Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Presented by the Sepulchre Encampment and Priory to the Provincial Grand Conclave of Bengal , on the occasion of the V . E . Sir Kt . Hugh David Sandaman assiimiug ' jHiis poivers and authority as Provincial Grand Prior cf Bengal . —20 t Augu . t ,
1870 . Tbe Provincial Grand Prior , in receiving the sword from the bauds of the Eminent Prior , expressed his gratification at the token of regard which the Sepulchre Encampment and its Priory now presented to him for the Provincial Grand Conclave , and said that bad any incentive to interest iu the order been wanting it would have been completely furnished in tho proof of their attachment which this very handsome present afforded .
It would give bim sincere gratification to lay their gift before the next meeting of the Provincial Grand Conclave , in whose name he now , with very cordial thanks , accepted it . The Provincial Grand Sword-Bearer not being present , the Eminent Prior directed Sir Knight AAliilt . y , 1 st Standard Bearer of tho Sepulchre Encampment , Past Provincial Grand Herald , K . T ., and Knight Companion of this Priory , to hold himself at the disposal of the Provincial Giaud Prior on this
occasion . Tho Provincial Grand Prior accepted the services of Sir Knight AA'bitty as Off :. Grand Sword-Bearer , and delivering the Sword into his care , charged him to produce it before the next meeting of the Provincial Grand Conclave . Tbe Eminent Prior then moved , pursuant to notice : — "That the Priory of the Order of Malta attached to , and holding of , the Sepulchre Encampment of Knights Templar under the Grand Conclave of England and AVales , shall henceforth bear , and be known by , the style , title , and designation
of the Sandeman Priory . Seconded by Sir Kt . Murray , Captain General of the Priory , and carried unanimously . The Eminent Prior , in the name of tbe Priory , solicited the sanction of the Provincial Grand Prior to the assumption of the name proposed , and further prayed Ihe concession of the following grant of arms as the heraldic bearings of the Priory : — Gules , a Passion Cross argent , planted in tho midst of the
" SaudemaH rocks" proper—Crest : —a dexter arm , enibowed , in a Prior ' s sleeve and gauntlet , emerging from the "Sandeman rocks ; " iind grasping a Prior ' s sword , all proper—Jlotto : — " Stat A eritas . " The Provincial Grand Prior , in acceding to both tbe foregoing requests , begged the Eminent Prior and tbe assembled Chapter to accept his cordial thanks for the further compliment which they had added ° to the other tokens of attachment exhibited
that evening by proposing to take his name for the title of their priory , and tho crest and motto of his family as a portion of their armorial bearings . He had the greatest pleasure in assenting to both propositions ; he would assure them that the proceedings of that evening would long be remembered by bim , and the prosperity- and welfare of the Priory would always command his sincerest and warmest wishes and the promotion of it his best efforts . There being no further work to be brought before the Chapter , the Priory was closed in due form and with solemn prayer , at 10 . 30 p . m .
OXTARIO . —The brethren of Lodges iu Belleville , with a num her of invited guests , dined together at the Defoe House , las evening , the R . W . Bro . A . A . Campbell iu the chair . About one hundred were present . Tho usual loyal and JIasonie toasts were given , and a pleasant evening was spent . The spread was an excellent one , reflecting great credit upon the popular host , Mr . Borrinale . The following officers of tho two Lodges ( Moira Lodge , No . 11 , G . R . C ., and Belleville Lodge , No . 123 , G . R . C . ) ,
were installed : —Bros . James Mackie , AV . JI . ; P . D . Conger , P . M . ; George J . Potts , S . W . ; J . S . Mondell , J . AV . ; John Kerr , 'Treasurer ; JI . M . Thompson , Secretary ; D . Urquhart , Tyler ; Bros . D . Pitceathly , AV . M . ; D . Hem , P . M . ; James Smith , S . W ; J . P . Thomas , J . W . ; George Ritchie , Treasurer ; E . L . Aunger , Sec ; D . Uurquhart , Tyler . Tbe Jiadoc Lodge of P . and A . M . attended divine service in the morning , when an admirable address was delivered by the Rev . Mr . Jlockridge . The members of the Lodge then marched in procession to their hall , where the installation took place . In the afternoon u soiree
was held in the hall , which was well attended by the people of the village and others . After a plentiful supply of the good things had been disposed of tbe AV . M ., Bro . Dr . Loomis , took the chair and proposed a number of sentiments , which w-ere responded to by Bros . F-. ilUinev , Dickson , Bowel , lievs . M . Robinson , Mockridge and Norrir . Mr . May-bee presided at the melodeon , and a mix ' jer of songs were well sung .
