Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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members of the lodge being very numerous . The chair was taken by Bro . H . L . Prichard , AV . M ., who passed Bros . Thomas and Phillips to the second degree ; lie then resigned the chair to Bro . P . II . Rowland , P . M ., who raised Bro . J . AA' . Lewis to the third degree . The AV . M . then read an official communication from the Grand Secretary , notifying that the M . AV . the Grand Master the Earl of Zetland had been pleased to appoint Bro . Theodore Mansel Talbotto be Provincial Grand Master
, for the Eastern Division of South AA ' ales , in the room of Col . C . K . Keniys-Tynte , who had resigned the office in consequence of ill-health . The W . M . also reacl a letter from the Provincial Grand Master , referring to his own appointment , and gracefully alluding to the retirement of the late Prov . G . M ., also stating that he had appointed Bro . Edward James Morris , P . M . No . 237 , to be the Deputy Provincial Grand Master .
The AA ' . M . Bro . Prichard having referred to these appointments in a highly complimentary and fraternal manner , it was proposed by Bro . Rowland , P . M ., and seconded by Bro . Powell , P . M ., and resolved with acclamation , that suitable addresses should be at once prepared and forwarded to the Provincial Grand Master and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , expressing the feelings of satisfaction and congratulation entertained by the members of this lodge on the occasion . Tbe lodge was then closed , and the brethren having adjourned to refreshment , separated at an early hour , having passed a very pleasant evening .
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . BEADPOBD . —At the opening ceremony , on the 30 th ult ., of the Bradford Eye and Ear Hospital , the Mayor , Charles Semon , Esq ., in alluding to the presentation by the Lodge of Harmony ( No . 600 ) , of the beds and furniture for the wards of the hospital said : —Being a Freemason myself , it would ill become me to say much about it . You are well aware that there are certain secrets connected with Freemasonry , but of one
attribute belonging to it we make no secret , and that is charity ; and you may depend upon it , you will always find Masons ready to support establishments of a truly benevolent character . The formal presentation was made on behalf of the Lodge of Harmony , by Bro . Dewhurst , who said he hoped that the institution , the excellence and worth of which were so obvious , would meet with that measure of support and encouragement which it so well deserved . In the course of tho proceedings
, the Rev . Dr . Campbell moved a resolution expressive of thanks to the mayor , the representatives of the late Mr . AVeichers , to the Freemasons' Lodge of Harmony , and to the Amalgamated Friendly Societies , for their kindness in furnishing the wards of the charity . He paid a tribute to those who had , by their zeal and devotion to the object , brought the work to so satisfactory an issue . Mr . Bartlielmesin supporting the resolution
, of the Rev . Dr . Campbell , also warmly acknowledged the gift of tho Lodgo of Harmony , and of the Amalgamated Friendly Societies , and added that acts like these would always remain titles of honour to those bodies . AA ' e are pleased to find that tho building has been opened free of debt .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
METROPOLITAN . CHAPTEE OE SOVEREIGN PEIXCES OE ROSE CEOIX OI HEEEDoar . —A convocation of the members of this chapter was held on Tuesday , the llth inst ., in the Temple , Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street . There were piesent the 111 . Bros . Dr . R . H . Goolden , 32 ° ; Charles Goolden , 32 ° j Lieut .-Colonel GoddardDr . TullochJ . HowR . SpencerSharpeMajor
, , , , , Finney , 30 ° ; Captain Dimond , Lamert , Newton , and others , 18 ° . The election of Bro . Dr . Goolden , as M . AV . Sov ., having been confirmed , he was obligated and installed by the HI . Bro . A . Perrier , 32 ° of France . A ballot was taken for several candidates , and the following brethren who were in attendance being approved of , they were installed into this supreme degree : —Bros . Sir P . Mac de ColquhounThomas PriceB .
, , Douglas Campbell , Peter O'Hara Brady , Charles Thielfall , AV . Y . Moore , AV . A . Brunton , and Joseph J . Forrester , Bro . How acting as G . Marshal , and Bro . Tulloch as Raphael . The M . AV . Sov . then appointed as his officers—Bros . Finney , 1 st General ; Dimond , 2 nd General ; Tulloch , Prelate ; Charles Goolden , Secretary ; Sharpe , G . Marshal ; Lamert , Raphael ; Spencer , Capt . of Guard ; How , Dir . of Cers . The effect of
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
the ceremonies was greatly enhanced by the very beautiful and appropriate music belonging to the degree , under the direction of Bro . Fielding , assisted by Bros . Shoubridge , Montern Smith , ancl Distin . All business having been concluded , and the chapter closed , an adjournment was made to the banquet , at Avhich thirty brethren were present .
