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CAPE OF GOOD HOPE . CAPE TOWN . —British Lodge ( No . 419 ) . —The installation of officers of this loelge tookplace on St . John ' s Day , June 24-th nt 3 p . m ., when Bro . J . S . Rowe was installed AV . M ., who then appointed the followingbrethren as officers , investing them with their respective collars : —Bros . A . Sharp , P . M . ; Russell , S . AV . ; R ,
R . Robinson , J . W . ; T . Inglesby , Treas . ; J . Hopkirk , Sec . ; Traviss , P . D . ; Dolman , J . D . ; j . X Hnynes , I . G-. ; Brandt , Organist ; and Bro . Gangel , Tyler . The lodge was afterwards adjourned till half past 6 p . m ., when the brethren dined together in tho banquet room of tire lodge , the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Soutbey , and tho R . W . D . Prov . G . M . of the
Netherlands , Bro . Sir Christopher Brand , being present . After dinner , during which tlie Bavarian Band played some excellent pieces , tbe following toasts were proposed and drank , each being succeeded by appropriate music : — " The Queen and the Craft ;" " The Prince and Princess of AA ' ales ; " " The Earl of Zetland , Grand Master of England ; " in proposing the last named the
AV . M . announced that the noble Earl had again- been unanimously elected Grand Master for another year by Grand Lodge , ( Immense cheering and applause ) . Bro . Southey , Prov . G . M ., having returned thanks , the " Health of tho Grand Masters all over the World" was proposed by the Bro . S . W ., to which , after a hearty response thereto by the brethren , the R . W . D . Prov . G . M . of the Netherlands replied , as follows : —Right 7
Worshipful Sir , AAorshipful Sir , and brethren , —In rising to return thanks for the toast you have just so warmly received , believe me , when I state that I esteem it a special pleasure to meet you again at this festive board ; heing a member of the British lodge , I have always taken the deepest interest in its welfare , having watched its progress , I may say , from the very birth ; most heartily do I appreciate the reception given me at
all times within its walls , as also within those of the lodge under the Scotch constitution in this colony ; I allude to the " Southern Cross " where , when on a similar occasion to this , I last had the felicity of being present at their banquet , a like toast to that you have just drank was proposed by the AA ' . M .
and cordially responded to by the brethren , since which , in a portion of my Masonic correspondence with H . R . H . the Grand Master of the Netherlands , I made allusion to the occasion , quoting my reply on his behalf , in answer to which I have received this letter which , with tho permission of the AV . M ., I will read to the brethren in accordance with the wish therein expressed . The letter , which thanked the D . Prov . G . M . for the able expression of the writer ' s sentiments on the occasion
alluded to , and contained a genuine assurance of the interest taken by his Royal Highness in the welfare of the Order was here read , and at its conclusion was received with prolonged , cheering . The speaker then thanked the brethren with much sincerity for the reception given the toast of the Grand Masters all over the world . ( Cheers . ) "The Earl de Grey and Ripon " was the next toast brought forward bthe AVManel
y .. cordially responded to . The D . Prov . G . M . of the Netherlands then , in suitable terms , tendering his best services to Bro . Southey , proposed "The Health ofthe Prov . G . M . of England , lately appointed for this colony . " This toast was received with a most unmistukeable expressions-of satisfaction at the annoucement . The Prov . G . M . replied in a short but appropriate speech , assuring the brethren of his full appreciation of the
honour conferred upon him , and of his unceasing efforts to render the appointment as beneficial to the Craft , and to the constitution he represented , as many of the brethren seemed to anticipate , and he hoped that with the fraternal advice aud assistance of his worthy Bro . the D . Prov . G . M . of the Netherlands , and the co-operation of the AV . M . and officers of the various lodges those sanguine expectations mi ght be fully realised .
( Cheers . ) The Prov . G . M . then proposed "The Health ofthe D . Prov . G . M . of the Netherlands , " to which a hearty response ¦ was given ; for this toast the D . Prov . G . M . returned thanks , when that , " To the outgoing Officers" was given , drank , and suitably acknowledged . A few other Masonic toasts being disposed of , the in-coming W . M . and officers closed the lodge in due form and harmony . The brethren departed at high twelve inpeace , love , and harnionv .
