Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 3 →
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Royal Arch.
ISLE OF MAN . DOUGIAS . —Athole Shapier , ( No . 1 , 004 . ) . —The quaiterly meeting of tbe Royal Arch Chapter attached to the Athole Lodge , was held on AVednesday evening . The chapter was duly opened by the three Principals , Comps . G . M . Lofthouse , Z . ; H . P . Mayle , H . ; and R . Tutau , J . After the minutes ivere read and confirmed , a brother belonging to the Craft Lodge was balloted for and duly exalted . Comp . J . J . Harwood , P . M .
1212 , w s balloted for as a joining u ember , and was unanimously elected . During the exaltation , Comp . Harris , Scribe E ., performed the duties of Principal Sojourner in a very creditable manner , and the Principals and other officers did their duties admirably . After the exaltation , tbe election of officers for the ensuing year was proceeded with . The result was the following appointments : Comps . Mayle , Z . ; Tut on , H . ; AVebb , J , ; J . A . Brown , Scribe E . j G . H . AVood , Scribe N . ; J . J . Harwood ,
Principal Sojourner ; Handley , Treas . ; and G . M . Lofthouse , Org . The bye-laws of the chapter , having received the approval of the Svprcme Grand Ci . ur . eil , were passed ; and at the conclusion of the business the companions adjourned to banquet , a very pleasant evening being spent . During the evening there were presented to the chapter , by Comp . Lofthouse , on behalf of Comp . Tibbits , P . M . 1242 , a set of Royal Arch candles , beautifully ornamented with a pattern similar to tbe chequered scarf worn in Royal Arch Masonry .
Mark Masonry.
BON ACCORD LODGE OE MARK MASTEES . —This Lodge met on AVednesday , 1 st inst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern . Two candidates for the privilege of Mark Masonry were admitted into the Order , the ceremony being performed by Bro . F . Binckes , Grand Secretary , P . M ., and Secretary to the lodge , in ivhose favour tbe AV . M . vacated the chai ~ - In the course of the evening three brethren , Bro . Martin , Past Grand Chaplain of England ; Bro . SiersD . Prov . G . M . Oxford ; and Bro . HughanProvGSec
p , , , . . , of Cornwall , paid a visit to the Bon Accord Lodge . NORTHUMBERLAND LODGE , ( No . 118 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Monday Evening the 27 th ult . Bro . Morton Edwards AV . M . ; A . D . Lowenstark , P . G . I . G . ; P . M . Treas . ; Meyer A . Loewenstark P . G . Steward , P . M . Sec , F . AV . Koch S . D . ; A . Harris M . D ., J . D . ; The following members were present , Bros . G . Cales Fourdrinier , P . G . Steward ,
P . M ., P . Z . ; and H . M . Green . The Visiting jbrethren were Bros . Capt Nickelson , Joppa Lodge ; AV . S . Chas . Lacey , Thistle ; M . Emaneul , J . O . ; and Joel Emanuel J . D . Samson and Lion ; Bros . Jas . Brett P . G . P ., P . M . and P . Z . ; and E . H . Theillay , ( No . 145 ) , were each advanced to the degree of Mark Master , the ceremony being ably performed by Bro . A . Loewenstark as AV . M . Alter the conclusion of the business cf the evening , the brethren adjourned to an excellent Banquet under , the presi- , dency of the AV . JI . and a very agreeable evening was spent .
Knights Templar.
SUFFOLK . IPSIVICIE . — Plantagenet Encampment . — A Priory of th o Order of Knights of St . John of Jerusalem , Palestine , Rhodes , and Malta was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , under the banner of the Plantagenet Encampment , on Monday , the 13 tb iust ., when there were present Sir Knights Rev . R . N . Sanderson , D . P . G . C . of Suffolk , P . E . P . ; VV . AVostgate , E . P . ; C . T . Townsend , P . E . P ., Acting Chancellor ; Emra Holmes , Capt .
Gen . ; AV . Cncbow , Lieut . Gen , ; Dr . Beaumont , R . N ., Acting Prelate ; J . Townsend , Robertson , & c . The priory having been opened in ancient form , the E . C . resigned the baton to Sir Knight Sanderson , who proceeded to install Sir Knight Capt . Astley Fellows Terry , 15 th Rifles , of the Plantagenet JEucanipment , and Sir Knight Henry Skey Muir , M . H , of the Nova Scotia Encampment , Halifax , N . S ., as Knight of Malta , the fratres first receiving tbe accolade as Knights of St . Paul , or Mediterranean Pass . Tbe Sir Knights afterwards retired for refreshment .