NOTTIN GHAMSHI RE . NoTTiXGnAJlSHTEE . — Chapter of Sovereign Princes Hose Croix . —The members of this chapter held their anniversary meeting at the Assembly Rooms , on Thursday , the Gth July , under the presidency of Bro . S . R . P . Shilton , 30 ° M . AV . S ., assisted by Bros . John Comyn , 1 st General ; Thos . Wm . Robinson , 2 nd General ; Edwin Moses Kidd , Grand Marshal ; Matthew A ' owelsRaphaelH . Alfred AttenborrowCaptain
, ; , of Guard ; and John Gumming Banwell , Equerry AA'ithout ; The chapter was honoured with the presence of the 111 . Bro . Hyde Pullen , 32 ° , who , after the chapter had been solemnly opened by the M . AV . S ., proceeded to initiate the candidates into this most beautiful of all degrees , and in that impressive and dignified manner which is so highly appreciated by all who know him . Bro . Pullen then proceeded to instal , in
ancient and solemn form , the 111 . Bro . John Comyn , as M . W . S . for the ensuing year , who appointed the following officers : — The Rev . Charles Walter Hudson , Prelate ; Thos . AV . Robinson , 1 st General ; Edwin Moses Kidd , 2 nd General ; Matthew A ' owles , Grand Marshal ; Henry Alfred Attenborrow , Raphael ; Francis George Rawson , Captain of tbe Guard ; John Gumming BanwellEquerry AA'ithout . Bro . S . R . P . Shiltonas
, , P . M . AV . S ., proposed , and tbe M . AV . S . seconded , a vote of thanks to the 111 . Bro . Hyde Pullen , for his great kindness in leaving his distant home to attend the chapter , at the same time coupling with it the name of the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for England ancl AVales , and the dependencies of the British crown , who is a native of this townwhich was carried unanimously . There being no further
, business before the chapter , the same was closed in due form , according to ancient custom . The brethren then adjourned to the George Hotel , and partook of a sumptuous banquet , presided over by the M . AA ' . S . After the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal toasts were duly honoured ; then followed much valuable and instructive Masonic information , ancl all departed highly gratified .
Knights Templar.
HERTFORDSHIRE . AVATEOED . —Stuart "Encampment . —The July meeting of the Stuart Encampment was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Watford , on Monday , the 10 th inst ., and it being the day appointed for the installation of the E . C . elect , Sir Knt . C . H . Finch , on the muster roll being called over , nineteen of the twenty-six members responded to their names . Amongst those present were
the following P . E . C . ' s of the encampment—Sir Knts . AA ' m . Stuart , M . E . and S . G . M . ; George Francis , Prov . G . Commander ; Burchell-llerne , D . Prov . G . Commander ; Captain Layton , P . 1 st G . Captain ; AV . S . Tostell and G . Lambert . Previous to the installation , Comps . AT . H . Heath , of the Mount Sion Chapter ( No . 145 ) , and II . Ovey , of the Chapter of Prudence ( No . 12 ) , were introduced , and , after the usual trials and
approbation , were duly admitted into the Order , saluted , and proclaimed according to ancient form . The Prov . G . Commander then took the chair , and conducted the ceremony of the installation of the E . G . elect with the skill and ability for which he is conspicuous . The E . C . then appointed the following Sir Knts . for the ensuing year : —Sir Knts . Dr . Brett , 1 st Captain ; Rev . R . Brannon , 2 nd Captain ; Halsey , Prelate ; Horsoly
Expert ; Dr . lies , ? Capt . of Lines ; Copeland , 1 st Herald ; Banks , 2 nd Herald ; Burchell-llerne , Reg . Before the encampment was closed , the M . E . and S . G . M . animadverted in strong terms on the absence of punctuality in the attendance of some , and the appearance of other Sir Knts . without the regulation Templar clothing , and intimated his intention of not again attending unless more regularity in both respects were obtained .
