Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 2 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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motion of Bro . Charles Bath , S . AV ., seconded by- the W . M ., a donation of £ __ 2 s . was voted to tho French Peasantry Belief Fund . The W . M . announced the presentation to the Lodge by JBro . J . Jones Jenkins of a valuable Chamber Organ , a gift which is greatly appreciated by the brethren . The Lodge being closed , tho brethren dined together in the adjoining refreshment Boom , as usual .
STAFFORDSHIRE . LONGTON . —JStri ' . sccvii- Lodge ( No . 5 ! 6 ) . —At the regular meeting of this Lodge , held at the JIasonie Hall , Long-ton , on Thursday , 9 th inst ., tbe AV . M . ( Bro . F . S . Wright ) presented to W . Bro . ' Samuel Hill , P . M ., P . G . D . C ., a gold P . JI . ' s jewel and a purse of £ 40 , as a mark of the esteem in which he is held by tbe brethren of this Lodge . Bro . Hill has been a member of this Lodge since 1847 . ivas W . M . in 1852 , and has occupied the post
of Director of Ceremonies , Almoner , and Treasurer lor a number of years , all of which offices he discharged with the utmost zeal and fidelity , and lias only just resigned those appointments in consequence of leaving the neighbourhood . The jewel bore the following inscription : — "Etruscan Lodge , No . 5-1-G . Presented to AV . Bro . S . Hill , P . M ., P . G . D . C , together with a purse of £ 40 , as a mark of esteem in which ho is held by the brethren of bis LodgeLougton March 9 th 1871 . " Bro . ' llill brieflbut
feel-, , y ingly acknowledged the very gratifying testimonial which had been presented to him , and said how much he regretted leaving the brethren , but at the same time , although he was leaving the neighbourhood , he should continue a subscribing member to the Etruscan Lodge .
SUSSEX . BRIGHTON . Royal YorJc Lodi , e ( No . 315 ) . —The Regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Royal Pavilion on Tuesday , the 1 st inst . —Present Bros . James Curtis , W . JI . ; J . W . Stride S . AV . ; J . M . Cunningham , J . W . ; J . Ehoiall , Sec ; J . Pearson , S . D . : C . Saddeman , I . D . ; C . Slattcv , B . C . ; AY . T . Nell , I . G . ; W . Bennett , Steward ; AV . Marchant , P . M . ; AV . Challin , P . JI . ;
W . R . Wood , P . M . ; C . AVren , P . M . ; H . Saunders , P . M . ; AV . Curtis , P . 3 I . ; J . Robinson , P . M . ; J . Miller , T . Packbam , AV . Devin , S . T . Foat , J . AV . Staples , II . Payne , J . F . Eyles , E . S . Clifton , IT . Parsons , AV . Barnes , AV . B . Buckman , T . Chandler , C . \ A . Hudson , E . Goodcbild , R . Steer , J . Tl . Kenyon , F . J . Tillstone , J . Newman , E . Pritchard , J . Garden and H . J . Chart . The following were present as visitors . —G . T . EvershedWM 56 T 0 PricePJI 56 GSmithPJI 732
, .. ; . . ,.. ; . , .. ; H . Luckett , Prov . G . Steward ; A . Freeman , Prov . S . G . AA . ; G . Hunt , 851 ; E . Baldwin , P . M . 10 : G . Dav , S . D . 722 ; T . J . Sabin , P . JI . 73 ; Crawford J . Pocock , AV . JI . 271 ; AA . Wilkinson , P . JI 271 ; 15 . Carpenter W . M . 722 ; 0 . J . Corder P . M . 271 ; J . Griffith , P . M . 811 ; J . M . Reed , P . JI . 722 ; AA . AVilkiuson Royal , S . D . 271 ; C . Saws , 173 ; II . Davy , 722 ; X . Lainson , Sec . 722 ; J . C . Craven , JI . Stokes , 38 ; il . AA ' . F . ITophurst , H . Wooler