New Brunswick.
SAINT JOHN— Leinsler Lodge ( No . 19 ) . —Tiie M . AV . G . M ., AA . AA ' edderburn , installed Leinstei- Lodge Officers on Friday evening , the 13 th Jan . The names of officers are as follows-. — Henry J . Thornc , AV . M . ; Asaph G . Blakslee , I . P . M . ; Charles A . Stockton , Sen . AA ' . ; Moses L . Gross , Jun . AA . ; A . A . Stockton , Treas . ; . 1 . Edward N . Holder , Sec ; AV . A . Tweedale , Sen . D . ; Jno . Murdoch , Jun . D . ; John Y . M'Derniott , M . of of Cor . ; AVm . J . CornfieldSon . Steward ; Xeuophou Perry
, , Jun . Steward ; Josh . M'lutyre , I . G . ; and Dingee Scribner . Tyler . ST . Joint ' s LODGE , of Batlmrst , has returned its warrant to the Grand Lodge ot Scotland , aud applied for a warrant from tho Grand Lodgo of New Brunswick" . St . Andrew's Lodge , in Freclerickton , is now tbe only remaining Lodge in ~ New Brunswick which has uot yet given its allegiance to the properly-constituted authority .
MIILTOIYN . —At the annual meeting of A iotoria Lodge , No . 2 G , held on St . John ' s Day , W Bro . David Main was presented by the members of the Lodge with a very handsome P . JI . ' s jewel , bearing the following inscription : —Presented to AA orshipful Master , David Main , by the members of A ictoria Lodge , No . 26 , Dec . 27 th , 1 S 70 . PRINCE EDAA'ARD'S ISLAND .
POET HILL . — Alexandra Lodge ( No . 983 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge met at their Lodge room , ou Tuesday evening tbe 27 ill December , being the anniversary of St . John , and installed their officers for the year as follows : John Yeo , AV . JI . ; Thomas Adams , S . W . ; John Ellis , J . AA . ; John Jfaynard , Treasurer ; John Bel ) , Secretary ; Henry Neivcome , S . D . ; Edward England , J . D . ; P . \\\ Hubbard , I . G . ; R . ' 1 ' . OuHon , Tyler ; Archibald M'lutosb , and David M'Lean , Stewards . After which , supper
having been announced , the brethren present sat around the festive board , and enjoyed with evident relish the good things provided , ivhile the feast of reason and tbe flow of soul was a conspicuous element iu the evening's entertainment .
Masonry In India.
( From the " Masonic Record of AA ' estorn India . " ) At the close of another year ifc i ,. but natural to cast our glance around and see what progress Masonry has made in the far East . India has no reason to bo ashamed , of the position which she occupies in the Masonic world . When we consider the mere handful of Europeans residing in this vast peninsula , engrossed in business ana having , as a rule , far less leisure than their brethren
engaged iu trades and professions at home , our retrospect is a very pleasing one . At the ( present time we have in India including British Burmah ) no less than five District Grand Lodges under England and one under Scotland . The latest returns have not yet reached us from the various districts , but the number of Craft Lodges now working ont in this country may be approximately given as fellows -. —hi Bengal , 15 English and 4 Scotch ; in Madras 12 English ; in Bombay , 11 English and 12 Scotch ;
, in the Punjab , 8 English ; in British Burmah , 8 English ; and in Ceylon , I English and 1 Scotch ; besides those there are 2 the English Craft Lodges in the Eastern Archipelago at Singapore . Next comes the Boyal Arch Chapters working under England and Scotland respectively , viz . : In Bengal , G English and 1 Scotch ; in Madras , -1 English ; in Bombay 2 English and 8 Scotch ; in British Burniali , 1 English ; in Ceylon , 1 English and 1 Scotch ; and in . Singapore 1 English . If we turn to Mark
Masonry we find in Bengal 3 English and 1 Scotch ; in Jladras , 3 English ; iu Bombay , 2 English and 8 Scotch ; iu British Burmah , 3 English ; and in Ceylon and Singapore , 1 English respectively . Iu addition , the degrees of Past Master , Excellen
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Presented by the Sepulchre Encampment and Priory to the Provincial Grand Conclave of Bengal , on the occasion of the V . E . Sir Kt . Hugh David Sandaman assiimiug ' jHiis poivers and authority as Provincial Grand Prior cf Bengal . —20 t Augu . t ,
1870 . Tbe Provincial Grand Prior , in receiving the sword from the bauds of the Eminent Prior , expressed his gratification at the token of regard which the Sepulchre Encampment and its Priory now presented to him for the Provincial Grand Conclave , and said that bad any incentive to interest iu the order been wanting it would have been completely furnished in tho proof of their attachment which this very handsome present afforded .
