we have partaken of this evening . He has done his duty well , and deserves our thanks . ( Hear , hear . )
The toast was then given , and received right well by the brethren . Bro . BIANNING returned thanks in very suitable terms , and further contributed to the harmony of the evening by singing " Shilly Shally . " Bro . BASSETT proposed the toast of Lodge 333 , coupling with it the Worshipful Blaster of that lodge ( Captain Burke ) , which was received by the brethren with every manifestation of esteem
and respect for that worthy brother . All the honours being given , Bro . BURKE , AV . BI . of 333 , rose to respond . He said—Really , Worshipful Blaster , AVardens , and brethren , I return you my most heartfelt thanks for the very , I must say over