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Masonic Mems.
The triennial meeting of the Grand Orient of France , for the election of a new Grand Master , is about to take place . It is stated that Prince Murat is to be succeeded by Prince Jerome Buonaparte , the former heiug considered to interfere a little to much with foreign politics .
The Secretary of the Boyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and their Widows ( Bro . Farnfield , Assist . G . Sec . ) has received the handsome donation of 100 guineas from the Prov . G . Lodge of East Lancashire , on behalf of the Institution , £ 100 from the Prov . Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire , and £ 50 from the Lodge of Faith , No . 430 , Radeliff-bridge , East Lancashire .
Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
By the time our publication is in the hands of our readers , tho election of Annuitants will be over ; and we have therefore again to express our thanks to those friends who have kindly assisted Bro . Warren in his exertions for Mrs . Weymouth , though it is as yet impossible to say what will be the result . We now acknowledge the following votes received : —
Brought forward 636 A Friend and Well Wisher ( £ 2 ) 61 P ., Hath S Bro . Gregory , G . E ., J . G . D 5 G " Bedford , Bev . W . R ., G . Chap , ( 10 s . ) 16 " Harcourt , P . G . D . C 21-" Wood , AV . R ., Brighton 21
" Smith , AV ., CD . 16 " Timgliaii , Bev . S ., Wreatliam , Suffolk 16 " Clarkson , W . M ., l-l-l , Hereford S " Williams , J ., Z ., Chap . Ill , Hereford 8 " Atkinson , F ., Z ., Chap . 7 < J 3 , Stokesley S " Underwood , J ., '/ ,., Chap . 318 8 Total 892
MEN ' VOTES . Brought forward 236 Bro . Farthing , AV . M . 118 81 „ AVood , \ V . It ., Brighton 72 „ Smith , AA ' ., C . P ., No . 25 24 „ Burton , AV . S ., London 21 . „ Glegg , Dr 21 „ Bacon , J ., Brighton 21 Total < ISS
CAtmoxiAX LODGE or INSTRUCTION ( No . 156 ) . —This Lodge of Instruction has been consecrated under the warrant of the Caledonian Lodge , and will meet every Tuesday evening at the Old Ship Hotel , AViitor-lano , Tower-street . The consecration took place on Tuesday last , on which occasion there was a full attendance of brethren . The lodge was opened at six . o ' clock , by Bro . AVilliam Watson , P . M . No . 25 , who performed the impressive ceremony of consecration in his usual fluent manner . Bro . J .
Cottereli , P . AI . No . 219 , then installed in the chair of K . S . Bro . K . 0 . Cockcraft , P . M . No . 1 GG , ivho , appointed as the officers for the evening , Bros . AV . R . Turner , S . W . ; Piatt , J . W . ; Johnson , S . D . ; Rev . George Richards , J . D ; and Burmester , I . G . Besides the above
we also noticed Bros . Alfred Brett , Earle , Nunn , Gilbert , Buswell , Jacobs , Thiselton , Davidson , Thomas Turner , aud Milsted ; the last named brother being the new proprietor of the house ivhich has been selected for the meetings of this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Cottereli performed the ceremony of installation , and gave the whole of the charges with admirable effect . The lodge having been closed in due form , the brethren dined together under the presidency of Bro . Cockcraft . The cloth being cleared
, the W . M . proceeded with the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were warmly received . In proposing that of " The D . G . M . and the other Grand Officers , " the | W . M . alluded to the recent appointment of Lord de Grey and Ripon , which , he trusted , would not , however , deprive them of Lord Dalhousic ' s services . — Bro . NELSON ( Prov . G . Sec . AVest Riding of Yorkshire ) returned thanks for the toast . He could assure them that his lordship was deeply
interested in all that went on in the Craft , and he believed that Lord de Grey would be as good a D . G . M . as Lord Panmure hacl been , which was saying as much as it was possible to say . —In proposing " Prosperity to the Caledonian Lodge of Instruction , " the W . M . said it was proposed in this lodge to give more attention to the working of the ceremonies than to the lectures . Though a young Mason , he hacl attended many lodges of instruction . He bad seen many instances of the value of studying tho working of the