PBOVINOIAII GEAMB CONCEAYOB . The annual meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , Mazagon on the 28 th November 1870 . Present : The Very Em . Provincial Grand Commander , Sir Kt . Gustavus Septimus Judge , on the Throne ; The Em . Deputy Provincial Grand Commander , Sir Kt . E . Tyrrell Leith ; Em . Sir Kts . Colonel L . AV . Penn , P .. G . Seneschal ; J . Percv Leith , P . G . Prior ; G . L . F . Connell , as P . G . Sub-Prior ; " Sir Kts . Rev . D . Boatfiower , as P . G .
Prelate ; Captain J . Dixon , 1 st P . G . Captain ; Em . Sir Kts . J . Baird , as 2 nd do . ; H . Morland , as P . G . Chancellor ; Sir Kts . J . Thomas , as P . G . Vice-Chanceflor ; T . Crawford , P . G . Dir . of Ceremonies ; Em . Sir Kt . Captain B . H . Mathew , P . G . Supt . of AVorks ; Sir Kts . C . Hyne . P . G . Mareschal ; W . H . AVakeman ,. 3 rd P . G . Standard Bearer ; P . Callaghan , 4 th P . G . Standard Bearer ; G . L . D'Bmden , 1 st P . G . Captain of Lines ; A . Mackenzie , 2 nd P . G . Captain of Lines ; P . Belleli , 1 st P . G . Herald ; .
J . Byrne , 2 nd P . G . Herald ; A . J . Kinloch ; P . G . Sword Bearer ; Fraters T . Martin , P . G . Equerry ; J . AV . Seager , P . G . Asst . Equerry ; and other Past Provincial Grand Officers and Sir-Knights . The Knights having arranged themselves under the P . G . Director of Ceremonies and formed the Arch of Steel , the Provincial Grand Commander and Provincial Grand Officerentered in procession property marshalled bthe Provincial
y Grand Director- of Ceremonies . The Provincial Grand Conclave was then opened in due form , with solemn prayer . The Provincial Grand Registrar calledthe Muster Roll . The Summons convening the meeting was read by the Provincial Grand Alec-Chancellor . The Minutes of the last Provincial Grand Conclave of the 19 th January , 1870 ,.
were read and dnly confirmed . Tbe Very Eminent P . G . Commander then appointed the-Officers of the P . G . Conclave for the ensuing year . Sir Kt . M . Balfour was unaniionsly elected Treasurer of the > P . G . Conclave . A letter from Em . Sir Kt . the Honourable . J . Gibbs , resigning the Office of Deputy Prov . Grand Commander , ivas read . On the motion of the A . E . P . G . Commander , seconded by the Em ..
Deputy P . G . Commander , it was resolved , — " That tbe P . G * Conclave place on record its regret at the resignation by Em . Sir Kt . the Honourable J . Gibbs of the Office of Deputy P . G . Commander , and that a vote of thanks be accorded to bim for tho great assistance be rendered our Order during the eight years he held that office . The A . E . P . G . Commander informed the P . G . Conclave that hehad granted a temporary warrant for the formation of a new
Encampment , to be called "The Mount Lebanon Encampment " and that he had had the pleasure of opening aud consecrating it , and of installing its first Eminent Commander , Em . Sir Knight James Percy Leith . Em . Sir Knight II . Morland proposed , and Em . Sir Knight - E . T . Leith seconded , that in lieu of regulation 15 the following be substituted : — "That a banquet be provided , and that every member of the P . G . Conclave be called to subscribe to tbe
upon banquet , whether present or not . The V . E . P . G . Commander proposed , and the Em . Deputy P . G , Commander seconded , " That the collars and jewels of office foe the P . G . Conclave be procured from England . " The following Sir Knights wero appointed ordinary members of the Provincial Grand Committee , viz .: Em . Sir Knights-B . IT . Mathew , Colonel L . AV . Penn , J . Percy Leith , and H . Morland .
Sir Knight E . Freeborn proposed , and Em . Sir Knight B . H . _ Mathew , seconded " That a letter of condolence be written to the widow of the late Em . Sir Knight AV . Wellis , Past Em . Commander of Ascalon Encampment , Poona , and Past Prov .. G . Sub-Prior of this P . G . Conclave . " Letters of excuse from Em . Sir Knight the Honourable Major E . Bourke , Past Deputy P . G . Commander of Bombay , aud Sir Knight G . Bease , Past P . G . Chancellor , were read .
