Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 4 of 4 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1
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his duty ; the D . Prov . G . M . dedicated the lodge to virtue . The Prov . G . J . AV ., with oil . and proper Scripture readings , then performed his duty , and the D . Prov . G . M . dedicated the lodge to universal benevolence , thus completing the rounds of tho loelge board , and at each dedication the Prov . G . Org . played appropriate music , and at the conclusion a response anel the anthem , " Glory to God" & cwas effectivel bthe choir . Tlie
, , y sung y Prov . G . Chaplain now , with his censor , to the same volume of sweet sound elicited by the Prov . G . Org ., proceeded with his appropriate Scripture readings , to perform his duties , and the D . Prov . G . M . finished the consecration of the lodge to the Most High , Protector of widow and orphan , Friend of the friendless , by dedicating all to his holy purposes , and invoked His blessing upon the solemn rite . Grand honours , led by the Prov . G .
Dir . of Cers ., were now given by the whole assembled brethren , anel the Prov . G . Chap , offered up a beseeching prayer for prosperity to the new undertaking , strength to its officers , and beauty and harmony in all their relations . The anthem , " Glory to God on high , Let heaven and earth reply , " & c , having been skilfully performed by the musical brethren , the
D . Prov . G . M . pronounced the final dedication and constitution of the brethren and lodge , and craved the preelection , guardianship , and blessing of the Most High upon the AV . M . anel brethren in all their undertakings . The ceremony was concluded with the recitation , air , duett , and chorus , give in tlie most impressive style , the selection of the words being by Dr . Burton , and the music composed gratuitously and expressly for the ceremony by Bro . Jas . 0 . Baker . Too much praise cannot be offered to this musical finale—the recitation and air by Bro .
Singly , the duet by Bros . J . Baker anel Bragg , and the grand Hallelujah , rendered by the whole musical force , was very fine indeed , and appropriately concluded one of the most beautiful and striking ceremonies of consecration ever seen in this province . The installation was then commenced by the D . Prov . G . M ., and a board of installed masters formed , which numbered 31 , and tbe P . Prov . G . J . AV . and Grand Secretary , Bro . Frank James , were kind enough to relieve the D . Prov . G . M . of the
remainder of the installation ceremony , which in his skilful hands , assumed the quiet , and perfect character for which he is justly well known and admired by his brethren . The lodge was then called off for refreshment , and the brethren , clothed with badges , led by the new lodge , walked through several streets in procession to the Red Lion , where they were feel , we use the term advisedly , because under no acceptation of the term can they be said to have dined . Really the liberties taken by these
uninitiated publicans with tbe vitals of the brethren , is something really awful to contemplate , and such men ought to be made to feel that they have no profit in niggardliness or disregard to tbe comfort of their guests . About 120 brethren attended the meeting , and some 75 or SO dined together . The usual loyal and fraternal toasts and sentiments followed , and the stern demand of the rail thinned the party very early , all separating about nine o ' clock . This day will be long remembered
by all the brethren , as one to be marked with a bright star in their calendar , and the establishment of a lodge under good conduct and auspices at Leek , the tdtima thule of Staffordshire , is an event to be noted ; ' . not only by the brethren in North Staffordshire , but also among their neighbours of Cheshire . Long may St . Edward's prosper , and prove the wisdom of those ¦ who contributed to its foundation .
AVALES ( SOUTH ) , EASTERN DIVISION . CAEBIPE . —Eoyal Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 36 , late 43 ) . —The regular statedlodge was helelat the Masonic Hall , St . Mary-street , on Tuesday , 11 th inst . There was a very numerous attendance of the brethren , the lodge being officered ' as follow : —Bro . John Grierson , AV . M . ; Bro . T . G . South , P . M . ; Bro . F . AVare , S . W ., ( pro . tern . ); Bro . Robinson , J . W . ; Bro . N . Markes , S . D . ; Bro . R . AVatkinsJ . D . ; Bro . D . RobertsTreasurer and Secretary ;
, , Bro . F . AV . Armstrong , J . G . Lodge was opened at 7 - 30 , p . m ., and the minutes of the last loelge read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Mr . J . Emerson AVilliams , Mr . E . Ewans , and Mr . John Lord , and the two latter gent ' emen being in attendance , were properly prepared end regularly initiated into the E . A . degree . Bros . Morris , Donelly , anel O'Rourke , having undergone a satisfactory examination , were passed to tbe F . C .
