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both in an equal degree , left nothing to be desired as to beauty of language , or , what is of more importance , convincing and consistent argument . The rev . brother reminded the brethren of the necessity of a strict adherence to the grand principles of Freemasonry , in which the very qualities of truthfulness , boldness , and patience , which characterised the Patron Saint of the Order , entered in so large a degree . He protested against the erroneous ideaentertained by some of the uninitiatedthat
Free-, , masonry was subversive or substitutive of the religion of scripture ; and , in a masterly manner , the rev . brother Indicated how eminently Freemasonry served as the preparative and auxiliary to that revealed religion which is essential to the happiness -and well-being of the human race . He entreated the brethren to recal to their minds the great fundamental truths of natural religion , to remark how their importance and obligation on all
mankind prepared them for tho reception of the additional light imparted hy revelation ; and , finally , he warned them against neglect of the high duties common to all mankind , which would prove so great a hindrance to their reception of divine truth in all its integrity , and unfit them to derive the full benefit from the bright radiance of revelation . The lev . brother then exhorted the brethren so to act up to the teachings of Freemasonry as to win for the Order the praise and respect of the truly worthy , and by tbe exhibition in their lives of all public , social , and domestic virtues , overcome the prejudice against the
institution still felt by a few , and charged them to conduct themselves so harmlessly and unbiaineably to correct the wrong judgment of those who attribute to the fraternity iax anil unholy notions of revealed religion . At the conclusion of the sermon , which was listened to with wrapt attention on tho part of the congregation , the brethren re-formed in procession , and returned to tbe temple in Government-street . Immediately on its arrival there the Military
Loelge was resumed , and tlie installation of Bro . Luke Richard Castray , as its W . M . for tlie ensuing six mouths , was ably performed by the P . M . Henry J . Jourdain , assisted by Bro . Jules leery , Venerable ofthe Lodge La Paix , Bro . M . C . Odell , P . M ., and Bro . J . I . C . do Lissa , AA . M . of the British Lodge , and Bro . A . Povah Ambrose , AA . M . of the Lodge of Harmony . After Bro . Castray had been proclaimed according to ancient form , and the brethren hael paid the usual homage , he proceeded to
the investiture of his officers as follows : —Bros . Drs . Roch and Trousdell as Wardens ; H . R . Bell , Treas . ; Thos . Graves , Sec . ; John Kyshe , Dir . of Cers . ; Crofton , Steward ; and Smith , I . G . ; Bros . Read and Gagen , who had been elected Deacons , were unavoidably absent . All the brethren present partook of the banquet in the room below . The band of the 13 th Regiment favoured the company with a good selection of music during the evening . The assembly separated shortly after eleven o'clock .
( From ihe Indian Freemasons' Friend . ) CALCUTTA . LODGE EXCELSIOR ( NO . 825 , late 1127 ) . —Tlie third anniversary festival was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on Tuesday , the 19 th of May . The following brethren were present : —Bros : AV . H . Abbott , AV . M . ; John AVilliam BrownP . M . of Lodge No 715 as PMAFPeachJW
, . , .. ; . . , .., as S . AV . ; Farr , Secretary , as J . AA . ; the Assistant Officers , and other members of the lodge ; and visiting brethren . The following were among the guests : —Bros . F . Jennings , D . Prov . G . M ., Officiating Prov . G . M . ; AV . Clark , C . F ., Prov . J . G . AV . J . B . Roberts , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; AV . H . Hoff , Prov . G . Sec ; W . Bourne , C' . JS ., Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; J . Bennett , Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; Dr . W . BourneCKDoveCaptBSB
, . . , . . . . Parlby , W . G . Baxter , and T . A . Rambart , Prov . G . Stewards ; Dr . F . Powell , W . M . of Lodge St . John ; and others . The Grand Officers appeared in official clothing . After the lodge had been openeel , the W . M . stated that it had been his desire to receive Bro . Jennings , Officiating Prov . G . M ., in the manner suited to his high position in the Craft , but that that brother had declined the liment . He wouldhowevercall
comp , , upon the brethren to salute hhn . This was accordingly done , and was acknowledged by Ero . Jennings . After some ordinary business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren proceeded down stairs , and partook of a costly banquet , which had been provided hy the Great Eastern Hotel Company Limited . An admirable
selection of music was played by the town band during dinner . After dinner the AV . M . proposed several toasts , with brief but pertinent remarks , the band following up each toast with an appropriate air . Among the brethren vdiose healths were drunk , anel who were specially named , were Bros . Sandeman , Prov . G . M . ; Jennings , Officiating Prov . G . M . ; J . B . Roberts and W . Clark , CM . ; and W . H . Hoff ; and a deviation was made from the programme by a graceful compliment to Bro .
