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was perfectly entitled to speak as he had done in Grand Lodge , for he Bro . Gsay , found fault with mauy things in it ; for example , he was astonished that they were so foolish as to go before Grand Lodge with such a thing as their pretended Malcolm Charter , a document which any brother of St . John ' s might easily perceive by perusing a copy of their own bye-laws , that the Grand Lodge of Scotland had already refused to acknowledge . While also the report approved of by Grand Lodge
entirely contradicted the statement he had beard made , that St . John's Lodge carried the working tools at Mossbank . Bro . Park and other brethren re-asserted the statement that St . John ' s Lodge did carry the tools at Mossbank . Bro . David Walker observed that they were departing from the proper business of the meeting . Bro . McMillan , Sub . M ., observed that in his opinion Buchan had been disturbing their meetings for some time backand that
there-, fore Buchan ought by some means to be prevented from attending their meetings , if some means could be adopted to that effect . For that purpose he proposed that the R . W . M . should send Buchan a letter ordering him not to attend any more meetings of St . John's Lodge as long as he was Master . This motion , on being put to the meeting , was not seconded . Bro . Park , P . M ., proposed that Bro . Buchan should be suspended for five yearsand went on to say that on sereral
, occasions Bro . Buchan bad disturbed the harmony of their Lodge . For example , above four years ago an occurrence took place between the then R . W . M . and him in open lodge , for which he ( Bro . Buchan ) was called to account in a very severe manner ; yet by his writings and remarks he still persisted in lowering the dignity and status of their ancient aud honourable lodge . Bro . Park ' s motion was seconded by Bro McDonald . JBro . Robert Gray begged to correct Bro . Park in
reference to the upshot asto what took place between Bro . Buehan and their R . AV . M . at the time referred to , as the conclusion of the meeting was quite the opposite of what Bvo . Park had stated , for at tke meeting referred to only Bro . McMillan and another brother spoke against Bro . Buchan , all the rest of tho officebearers , with that exception , holding that it was the R . W . M . who had made a slip in tbe matter ; while Bro . Buchau , who was then
Senior AVarden , was quite justified in what he had done . Bro . D . Carrick asked if Bro . Buehan bad got a proper legal summons . The Secretary , in view of the summons issued by him to Bro . Buchan on the 11 th February , replied in the affirmative , the opinion of liro . J . 13 . Walker , P . JI ., as to its illegality , as expressed by him at tho Lodge mooting on tbe 21 st of JPebruary beiug ignored . Bro . Smillie , Secretary , made several remarks , stating that if Bro . Buchan had expressed any sentiments of
contrition for what be had said iu Grand Lodge he would have been ready , even now , to propose an easy termination to their proceedings ; but instead of this Bro . Buchan had even gone the length of protesting against all they were doing , & c . Bro . David Walker then rose to propose a motion , but the R . AV . M . checked him , statiug that be was too late , as Bro . Park ' s motion was carried ; this being , however , strenuously objected , to "by the meeting , Bro . AVallcer was allowed to proceed , and he proposed
that Bro . Buehan should be suspended for two years , ivhieh was seconded . In his remarks Bro . Walker stated that be had formerly supported Bro . Buchan for the chair , but seeing the manner in which he had attacked the interests of this lodge , bis opinion of him had now changed . Bro . Charles B . Grassby then rose , and stated that he considered they were going too fast in this matter , as they were quite overlooking what was properly due by this Lodge to the
brother whose case was now before them . He ( Bro . Grassby ) had been a member of this Lodge for the Inst six years , and during all that time Bro . Buchan had been taking a warm and / . active interest in its affairs . About four years ago the whole work of the Lodge devolved upon Bro . Buchan , and he bad done it in a manner that had never been surpassed . Before either Bros . AValker or . McMillan bad done the work of the lodge , Bro . Buehan had alreadbegun itand although Bro .