The V . E . P . G . Commander regretted that , owing to the lateness of the hour he was unable to open the Provincial Grand Priory , but that he appointed to the corresponding offices in the P . GPriory all those whom he had just appointed to ollice iu the P . G .. Conclave . The Provincial Grand Almoner collected the alms , amounting to Rs . 24-1-0 , and was directed to pay the amount into the Fund : lor the relief of the sick aud wounded iu the present war betiveep-Q ermany and France .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
ISLE OF MAN . DOUGIAS . —Athole Shapier , ( No . 1 , 004 . ) . —The quaiterly meeting of tbe Royal Arch Chapter attached to the Athole Lodge , was held on AVednesday evening . The chapter was duly opened by the three Principals , Comps . G . M . Lofthouse , Z . ; H . P . Mayle , H . ; and R . Tutau , J . After the minutes ivere read and confirmed , a brother belonging to the Craft Lodge was balloted for and duly exalted . Comp . J . J . Harwood , P . M .
1212 , w s balloted for as a joining u ember , and was unanimously elected . During the exaltation , Comp . Harris , Scribe E ., performed the duties of Principal Sojourner in a very creditable manner , and the Principals and other officers did their duties admirably . After the exaltation , tbe election of officers for the ensuing year was proceeded with . The result was the following appointments : Comps . Mayle , Z . ; Tut on , H . ; AVebb , J , ; J . A . Brown , Scribe E . j G . H . AVood , Scribe N . ; J . J . Harwood ,
Principal Sojourner ; Handley , Treas . ; and G . M . Lofthouse , Org . The bye-laws of the chapter , having received the approval of the Svprcme Grand Ci . ur . eil , were passed ; and at the conclusion of the business the companions adjourned to banquet , a very pleasant evening being spent . During the evening there were presented to the chapter , by Comp . Lofthouse , on behalf of Comp . Tibbits , P . M . 1242 , a set of Royal Arch candles , beautifully ornamented with a pattern similar to tbe chequered scarf worn in Royal Arch Masonry .
Mark Masonry.
BON ACCORD LODGE OE MARK MASTEES . —This Lodge met on AVednesday , 1 st inst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern . Two candidates for the privilege of Mark Masonry were admitted into the Order , the ceremony being performed by Bro . F . Binckes , Grand Secretary , P . M ., and Secretary to the lodge , in ivhose favour tbe AV . M . vacated the chai ~ - In the course of the evening three brethren , Bro . Martin , Past Grand Chaplain of England ; Bro . SiersD . Prov . G . M . Oxford ; and Bro . HughanProvGSec
p , , , . . , of Cornwall , paid a visit to the Bon Accord Lodge . NORTHUMBERLAND LODGE , ( No . 118 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Monday Evening the 27 th ult . Bro . Morton Edwards AV . M . ; A . D . Lowenstark , P . G . I . G . ; P . M . Treas . ; Meyer A . Loewenstark P . G . Steward , P . M . Sec , F . AV . Koch S . D . ; A . Harris M . D ., J . D . ; The following members were present , Bros . G . Cales Fourdrinier , P . G . Steward ,
P . M ., P . Z . ; and H . M . Green . The Visiting jbrethren were Bros . Capt Nickelson , Joppa Lodge ; AV . S . Chas . Lacey , Thistle ; M . Emaneul , J . O . ; and Joel Emanuel J . D . Samson and Lion ; Bros . Jas . Brett P . G . P ., P . M . and P . Z . ; and E . H . Theillay , ( No . 145 ) , were each advanced to the degree of Mark Master , the ceremony being ably performed by Bro . A . Loewenstark as AV . M . Alter the conclusion of the business cf the evening , the brethren adjourned to an excellent Banquet under , the presi- , dency of the AV . JI . and a very agreeable evening was spent .
Knights Templar.
SUFFOLK . IPSIVICIE . — Plantagenet Encampment . — A Priory of th o Order of Knights of St . John of Jerusalem , Palestine , Rhodes , and Malta was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , under the banner of the Plantagenet Encampment , on Monday , the 13 tb iust ., when there were present Sir Knights Rev . R . N . Sanderson , D . P . G . C . of Suffolk , P . E . P . ; VV . AVostgate , E . P . ; C . T . Townsend , P . E . P ., Acting Chancellor ; Emra Holmes , Capt .
Gen . ; AV . Cncbow , Lieut . Gen , ; Dr . Beaumont , R . N ., Acting Prelate ; J . Townsend , Robertson , & c . The priory having been opened in ancient form , the E . C . resigned the baton to Sir Knight Sanderson , who proceeded to install Sir Knight Capt . Astley Fellows Terry , 15 th Rifles , of the Plantagenet JEucanipment , and Sir Knight Henry Skey Muir , M . H , of the Nova Scotia Encampment , Halifax , N . S ., as Knight of Malta , the fratres first receiving tbe accolade as Knights of St . Paul , or Mediterranean Pass . Tbe Sir Knights afterwards retired for refreshment .
