Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK. Page 1 of 3 →
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Ancient And Accepted Rite.
and eloquent manner in which 111 . Bro . Puller , performed the installation . 111 . Bro . Rankin Stebbing having' suitably acknowledged the honour conferred on him by the chapter , and which he said was doubly gratifying to him as renewing his connection with his native town , proceeded to appoint the following 111 . brethren as officers for the ensuing year : —Henry Clark , M . D ., Prelate ; Alfred Heather , 1 st General ; Henry Holli r . gsworrh , 2 nd General ; Lieut MarshalMajor Hocking haelGait
tain-. Murray , ; , Rap ; , Cap , Bell , Organist . 111 . Bro . R . AA . Bradley continues as Treasurer , and received the most grateful expressions , both by formal vote ot thanks ancl by individual compliment of the brethren , for his groat services to the chapter . It was resolved to bold a day meeting in the autumn and solicit the honour of an official visit from the M . P . Sovereign of the Order , Dr . Leeson , and who will be entertained at a banquet to be given in his honour .
RYDE . —Vectis Chapter of S . P . P . > J < . —A convocation was held on Tuesday , 16 th of April , in the Afasonic Hall , Ryde , Isle of Wight . The 111 . Bro . AV . Hyde Pullen , S . P . R . C . of the 32 ° , the M . AV . Sov ., presided ; the 111 . Bro . B . H . Kent , 32 ° acting as 1 st General ; Bro . Jeremiah How , K . H ., of the 30 " , acting as 2 nd General ; Bro . Rev . R . K . Edwards , Prelate ; Bro . Francis Newman , Grand Marshal ; Bro . J . F . Ollard , Raphael ; Bros . A \ . E .
Rateliffe , Fletcher , Moore , AVilliam Bradley , ancl Alfred Heather , were present . Five brethren were approved of on the ballot , and Bros . Capt . R . R . Hunte , and Charles Francis Fisher being in attendance , they were admitted and installed into the Order . A ballot was then taken for the M . AA . Sov . for tho ensuing two years , and Bro . Donald M'Laelilan , 1 st General , was unanimously elected . The chapter having been closed , somo of the brethren adjourned to Bro . Oldlield ' s Hotel , and in Alasonic friendship and social intercourse passed tho remainder of the evening . -
Mark Masonry.
YORKSHIRE ( ii EST ) . SHEFFIELD . —Britannia Lodge ( No . 55 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the JIusic Hall , on Friday , 10 th inst . Bro . AA'illiam White , jun ., AA . AI ., in the chair . Bros . Martin , AVaterhouse , and Turner > vere severally admitted , and advanced to the honourable degree of Mark Master Mason . Bvo . Hem-y AA ebster , S . D ., presented tbe ivorking tools , ancl gave the charge and
lecture in a very excellent manner . It was unanimously decided to change the night of meeting from the second Friday to the fourth Alonday in each month . The lodge was then closed in due form with solemn prayer .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
X new series of Orchestral Concerts is announced , under the title of The ? , fusical AH Union , to lie directed by Herr Kliudworth . At these concerts , ive imagine , some novelty may be expected . For a year to come the reader may expect a bulletin concerning "A asco di Gama , " and the solicitudes of Al . Aleyerbcer on the subject . Aldlle . La Grua is , for the moment , "tbe favourite" mimed
for heroine . The Paris journals mention as probable a revival at the Grand Opera of Chick's " Alcesto , " with Aladame A'iardot for heroinethis a consequence of her protracted triumphs in "Orphco" ( still not over ) , and the effect produced by her recent appearance at the Concert of the Conservatoire .
Al . Dtiprato , one of the " Roman students " sent to Italy from the Conservatoire of Paris , has just produced a new three-act opera , " Salvator Rosa , " at the Opera Comique of Paris , with moderate success . The libretto is said to be of inferior quality . Herr Lautei-bach , whose excellent violin-playing was among the attractions of the Exhibition year in Munich , has left the Bavarian for the Saxon capital , there to occupy the place of JI . Lipinski .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
Air . Benedict has announced a repetition of his " Undine " at his coming Concert . A new basso-caniante , Signor Capponi , appeared ou the last night of the Italian season at Paris , and is described as an acquisition likely to become permanently attached to Al . Calzado ' s company .
Tbe Choral Societies of the Seine gave a Concert , a short time ago , in the Cirque Napoleon . The chorus consisted of SOO voices . It is stated that Herr AA ' ngnei- 's "Tristan unci Ysolde " is again to be placed in rehearsal at Carlsruhe ( where it was studied last year during several months , with the view of its being produced there in December . The first of his three " Nebelungen Operas "
( which are to be played three days or nights running ) is to comeout , says the Deutsche Mv . silc-Zeitv . ng , at Prague , on the occasion of the Emperor's coronation . Foreign papers say that a MS . Adagio for three pianos , with orchestral accompaniment ( a portion , it would seem , of a triple Concerto , and dated 1 / 77 ) , has turned up at Gratz . It is said to have belonged to Aladame Baroni Cavalcado , the heiress of Mozart ' s son , and to be in the writer ' s best manner .