y , McMillan was doing it now , he ought to remember that he was only following up what Bro . Buchan began ; while Bro . Buchan was just as able , if necessary , to do the work now as he was then . And if he would only stop "touching them up " in the way he occasionally did , he was quite sure he had many friends -in the lodge who ivould rally round him still . Taking these and other things into consideration he therefore considered that it would be Quite sufficient to ask Bro . Buchan to apologise for
what be had said , and'if'he would do so that ought to satisfy the Lodge . B'Ai . Neilson , JDtep , M ., said : Bro . Buchan wij be a great fool if'he apologises . Bro . Grassby's motion was not seconded . Bro . - . Gray then asked if Bro . BacJisn's l-emai'ks in Grand L-idge had ' -been objected to by the M . W . G . Jf ., or by the Grand Lidge , but received no response . "Then , " replied Bro-. Gray , " Since neither the Grand Master in the chair , nor Grand Lodge found fault with-what Bro . Buchan has saidI cannot see
, upon what grounds St . John's Lodge can take upon itself to proceed in this matter in the arbitrary way in which it is now doing . If this Lodger-objects to what took place in Grand Lodge I consider it ought to lodge a complaint there on the subject , and I propose that as a motion . " This was not seconded , Bro . D . M . Neilson strongly objecting . against allowing Grand Lodge to interfere in the matter .. Upon tbe motions of Bros . Park and Walker being about to be put to the
meeting , Bro . Park seemed desirous to withdraw his in favour of Bro . AValker's but the R . AV . M ., Bro . Baird , objected , observing that "five years was little enough . " Two brothers then voted for Bro . AValker ' s motion and . twenty-seven for Bro . Park ' s , the remaining brethren not voting . Bro . Park's motion was-declared carried . Bro . Baird , who had acted both as pursuer and judge iu the case , then intimated to Bro . Buehan that he was now
sussupended for five years as a member of tins lodge . Bro . Buchan thanked him for the information , but intimated bis intention to appeal . The R . W . M . then desired tbe Secretary to read over the minutes of proceedings before closing . Bros . Gray , Buchan , and others retired , after which the brethren were called to refreshment .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . YATCBOHOUGH CHAPTEE , ( NO . 531- ) . —At a convocation of this chapter , was held at the Green Dragon , Stepney , on Thursday , 9 th inst . There were present : Comps . George Leach , Z . ; Rev . D . Shaboe , P . Z . as H . ; Finch , J . ; J . H . Wynne , P . Z ., Treas . ; Toye , N . ; Chadwick , P . S . ; Varry and Austin , Assist . S . ; Middleton , P . Z . ; and C . T . Speight , Janitor , and other Ex .
Comps . Ex . Comp . C . AV . Smith , M . D ., was installed into the chair of M . E . Z ., by M . Ex . Comp . T . Vesper , P . Z ., the founder of this highly influential chapter , ( who had installed the other two Principals and exalted four candidates at tbe meeting in February ) . After tbe conclusion of business and closing tbe chapter , tbe Comps . and their visitor , Ex . Comp . AVatts , 311 , partook of an excellent banquet . The intervals between the usual loyal and masonic toasts ivere enlivened by numerous songs , and the Companions separated , well pleased with the proceedings and each other .
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . LEICESTER . — Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 279 ) . —An emergency convocation of this chapter was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , on Thursday , the 9 tb inst ., for the purpose of ballotting for candidates , proposed at the regular convocation , last month , and exalting five members of the Lodge of Fortitude , 502 , Rugby , as a preparatory step towards the formation of a
chapter in that town . Accordingly on the chapter being opened , a ballot was taken for the following candidates , viz : —Bros , the Right Hon . Earl Ferrars , AV . M . 779 , and P . G . J . W . ; Sir . Henry St . John Halford , Bart ., S . AV ., 1330 , and P . G . S . D .: W . W . Bird , AV . M . ; Joseph Haswell , P . M . ; Henry Bennett , P . M . ; George Veasey , P . M . ; Henry Treaddell , S . W . 502 ; and Richard Augustus Barber , 528 ; all of whom were una nimoudy elected , and the five brethren from Rugby were duly exalted . Tbe