degree in due form . Both ceremonies were admirably performed by the W . M ., and the chaz'ges most impressively delivered by the efficient Dir . of Cers ., Bro . W . J . Gaskell , P . M ., the musical portions of the ceremonies being very effectively rendered by
Bro . Wilkes , organist of Llundaff Cathedral . The lodge having closed down to the first degree , some private business was transacted , and the W . M . announced that a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge would be held at Aberavon , on Thursday , 20 th inst ., and invited the attendance of all his officers and as many of the brethren as possible , as this being the senior lodge in the provincethe dutof opening the lodge would devolve upon
, y himself and his officers . A letter was read from the Grand Secretary , stating that upon the new registering of the lodges , the Glamorgan stood 36 instead of 43 , as formerly . A brother having been proposed as a joining member , the loelge was closed in perfect harmony at 10 o ' clock .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . USITED PIIGBIMS CKAETEB . ( No . 507 ) . —This flourishing chapter held its usual quarterly meeting on Tuesday , August 4 th , at the Horns Tavern , Kennington . There were two brethren exalted , and Comp . F . Walters was vmanimously admitted as a joining member . This being election night , the following officers were elected , viz .: —Comps . Garrard , re-elected Z . ; Lilly , H . ; C . II . Murr , J . ; J . Thomas , P . Z ., re-elected Treas . ; C . Stuart , re-elected E . ; J . W . Halsey , N . ; Lascelles , P . S . The Janitor was re-elected . After business , the companions sat down to an excellent banquet . There were several visitors .
SCOTLAND . THE GENEHATJ GB . A : KD CHATTER . A special general meeting of the above grand body took place at St . Mark ' s Masonic Hall , Glasgow , on Wednesday afternoon , the 12 th of August . Present : M . E . Comp . Donald Campbell , Depute Grand Z . in the chair , supported by M . E . Comps . H . Campbell and David Sutherland , Acting Grand Principals H . and J . The Acting Grand Sojs . were Comps . Henry Marshall ,
A . G . Simpson , and J . K . Donald . Amongst those present were M . E . Comps . R . Clugston , James Cousins , John Laurie , R . Wallace , Grand Recorder , David Ramsay , & c . The General Grand Chapter having been opened , M . E . Comp . Donald Campbell explained the object for which the meeting had been called , and instructed the Maresehal and his Depute to conduct Comp . Sir Archibald AlisonBart . D . C . L . LZ . D .
, , , Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Glasgow , to the altar , for installation as First Grand Principal Z . for Scotland and the Colonies . Comp . Donald Campbell , assisted by his Acting Grand Principals , impressively administered the installation ceremonial , amid the most enthusiastic plaudits of the companions , who loudly cheered their new First Grand Principal as he took his seat upon the throne .
M . E . Comp . Sir AEOHIBALD Alison , Grand Z ., then returned thanks for the h onour conferred upon him , assuring the companions , that no Masonic honours could be conferred upon any one who was so much alive to the interests of the Order , although from his overwhelming avocations he had not hitherto been enabled to devote so much time as he could have wished to an Order the very essence of which was distinguished by that sacred brotherly love anel truth so characteristic of the companions of the Order .
This he had found to be the case in the Craft degree , where he had been more in connection with the brethren , but in the degree of the Royal Arch it was still more exalted . In concludingan eloquent address , he assured the companions that every endeavour would he made on his part to promote the interests , not only of the Order itself , but tbe grand body over which he had been called upon to preside throughout both Scotland and
the Colonies . Regretting that through the serious and protracted indisposition with which he had been afflicted during the earlier part of the year , had so far retarded the success of the great object in view . The General Grand Chapter was then closed in ample form , when the companions retired and-partook of an excellent and most refreshing banquet , where the sparkling champagne rapidly circled around the hall .