E . Boots , II . Martin , G . R . Irwin , 86 , and several others . Tho Installation of Bro . J . AV . Stride was performed by Bro . James Curtis , assisted by Bros . J . Robinson , P . M ; W . Challen , P . M . Bro . James Curtis , P . JI . ; was then Invested by the AV . M . with an Elegant Past Master ' s Jewel . The Brethren retired at 5 . 3 Q to a sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Albert Cowley , of tbe AVest Pier and Port Valley , Brighton . The W . M . Bvo . J . AV . Stride , presided and the usual loyal and masonic toasts were given in an able and pleasing maimer .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST . ) F . OCmsuu _ -h . —EcclesUllLodge {^ o . 103-1 ) . —The celebr 1 ^ " of St . John the Evangelist , and the installation of tho AA ' . JI . > . » f t ! ie above lotlge took place in tbe Freemasons' Hall , Ecelesh ''' ' Friday the 10 th inst . There was a large number of the bi-1 ' * ' 11 ' ™ present , idchuling Bro . AVilliam Hodgson , AV . M ., and a'l the Past Masters of the lodge , with but one exception , which ivas caused hy a serious illness . Among the visitors were the AV-Ms
of tbe following lodges : —Airedale , 287 ; Hope , 302 ; Harmony GOO ; Peutalphe , 97-1 . . ; Shakespeare , 1018 ; Bros . Thos . Hill , Prov . J . G . AV . ; Millionth Rhodes , P . Prov . G . AV . and other brethren . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and Bro . Joseph AVilcoek , E . A .., -and James Arnold , E . A ., having shown that they had made satisfactory progsess , tho brethren voted that they should bo passed . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , aud they were duly and separately passed to the degree
of Fellow Craft , by the AV . M ., assisted by Prov . P . JI . Hutchmson , and Bro , Sugdeu , P . M . Bro . AV . Hodgson , announced that tbe installation would now commnnco , and called upon the secretary to read the minutes of tbe last lodge velnting to the election of a AA' . M ., after which Bro . Sugden , P . M . was called upon to present Bro . Thomas Shulleton , W . M . elect , to Bro . P . JI . Cratt , Prov . G . S . of AV ., the Installing JIaster , to receive at b . is hands tho ceremony of Installation . The ancient charges
having been read , and tbe oath of allegiance administered , and their formalities observed , ( he lodge was raised to tbe third degree , and the officers delivered in their collars and badges , and all below the rank of P . JI . retired . A Board of Installed JIasters was fcrmed under the presidency of Bro . Christopher Pratt , P . M ., Prov . G . S . of AA ., and the ' installation proceeded with tbe usual formalities according to ancient custom . Ou tho brethren being re-adinitttedthe Installing JIaster announced
, , that iu their absence , Bro . Thomas Shackleton had been installed in the chair of K . S ., as AV . JI ., of the Eccleshill Lodge , and was saluted and proclaimed in the usual manner . The AA . M . proceeded at once to appoint and invest bis . officers , arid to each he gave a suitable and significant admonition ou tbe duties and . responsibilities pertaining to his office . The lodge was closed in harmony , after alms bad been collected for poor and distressed
Masons . At the dinner , wliich followed , the usual loyal and masonic toasts were given , and congratulatory speeches made ; and Bro . M . Rhodes , P . M . in proposing the JIasonie Charities , advocated their claim for support very urgently , and recommended that regular annual subscriptions should be given , rather than lot them depend on the precarious result of the Festivaland donations . Bro . Thomas HillPJIProvJGAV
, , .., . ... responded , and acknowledged in handsome terms the support which the brethren of the Eccleshill Lodge had given to the charities . Bro . AVilliam Beauland , P . M ., C . S ., ably supported the opinion expressed . After the speeches , and toasts , the brethren separated , having spent a very pleasant and agreeable evening .
