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Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
The Grand Lodge of Missouri , at its recent session , presented Past Grand Master , Bro . John T > . Yincil , representative from Grand Lodge of Iowa , with a beautiful and costly gold watch , as a reward of meritorious services as Grand Master .
Grand Lodge of Missouri re-affirms its adherence to the " work'' adopted at the Baltimore Convention of 1843 . This Grand Lodge , slow but sure , has just recognised the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia . The Grand Lodge of Nebraska has an Orphans '
School Eund , to which twelve of the brethren donated their mileage and per-diem—114 £ dollars . The Grand Lodge of Nebraska has adopted a " Board of Custodians of the Work . "
At a Masonic reception in Cedar Rapids , Bro . J . Calder , who has been a Mason over fifty years , was present . The Masons of Webster City dedicated their new
hall , Tuesday , the 27 th December . WHY CANNOT "WOMAN BB MADE A MASON ?—At the late anniversary celebration of the Masons of Austin , Nevada , the orator of the day thus ridiculously
discoursed upon this vexed question : — " "Woman sometimes complains that she is not permitted to enter our lodges and work with the craft in their labours , and learn all there is to be
learned in the institution . We will explain the reason . We learn that , before the Almighty had finished His work , He was in some doubt about creating Eve . The creation of every living and creeping thing had been accomplished , and the Almighty had made Adam ( who was the first
Mason ) , and erected for him the finest lodge in the world , and called ifc Paradise , No . 1 . He then caused all the beasts of tho field and the fowls of the air to pass before Adam , for him to name them , which was a piece ' of work he had to do alone , so that no confusion might thereafter arise from Eve , whom He knew
would make trouble if she were allowed to participate in ifc , if he created her beforehand . Adam being very much fatigued with the labours of his first task fell asleep , and when he awoke ho found Eve in the lodge with him . Adam , being Senior Warden , placed Eve as the pillar of beauty in the south , and they received
their instructions from the Grand Master in the east , which , when finished , she immediately called the craft from labour to refreshment . Instead of attending to
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
the duties of her office as she ought , she left ; her station , violated her obligation , and let in an expelled Mason , who had no business there , and went around with him , leaving Adam to look after the jewels . This fellow had heen expelled from the Grand Lodge , with several others , some time before . But , he . iring
the footsteps of the Grand Master , he suddenly took his leave , telling Eve to go to making aprons , as she and Adam were not in proper regalia . She went and told Adam , and when the Grand Master returned to the lodge , He found His gavel had heen stolen . He called for the Senior and Junior Wardens , who had
neglected to guard the door , and found them absent . After searching some time , he came to where they were hid , and demanded of Adam what he was doing there , instead of occupying his official station . Adam replied he was waiting for Eve to call the craft from refreshment to labour again , and that the craft was
not properly clothed , which they were making pro . vision for . Turning to Eve , he asked her what she had to offer in excuse for her unofficial and unmasonic conduct . She replied , that a fellow passing himself off as a Grand Lecturer , had been giving her
instructions , and she thought ifc was no harm to learn them . The Graud Master then asked her what had become of his gavel ; she said ' she didn't know , unless the fellow had taken it away . Einding that Eve was no louger trustworthy , and that she had caused Adam to neglect his duty , and had let in one whom He
had expelled , the Grand Master had closed the lodge , and turning them out , set a faithful tyler to guard the door with a flaming Sivord . Adam , repenting of his folly , went to work like a man and a good Mason , in order to get reinstated again . Not so with Eve ; she got angry about it , and commenced raising Cain .
Adam , on account of his reformation , was permitted to establish lodges and work in the lower degrees ; and , while Eve was allowed to join him in the works of charity outside , she was never again to be admitted to assist in the regular work of the craft . Hence , the reason why woman cannot become an inside
Mason . "—Evergreen . [ We think the Grand Orator might have found a better subject for his discourse before the Grand Lodge than thus bringing ridicule upon the Craft and the HolyScripturesl .-Eu . E . M . & M . M .
Grand Master Gibson , of New York , reiuses to remove tho landmarks , in order that " au eminently worthy citizen , " or " a soldier who lost a limb in the service of his country , " may be admitted . Masonry does not , says he , turn aside its laws to reward merit and worth in civil life , or bravery and valour on the battle-field .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
The Grand Lodge of Missouri , at its recent session , presented Past Grand Master , Bro . John T > . Yincil , representative from Grand Lodge of Iowa , with a beautiful and costly gold watch , as a reward of meritorious services as Grand Master .