ceremonies . It would be the object of this lodge of instruction to make the brethren perfect in the duties which they had to perform in lodge . The want of a lodge of instruction was much felt in the neighbourhood , and when it was known , he was sure it would be well supported . He had no doubt that there were other lodges of instruction with higher pretensions , but he was sure there was no assembly of brethren who had tbo interests of the Craft more at heart than themselves . He begged to couple the toast with the health of Bro . W . R . Turner , S . AV . —Bro . TURNER , in returning thanks , said that though he had boon called upon , the honours were due to Bros . Cottereli , Cockcraft , Nunn , ancl Watson , who had assisted in getting
up this ^ lodge of instruction . Ho was but a young Mason , but the pleasant evenings they hacl spent in a small parlour in Greek-street had shown them the value of an established nucleus of instruction ; they were in the "Old Ship , " and with their excellent pilots there was no doubt they could come safe into port . —Bro . AVATSON , in proposing " The Health of tho AV . M ., " quite approved of the intention of this lodge of instruction to devote itself particularly to the ritualthough ho could not deny that he much admired
, the lectures , and their beautiful illustrations . AVith regard to their AV . M ., he coulcl say , wherever ho went , that he brought earnestness of purpose , gentlemanlike feeling and delicacy , and warmth of feeling ; wherever he went ho made friends , and ho was sure they would all agree that , though not a very old Mason , he was a great acquisition to the Craft . The toast was received with great enthusiasm . — The AV . M ., in returning thanks , said that it had always been his
determination , whatever office he held , to perform the duties thoroughly . He asked them to think upon tbo necessity of this . How frequently they might see admirable ivorking from the chair completely nullified by the imperfeetness of the subordinate officers . He thanked them most cordially for the honour they had done him . Before he sat down he felt it his duty to propose " The Healths of Bros . Cottereli and AA atson " for their kindness in attending and
assisting them in the ivorking of the lodge . This health was received with great enthusiasm . —Bro . COTTEREI . L adverted to the great pleasure older Masons derived from imparting instruction to their skilled hrethren . He epiite agreed that the parrot-like repetition of the fifteen sections ought to be made subordinate to the working of the ceremonies . He hoped that this lodge would be one where the young Alason might something which he
carry away really wanted . Several appropriate toasts followed , and the festivities were protracted to a somewhat late hour . The com fort of the brethren was most assiduously cared for by Bro . Albert Nulsted , the host . The furniture and regalia were supplied by Bro . Piatt ; it is plain , and exceedingly suitable for a lodge of instruction .
PIICENIX LODOE ( NO . 202 ) . —Tho last meeting of this lodge for the season was held at tho Freemasons' Tavern on Saturday last , when Bvo . Maslin , AV . M ., ably raised Bvo . Fuller to the third degree . Bro . R . Bell McEntire was duly installed as AA . M . for the ensuing year , by Bro . AVilliam AVatson , assisted by a full board of installed Alasters , amongst whom we observed Bro . .-Eneas Mclntyre , the new S . G . D ., ' ancl several P . Ms , of the lodge . The usual formalities having been observed , the W . M . appointed as his
officers , Bros . Morris , S . W . ; States , J . AV . ; Bro . Henry G . Warren , the senior P . M . of tbo lodge , Sue . ; anil Bro . AVillinms , S . D ., the other offices being left vacant on account of the non-attendance of members . Bro . AVebber , P . M ., was invested as Treasurer , having been unanimousl y elected at the previous meeting . Bro . Rice was re-elec t ed Tyler . All other business having been disposed of , the brethren adjourned to a very elegant banquet , when the usual toasts were given , Bro . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
The triennial meeting of the Grand Orient of France , for the election of a new Grand Master , is about to take place . It is stated that Prince Murat is to be succeeded by Prince Jerome Buonaparte , the former heiug considered to interfere a little to much with foreign politics .