GLASGOW . GLASGOW . — -Si John ' s Lodge No . 3 , bis . —A special meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday 28 th February , Bro . Bniru , R . W . JI . on the throne , supported right and left by Bros . Robert Neilson , Dep . M . ; and James Mc Jiillan , Sub . M . ; Bro . Kyle , S . W ., Bro . Fletcher , J . AV ; and about 5 G brethren present . The lodge being opened the Secretary read circular calling the meeting , and also lodge minute of date 7 th Feburary , in both of
which it was intimated that this meeting was called for the purpose of considering tho language used by Bro . Buchan to Bro . Baird at the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Scotland ou 6 'th February . After these were read Bro . Buchan tabled the following protest-. " Under tbe circumstances and as a member of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , I protest against your whole proceedings in this matter , as an unwarrantable interference with my privileges as a member of Grand Ledgeas also an
, unwarrantable encroachment upon tho prerogative of Grand Lodge . " ( signed ) AV . P . Buchan . " The business then went on , the R-. W . M . Bro . Baird asking the brethren present to state their opinions ou the matter . It was stated that at the meeting of Grand Lodgo ou Gth February Bro . Buchan had applied the words "false statements , " or "tissue of falsehoods , " to certain statements made by Bro . Baird at sidd meeting of Grand Lodge .
Bro . Robert Gray , past Treas . having observed that as it seemed the present business arose out of tho Memorial presented to Grand Lodge on tbe 7 th November last , be should like to know when said Memorial was laid before St . John ' s Lodge and approved of by it ? The R . W . JI . said it was got up in a hurry by him and the office-bearers , and that they had no ¦ time under the circumstances to lay ib before the lodge . Bro . Gray replied that in that caseby your own confession you presented
, a new memorial to Grand Lodge , superseding the original one , pretending to be from St . John's Lodge , while at the time St . John ' s Lodge knew nothing about it . However , observed Bro . Gray , I desire to hear the memorial read over now for the information of myself aud others of the brethren assembled . Thif . being done , Bro . Gray observed that he considered Bro . Buchan
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
motion of Bro . Charles Bath , S . AV ., seconded by- the W . M ., a donation of £ __ 2 s . was voted to tho French Peasantry Belief Fund . The W . M . announced the presentation to the Lodge by JBro . J . Jones Jenkins of a valuable Chamber Organ , a gift which is greatly appreciated by the brethren . The Lodge being closed , tho brethren dined together in the adjoining refreshment Boom , as usual .
STAFFORDSHIRE . LONGTON . —JStri ' . sccvii- Lodge ( No . 5 ! 6 ) . —At the regular meeting of this Lodge , held at the JIasonie Hall , Long-ton , on Thursday , 9 th inst ., tbe AV . M . ( Bro . F . S . Wright ) presented to W . Bro . ' Samuel Hill , P . M ., P . G . D . C ., a gold P . JI . ' s jewel and a purse of £ 40 , as a mark of the esteem in which he is held by tbe brethren of this Lodge . Bro . Hill has been a member of this Lodge since 1847 . ivas W . M . in 1852 , and has occupied the post
of Director of Ceremonies , Almoner , and Treasurer lor a number of years , all of which offices he discharged with the utmost zeal and fidelity , and lias only just resigned those appointments in consequence of leaving the neighbourhood . The jewel bore the following inscription : — "Etruscan Lodge , No . 5-1-G . Presented to AV . Bro . S . Hill , P . M ., P . G . D . C , together with a purse of £ 40 , as a mark of esteem in which ho is held by the brethren of bis LodgeLougton March 9 th 1871 . " Bro . ' llill brieflbut
feel-, , y ingly acknowledged the very gratifying testimonial which had been presented to him , and said how much he regretted leaving the brethren , but at the same time , although he was leaving the neighbourhood , he should continue a subscribing member to the Etruscan Lodge .