SHANGHAI . ZION CHAPTER ( NO . 832 ) . —The usual quarterly meeting of this chapter took place at the Masonic Hall an the 2 nd June , when Comps . Murray , Birdseye , and Gould , principals elect , were duly installed by Cornp . Rawson , Prov . Grand Supt . Present—Comps . C . Thorne , P . Z . ; Underwood , Scribe N . ; Jackson ; Parker ; Gibb , Ewing , and Grose .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
his duty ; the D . Prov . G . M . dedicated the lodge to virtue . The Prov . G . J . AV ., with oil . and proper Scripture readings , then performed his duty , and the D . Prov . G . M . dedicated the lodge to universal benevolence , thus completing the rounds of tho loelge board , and at each dedication the Prov . G . Org . played appropriate music , and at the conclusion a response anel the anthem , " Glory to God" & cwas effectivel bthe choir . Tlie
, , y sung y Prov . G . Chaplain now , with his censor , to the same volume of sweet sound elicited by the Prov . G . Org ., proceeded with his appropriate Scripture readings , to perform his duties , and the D . Prov . G . M . finished the consecration of the lodge to the Most High , Protector of widow and orphan , Friend of the friendless , by dedicating all to his holy purposes , and invoked His blessing upon the solemn rite . Grand honours , led by the Prov . G .
Dir . of Cers ., were now given by the whole assembled brethren , anel the Prov . G . Chap , offered up a beseeching prayer for prosperity to the new undertaking , strength to its officers , and beauty and harmony in all their relations . The anthem , " Glory to God on high , Let heaven and earth reply , " & c , having been skilfully performed by the musical brethren , the
D . Prov . G . M . pronounced the final dedication and constitution of the brethren and lodge , and craved the preelection , guardianship , and blessing of the Most High upon the AV . M . anel brethren in all their undertakings . The ceremony was concluded with the recitation , air , duett , and chorus , give in tlie most impressive style , the selection of the words being by Dr . Burton , and the music composed gratuitously and expressly for the ceremony by Bro . Jas . 0 . Baker . Too much praise cannot be offered to this musical finale—the recitation and air by Bro .
Singly , the duet by Bros . J . Baker anel Bragg , and the grand Hallelujah , rendered by the whole musical force , was very fine indeed , and appropriately concluded one of the most beautiful and striking ceremonies of consecration ever seen in this province . The installation was then commenced by the D . Prov . G . M ., and a board of installed masters formed , which numbered 31 , and tbe P . Prov . G . J . AV . and Grand Secretary , Bro . Frank James , were kind enough to relieve the D . Prov . G . M . of the
remainder of the installation ceremony , which in his skilful hands , assumed the quiet , and perfect character for which he is justly well known and admired by his brethren . The lodge was then called off for refreshment , and the brethren , clothed with badges , led by the new lodge , walked through several streets in procession to the Red Lion , where they were feel , we use the term advisedly , because under no acceptation of the term can they be said to have dined . Really the liberties taken by these
uninitiated publicans with tbe vitals of the brethren , is something really awful to contemplate , and such men ought to be made to feel that they have no profit in niggardliness or disregard to tbe comfort of their guests . About 120 brethren attended the meeting , and some 75 or SO dined together . The usual loyal and fraternal toasts and sentiments followed , and the stern demand of the rail thinned the party very early , all separating about nine o ' clock . This day will be long remembered
by all the brethren , as one to be marked with a bright star in their calendar , and the establishment of a lodge under good conduct and auspices at Leek , the tdtima thule of Staffordshire , is an event to be noted ; ' . not only by the brethren in North Staffordshire , but also among their neighbours of Cheshire . Long may St . Edward's prosper , and prove the wisdom of those ¦ who contributed to its foundation .
AVALES ( SOUTH ) , EASTERN DIVISION . CAEBIPE . —Eoyal Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 36 , late 43 ) . —The regular statedlodge was helelat the Masonic Hall , St . Mary-street , on Tuesday , 11 th inst . There was a very numerous attendance of the brethren , the lodge being officered ' as follow : —Bro . John Grierson , AV . M . ; Bro . T . G . South , P . M . ; Bro . F . AVare , S . W ., ( pro . tern . ); Bro . Robinson , J . W . ; Bro . N . Markes , S . D . ; Bro . R . AVatkinsJ . D . ; Bro . D . RobertsTreasurer and Secretary ;
, , Bro . F . AV . Armstrong , J . G . Lodge was opened at 7 - 30 , p . m ., and the minutes of the last loelge read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Mr . J . Emerson AVilliams , Mr . E . Ewans , and Mr . John Lord , and the two latter gent ' emen being in attendance , were properly prepared end regularly initiated into the E . A . degree . Bros . Morris , Donelly , anel O'Rourke , having undergone a satisfactory examination , were passed to tbe F . C .
