Article THE MASONIC TEMPLE, JERSEY. ← Page 5 of 5 Article THE MASONIC TEMPLE, JERSEY. Page 5 of 5 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Temple, Jersey.
Hear the ivords of your late esteemed Provincial Grand Chaplain , Bro . theEev . F . DelaMare , in a letter I recently received from him . "And now , dear brother , would I could be with you when you open your Temple , and in tho move humble but equally happy rooms at St . Aubin ' s "; and again , in a message to the brethren there , app licable to all , " Permit me , in the language of affectionate
earnestness to beseech you , whether at home or abroad , to conduct yourselves according to the principles so strongly and so frequently brought before you from the east end of the lodge . Our institutions never suffer so muck as when they are wounded by their own friends . " Brethren , concentrated as wo hope noiv to be , the attention of men will be more fully directed to us and
our proceedings ; " For Masonry , though hid from prying eyes , In the broad world admits of no disguise . " and by the impressions we produce upon our fellowcitizens , we must either stand or fall . If we are true to each other aud to ourselves , wo shall "Laugh at their ignorance , Pity their want of sense . Ne ' er let them give offence ;
Firmer unite . " And , finally , we shall be able to apply to ourselves , ancl to obey , the words of King David on tho approach of death , addressed to his illustrious son Solomon —• " I go the way of all the earth ; be thou strong , therefore , and show thyself a man , and keep the charge of the Lord thy God , to walk in His ways , to keep His statutes , and His
commandments , ancl His judgments , and His testimonies , as it is written in tho law of Moses , that thou mayest prosper in all that thou doest , and whithersoei'er thou tnrnest thyself . " Brother Architect aud Builders—I should fail in duty were I to omit to address a feiv Avords to you on behalf of the Freemasons of Jersey . No eulogium is needed
on your efforts , since on looking round , we have- ample evidence of their extent and success . Moreover , in all quarters satisfaction has been expressed at the suitableness of the plans , and the quality of the workmanship in carrying them out , ivhieh is such as it is hoped will contribute greatly to the stability and permanence of the edifice . You will doubtless receive from those ivho are
more fully authorised than myself , the cordial thanks of the brethren , for the zeal , fidelity , industry , ancl ability you have displayed , in which those now present ivill I am convinced heartily acquiesce . Your love for the Craft has induced you to carry on the work in the best spirit , and it is hoped that you will derive substantial benefit
in being thus able to present a pattern card , as it were , which must conduce to your future prosperity in your respective professions . May you live long to enjoy it , and to witness the happy effects of your exertions on our behalf , which are now brought to a close . Brother Johnson , Brethren and Gentlemen of the Choir , —It is not my province to tender you a formal
'ote of thanks for your kind assistance this day , as ivell as . or the trouble you have taken in preparing by frequent practice to perform your parts efficiently , nor am I cmpowered to do so . At tbe same time , I may perhaps be allowed to mention the satisfaction of those now present , Trho ivill not in a direct manner have an opportunity of joining iu any official acknowledgment , at your successful
efforts to add impresiveness and interest to the cere-.. ' . aony , which without the addition of music would have i"een bald and imperfect . On previous occasions most . fyou have assisted in Masonic celebrations , and the ( resent is but a renewed instance of your kind disposiiion towards our Order . Ladies of the
Choir—, " To you , ye fair , adorn'd with every grace , Tho' ancient custom hath forbid this place , We know your worth—your excellence ive prize—We own your charms , the magic of your eyes ; The ivretch who loves you not upon our plan , Forfeits the E & sae of Mason and of Man . "
The Masonic Temple, Jersey.
That I may not omit any class of those now present , or expose myself to a charge of ivant of gallantry , permit me to offer to you a few words on this great occasion , as well as to thank you for your valuable aid , though unavoidable circumstances , especially the limitations of space , have prevented mo from addressing so many ladies as ivas at one time proposed . " There is no phase of life , "
says a modern writer , " from the triumph of success to the agony of disappointment , which is not affected by woman ' s influence and woman ' s smile . " May we not fairly claim your approving smiles on this the completion of our undertaking ; ancl your influence , after ivhat you have seen and heard , to assist in dissipating the popular prejudices which exist in reference to our Craft ? I trust
that you will depart from tho Temple now dedicated to Freemasonry—to which ladies are rarely admittedfavourably imprssed by the solemnity of our proceedings , all of which , let me assure you , partake of the character of those you have now witnessed . Such being the case , aud all our influences being of an exalting moral and intellectual nature , should you ever unhappily have reason ,
to complain of the conduct of those of our sex , being Freemasons , who are near and dear to you , pray ascribe it to any cause rather than connection with our Order . As ivell may you attribute any deficiency in principle and behaviour on tho part . of those who belong not to us , to a regular attendance at Church and conformity to its discipline , as to say that Freemasonry is responsible for
any derelictions of its members . There are black sheep in every floek . Finally , believe me , it is our earnest desire—nay , our enjoined duty—to protect and to pay every respect and honour to those whom the Divine Being has appointed as helpmates for us iu this world ; and you are , allow me iu all courtesy to say , bound to acquiesce in the position he has assigned to you , as expressed in tbe folloiving touching words put by Miltou into the mouth of Eve ivhen addressing
Adam" My author and disposer , what thou bid st , Unargued , I obey ; so God ordains ; God is thy law , thou mine ; to know no more Is woman ' s happiest knowledge and her praise . " In conclusion , to all now present permit me to offer my most cordial thanks for the kind attention with ivhieh you have listened to the words I have so imperfectly
uttered , and to entreat you to join with mo in an inwardly expressed and silent prayer that the blessing of Heaven may be abundantly shed on the proceedings of this day , and accompany all the works of piety , of reverence , of social harmony , kindness , and charity to be performed , within these walls , now solemnly dedicated to the glory of the Groat Architect of the Universe and to the honour of Freemasonry .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
THE MATERIA ! OP A R . A . PEDESTAL . What is the legendary material of a Eoyal Arch pedestal?—Pitov . G-. SCRIBE IN " . —[ A Avhite oriental porphyry stone placed on a double cube of white marble . ] THE NUMBER OP PERFECTION " .