SUSSEX . BRIGHTON . Royal YorJc Lodi , e ( No . 315 ) . —The Regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Royal Pavilion on Tuesday , the 1 st inst . —Present Bros . James Curtis , W . JI . ; J . W . Stride S . AV . ; J . M . Cunningham , J . W . ; J . Ehoiall , Sec ; J . Pearson , S . D . : C . Saddeman , I . D . ; C . Slattcv , B . C . ; AY . T . Nell , I . G . ; W . Bennett , Steward ; AV . Marchant , P . M . ; AV . Challin , P . JI . ;
W . R . Wood , P . M . ; C . AVren , P . M . ; H . Saunders , P . M . ; AV . Curtis , P . 3 I . ; J . Robinson , P . M . ; J . Miller , T . Packbam , AV . Devin , S . T . Foat , J . AV . Staples , II . Payne , J . F . Eyles , E . S . Clifton , IT . Parsons , AV . Barnes , AV . B . Buckman , T . Chandler , C . \ A . Hudson , E . Goodcbild , R . Steer , J . Tl . Kenyon , F . J . Tillstone , J . Newman , E . Pritchard , J . Garden and H . J . Chart . The following were present as visitors . —G . T . EvershedWM 56 T 0 PricePJI 56 GSmithPJI 732
, .. ; . . ,.. ; . , .. ; H . Luckett , Prov . G . Steward ; A . Freeman , Prov . S . G . AA . ; G . Hunt , 851 ; E . Baldwin , P . M . 10 : G . Dav , S . D . 722 ; T . J . Sabin , P . JI . 73 ; Crawford J . Pocock , AV . JI . 271 ; AA . Wilkinson , P . JI 271 ; 15 . Carpenter W . M . 722 ; 0 . J . Corder P . M . 271 ; J . Griffith , P . M . 811 ; J . M . Reed , P . JI . 722 ; AA . AVilkiuson Royal , S . D . 271 ; C . Saws , 173 ; II . Davy , 722 ; X . Lainson , Sec . 722 ; J . C . Craven , JI . Stokes , 38 ; il . AA ' . F . ITophurst , H . Wooler
E . Boots , II . Martin , G . R . Irwin , 86 , and several others . Tho Installation of Bro . J . AV . Stride was performed by Bro . James Curtis , assisted by Bros . J . Robinson , P . M ; W . Challen , P . M . Bro . James Curtis , P . JI . ; was then Invested by the AV . M . with an Elegant Past Master ' s Jewel . The Brethren retired at 5 . 3 Q to a sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Albert Cowley , of tbe AVest Pier and Port Valley , Brighton . The W . M . Bvo . J . AV . Stride , presided and the usual loyal and masonic toasts were given in an able and pleasing maimer .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST . ) F . OCmsuu _ -h . —EcclesUllLodge {^ o . 103-1 ) . —The celebr 1 ^ " of St . John the Evangelist , and the installation of tho AA ' . JI . > . » f t ! ie above lotlge took place in tbe Freemasons' Hall , Ecelesh ''' ' Friday the 10 th inst . There was a large number of the bi-1 ' * ' 11 ' ™ present , idchuling Bro . AVilliam Hodgson , AV . M ., and a'l the Past Masters of the lodge , with but one exception , which ivas caused hy a serious illness . Among the visitors were the AV-Ms
of tbe following lodges : —Airedale , 287 ; Hope , 302 ; Harmony GOO ; Peutalphe , 97-1 . . ; Shakespeare , 1018 ; Bros . Thos . Hill , Prov . J . G . AV . ; Millionth Rhodes , P . Prov . G . AV . and other brethren . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and Bro . Joseph AVilcoek , E . A .., -and James Arnold , E . A ., having shown that they had made satisfactory progsess , tho brethren voted that they should bo passed . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , aud they were duly and separately passed to the degree
of Fellow Craft , by the AV . M ., assisted by Prov . P . JI . Hutchmson , and Bro , Sugdeu , P . M . Bro . AV . Hodgson , announced that tbe installation would now commnnco , and called upon the secretary to read the minutes of tbe last lodge velnting to the election of a AA' . M ., after which Bro . Sugden , P . M . was called upon to present Bro . Thomas Shulleton , W . M . elect , to Bro . P . JI . Cratt , Prov . G . S . of AV ., the Installing JIaster , to receive at b . is hands tho ceremony of Installation . The ancient charges
