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Freemasonry And The War.
tion , presumptuously called by him , but by no other Mason , " The Organ of the Craft" which is in fact a mere trade circular ! I imagine flint the defiant tone adopted by the writer of the article alluded to will be appreciated as it deserves by the E . W . D . G . M .. the other Grand Officers , and ihe Board of G . P . I am dear Sir and Brother , Tours truly A MJOIBEE OP GHAI ; LODGE .
Insubordination In The High Degrees.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FEE E MA SDKS MAGAZINE AND MA _ ON _ C MIREOlt . Dear Sir and Brother , —My attention has been drawn to a correspondence in your paper touching Bro . Yarker and his relations with the Supreme Council , 33 ° , from which it would appear that he has been acting on the well-known axiom , " If you have no case abuse the plaintiff's attorney . " Bro . Yarker seems lo have followed ( his advice to the lettersince he throws good deal of dirt at
, a the S . - . C . v , no doubt hoping some will stick . It appears that Bro . Yarker has violated his obligation to that Supreme Body by seeking to give degrees belonging to the Antient and Accepted Bile , in opposition to the Council , and as a consequence be has been very properly expelled from the Order . Bro . Yarker objects to the expulsion on tho ground
that the Supreme Council ) 33 ° , is a self-elected body , and Jays down ( Lo dictum ( hat it is usually considered good Masonic law that the governed should have some voice in the election of high functionaries . Perhaps Bro . Yarker will tell ns what part Craft Masons have in the election of their Provincial Grand Masters ; what power they possess in ( ho ejection of Grand Officers ancl Provincial Grand Officers ; and what voice the general bod y of Craft Masons , have , except by delegation in Grand Lodge , in the election of the W . M . Grand Master ? Bro .
Yarker must say what he knows is not true when he urges " thai the S . ' . G . - . has no accrediting diploma , but the self-created function of receiving fees . " The Council derives its charter from the Supreme Grand Council , Northern Jurisdiction , United States , which charter can be seen by any member oi the higher degrees , at the offices of the S . -. C . " ., No . 33 Golden Square , London .
It is rather late in the day to talk of the so-called Supreme Council , and to say that as a Commander of the old " Nc-Plus-Ultra , " he has as much right to suspend the so-called Supreme Council as they to expel him . Every 01 : 0 knows that the JKosc Croix , which itself was called the Ne Pius Ultra degree , was given with the Kadosh in the old Knight Temp . ar Encampments , but I that the latter
deny was ever given in the Eoso Croix Chapters , or under " a Bosc Croix " Charter , apart from the Templar degree . When tho Supreme Council ivas established in England , it assumed very properly the exclusive control of those degrees which belonged to its own Bite , and Grand Conclave , which is the govcrni . K .-body of the Templarsnever disputed its riht to do
, g so , nor professed to havo poiver to confer them . Freemasonry would soon be iu a state of anarchy if every Mason , or every lodge thought fit to give , or profess to give , whatever degrees it liked , and to ' be accountable to
no one . I am sorry to see that the force of evil example , even in Freemasonry , is soon felt , and that some of the members of the Bochdale Chapter of Eoso < f ( have held a meeting for tho purpose of conferring the 30 fch and 32 ud degrees , which thoy have no more right to give than the M . A . or D . D . of Oxford and Cambridge . The craft in general must have a very good idea of what these so-called degrees are worth , when I
Insubordination In The High Degrees.
inform my brethren that I have learnt , on very good authority , that the sum charged to such candidates as may be gulled , will not exceed Is . 6 d . The Supreme Council was never in a stronger position than at present ; some of our most distinguished Masons in England belong to the A . and A . Bite , including the nr . mes of noblemen and savans ( anions throughout Europe . 'That
distinguished body is in accord , I believe , with every Supreme Council in the world ; and the attacks of men who have broken their- obligations , and violated their sacred word of honour , will do nothing but bring down upon the heads of the offenders against all Masonic law the contempt of all true Freemasons . I amDear Sir and Brother
Sir , —There is another governing body sprung np in the person of John Yarker , who is well known to the readers of another paper as the libeller of the dead B-. M . Crucifix , M . D . This person pretends to give , for money , a number of degrees , which he says have been given from time immemorial , though he knows there does not exist a single proof of this assertion . It is a pity
this person does not stick to his yarns , " ne sidor ultra crepidem , '' instead of meddling with what he does not understand . OKE WIIO IBIEEIS THE SEUBIOtJSNESS 03 ? THE S . C . OE AjUEEICA 10 THE SEXl ' -ASSEETED SODX OP J . Y .
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
GEASD COSSISTOEY oy IOTVA . —This Grand Body held a special session at Lyons , Iowa , on tbe 10 th and succeeding clays of January . Its legislation was important and unanimous , and will have an important and beneficial effect upon the Eiteand its subordinate
bodies in t he State . TEHPEAE UUTPOKHS IS COSCLATEB . —The Grand Commander of New York has issued an edict enforcing the use of the uniforms of the Order in all Councils of the Eed Cross and Conclaves of Templars .
The Grand Lodge of North Carolina celebrated its centennial anniversary on the date of its charter , January 14 s . The Masonic Grand Lodge of Michigan has recently
procured for its officers the richest set of jewels ever made in the United States . They are of solid eighteen carat gold , with the insignia raised on red enamel , of rare and beautiful workmanship . The jewels were made in an eastern city , and cost 1 , 300 dollars . They are thirteen in number , and each is put up in a handsome velvet-lined Turkey morocco case .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry And The War.
tion , presumptuously called by him , but by no other Mason , " The Organ of the Craft" which is in fact a mere trade circular ! I imagine flint the defiant tone adopted by the writer of the article alluded to will be appreciated as it deserves by the E . W . D . G . M .. the other Grand Officers , and ihe Board of G . P . I am dear Sir and Brother , Tours truly A MJOIBEE OP GHAI ; LODGE .