J . J . L . Hoff . Bro . Jennings remarked that this was the first occasion on which he had received a public , recognition of the position he then filled . In naming Bro . John AV . Brown , the W . M . heartily acknowledged the assistance he had on manyoccasions received from that worthy brother in working the lodge . The AV . M . stated that , nt such a gathering , he could not help expressing the deep interest anel the honest pride which he felt in his lod which had been called " Abbott ' s Lodge "
ge , , although " baptized by Jones . " Bro . AV . H . Hoff stated , with reference to the allusion made to him by the AV . M ., that , so far as he was himself concerned , he would rather remain in the back ground when compliments were being distributed ; but that he felt much gratified when he received any notice for tbe sake of him who but lately occupied a prominent place in active Masonry , but who was now under affliction . The W . M . observed that it always afforded him leasure to see Bro . Hoff in his
p lodge , both for his own sake as well as for the sake of the name he bore . Bros . Chardon , Peach , and Riseley entertained the company with some excellent music , the last named brother being at the piano . Bro . Chardon ' s violin and jolly face were as welcome as ever . Bro . Peach brought the evening to a close with Bro . Abbott ' s version of "Hard times come no more . "
LODOE INDUSTRY , AND PERSEVERANCE ( NO . 126 ) . —A regular meeting was held on Friday , the 6 th of June . Present—Bro . John Smith , W . M ., presiding ; Bvo . John Wm . Brown , Honorary P . M . ; Dr . Frank Powell , AV . M . 715 and member of No . 126 ; Bro . AV . T . Lindsay , S . A \ . ; Bro . Chandler , Treas ., as J . AV . ; Bro . W . G . Baxter , Sec . Bro . Dr . Smith , AV . M ., informed the brethren that this was the last time he would preside in lodge , having agreed to leave Calcutta by the 23 rd current . He
greatly regretted that his retirement from business had occurred in the days of his mastership . Bro . Brown , in reviewing the past , spoke feelingly of the sorrow that was experienced by the brethren on the approaching departure of Bro . Smith . He adverted to the time when , as Inner Guard , he had received and announced Messrs . Smith and Stainstrcet as candidates seeking admission , and concluded by calling on the brethren to join with him in an expression of grief at the loss the lodge
would sustain on the departure of their AV . M . On a suggestion made hy Bro . Dr . Powell , the W . M . promised that , when in London , he would look after the getting up of the Centenary Medal for the lodge . This matter was first broached hi 1861 , when Bro . John Martin was \ A . M . ; but up to this time it is in statu quo . LODG-E TRUE FRiENDsmi ? . —A regular meeting was held on Tuesday , the 12 th of May . Present—Bro . Roberts , presiding . Bros . Hill , Humphreys , and Simmons were passeel to the second degree . Bro . Amos was raised to the M . M . degree by Bro .
John AV . Brown . ^ L ODGE H UMILITY WITH F ORTITUDE . —The lodge met on Monday , the 4 th of May . Bros . Morgan and Orr , of the P . and 0 . Co . ' s Service were raised to the third degree by Bro . Jennings in his usual impressive manner . Bro . F . M'Alpine , late of Lodge Marine ( No . 282 ) , was elected a joining member of the lodge . Bros . Robinson and Kelly , the former of Lodge Star of Burmah , Rangoon , and the latter of Lodge Astreca , of
Thayetmyo , were proposed as joining members , and Mr . Holmes , of the Oriental Inland Steam Navigation Company , was proposed as a candidate for initiation . After labour , the brethren adjourned to the bancpiet table , and passed a very pleasant evening , * „\ vith the assistance of several musical brethren . Another meeting was held on the 1 st of June ; Bro . J . Bowerman , P . M ., in the chair . Bros . J . Robinson and AV . Kelly were elected as joining members of the lodge ; Mr . Thomas Holmes
having been accepted by ballot , was duly initiated : and Mr . Homfray was proposed as a candidate for initiation . LODGE ST . Jorar . —A regular meeting was held on Friday , the 22 nd of May ; Bvo . Dr . Frank Powell , AV . M ., presiding . Monthly relief for six months ( to be renewed if necessary ) was voted to the wife of a Freemason who has deserted her and his children . The Scottish Lodge St . David in the East ( No . 371 ) , has also contributed to the relief of this lady and her children in their distress . The unnatural husband and parent was a member of No . 371 of Scotland .