historical and symbolical lectures wore delivered by Comp . Toller , J ., and tbe mystical by the Prov . G . Supt ., Comp . Kelly . The Chapter was then closed in solemn prayer , and the companions separated . The following officers were present : Comps . W . Kelly , P . Z ., and Prov . G . Supt . ; Leonard A . Clarke , M . E . Z . ; ' AV . AA eare , P . Z . as IT . ; Geo . Toller , J . ; Clement Stretton , E . ; Rev . Charles J . E . Smith , ( Rugby School ) , N . ; Partridge , P . S . ; Sculthorpe , A . S . ; Joseph Harris , A . S . ; Bernbridge , Janitor ; and others .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
was perfectly entitled to speak as he had done in Grand Lodge , for he Bro . Gsay , found fault with mauy things in it ; for example , he was astonished that they were so foolish as to go before Grand Lodge with such a thing as their pretended Malcolm Charter , a document which any brother of St . John ' s might easily perceive by perusing a copy of their own bye-laws , that the Grand Lodge of Scotland had already refused to acknowledge . While also the report approved of by Grand Lodge
entirely contradicted the statement he had beard made , that St . John's Lodge carried the working tools at Mossbank . Bro . Park and other brethren re-asserted the statement that St . John ' s Lodge did carry the tools at Mossbank . Bro . David Walker observed that they were departing from the proper business of the meeting . Bro . McMillan , Sub . M ., observed that in his opinion Buchan had been disturbing their meetings for some time backand that
there-, fore Buchan ought by some means to be prevented from attending their meetings , if some means could be adopted to that effect . For that purpose he proposed that the R . W . M . should send Buchan a letter ordering him not to attend any more meetings of St . John's Lodge as long as he was Master . This motion , on being put to the meeting , was not seconded . Bro . Park , P . M ., proposed that Bro . Buchan should be suspended for five yearsand went on to say that on sereral
, occasions Bro . Buchan bad disturbed the harmony of their Lodge . For example , above four years ago an occurrence took place between the then R . W . M . and him in open lodge , for which he ( Bro . Buchan ) was called to account in a very severe manner ; yet by his writings and remarks he still persisted in lowering the dignity and status of their ancient aud honourable lodge . Bro . Park ' s motion was seconded by Bro McDonald . JBro . Robert Gray begged to correct Bro . Park in
reference to the upshot asto what took place between Bro . Buehan and their R . AV . M . at the time referred to , as the conclusion of the meeting was quite the opposite of what Bvo . Park had stated , for at tke meeting referred to only Bro . McMillan and another brother spoke against Bro . Buchan , all the rest of tho officebearers , with that exception , holding that it was the R . W . M . who had made a slip in tbe matter ; while Bro . Buchau , who was then
Senior AVarden , was quite justified in what he had done . Bro . D . Carrick asked if Bro . Buehan bad got a proper legal summons . The Secretary , in view of the summons issued by him to Bro . Buchan on the 11 th February , replied in the affirmative , the opinion of liro . J . 13 . Walker , P . JI ., as to its illegality , as expressed by him at tho Lodge mooting on tbe 21 st of JPebruary beiug ignored . Bro . Smillie , Secretary , made several remarks , stating that if Bro . Buchan had expressed any sentiments of
contrition for what be had said iu Grand Lodge he would have been ready , even now , to propose an easy termination to their proceedings ; but instead of this Bro . Buchan had even gone the length of protesting against all they were doing , & c . Bro . David Walker then rose to propose a motion , but the R . AV . M . checked him , statiug that be was too late , as Bro . Park ' s motion was carried ; this being , however , strenuously objected , to "by the meeting , Bro . AVallcer was allowed to proceed , and he proposed
that Bro . Buehan should be suspended for two years , ivhieh was seconded . In his remarks Bro . Walker stated that be had formerly supported Bro . Buchan for the chair , but seeing the manner in which he had attacked the interests of this lodge , bis opinion of him had now changed . Bro . Charles B . Grassby then rose , and stated that he considered they were going too fast in this matter , as they were quite overlooking what was properly due by this Lodge to the
brother whose case was now before them . He ( Bro . Grassby ) had been a member of this Lodge for the Inst six years , and during all that time Bro . Buchan had been taking a warm and / . active interest in its affairs . About four years ago the whole work of the Lodge devolved upon Bro . Buchan , and he bad done it in a manner that had never been surpassed . Before either Bros . AValker or . McMillan bad done the work of the lodge , Bro . Buehan had alreadbegun itand although Bro .