It would give bim sincere gratification to lay their gift before the next meeting of the Provincial Grand Conclave , in whose name he now , with very cordial thanks , accepted it . The Provincial Grand Sword-Bearer not being present , the Eminent Prior directed Sir Knight AAliilt . y , 1 st Standard Bearer of tho Sepulchre Encampment , Past Provincial Grand Herald , K . T ., and Knight Companion of this Priory , to hold himself at the disposal of the Provincial Giaud Prior on this
occasion . Tho Provincial Grand Prior accepted the services of Sir Knight AA'bitty as Off :. Grand Sword-Bearer , and delivering the Sword into his care , charged him to produce it before the next meeting of the Provincial Grand Conclave . Tbe Eminent Prior then moved , pursuant to notice : — "That the Priory of the Order of Malta attached to , and holding of , the Sepulchre Encampment of Knights Templar under the Grand Conclave of England and AVales , shall henceforth bear , and be known by , the style , title , and designation
of the Sandeman Priory . Seconded by Sir Kt . Murray , Captain General of the Priory , and carried unanimously . The Eminent Prior , in the name of tbe Priory , solicited the sanction of the Provincial Grand Prior to the assumption of the name proposed , and further prayed Ihe concession of the following grant of arms as the heraldic bearings of the Priory : — Gules , a Passion Cross argent , planted in tho midst of the
" SaudemaH rocks" proper—Crest : —a dexter arm , enibowed , in a Prior ' s sleeve and gauntlet , emerging from the "Sandeman rocks ; " iind grasping a Prior ' s sword , all proper—Jlotto : — " Stat A eritas . " The Provincial Grand Prior , in acceding to both tbe foregoing requests , begged the Eminent Prior and tbe assembled Chapter to accept his cordial thanks for the further compliment which they had added ° to the other tokens of attachment exhibited
that evening by proposing to take his name for the title of their priory , and tho crest and motto of his family as a portion of their armorial bearings . He had the greatest pleasure in assenting to both propositions ; he would assure them that the proceedings of that evening would long be remembered by bim , and the prosperity- and welfare of the Priory would always command his sincerest and warmest wishes and the promotion of it his best efforts . There being no further work to be brought before the Chapter , the Priory was closed in due form and with solemn prayer , at 10 . 30 p . m .
OXTARIO . —The brethren of Lodges iu Belleville , with a num her of invited guests , dined together at the Defoe House , las evening , the R . W . Bro . A . A . Campbell iu the chair . About one hundred were present . Tho usual loyal and JIasonie toasts were given , and a pleasant evening was spent . The spread was an excellent one , reflecting great credit upon the popular host , Mr . Borrinale . The following officers of tho two Lodges ( Moira Lodge , No . 11 , G . R . C ., and Belleville Lodge , No . 123 , G . R . C . ) ,
were installed : —Bros . James Mackie , AV . JI . ; P . D . Conger , P . M . ; George J . Potts , S . W . ; J . S . Mondell , J . AV . ; John Kerr , 'Treasurer ; JI . M . Thompson , Secretary ; D . Urquhart , Tyler ; Bros . D . Pitceathly , AV . M . ; D . Hem , P . M . ; James Smith , S . W ; J . P . Thomas , J . W . ; George Ritchie , Treasurer ; E . L . Aunger , Sec ; D . Uurquhart , Tyler . Tbe Jiadoc Lodge of P . and A . M . attended divine service in the morning , when an admirable address was delivered by the Rev . Mr . Jlockridge . The members of the Lodge then marched in procession to their hall , where the installation took place . In the afternoon u soiree
was held in the hall , which was well attended by the people of the village and others . After a plentiful supply of the good things had been disposed of tbe AV . M ., Bro . Dr . Loomis , took the chair and proposed a number of sentiments , which w-ere responded to by Bros . F-. ilUinev , Dickson , Bowel , lievs . M . Robinson , Mockridge and Norrir . Mr . May-bee presided at the melodeon , and a mix ' jer of songs were well sung .