The Secretary of the Boyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and their Widows ( Bro . Farnfield , Assist . G . Sec . ) has received the handsome donation of 100 guineas from the Prov . G . Lodge of East Lancashire , on behalf of the Institution , £ 100 from the Prov . Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire , and £ 50 from the Lodge of Faith , No . 430 , Radeliff-bridge , East Lancashire .
Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
By the time our publication is in the hands of our readers , tho election of Annuitants will be over ; and we have therefore again to express our thanks to those friends who have kindly assisted Bro . Warren in his exertions for Mrs . Weymouth , though it is as yet impossible to say what will be the result . We now acknowledge the following votes received : —
Brought forward 636 A Friend and Well Wisher ( £ 2 ) 61 P ., Hath S Bro . Gregory , G . E ., J . G . D 5 G " Bedford , Bev . W . R ., G . Chap , ( 10 s . ) 16 " Harcourt , P . G . D . C 21-" Wood , AV . R ., Brighton 21
" Smith , AV ., CD . 16 " Timgliaii , Bev . S ., Wreatliam , Suffolk 16 " Clarkson , W . M ., l-l-l , Hereford S " Williams , J ., Z ., Chap . Ill , Hereford 8 " Atkinson , F ., Z ., Chap . 7 < J 3 , Stokesley S " Underwood , J ., '/ ,., Chap . 318 8 Total 892
MEN ' VOTES . Brought forward 236 Bro . Farthing , AV . M . 118 81 „ AVood , \ V . It ., Brighton 72 „ Smith , AA ' ., C . P ., No . 25 24 „ Burton , AV . S ., London 21 . „ Glegg , Dr 21 „ Bacon , J ., Brighton 21 Total < ISS
CAtmoxiAX LODGE or INSTRUCTION ( No . 156 ) . —This Lodge of Instruction has been consecrated under the warrant of the Caledonian Lodge , and will meet every Tuesday evening at the Old Ship Hotel , AViitor-lano , Tower-street . The consecration took place on Tuesday last , on which occasion there was a full attendance of brethren . The lodge was opened at six . o ' clock , by Bro . AVilliam Watson , P . M . No . 25 , who performed the impressive ceremony of consecration in his usual fluent manner . Bro . J .
Cottereli , P . AI . No . 219 , then installed in the chair of K . S . Bro . K . 0 . Cockcraft , P . M . No . 1 GG , ivho , appointed as the officers for the evening , Bros . AV . R . Turner , S . W . ; Piatt , J . W . ; Johnson , S . D . ; Rev . George Richards , J . D ; and Burmester , I . G . Besides the above
we also noticed Bros . Alfred Brett , Earle , Nunn , Gilbert , Buswell , Jacobs , Thiselton , Davidson , Thomas Turner , aud Milsted ; the last named brother being the new proprietor of the house ivhich has been selected for the meetings of this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Cottereli performed the ceremony of installation , and gave the whole of the charges with admirable effect . The lodge having been closed in due form , the brethren dined together under the presidency of Bro . Cockcraft . The cloth being cleared
, the W . M . proceeded with the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were warmly received . In proposing that of " The D . G . M . and the other Grand Officers , " the | W . M . alluded to the recent appointment of Lord de Grey and Ripon , which , he trusted , would not , however , deprive them of Lord Dalhousic ' s services . — Bro . NELSON ( Prov . G . Sec . AVest Riding of Yorkshire ) returned thanks for the toast . He could assure them that his lordship was deeply
interested in all that went on in the Craft , and he believed that Lord de Grey would be as good a D . G . M . as Lord Panmure hacl been , which was saying as much as it was possible to say . —In proposing " Prosperity to the Caledonian Lodge of Instruction , " the W . M . said it was proposed in this lodge to give more attention to the working of the ceremonies than to the lectures . Though a young Mason , he hacl attended many lodges of instruction . He bad seen many instances of the value of studying tho working of the