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both in an equal degree , left nothing to be desired as to beauty of language , or , what is of more importance , convincing and consistent argument . The rev . brother reminded the brethren of the necessity of a strict adherence to the grand principles of Freemasonry , in which the very qualities of truthfulness , boldness , and patience , which characterised the Patron Saint of the Order , entered in so large a degree . He protested against the erroneous ideaentertained by some of the uninitiatedthat
Free-, , masonry was subversive or substitutive of the religion of scripture ; and , in a masterly manner , the rev . brother Indicated how eminently Freemasonry served as the preparative and auxiliary to that revealed religion which is essential to the happiness -and well-being of the human race . He entreated the brethren to recal to their minds the great fundamental truths of natural religion , to remark how their importance and obligation on all
mankind prepared them for tho reception of the additional light imparted hy revelation ; and , finally , he warned them against neglect of the high duties common to all mankind , which would prove so great a hindrance to their reception of divine truth in all its integrity , and unfit them to derive the full benefit from the bright radiance of revelation . The lev . brother then exhorted the brethren so to act up to the teachings of Freemasonry as to win for the Order the praise and respect of the truly worthy , and by tbe exhibition in their lives of all public , social , and domestic virtues , overcome the prejudice against the
institution still felt by a few , and charged them to conduct themselves so harmlessly and unbiaineably to correct the wrong judgment of those who attribute to the fraternity iax anil unholy notions of revealed religion . At the conclusion of the sermon , which was listened to with wrapt attention on tho part of the congregation , the brethren re-formed in procession , and returned to tbe temple in Government-street . Immediately on its arrival there the Military
Loelge was resumed , and tlie installation of Bro . Luke Richard Castray , as its W . M . for tlie ensuing six mouths , was ably performed by the P . M . Henry J . Jourdain , assisted by Bro . Jules leery , Venerable ofthe Lodge La Paix , Bro . M . C . Odell , P . M ., and Bro . J . I . C . do Lissa , AA . M . of the British Lodge , and Bro . A . Povah Ambrose , AA . M . of the Lodge of Harmony . After Bro . Castray had been proclaimed according to ancient form , and the brethren hael paid the usual homage , he proceeded to
the investiture of his officers as follows : —Bros . Drs . Roch and Trousdell as Wardens ; H . R . Bell , Treas . ; Thos . Graves , Sec . ; John Kyshe , Dir . of Cers . ; Crofton , Steward ; and Smith , I . G . ; Bros . Read and Gagen , who had been elected Deacons , were unavoidably absent . All the brethren present partook of the banquet in the room below . The band of the 13 th Regiment favoured the company with a good selection of music during the evening . The assembly separated shortly after eleven o'clock .
( From ihe Indian Freemasons' Friend . ) CALCUTTA . LODGE EXCELSIOR ( NO . 825 , late 1127 ) . —Tlie third anniversary festival was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on Tuesday , the 19 th of May . The following brethren were present : —Bros : AV . H . Abbott , AV . M . ; John AVilliam BrownP . M . of Lodge No 715 as PMAFPeachJW
, . , .. ; . . , .., as S . AV . ; Farr , Secretary , as J . AA . ; the Assistant Officers , and other members of the lodge ; and visiting brethren . The following were among the guests : —Bros . F . Jennings , D . Prov . G . M ., Officiating Prov . G . M . ; AV . Clark , C . F ., Prov . J . G . AV . J . B . Roberts , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; AV . H . Hoff , Prov . G . Sec ; W . Bourne , C' . JS ., Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; J . Bennett , Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; Dr . W . BourneCKDoveCaptBSB
, . . , . . . . Parlby , W . G . Baxter , and T . A . Rambart , Prov . G . Stewards ; Dr . F . Powell , W . M . of Lodge St . John ; and others . The Grand Officers appeared in official clothing . After the lodge had been openeel , the W . M . stated that it had been his desire to receive Bro . Jennings , Officiating Prov . G . M ., in the manner suited to his high position in the Craft , but that that brother had declined the liment . He wouldhowevercall
comp , , upon the brethren to salute hhn . This was accordingly done , and was acknowledged by Ero . Jennings . After some ordinary business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren proceeded down stairs , and partook of a costly banquet , which had been provided hy the Great Eastern Hotel Company Limited . An admirable
selection of music was played by the town band during dinner . After dinner the AV . M . proposed several toasts , with brief but pertinent remarks , the band following up each toast with an appropriate air . Among the brethren vdiose healths were drunk , anel who were specially named , were Bros . Sandeman , Prov . G . M . ; Jennings , Officiating Prov . G . M . ; J . B . Roberts and W . Clark , CM . ; and W . H . Hoff ; and a deviation was made from the programme by a graceful compliment to Bro .