BRITISH COLUMBIA . The following is the copy of an address from the brethren of British Columbia , through the Union Lodge ( No . 1201 ) , at New AA estminster , to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , on his attaining his majority , which was presented through the kindness of the much esteemed anel honoured brother , the Right Honourable the Earl of Lincoln : — To Sis Royal Highness ihe Prince of WalesSfc . § c .
, Sin AXD BEOTHEE , — The W . M ., officers , and brethren of Union Lodge ( No . 1201 ) , of Free and Accepted Masons , New AA estminster , British Columbia , beg leave most respectfully to greet your Royal Highness , on this the day of your birth and of your majority ; and although amongst us are numbered the representatives of many nations to whose governments they still owe their fealty , they heartily join their brethren of British
origin in that profound respect and fraternal love with which your Royal Highness has so happily inspired all classes of the subjects of Her Most Gracious Majesty . Long may you continue to walk in the sunbeam smiles of that mystic light , unm ' mgleel with darkness , directed by the all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of the Universe . May yon have strength to support you in the discharge of the important
duties assigned to your exalted station , wisdom to direct youisteps , and the beauty of holiness to adorn your labours , when by our Supreme Grand Master's word you will be raised to that blissful lodge which , to those worthy of admittance , will remain open during the boundless ages of eternity . So may it be . AVe have the honour to remain , Sir and Brother
, Your Royal Higlmess's humble servants , On behalf of the brethren , H . HOLBBOOK , W . M . J . A EP . XON SEDDALI ., S . AA . George Fry , Secretary . VALEJJTINE HAIX , J . AV .
Reply to Address . Buckingham Palace , 24 th Feb . 1863 . Lieut . General Knollys has had the honour of faying before the Prince of AA ' ales the address from the officers and brethren of the Union Lodge ( No . 1201 ) of Freemasons at New AArestminster , British Columbia , and he has been commanded to express the great gratification His Royal Highness has experienced in perusing the sentiments contained in it .
MAURITIUS . POET LOUIS . —Military Lodge ( No . 235 ) . —AVednesday , the 24 th of June , being St . John the Baptist ' s Day , the Freemasons of Mauritius celebrated the occasion in their usual manner . At the invitation of the Military Lodge ( No . 235 ) , of the Grand Loelge of Ireland , the brethren of the British Lodge ( No . 1038 ) , and of the Lodge of Harmony ( No . 1143 ) , of the Grand Lodge of Englandand the brethren of the Lodges La
, Paix and La Triple Esperance , of the Grand Orient of France , and many visiting brethren assembled at the Temple in Government-street , and thence , headed by the excellent band of the 13 th Regiment , went in Masonic costume and Masonic procession to St . James ' s Cathedra ] , for the purpose of divine worship . The number of Freemasons attending was more than usually large , and it was a pleasurable and suggestive fact to notice ,
that in this public procession of men , banded together for an unquestionably holy purpose , the rich and influential were to be found , side by side , with their poorer and humbler fellowcreatures , thus , in open day , practically demonstrating two of the well-known principles of Freemasonry , viz ., natural equality and mutual dependence . A large concourse of people lined the route of the processionhutbthe active exertions of the
, , y police , the utmost order and decorum prevailed . After the performance of the Evening Service , in which the choir assisted in a very satisfactory manner , the P . M ., the Rev . M . C . Odell , Chaplain to the British and Military Lodges , ascended the pulpit , and delivered to the brethren a very remarkable and excellent sermon . The rev . brother took as his text , Malachi , chapter 4 , verses 5 and 6 . Throughout the sermon could be
remarked the deep-seated piety of the preacher , and his loving anxiety for the spiritual blessing of the assembled brethren . His clear and logical deductions from tbe text were embellished by most apt quotations , and the beautiful parallel drawn by the rev . brother between the Prophets Elijah and John tlie Baptist , in which he pointed out to tlie congregation the similarity of their missions , the near identity of their characters , and the qualities of truthfulness , boldness , and patience as displayed bv