ceremonies . It would be the object of this lodge of instruction to make the brethren perfect in the duties which they had to perform in lodge . The want of a lodge of instruction was much felt in the neighbourhood , and when it was known , he was sure it would be well supported . He had no doubt that there were other lodges of instruction with higher pretensions , but he was sure there was no assembly of brethren who had tbo interests of the Craft more at heart than themselves . He begged to couple the toast with the health of Bro . W . R . Turner , S . AV . —Bro . TURNER , in returning thanks , said that though he had boon called upon , the honours were due to Bros . Cottereli , Cockcraft , Nunn , ancl Watson , who had assisted in getting
up this ^ lodge of instruction . Ho was but a young Mason , but the pleasant evenings they hacl spent in a small parlour in Greek-street had shown them the value of an established nucleus of instruction ; they were in the "Old Ship , " and with their excellent pilots there was no doubt they could come safe into port . —Bro . AVATSON , in proposing " The Health of tho AV . M ., " quite approved of the intention of this lodge of instruction to devote itself particularly to the ritualthough ho could not deny that he much admired
, the lectures , and their beautiful illustrations . AVith regard to their AV . M ., he coulcl say , wherever ho went , that he brought earnestness of purpose , gentlemanlike feeling and delicacy , and warmth of feeling ; wherever he went ho made friends , and ho was sure they would all agree that , though not a very old Mason , he was a great acquisition to the Craft . The toast was received with great enthusiasm . — The AV . M ., in returning thanks , said that it had always been his
determination , whatever office he held , to perform the duties thoroughly . He asked them to think upon tbo necessity of this . How frequently they might see admirable ivorking from the chair completely nullified by the imperfeetness of the subordinate officers . He thanked them most cordially for the honour they had done him . Before he sat down he felt it his duty to propose " The Healths of Bros . Cottereli and AA atson " for their kindness in attending and
assisting them in the ivorking of the lodge . This health was received with great enthusiasm . —Bro . COTTEREI . L adverted to the great pleasure older Masons derived from imparting instruction to their skilled hrethren . He epiite agreed that the parrot-like repetition of the fifteen sections ought to be made subordinate to the working of the ceremonies . He hoped that this lodge would be one where the young Alason might something which he
carry away really wanted . Several appropriate toasts followed , and the festivities were protracted to a somewhat late hour . The com fort of the brethren was most assiduously cared for by Bro . Albert Nulsted , the host . The furniture and regalia were supplied by Bro . Piatt ; it is plain , and exceedingly suitable for a lodge of instruction .
PIICENIX LODOE ( NO . 202 ) . —Tho last meeting of this lodge for the season was held at tho Freemasons' Tavern on Saturday last , when Bvo . Maslin , AV . M ., ably raised Bvo . Fuller to the third degree . Bro . R . Bell McEntire was duly installed as AA . M . for the ensuing year , by Bro . AVilliam AVatson , assisted by a full board of installed Alasters , amongst whom we observed Bro . .-Eneas Mclntyre , the new S . G . D ., ' ancl several P . Ms , of the lodge . The usual formalities having been observed , the W . M . appointed as his
officers , Bros . Morris , S . W . ; States , J . AV . ; Bro . Henry G . Warren , the senior P . M . of tbo lodge , Sue . ; anil Bro . AVillinms , S . D ., the other offices being left vacant on account of the non-attendance of members . Bro . AVebber , P . M ., was invested as Treasurer , having been unanimousl y elected at the previous meeting . Bro . Rice was re-elec t ed Tyler . All other business having been disposed of , the brethren adjourned to a very elegant banquet , when the usual toasts were given , Bro . M .