NEVEE overpraise any absent person , especially ladies in the company of ladies . It is the way to bring envy and hatred upon those whom you wish well to .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
members of the lodge being very numerous . The chair was taken by Bro . H . L . Prichard , AV . M ., who passed Bros . Thomas and Phillips to the second degree ; lie then resigned the chair to Bro . P . II . Rowland , P . M ., who raised Bro . J . AA' . Lewis to the third degree . The AV . M . then read an official communication from the Grand Secretary , notifying that the M . AV . the Grand Master the Earl of Zetland had been pleased to appoint Bro . Theodore Mansel Talbotto be Provincial Grand Master
, for the Eastern Division of South AA ' ales , in the room of Col . C . K . Keniys-Tynte , who had resigned the office in consequence of ill-health . The W . M . also reacl a letter from the Provincial Grand Master , referring to his own appointment , and gracefully alluding to the retirement of the late Prov . G . M ., also stating that he had appointed Bro . Edward James Morris , P . M . No . 237 , to be the Deputy Provincial Grand Master .
The AA ' . M . Bro . Prichard having referred to these appointments in a highly complimentary and fraternal manner , it was proposed by Bro . Rowland , P . M ., and seconded by Bro . Powell , P . M ., and resolved with acclamation , that suitable addresses should be at once prepared and forwarded to the Provincial Grand Master and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , expressing the feelings of satisfaction and congratulation entertained by the members of this lodge on the occasion . Tbe lodge was then closed , and the brethren having adjourned to refreshment , separated at an early hour , having passed a very pleasant evening .
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . BEADPOBD . —At the opening ceremony , on the 30 th ult ., of the Bradford Eye and Ear Hospital , the Mayor , Charles Semon , Esq ., in alluding to the presentation by the Lodge of Harmony ( No . 600 ) , of the beds and furniture for the wards of the hospital said : —Being a Freemason myself , it would ill become me to say much about it . You are well aware that there are certain secrets connected with Freemasonry , but of one
attribute belonging to it we make no secret , and that is charity ; and you may depend upon it , you will always find Masons ready to support establishments of a truly benevolent character . The formal presentation was made on behalf of the Lodge of Harmony , by Bro . Dewhurst , who said he hoped that the institution , the excellence and worth of which were so obvious , would meet with that measure of support and encouragement which it so well deserved . In the course of tho proceedings
, the Rev . Dr . Campbell moved a resolution expressive of thanks to the mayor , the representatives of the late Mr . AVeichers , to the Freemasons' Lodge of Harmony , and to the Amalgamated Friendly Societies , for their kindness in furnishing the wards of the charity . He paid a tribute to those who had , by their zeal and devotion to the object , brought the work to so satisfactory an issue . Mr . Bartlielmesin supporting the resolution
, of the Rev . Dr . Campbell , also warmly acknowledged the gift of tho Lodgo of Harmony , and of the Amalgamated Friendly Societies , and added that acts like these would always remain titles of honour to those bodies . AA ' e are pleased to find that tho building has been opened free of debt .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
METROPOLITAN . CHAPTEE OE SOVEREIGN PEIXCES OE ROSE CEOIX OI HEEEDoar . —A convocation of the members of this chapter was held on Tuesday , the llth inst ., in the Temple , Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street . There were piesent the 111 . Bros . Dr . R . H . Goolden , 32 ° ; Charles Goolden , 32 ° j Lieut .-Colonel GoddardDr . TullochJ . HowR . SpencerSharpeMajor
, , , , , Finney , 30 ° ; Captain Dimond , Lamert , Newton , and others , 18 ° . The election of Bro . Dr . Goolden , as M . AV . Sov ., having been confirmed , he was obligated and installed by the HI . Bro . A . Perrier , 32 ° of France . A ballot was taken for several candidates , and the following brethren who were in attendance being approved of , they were installed into this supreme degree : —Bros . Sir P . Mac de ColquhounThomas PriceB .
, , Douglas Campbell , Peter O'Hara Brady , Charles Thielfall , AV . Y . Moore , AV . A . Brunton , and Joseph J . Forrester , Bro . How acting as G . Marshal , and Bro . Tulloch as Raphael . The M . AV . Sov . then appointed as his officers—Bros . Finney , 1 st General ; Dimond , 2 nd General ; Tulloch , Prelate ; Charles Goolden , Secretary ; Sharpe , G . Marshal ; Lamert , Raphael ; Spencer , Capt . of Guard ; How , Dir . of Cers . The effect of
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
the ceremonies was greatly enhanced by the very beautiful and appropriate music belonging to the degree , under the direction of Bro . Fielding , assisted by Bros . Shoubridge , Montern Smith , ancl Distin . All business having been concluded , and the chapter closed , an adjournment was made to the banquet , at Avhich thirty brethren were present .