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE . CAPE TOWN . —British Lodge ( No . 419 ) . —The installation of officers of this loelge tookplace on St . John ' s Day , June 24-th nt 3 p . m ., when Bro . J . S . Rowe was installed AV . M ., who then appointed the followingbrethren as officers , investing them with their respective collars : —Bros . A . Sharp , P . M . ; Russell , S . AV . ; R ,
R . Robinson , J . W . ; T . Inglesby , Treas . ; J . Hopkirk , Sec . ; Traviss , P . D . ; Dolman , J . D . ; j . X Hnynes , I . G-. ; Brandt , Organist ; and Bro . Gangel , Tyler . The lodge was afterwards adjourned till half past 6 p . m ., when the brethren dined together in tho banquet room of tire lodge , the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Soutbey , and tho R . W . D . Prov . G . M . of the
Netherlands , Bro . Sir Christopher Brand , being present . After dinner , during which tlie Bavarian Band played some excellent pieces , tbe following toasts were proposed and drank , each being succeeded by appropriate music : — " The Queen and the Craft ;" " The Prince and Princess of AA ' ales ; " " The Earl of Zetland , Grand Master of England ; " in proposing the last named the
AV . M . announced that the noble Earl had again- been unanimously elected Grand Master for another year by Grand Lodge , ( Immense cheering and applause ) . Bro . Southey , Prov . G . M ., having returned thanks , the " Health of tho Grand Masters all over the World" was proposed by the Bro . S . W ., to which , after a hearty response thereto by the brethren , the R . W . D . Prov . G . M . of the Netherlands replied , as follows : —Right 7
Worshipful Sir , AAorshipful Sir , and brethren , —In rising to return thanks for the toast you have just so warmly received , believe me , when I state that I esteem it a special pleasure to meet you again at this festive board ; heing a member of the British lodge , I have always taken the deepest interest in its welfare , having watched its progress , I may say , from the very birth ; most heartily do I appreciate the reception given me at
all times within its walls , as also within those of the lodge under the Scotch constitution in this colony ; I allude to the " Southern Cross " where , when on a similar occasion to this , I last had the felicity of being present at their banquet , a like toast to that you have just drank was proposed by the AA ' . M .
and cordially responded to by the brethren , since which , in a portion of my Masonic correspondence with H . R . H . the Grand Master of the Netherlands , I made allusion to the occasion , quoting my reply on his behalf , in answer to which I have received this letter which , with tho permission of the AV . M ., I will read to the brethren in accordance with the wish therein expressed . The letter , which thanked the D . Prov . G . M . for the able expression of the writer ' s sentiments on the occasion
alluded to , and contained a genuine assurance of the interest taken by his Royal Highness in the welfare of the Order was here read , and at its conclusion was received with prolonged , cheering . The speaker then thanked the brethren with much sincerity for the reception given the toast of the Grand Masters all over the world . ( Cheers . ) "The Earl de Grey and Ripon " was the next toast brought forward bthe AVManel
y .. cordially responded to . The D . Prov . G . M . of the Netherlands then , in suitable terms , tendering his best services to Bro . Southey , proposed "The Health ofthe Prov . G . M . of England , lately appointed for this colony . " This toast was received with a most unmistukeable expressions-of satisfaction at the annoucement . The Prov . G . M . replied in a short but appropriate speech , assuring the brethren of his full appreciation of the
honour conferred upon him , and of his unceasing efforts to render the appointment as beneficial to the Craft , and to the constitution he represented , as many of the brethren seemed to anticipate , and he hoped that with the fraternal advice aud assistance of his worthy Bro . the D . Prov . G . M . of the Netherlands , and the co-operation of the AV . M . and officers of the various lodges those sanguine expectations mi ght be fully realised .
( Cheers . ) The Prov . G . M . then proposed "The Health ofthe D . Prov . G . M . of the Netherlands , " to which a hearty response ¦ was given ; for this toast the D . Prov . G . M . returned thanks , when that , " To the outgoing Officers" was given , drank , and suitably acknowledged . A few other Masonic toasts being disposed of , the in-coming W . M . and officers closed the lodge in due form and harmony . The brethren departed at high twelve inpeace , love , and harnionv .