Among the last dramatic events of any consequence which have taken place in Paris has been the production , at the Gymnase , of " La A'ertu du Cclimene , " a five-act comedy , by H . H . Aleilhac . It is said to be extremely well acted . Iilr . Boucicault is said to intend becoming the lessee of a theatre ; some even add , one of his own building .
" Israel in Egypt" will be repeated on Friday next , the 24 th inst ., by the Sacred Harmonic Society . Miss Louisa Pyne and Air . Harrison have succeeded in reconciling Dublin to the English opera , which , if we may judge from the crowded anil fashionable attendance at the Theatre Royal , and the
applause elicited by the performances , promises to rival the Italian opera in popularity . The Lord Lieutenant , with a distinguished party , has twice honoured the performance .
AA'e ( Era ) have authority to contradict the rumour that Al . Fechtcr is about to become the lessee of a London theatre . He is engaged by Air . Augustus Harris for this and next year , and will represent many Shaksperiau characters before and during the Exhibition of 1 S 62 . AA ' e regret to hear that Airs . AA oollidge , mother of the late Mrs .
Honey , after a lengthened and arduous theatrical career of upwards of -IS years , bus been compelled , owing to a severe attack of paralysis , to apply for the benefits of that admirable institution , the Dramatic College . M . Jourdan , it is rumoured , says the Literary Gazette , from the Opera Comique , will not fulfil his engagement at Covent Garden with Air . Gve this season .
The Week.
IHE COURT . —Her Alajesty and famil y havo been resident at Richmond during the week . Her Alajestv , accompanied by Princess Alice , went to l- ' rogmore House on Saturday , and returned in the afternoon . The Prince Consort Went to London on Saturday , attended hy his Equerry in AVaitimr , and honoured the Exhibition of Antiquities and objects of Art , at Ironmongers' | Hall , with a visit . His Roy . il Highness afterwards presided at a meeting of the Council of the Duchof Cornwallheld at the Duchoffice
y , y- , Buckinghamgate , St James ' s Park . The Queen , with Princess Alice , Princess Helena , and Princess Louisa , visited Hampton Court Palace on Friday afternoon . On Alonday , the Queen and Princess Alice drove to Kew Gardens . The Prince Consort accompanied her Majesty on horseback . Her Majest y held a Council at one o'clock , at
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
and eloquent manner in which 111 . Bro . Puller , performed the installation . 111 . Bro . Rankin Stebbing having' suitably acknowledged the honour conferred on him by the chapter , and which he said was doubly gratifying to him as renewing his connection with his native town , proceeded to appoint the following 111 . brethren as officers for the ensuing year : —Henry Clark , M . D ., Prelate ; Alfred Heather , 1 st General ; Henry Holli r . gsworrh , 2 nd General ; Lieut MarshalMajor Hocking haelGait
tain-. Murray , ; , Rap ; , Cap , Bell , Organist . 111 . Bro . R . AA . Bradley continues as Treasurer , and received the most grateful expressions , both by formal vote ot thanks ancl by individual compliment of the brethren , for his groat services to the chapter . It was resolved to bold a day meeting in the autumn and solicit the honour of an official visit from the M . P . Sovereign of the Order , Dr . Leeson , and who will be entertained at a banquet to be given in his honour .
RYDE . —Vectis Chapter of S . P . P . > J < . —A convocation was held on Tuesday , 16 th of April , in the Afasonic Hall , Ryde , Isle of Wight . The 111 . Bro . AV . Hyde Pullen , S . P . R . C . of the 32 ° , the M . AV . Sov ., presided ; the 111 . Bro . B . H . Kent , 32 ° acting as 1 st General ; Bro . Jeremiah How , K . H ., of the 30 " , acting as 2 nd General ; Bro . Rev . R . K . Edwards , Prelate ; Bro . Francis Newman , Grand Marshal ; Bro . J . F . Ollard , Raphael ; Bros . A \ . E .
Rateliffe , Fletcher , Moore , AVilliam Bradley , ancl Alfred Heather , were present . Five brethren were approved of on the ballot , and Bros . Capt . R . R . Hunte , and Charles Francis Fisher being in attendance , they were admitted and installed into the Order . A ballot was then taken for the M . AA . Sov . for tho ensuing two years , and Bro . Donald M'Laelilan , 1 st General , was unanimously elected . The chapter having been closed , somo of the brethren adjourned to Bro . Oldlield ' s Hotel , and in Alasonic friendship and social intercourse passed tho remainder of the evening . -
Mark Masonry.