PBOVINOIAII GEAMB CONCEAYOB . The annual meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , Mazagon on the 28 th November 1870 . Present : The Very Em . Provincial Grand Commander , Sir Kt . Gustavus Septimus Judge , on the Throne ; The Em . Deputy Provincial Grand Commander , Sir Kt . E . Tyrrell Leith ; Em . Sir Kts . Colonel L . AV . Penn , P .. G . Seneschal ; J . Percv Leith , P . G . Prior ; G . L . F . Connell , as P . G . Sub-Prior ; " Sir Kts . Rev . D . Boatfiower , as P . G .
Prelate ; Captain J . Dixon , 1 st P . G . Captain ; Em . Sir Kts . J . Baird , as 2 nd do . ; H . Morland , as P . G . Chancellor ; Sir Kts . J . Thomas , as P . G . Vice-Chanceflor ; T . Crawford , P . G . Dir . of Ceremonies ; Em . Sir Kt . Captain B . H . Mathew , P . G . Supt . of AVorks ; Sir Kts . C . Hyne . P . G . Mareschal ; W . H . AVakeman ,. 3 rd P . G . Standard Bearer ; P . Callaghan , 4 th P . G . Standard Bearer ; G . L . D'Bmden , 1 st P . G . Captain of Lines ; A . Mackenzie , 2 nd P . G . Captain of Lines ; P . Belleli , 1 st P . G . Herald ; .
J . Byrne , 2 nd P . G . Herald ; A . J . Kinloch ; P . G . Sword Bearer ; Fraters T . Martin , P . G . Equerry ; J . AV . Seager , P . G . Asst . Equerry ; and other Past Provincial Grand Officers and Sir-Knights . The Knights having arranged themselves under the P . G . Director of Ceremonies and formed the Arch of Steel , the Provincial Grand Commander and Provincial Grand Officerentered in procession property marshalled bthe Provincial
y Grand Director- of Ceremonies . The Provincial Grand Conclave was then opened in due form , with solemn prayer . The Provincial Grand Registrar calledthe Muster Roll . The Summons convening the meeting was read by the Provincial Grand Alec-Chancellor . The Minutes of the last Provincial Grand Conclave of the 19 th January , 1870 ,.
were read and dnly confirmed . Tbe Very Eminent P . G . Commander then appointed the-Officers of the P . G . Conclave for the ensuing year . Sir Kt . M . Balfour was unaniionsly elected Treasurer of the > P . G . Conclave . A letter from Em . Sir Kt . the Honourable . J . Gibbs , resigning the Office of Deputy Prov . Grand Commander , ivas read . On the motion of the A . E . P . G . Commander , seconded by the Em ..
Deputy P . G . Commander , it was resolved , — " That tbe P . G * Conclave place on record its regret at the resignation by Em . Sir Kt . the Honourable J . Gibbs of the Office of Deputy P . G . Commander , and that a vote of thanks be accorded to bim for tho great assistance be rendered our Order during the eight years he held that office . The A . E . P . G . Commander informed the P . G . Conclave that hehad granted a temporary warrant for the formation of a new
Encampment , to be called "The Mount Lebanon Encampment " and that he had had the pleasure of opening aud consecrating it , and of installing its first Eminent Commander , Em . Sir Knight James Percy Leith . Em . Sir Knight II . Morland proposed , and Em . Sir Knight - E . T . Leith seconded , that in lieu of regulation 15 the following be substituted : — "That a banquet be provided , and that every member of the P . G . Conclave be called to subscribe to tbe
upon banquet , whether present or not . The V . E . P . G . Commander proposed , and the Em . Deputy P . G , Commander seconded , " That the collars and jewels of office foe the P . G . Conclave be procured from England . " The following Sir Knights wero appointed ordinary members of the Provincial Grand Committee , viz .: Em . Sir Knights-B . IT . Mathew , Colonel L . AV . Penn , J . Percy Leith , and H . Morland .
Sir Knight E . Freeborn proposed , and Em . Sir Knight B . H . _ Mathew , seconded " That a letter of condolence be written to the widow of the late Em . Sir Knight AV . Wellis , Past Em . Commander of Ascalon Encampment , Poona , and Past Prov .. G . Sub-Prior of this P . G . Conclave . " Letters of excuse from Em . Sir Knight the Honourable Major E . Bourke , Past Deputy P . G . Commander of Bombay , aud Sir Knight G . Bease , Past P . G . Chancellor , were read .
The V . E . P . G . Commander regretted that , owing to the lateness of the hour he was unable to open the Provincial Grand Priory , but that he appointed to the corresponding offices in the P . GPriory all those whom he had just appointed to ollice iu the P . G .. Conclave . The Provincial Grand Almoner collected the alms , amounting to Rs . 24-1-0 , and was directed to pay the amount into the Fund : lor the relief of the sick aud wounded iu the present war betiveep-Q ermany and France .