BRITISH COLUMBIA . The following is the copy of an address from the brethren of British Columbia , through the Union Lodge ( No . 1201 ) , at New AA estminster , to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , on his attaining his majority , which was presented through the kindness of the much esteemed anel honoured brother , the Right Honourable the Earl of Lincoln : — To Sis Royal Highness ihe Prince of WalesSfc . § c .
, Sin AXD BEOTHEE , — The W . M ., officers , and brethren of Union Lodge ( No . 1201 ) , of Free and Accepted Masons , New AA estminster , British Columbia , beg leave most respectfully to greet your Royal Highness , on this the day of your birth and of your majority ; and although amongst us are numbered the representatives of many nations to whose governments they still owe their fealty , they heartily join their brethren of British
origin in that profound respect and fraternal love with which your Royal Highness has so happily inspired all classes of the subjects of Her Most Gracious Majesty . Long may you continue to walk in the sunbeam smiles of that mystic light , unm ' mgleel with darkness , directed by the all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of the Universe . May yon have strength to support you in the discharge of the important
duties assigned to your exalted station , wisdom to direct youisteps , and the beauty of holiness to adorn your labours , when by our Supreme Grand Master's word you will be raised to that blissful lodge which , to those worthy of admittance , will remain open during the boundless ages of eternity . So may it be . AVe have the honour to remain , Sir and Brother
, Your Royal Higlmess's humble servants , On behalf of the brethren , H . HOLBBOOK , W . M . J . A EP . XON SEDDALI ., S . AA . George Fry , Secretary . VALEJJTINE HAIX , J . AV .
Reply to Address . Buckingham Palace , 24 th Feb . 1863 . Lieut . General Knollys has had the honour of faying before the Prince of AA ' ales the address from the officers and brethren of the Union Lodge ( No . 1201 ) of Freemasons at New AArestminster , British Columbia , and he has been commanded to express the great gratification His Royal Highness has experienced in perusing the sentiments contained in it .
MAURITIUS . POET LOUIS . —Military Lodge ( No . 235 ) . —AVednesday , the 24 th of June , being St . John the Baptist ' s Day , the Freemasons of Mauritius celebrated the occasion in their usual manner . At the invitation of the Military Lodge ( No . 235 ) , of the Grand Loelge of Ireland , the brethren of the British Lodge ( No . 1038 ) , and of the Lodge of Harmony ( No . 1143 ) , of the Grand Lodge of Englandand the brethren of the Lodges La
, Paix and La Triple Esperance , of the Grand Orient of France , and many visiting brethren assembled at the Temple in Government-street , and thence , headed by the excellent band of the 13 th Regiment , went in Masonic costume and Masonic procession to St . James ' s Cathedra ] , for the purpose of divine worship . The number of Freemasons attending was more than usually large , and it was a pleasurable and suggestive fact to notice ,
that in this public procession of men , banded together for an unquestionably holy purpose , the rich and influential were to be found , side by side , with their poorer and humbler fellowcreatures , thus , in open day , practically demonstrating two of the well-known principles of Freemasonry , viz ., natural equality and mutual dependence . A large concourse of people lined the route of the processionhutbthe active exertions of the
, , y police , the utmost order and decorum prevailed . After the performance of the Evening Service , in which the choir assisted in a very satisfactory manner , the P . M ., the Rev . M . C . Odell , Chaplain to the British and Military Lodges , ascended the pulpit , and delivered to the brethren a very remarkable and excellent sermon . The rev . brother took as his text , Malachi , chapter 4 , verses 5 and 6 . Throughout the sermon could be
remarked the deep-seated piety of the preacher , and his loving anxiety for the spiritual blessing of the assembled brethren . His clear and logical deductions from tbe text were embellished by most apt quotations , and the beautiful parallel drawn by the rev . brother between the Prophets Elijah and John tlie Baptist , in which he pointed out to tlie congregation the similarity of their missions , the near identity of their characters , and the qualities of truthfulness , boldness , and patience as displayed bv