YORKSHIRE ( ii EST ) . SHEFFIELD . —Britannia Lodge ( No . 55 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the JIusic Hall , on Friday , 10 th inst . Bro . AA'illiam White , jun ., AA . AI ., in the chair . Bros . Martin , AVaterhouse , and Turner > vere severally admitted , and advanced to the honourable degree of Mark Master Mason . Bvo . Hem-y AA ebster , S . D ., presented tbe ivorking tools , ancl gave the charge and
lecture in a very excellent manner . It was unanimously decided to change the night of meeting from the second Friday to the fourth Alonday in each month . The lodge was then closed in due form with solemn prayer .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
X new series of Orchestral Concerts is announced , under the title of The ? , fusical AH Union , to lie directed by Herr Kliudworth . At these concerts , ive imagine , some novelty may be expected . For a year to come the reader may expect a bulletin concerning "A asco di Gama , " and the solicitudes of Al . Aleyerbcer on the subject . Aldlle . La Grua is , for the moment , "tbe favourite" mimed
for heroine . The Paris journals mention as probable a revival at the Grand Opera of Chick's " Alcesto , " with Aladame A'iardot for heroinethis a consequence of her protracted triumphs in "Orphco" ( still not over ) , and the effect produced by her recent appearance at the Concert of the Conservatoire .
Al . Dtiprato , one of the " Roman students " sent to Italy from the Conservatoire of Paris , has just produced a new three-act opera , " Salvator Rosa , " at the Opera Comique of Paris , with moderate success . The libretto is said to be of inferior quality . Herr Lautei-bach , whose excellent violin-playing was among the attractions of the Exhibition year in Munich , has left the Bavarian for the Saxon capital , there to occupy the place of JI . Lipinski .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
Air . Benedict has announced a repetition of his " Undine " at his coming Concert . A new basso-caniante , Signor Capponi , appeared ou the last night of the Italian season at Paris , and is described as an acquisition likely to become permanently attached to Al . Calzado ' s company .
Tbe Choral Societies of the Seine gave a Concert , a short time ago , in the Cirque Napoleon . The chorus consisted of SOO voices . It is stated that Herr AA ' ngnei- 's "Tristan unci Ysolde " is again to be placed in rehearsal at Carlsruhe ( where it was studied last year during several months , with the view of its being produced there in December . The first of his three " Nebelungen Operas "
( which are to be played three days or nights running ) is to comeout , says the Deutsche Mv . silc-Zeitv . ng , at Prague , on the occasion of the Emperor's coronation . Foreign papers say that a MS . Adagio for three pianos , with orchestral accompaniment ( a portion , it would seem , of a triple Concerto , and dated 1 / 77 ) , has turned up at Gratz . It is said to have belonged to Aladame Baroni Cavalcado , the heiress of Mozart ' s son , and to be in the writer ' s best manner .
Among the last dramatic events of any consequence which have taken place in Paris has been the production , at the Gymnase , of " La A'ertu du Cclimene , " a five-act comedy , by H . H . Aleilhac . It is said to be extremely well acted . Iilr . Boucicault is said to intend becoming the lessee of a theatre ; some even add , one of his own building .
" Israel in Egypt" will be repeated on Friday next , the 24 th inst ., by the Sacred Harmonic Society . Miss Louisa Pyne and Air . Harrison have succeeded in reconciling Dublin to the English opera , which , if we may judge from the crowded anil fashionable attendance at the Theatre Royal , and the
applause elicited by the performances , promises to rival the Italian opera in popularity . The Lord Lieutenant , with a distinguished party , has twice honoured the performance .
AA'e ( Era ) have authority to contradict the rumour that Al . Fechtcr is about to become the lessee of a London theatre . He is engaged by Air . Augustus Harris for this and next year , and will represent many Shaksperiau characters before and during the Exhibition of 1 S 62 . AA ' e regret to hear that Airs . AA oollidge , mother of the late Mrs .
Honey , after a lengthened and arduous theatrical career of upwards of -IS years , bus been compelled , owing to a severe attack of paralysis , to apply for the benefits of that admirable institution , the Dramatic College . M . Jourdan , it is rumoured , says the Literary Gazette , from the Opera Comique , will not fulfil his engagement at Covent Garden with Air . Gve this season .
The Week.
IHE COURT . —Her Alajesty and famil y havo been resident at Richmond during the week . Her Alajestv , accompanied by Princess Alice , went to l- ' rogmore House on Saturday , and returned in the afternoon . The Prince Consort Went to London on Saturday , attended hy his Equerry in AVaitimr , and honoured the Exhibition of Antiquities and objects of Art , at Ironmongers' | Hall , with a visit . His Roy . il Highness afterwards presided at a meeting of the Council of the Duchof Cornwallheld at the Duchoffice
y , y- , Buckinghamgate , St James ' s Park . The Queen , with Princess Alice , Princess Helena , and Princess Louisa , visited Hampton Court Palace on Friday afternoon . On Alonday , the Queen and Princess Alice drove to Kew Gardens . The Prince Consort accompanied her Majesty on horseback . Her Majest y held a Council at one o'clock , at