NOTTIN GHAMSHI RE . NoTTiXGnAJlSHTEE . — Chapter of Sovereign Princes Hose Croix . —The members of this chapter held their anniversary meeting at the Assembly Rooms , on Thursday , the Gth July , under the presidency of Bro . S . R . P . Shilton , 30 ° M . AV . S ., assisted by Bros . John Comyn , 1 st General ; Thos . Wm . Robinson , 2 nd General ; Edwin Moses Kidd , Grand Marshal ; Matthew A ' owelsRaphaelH . Alfred AttenborrowCaptain
, ; , of Guard ; and John Gumming Banwell , Equerry AA'ithout ; The chapter was honoured with the presence of the 111 . Bro . Hyde Pullen , 32 ° , who , after the chapter had been solemnly opened by the M . AV . S ., proceeded to initiate the candidates into this most beautiful of all degrees , and in that impressive and dignified manner which is so highly appreciated by all who know him . Bro . Pullen then proceeded to instal , in
ancient and solemn form , the 111 . Bro . John Comyn , as M . W . S . for the ensuing year , who appointed the following officers : — The Rev . Charles Walter Hudson , Prelate ; Thos . AV . Robinson , 1 st General ; Edwin Moses Kidd , 2 nd General ; Matthew A ' owles , Grand Marshal ; Henry Alfred Attenborrow , Raphael ; Francis George Rawson , Captain of tbe Guard ; John Gumming BanwellEquerry AA'ithout . Bro . S . R . P . Shiltonas
, , P . M . AV . S ., proposed , and tbe M . AV . S . seconded , a vote of thanks to the 111 . Bro . Hyde Pullen , for his great kindness in leaving his distant home to attend the chapter , at the same time coupling with it the name of the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for England ancl AVales , and the dependencies of the British crown , who is a native of this townwhich was carried unanimously . There being no further
, business before the chapter , the same was closed in due form , according to ancient custom . The brethren then adjourned to the George Hotel , and partook of a sumptuous banquet , presided over by the M . AA ' . S . After the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal toasts were duly honoured ; then followed much valuable and instructive Masonic information , ancl all departed highly gratified .
Knights Templar.
HERTFORDSHIRE . AVATEOED . —Stuart "Encampment . —The July meeting of the Stuart Encampment was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Watford , on Monday , the 10 th inst ., and it being the day appointed for the installation of the E . C . elect , Sir Knt . C . H . Finch , on the muster roll being called over , nineteen of the twenty-six members responded to their names . Amongst those present were
the following P . E . C . ' s of the encampment—Sir Knts . AA ' m . Stuart , M . E . and S . G . M . ; George Francis , Prov . G . Commander ; Burchell-llerne , D . Prov . G . Commander ; Captain Layton , P . 1 st G . Captain ; AV . S . Tostell and G . Lambert . Previous to the installation , Comps . AT . H . Heath , of the Mount Sion Chapter ( No . 145 ) , and II . Ovey , of the Chapter of Prudence ( No . 12 ) , were introduced , and , after the usual trials and
approbation , were duly admitted into the Order , saluted , and proclaimed according to ancient form . The Prov . G . Commander then took the chair , and conducted the ceremony of the installation of the E . G . elect with the skill and ability for which he is conspicuous . The E . C . then appointed the following Sir Knts . for the ensuing year : —Sir Knts . Dr . Brett , 1 st Captain ; Rev . R . Brannon , 2 nd Captain ; Halsey , Prelate ; Horsoly
Expert ; Dr . lies , ? Capt . of Lines ; Copeland , 1 st Herald ; Banks , 2 nd Herald ; Burchell-llerne , Reg . Before the encampment was closed , the M . E . and S . G . M . animadverted in strong terms on the absence of punctuality in the attendance of some , and the appearance of other Sir Knts . without the regulation Templar clothing , and intimated his intention of not again attending unless more regularity in both respects were obtained .
NEVEE overpraise any absent person , especially ladies in the company of ladies . It is the way to bring envy and hatred upon those whom you wish well to .