y , McMillan was doing it now , he ought to remember that he was only following up what Bro . Buchan began ; while Bro . Buchan was just as able , if necessary , to do the work now as he was then . And if he would only stop "touching them up " in the way he occasionally did , he was quite sure he had many friends -in the lodge who ivould rally round him still . Taking these and other things into consideration he therefore considered that it would be Quite sufficient to ask Bro . Buchan to apologise for
what be had said , and'if'he would do so that ought to satisfy the Lodge . B'Ai . Neilson , JDtep , M ., said : Bro . Buchan wij be a great fool if'he apologises . Bro . Grassby's motion was not seconded . Bro . - . Gray then asked if Bro . BacJisn's l-emai'ks in Grand L-idge had ' -been objected to by the M . W . G . Jf ., or by the Grand Lidge , but received no response . "Then , " replied Bro-. Gray , " Since neither the Grand Master in the chair , nor Grand Lodge found fault with-what Bro . Buchan has saidI cannot see
, upon what grounds St . John's Lodge can take upon itself to proceed in this matter in the arbitrary way in which it is now doing . If this Lodger-objects to what took place in Grand Lodge I consider it ought to lodge a complaint there on the subject , and I propose that as a motion . " This was not seconded , Bro . D . M . Neilson strongly objecting . against allowing Grand Lodge to interfere in the matter .. Upon tbe motions of Bros . Park and Walker being about to be put to the
meeting , Bro . Park seemed desirous to withdraw his in favour of Bro . AValker's but the R . AV . M ., Bro . Baird , objected , observing that "five years was little enough . " Two brothers then voted for Bro . AValker ' s motion and . twenty-seven for Bro . Park ' s , the remaining brethren not voting . Bro . Park's motion was-declared carried . Bro . Baird , who had acted both as pursuer and judge iu the case , then intimated to Bro . Buehan that he was now
sussupended for five years as a member of tins lodge . Bro . Buchan thanked him for the information , but intimated bis intention to appeal . The R . W . M . then desired tbe Secretary to read over the minutes of proceedings before closing . Bros . Gray , Buchan , and others retired , after which the brethren were called to refreshment .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . YATCBOHOUGH CHAPTEE , ( NO . 531- ) . —At a convocation of this chapter , was held at the Green Dragon , Stepney , on Thursday , 9 th inst . There were present : Comps . George Leach , Z . ; Rev . D . Shaboe , P . Z . as H . ; Finch , J . ; J . H . Wynne , P . Z ., Treas . ; Toye , N . ; Chadwick , P . S . ; Varry and Austin , Assist . S . ; Middleton , P . Z . ; and C . T . Speight , Janitor , and other Ex .
Comps . Ex . Comp . C . AV . Smith , M . D ., was installed into the chair of M . E . Z ., by M . Ex . Comp . T . Vesper , P . Z ., the founder of this highly influential chapter , ( who had installed the other two Principals and exalted four candidates at tbe meeting in February ) . After tbe conclusion of business and closing tbe chapter , tbe Comps . and their visitor , Ex . Comp . AVatts , 311 , partook of an excellent banquet . The intervals between the usual loyal and masonic toasts ivere enlivened by numerous songs , and the Companions separated , well pleased with the proceedings and each other .
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . LEICESTER . — Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 279 ) . —An emergency convocation of this chapter was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , on Thursday , the 9 tb inst ., for the purpose of ballotting for candidates , proposed at the regular convocation , last month , and exalting five members of the Lodge of Fortitude , 502 , Rugby , as a preparatory step towards the formation of a
chapter in that town . Accordingly on the chapter being opened , a ballot was taken for the following candidates , viz : —Bros , the Right Hon . Earl Ferrars , AV . M . 779 , and P . G . J . W . ; Sir . Henry St . John Halford , Bart ., S . AV ., 1330 , and P . G . S . D .: W . W . Bird , AV . M . ; Joseph Haswell , P . M . ; Henry Bennett , P . M . ; George Veasey , P . M . ; Henry Treaddell , S . W . 502 ; and Richard Augustus Barber , 528 ; all of whom were una nimoudy elected , and the five brethren from Rugby were duly exalted . Tbe
historical and symbolical lectures wore delivered by Comp . Toller , J ., and tbe mystical by the Prov . G . Supt ., Comp . Kelly . The Chapter was then closed in solemn prayer , and the companions separated . The following officers were present : Comps . W . Kelly , P . Z ., and Prov . G . Supt . ; Leonard A . Clarke , M . E . Z . ; ' AV . AA eare , P . Z . as IT . ; Geo . Toller , J . ; Clement Stretton , E . ; Rev . Charles J . E . Smith , ( Rugby School ) , N . ; Partridge , P . S . ; Sculthorpe , A . S . ; Joseph Harris , A . S . ; Bernbridge , Janitor ; and others .