having been read , and tbe oath of allegiance administered , and their formalities observed , ( he lodge was raised to tbe third degree , and the officers delivered in their collars and badges , and all below the rank of P . JI . retired . A Board of Installed JIasters was fcrmed under the presidency of Bro . Christopher Pratt , P . M ., Prov . G . S . of AA ., and the ' installation proceeded with tbe usual formalities according to ancient custom . Ou tho brethren being re-adinitttedthe Installing JIaster announced
, , that iu their absence , Bro . Thomas Shackleton had been installed in the chair of K . S ., as AV . JI ., of the Eccleshill Lodge , and was saluted and proclaimed in the usual manner . The AA . M . proceeded at once to appoint and invest bis . officers , arid to each he gave a suitable and significant admonition ou tbe duties and . responsibilities pertaining to his office . The lodge was closed in harmony , after alms bad been collected for poor and distressed
Masons . At the dinner , wliich followed , the usual loyal and masonic toasts were given , and congratulatory speeches made ; and Bro . M . Rhodes , P . M . in proposing the JIasonie Charities , advocated their claim for support very urgently , and recommended that regular annual subscriptions should be given , rather than lot them depend on the precarious result of the Festivaland donations . Bro . Thomas HillPJIProvJGAV
, , .., . ... responded , and acknowledged in handsome terms the support which the brethren of the Eccleshill Lodge had given to the charities . Bro . AVilliam Beauland , P . M ., C . S ., ably supported the opinion expressed . After the speeches , and toasts , the brethren separated , having spent a very pleasant and agreeable evening .
GLASGOW . GLASGOW . — -Si John ' s Lodge No . 3 , bis . —A special meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday 28 th February , Bro . Bniru , R . W . JI . on the throne , supported right and left by Bros . Robert Neilson , Dep . M . ; and James Mc Jiillan , Sub . M . ; Bro . Kyle , S . W ., Bro . Fletcher , J . AV ; and about 5 G brethren present . The lodge being opened the Secretary read circular calling the meeting , and also lodge minute of date 7 th Feburary , in both of
which it was intimated that this meeting was called for the purpose of considering tho language used by Bro . Buchan to Bro . Baird at the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Scotland ou 6 'th February . After these were read Bro . Buchan tabled the following protest-. " Under tbe circumstances and as a member of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , I protest against your whole proceedings in this matter , as an unwarrantable interference with my privileges as a member of Grand Ledgeas also an
, unwarrantable encroachment upon tho prerogative of Grand Lodge . " ( signed ) AV . P . Buchan . " The business then went on , the R-. W . M . Bro . Baird asking the brethren present to state their opinions ou the matter . It was stated that at the meeting of Grand Lodgo ou Gth February Bro . Buchan had applied the words "false statements , " or "tissue of falsehoods , " to certain statements made by Bro . Baird at sidd meeting of Grand Lodge .
Bro . Robert Gray , past Treas . having observed that as it seemed the present business arose out of tho Memorial presented to Grand Lodge on tbe 7 th November last , be should like to know when said Memorial was laid before St . John ' s Lodge and approved of by it ? The R . W . JI . said it was got up in a hurry by him and the office-bearers , and that they had no ¦ time under the circumstances to lay ib before the lodge . Bro . Gray replied that in that caseby your own confession you presented
, a new memorial to Grand Lodge , superseding the original one , pretending to be from St . John's Lodge , while at the time St . John ' s Lodge knew nothing about it . However , observed Bro . Gray , I desire to hear the memorial read over now for the information of myself aud others of the brethren assembled . Thif . being done , Bro . Gray observed that he considered Bro . Buchan