Insubordination In The High Degrees.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FEE E MA SDKS MAGAZINE AND MA _ ON _ C MIREOlt . Dear Sir and Brother , —My attention has been drawn to a correspondence in your paper touching Bro . Yarker and his relations with the Supreme Council , 33 ° , from which it would appear that he has been acting on the well-known axiom , " If you have no case abuse the plaintiff's attorney . " Bro . Yarker seems lo have followed ( his advice to the lettersince he throws good deal of dirt at
, a the S . - . C . v , no doubt hoping some will stick . It appears that Bro . Yarker has violated his obligation to that Supreme Body by seeking to give degrees belonging to the Antient and Accepted Bile , in opposition to the Council , and as a consequence be has been very properly expelled from the Order . Bro . Yarker objects to the expulsion on tho ground
that the Supreme Council ) 33 ° , is a self-elected body , and Jays down ( Lo dictum ( hat it is usually considered good Masonic law that the governed should have some voice in the election of high functionaries . Perhaps Bro . Yarker will tell ns what part Craft Masons have in the election of their Provincial Grand Masters ; what power they possess in ( ho ejection of Grand Officers ancl Provincial Grand Officers ; and what voice the general bod y of Craft Masons , have , except by delegation in Grand Lodge , in the election of the W . M . Grand Master ? Bro .
Yarker must say what he knows is not true when he urges " thai the S . ' . G . - . has no accrediting diploma , but the self-created function of receiving fees . " The Council derives its charter from the Supreme Grand Council , Northern Jurisdiction , United States , which charter can be seen by any member oi the higher degrees , at the offices of the S . -. C . " ., No . 33 Golden Square , London .
It is rather late in the day to talk of the so-called Supreme Council , and to say that as a Commander of the old " Nc-Plus-Ultra , " he has as much right to suspend the so-called Supreme Council as they to expel him . Every 01 : 0 knows that the JKosc Croix , which itself was called the Ne Pius Ultra degree , was given with the Kadosh in the old Knight Temp . ar Encampments , but I that the latter
deny was ever given in the Eoso Croix Chapters , or under " a Bosc Croix " Charter , apart from the Templar degree . When tho Supreme Council ivas established in England , it assumed very properly the exclusive control of those degrees which belonged to its own Bite , and Grand Conclave , which is the govcrni . K .-body of the Templarsnever disputed its riht to do
, g so , nor professed to havo poiver to confer them . Freemasonry would soon be iu a state of anarchy if every Mason , or every lodge thought fit to give , or profess to give , whatever degrees it liked , and to ' be accountable to
no one . I am sorry to see that the force of evil example , even in Freemasonry , is soon felt , and that some of the members of the Bochdale Chapter of Eoso < f ( have held a meeting for tho purpose of conferring the 30 fch and 32 ud degrees , which thoy have no more right to give than the M . A . or D . D . of Oxford and Cambridge . The craft in general must have a very good idea of what these so-called degrees are worth , when I
Insubordination In The High Degrees.
inform my brethren that I have learnt , on very good authority , that the sum charged to such candidates as may be gulled , will not exceed Is . 6 d . The Supreme Council was never in a stronger position than at present ; some of our most distinguished Masons in England belong to the A . and A . Bite , including the nr . mes of noblemen and savans ( anions throughout Europe . 'That
distinguished body is in accord , I believe , with every Supreme Council in the world ; and the attacks of men who have broken their- obligations , and violated their sacred word of honour , will do nothing but bring down upon the heads of the offenders against all Masonic law the contempt of all true Freemasons . I amDear Sir and Brother
Sir , —There is another governing body sprung np in the person of John Yarker , who is well known to the readers of another paper as the libeller of the dead B-. M . Crucifix , M . D . This person pretends to give , for money , a number of degrees , which he says have been given from time immemorial , though he knows there does not exist a single proof of this assertion . It is a pity
this person does not stick to his yarns , " ne sidor ultra crepidem , '' instead of meddling with what he does not understand . OKE WIIO IBIEEIS THE SEUBIOtJSNESS 03 ? THE S . C . OE AjUEEICA 10 THE SEXl ' -ASSEETED SODX OP J . Y .
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
GEASD COSSISTOEY oy IOTVA . —This Grand Body held a special session at Lyons , Iowa , on tbe 10 th and succeeding clays of January . Its legislation was important and unanimous , and will have an important and beneficial effect upon the Eiteand its subordinate
bodies in t he State . TEHPEAE UUTPOKHS IS COSCLATEB . —The Grand Commander of New York has issued an edict enforcing the use of the uniforms of the Order in all Councils of the Eed Cross and Conclaves of Templars .
The Grand Lodge of North Carolina celebrated its centennial anniversary on the date of its charter , January 14 s . The Masonic Grand Lodge of Michigan has recently
procured for its officers the richest set of jewels ever made in the United States . They are of solid eighteen carat gold , with the insignia raised on red enamel , of rare and beautiful workmanship . The jewels were made in an eastern city , and cost 1 , 300 dollars . They are thirteen in number , and each is put up in a handsome velvet-lined Turkey morocco case .