New Brunswick.
SAINT JOHN— Leinsler Lodge ( No . 19 ) . —Tiie M . AV . G . M ., AA . AA ' edderburn , installed Leinstei- Lodge Officers on Friday evening , the 13 th Jan . The names of officers are as follows-. — Henry J . Thornc , AV . M . ; Asaph G . Blakslee , I . P . M . ; Charles A . Stockton , Sen . AA ' . ; Moses L . Gross , Jun . AA . ; A . A . Stockton , Treas . ; . 1 . Edward N . Holder , Sec ; AV . A . Tweedale , Sen . D . ; Jno . Murdoch , Jun . D . ; John Y . M'Derniott , M . of of Cor . ; AVm . J . CornfieldSon . Steward ; Xeuophou Perry
, , Jun . Steward ; Josh . M'lutyre , I . G . ; and Dingee Scribner . Tyler . ST . Joint ' s LODGE , of Batlmrst , has returned its warrant to the Grand Lodge ot Scotland , aud applied for a warrant from tho Grand Lodgo of New Brunswick" . St . Andrew's Lodge , in Freclerickton , is now tbe only remaining Lodge in ~ New Brunswick which has uot yet given its allegiance to the properly-constituted authority .
MIILTOIYN . —At the annual meeting of A iotoria Lodge , No . 2 G , held on St . John ' s Day , W Bro . David Main was presented by the members of the Lodge with a very handsome P . JI . ' s jewel , bearing the following inscription : —Presented to AA orshipful Master , David Main , by the members of A ictoria Lodge , No . 26 , Dec . 27 th , 1 S 70 . PRINCE EDAA'ARD'S ISLAND .
POET HILL . — Alexandra Lodge ( No . 983 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge met at their Lodge room , ou Tuesday evening tbe 27 ill December , being the anniversary of St . John , and installed their officers for the year as follows : John Yeo , AV . JI . ; Thomas Adams , S . W . ; John Ellis , J . AA . ; John Jfaynard , Treasurer ; John Bel ) , Secretary ; Henry Neivcome , S . D . ; Edward England , J . D . ; P . \\\ Hubbard , I . G . ; R . ' 1 ' . OuHon , Tyler ; Archibald M'lutosb , and David M'Lean , Stewards . After which , supper
having been announced , the brethren present sat around the festive board , and enjoyed with evident relish the good things provided , ivhile the feast of reason and tbe flow of soul was a conspicuous element iu the evening's entertainment .
Masonry In India.
( From the " Masonic Record of AA ' estorn India . " ) At the close of another year ifc i ,. but natural to cast our glance around and see what progress Masonry has made in the far East . India has no reason to bo ashamed , of the position which she occupies in the Masonic world . When we consider the mere handful of Europeans residing in this vast peninsula , engrossed in business ana having , as a rule , far less leisure than their brethren
engaged iu trades and professions at home , our retrospect is a very pleasing one . At the ( present time we have in India including British Burmah ) no less than five District Grand Lodges under England and one under Scotland . The latest returns have not yet reached us from the various districts , but the number of Craft Lodges now working ont in this country may be approximately given as fellows -. —hi Bengal , 15 English and 4 Scotch ; in Madras 12 English ; in Bombay , 11 English and 12 Scotch ;
, in the Punjab , 8 English ; in British Burmah , 8 English ; and in Ceylon , I English and 1 Scotch ; besides those there are 2 the English Craft Lodges in the Eastern Archipelago at Singapore . Next comes the Boyal Arch Chapters working under England and Scotland respectively , viz . : In Bengal , G English and 1 Scotch ; in Madras , -1 English ; in Bombay 2 English and 8 Scotch ; in British Burniali , 1 English ; in Ceylon , 1 English and 1 Scotch ; and in . Singapore 1 English . If we turn to Mark
Masonry we find in Bengal 3 English and 1 Scotch ; in Jladras , 3 English ; iu Bombay , 2 English and 8 Scotch ; iu British Burmah , 3 English ; and in Ceylon and Singapore , 1 English respectively . Iu addition , the degrees of Past Master , Excellen