J . J . L . Hoff . Bro . Jennings remarked that this was the first occasion on which he had received a public , recognition of the position he then filled . In naming Bro . John AV . Brown , the W . M . heartily acknowledged the assistance he had on manyoccasions received from that worthy brother in working the lodge . The AV . M . stated that , nt such a gathering , he could not help expressing the deep interest anel the honest pride which he felt in his lod which had been called " Abbott ' s Lodge "
ge , , although " baptized by Jones . " Bro . AV . H . Hoff stated , with reference to the allusion made to him by the AV . M ., that , so far as he was himself concerned , he would rather remain in the back ground when compliments were being distributed ; but that he felt much gratified when he received any notice for tbe sake of him who but lately occupied a prominent place in active Masonry , but who was now under affliction . The W . M . observed that it always afforded him leasure to see Bro . Hoff in his
p lodge , both for his own sake as well as for the sake of the name he bore . Bros . Chardon , Peach , and Riseley entertained the company with some excellent music , the last named brother being at the piano . Bro . Chardon ' s violin and jolly face were as welcome as ever . Bro . Peach brought the evening to a close with Bro . Abbott ' s version of "Hard times come no more . "
LODOE INDUSTRY , AND PERSEVERANCE ( NO . 126 ) . —A regular meeting was held on Friday , the 6 th of June . Present—Bro . John Smith , W . M ., presiding ; Bvo . John Wm . Brown , Honorary P . M . ; Dr . Frank Powell , AV . M . 715 and member of No . 126 ; Bro . AV . T . Lindsay , S . A \ . ; Bro . Chandler , Treas ., as J . AV . ; Bro . W . G . Baxter , Sec . Bro . Dr . Smith , AV . M ., informed the brethren that this was the last time he would preside in lodge , having agreed to leave Calcutta by the 23 rd current . He
greatly regretted that his retirement from business had occurred in the days of his mastership . Bro . Brown , in reviewing the past , spoke feelingly of the sorrow that was experienced by the brethren on the approaching departure of Bro . Smith . He adverted to the time when , as Inner Guard , he had received and announced Messrs . Smith and Stainstrcet as candidates seeking admission , and concluded by calling on the brethren to join with him in an expression of grief at the loss the lodge
would sustain on the departure of their AV . M . On a suggestion made hy Bro . Dr . Powell , the W . M . promised that , when in London , he would look after the getting up of the Centenary Medal for the lodge . This matter was first broached hi 1861 , when Bro . John Martin was \ A . M . ; but up to this time it is in statu quo . LODG-E TRUE FRiENDsmi ? . —A regular meeting was held on Tuesday , the 12 th of May . Present—Bro . Roberts , presiding . Bros . Hill , Humphreys , and Simmons were passeel to the second degree . Bro . Amos was raised to the M . M . degree by Bro .
John AV . Brown . ^ L ODGE H UMILITY WITH F ORTITUDE . —The lodge met on Monday , the 4 th of May . Bros . Morgan and Orr , of the P . and 0 . Co . ' s Service were raised to the third degree by Bro . Jennings in his usual impressive manner . Bro . F . M'Alpine , late of Lodge Marine ( No . 282 ) , was elected a joining member of the lodge . Bros . Robinson and Kelly , the former of Lodge Star of Burmah , Rangoon , and the latter of Lodge Astreca , of
Thayetmyo , were proposed as joining members , and Mr . Holmes , of the Oriental Inland Steam Navigation Company , was proposed as a candidate for initiation . After labour , the brethren adjourned to the bancpiet table , and passed a very pleasant evening , * „\ vith the assistance of several musical brethren . Another meeting was held on the 1 st of June ; Bro . J . Bowerman , P . M ., in the chair . Bros . J . Robinson and AV . Kelly were elected as joining members of the lodge ; Mr . Thomas Holmes
having been accepted by ballot , was duly initiated : and Mr . Homfray was proposed as a candidate for initiation . LODGE ST . Jorar . —A regular meeting was held on Friday , the 22 nd of May ; Bvo . Dr . Frank Powell , AV . M ., presiding . Monthly relief for six months ( to be renewed if necessary ) was voted to the wife of a Freemason who has deserted her and his children . The Scottish Lodge St . David in the East ( No . 371 ) , has also contributed to the relief of this lady and her children in their distress . The unnatural husband and parent was a member of No . 371 of Scotland .