degree in due form . Both ceremonies were admirably performed by the W . M ., and the chaz'ges most impressively delivered by the efficient Dir . of Cers ., Bro . W . J . Gaskell , P . M ., the musical portions of the ceremonies being very effectively rendered by
Bro . Wilkes , organist of Llundaff Cathedral . The lodge having closed down to the first degree , some private business was transacted , and the W . M . announced that a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge would be held at Aberavon , on Thursday , 20 th inst ., and invited the attendance of all his officers and as many of the brethren as possible , as this being the senior lodge in the provincethe dutof opening the lodge would devolve upon
, y himself and his officers . A letter was read from the Grand Secretary , stating that upon the new registering of the lodges , the Glamorgan stood 36 instead of 43 , as formerly . A brother having been proposed as a joining member , the loelge was closed in perfect harmony at 10 o ' clock .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . USITED PIIGBIMS CKAETEB . ( No . 507 ) . —This flourishing chapter held its usual quarterly meeting on Tuesday , August 4 th , at the Horns Tavern , Kennington . There were two brethren exalted , and Comp . F . Walters was vmanimously admitted as a joining member . This being election night , the following officers were elected , viz .: —Comps . Garrard , re-elected Z . ; Lilly , H . ; C . II . Murr , J . ; J . Thomas , P . Z ., re-elected Treas . ; C . Stuart , re-elected E . ; J . W . Halsey , N . ; Lascelles , P . S . The Janitor was re-elected . After business , the companions sat down to an excellent banquet . There were several visitors .
SCOTLAND . THE GENEHATJ GB . A : KD CHATTER . A special general meeting of the above grand body took place at St . Mark ' s Masonic Hall , Glasgow , on Wednesday afternoon , the 12 th of August . Present : M . E . Comp . Donald Campbell , Depute Grand Z . in the chair , supported by M . E . Comps . H . Campbell and David Sutherland , Acting Grand Principals H . and J . The Acting Grand Sojs . were Comps . Henry Marshall ,
A . G . Simpson , and J . K . Donald . Amongst those present were M . E . Comps . R . Clugston , James Cousins , John Laurie , R . Wallace , Grand Recorder , David Ramsay , & c . The General Grand Chapter having been opened , M . E . Comp . Donald Campbell explained the object for which the meeting had been called , and instructed the Maresehal and his Depute to conduct Comp . Sir Archibald AlisonBart . D . C . L . LZ . D .
, , , Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Glasgow , to the altar , for installation as First Grand Principal Z . for Scotland and the Colonies . Comp . Donald Campbell , assisted by his Acting Grand Principals , impressively administered the installation ceremonial , amid the most enthusiastic plaudits of the companions , who loudly cheered their new First Grand Principal as he took his seat upon the throne .
M . E . Comp . Sir AEOHIBALD Alison , Grand Z ., then returned thanks for the h onour conferred upon him , assuring the companions , that no Masonic honours could be conferred upon any one who was so much alive to the interests of the Order , although from his overwhelming avocations he had not hitherto been enabled to devote so much time as he could have wished to an Order the very essence of which was distinguished by that sacred brotherly love anel truth so characteristic of the companions of the Order .
This he had found to be the case in the Craft degree , where he had been more in connection with the brethren , but in the degree of the Royal Arch it was still more exalted . In concludingan eloquent address , he assured the companions that every endeavour would he made on his part to promote the interests , not only of the Order itself , but tbe grand body over which he had been called upon to preside throughout both Scotland and
the Colonies . Regretting that through the serious and protracted indisposition with which he had been afflicted during the earlier part of the year , had so far retarded the success of the great object in view . The General Grand Chapter was then closed in ample form , when the companions retired and-partook of an excellent and most refreshing banquet , where the sparkling champagne rapidly circled around the hall .
SHANGHAI . ZION CHAPTER ( NO . 832 ) . —The usual quarterly meeting of this chapter took place at the Masonic Hall an the 2 nd June , when Comps . Murray , Birdseye , and Gould , principals elect , were duly installed by Cornp . Rawson , Prov . Grand Supt . Present—Comps . C . Thorne , P . Z . ; Underwood , Scribe N . ; Jackson ; Parker ; Gibb , Ewing , and Grose .