Grand Lodge of Missouri re-affirms its adherence to the " work'' adopted at the Baltimore Convention of 1843 . This Grand Lodge , slow but sure , has just recognised the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia . The Grand Lodge of Nebraska has an Orphans '
School Eund , to which twelve of the brethren donated their mileage and per-diem—114 £ dollars . The Grand Lodge of Nebraska has adopted a " Board of Custodians of the Work . "
At a Masonic reception in Cedar Rapids , Bro . J . Calder , who has been a Mason over fifty years , was present . The Masons of Webster City dedicated their new
hall , Tuesday , the 27 th December . WHY CANNOT "WOMAN BB MADE A MASON ?—At the late anniversary celebration of the Masons of Austin , Nevada , the orator of the day thus ridiculously
discoursed upon this vexed question : — " "Woman sometimes complains that she is not permitted to enter our lodges and work with the craft in their labours , and learn all there is to be
learned in the institution . We will explain the reason . We learn that , before the Almighty had finished His work , He was in some doubt about creating Eve . The creation of every living and creeping thing had been accomplished , and the Almighty had made Adam ( who was the first
Mason ) , and erected for him the finest lodge in the world , and called ifc Paradise , No . 1 . He then caused all the beasts of tho field and the fowls of the air to pass before Adam , for him to name them , which was a piece ' of work he had to do alone , so that no confusion might thereafter arise from Eve , whom He knew
would make trouble if she were allowed to participate in ifc , if he created her beforehand . Adam being very much fatigued with the labours of his first task fell asleep , and when he awoke ho found Eve in the lodge with him . Adam , being Senior Warden , placed Eve as the pillar of beauty in the south , and they received
their instructions from the Grand Master in the east , which , when finished , she immediately called the craft from labour to refreshment . Instead of attending to
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
the duties of her office as she ought , she left ; her station , violated her obligation , and let in an expelled Mason , who had no business there , and went around with him , leaving Adam to look after the jewels . This fellow had heen expelled from the Grand Lodge , with several others , some time before . But , he . iring
the footsteps of the Grand Master , he suddenly took his leave , telling Eve to go to making aprons , as she and Adam were not in proper regalia . She went and told Adam , and when the Grand Master returned to the lodge , He found His gavel had heen stolen . He called for the Senior and Junior Wardens , who had
neglected to guard the door , and found them absent . After searching some time , he came to where they were hid , and demanded of Adam what he was doing there , instead of occupying his official station . Adam replied he was waiting for Eve to call the craft from refreshment to labour again , and that the craft was
not properly clothed , which they were making pro . vision for . Turning to Eve , he asked her what she had to offer in excuse for her unofficial and unmasonic conduct . She replied , that a fellow passing himself off as a Grand Lecturer , had been giving her
instructions , and she thought ifc was no harm to learn them . The Graud Master then asked her what had become of his gavel ; she said ' she didn't know , unless the fellow had taken it away . Einding that Eve was no louger trustworthy , and that she had caused Adam to neglect his duty , and had let in one whom He
had expelled , the Grand Master had closed the lodge , and turning them out , set a faithful tyler to guard the door with a flaming Sivord . Adam , repenting of his folly , went to work like a man and a good Mason , in order to get reinstated again . Not so with Eve ; she got angry about it , and commenced raising Cain .
Adam , on account of his reformation , was permitted to establish lodges and work in the lower degrees ; and , while Eve was allowed to join him in the works of charity outside , she was never again to be admitted to assist in the regular work of the craft . Hence , the reason why woman cannot become an inside
Mason . "—Evergreen . [ We think the Grand Orator might have found a better subject for his discourse before the Grand Lodge than thus bringing ridicule upon the Craft and the HolyScripturesl .-Eu . E . M . & M . M .
Grand Master Gibson , of New York , reiuses to remove tho landmarks , in order that " au eminently worthy citizen , " or " a soldier who lost a limb in the service of his country , " may be admitted . Masonry does not , says he , turn aside its laws to reward merit and worth in civil life , or bravery and valour on the battle-field .