HOAV is the mystic number of perfection composed ? V . N . V . —[ By adding the mystical numbers of the 12 Elohistic names , 3 with 3 letters , 3 * 3 = 9 ; 3 with 5 letters , 3 * 5 = 15 ; 3 vritli 7 letters , 3 * 7 = 21 ; and 3 AA'ith 9 letters , 3 x 9 = 27 . These added together—9 , 15 , 21 , ancl 27—are the same number that formed the Sanhedrim . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Temple, Jersey.
Hear the ivords of your late esteemed Provincial Grand Chaplain , Bro . theEev . F . DelaMare , in a letter I recently received from him . "And now , dear brother , would I could be with you when you open your Temple , and in tho move humble but equally happy rooms at St . Aubin ' s "; and again , in a message to the brethren there , app licable to all , " Permit me , in the language of affectionate
earnestness to beseech you , whether at home or abroad , to conduct yourselves according to the principles so strongly and so frequently brought before you from the east end of the lodge . Our institutions never suffer so muck as when they are wounded by their own friends . " Brethren , concentrated as wo hope noiv to be , the attention of men will be more fully directed to us and
our proceedings ; " For Masonry , though hid from prying eyes , In the broad world admits of no disguise . " and by the impressions we produce upon our fellowcitizens , we must either stand or fall . If we are true to each other aud to ourselves , wo shall "Laugh at their ignorance , Pity their want of sense . Ne ' er let them give offence ;
Firmer unite . " And , finally , we shall be able to apply to ourselves , ancl to obey , the words of King David on tho approach of death , addressed to his illustrious son Solomon —• " I go the way of all the earth ; be thou strong , therefore , and show thyself a man , and keep the charge of the Lord thy God , to walk in His ways , to keep His statutes , and His
commandments , ancl His judgments , and His testimonies , as it is written in tho law of Moses , that thou mayest prosper in all that thou doest , and whithersoei'er thou tnrnest thyself . " Brother Architect aud Builders—I should fail in duty were I to omit to address a feiv Avords to you on behalf of the Freemasons of Jersey . No eulogium is needed
on your efforts , since on looking round , we have- ample evidence of their extent and success . Moreover , in all quarters satisfaction has been expressed at the suitableness of the plans , and the quality of the workmanship in carrying them out , ivhieh is such as it is hoped will contribute greatly to the stability and permanence of the edifice . You will doubtless receive from those ivho are
more fully authorised than myself , the cordial thanks of the brethren , for the zeal , fidelity , industry , ancl ability you have displayed , in which those now present ivill I am convinced heartily acquiesce . Your love for the Craft has induced you to carry on the work in the best spirit , and it is hoped that you will derive substantial benefit
in being thus able to present a pattern card , as it were , which must conduce to your future prosperity in your respective professions . May you live long to enjoy it , and to witness the happy effects of your exertions on our behalf , which are now brought to a close . Brother Johnson , Brethren and Gentlemen of the Choir , —It is not my province to tender you a formal
'ote of thanks for your kind assistance this day , as ivell as . or the trouble you have taken in preparing by frequent practice to perform your parts efficiently , nor am I cmpowered to do so . At tbe same time , I may perhaps be allowed to mention the satisfaction of those now present , Trho ivill not in a direct manner have an opportunity of joining iu any official acknowledgment , at your successful
efforts to add impresiveness and interest to the cere-.. ' . aony , which without the addition of music would have i"een bald and imperfect . On previous occasions most . fyou have assisted in Masonic celebrations , and the ( resent is but a renewed instance of your kind disposiiion towards our Order . Ladies of the
Choir—, " To you , ye fair , adorn'd with every grace , Tho' ancient custom hath forbid this place , We know your worth—your excellence ive prize—We own your charms , the magic of your eyes ; The ivretch who loves you not upon our plan , Forfeits the E & sae of Mason and of Man . "
The Masonic Temple, Jersey.
That I may not omit any class of those now present , or expose myself to a charge of ivant of gallantry , permit me to offer to you a few words on this great occasion , as well as to thank you for your valuable aid , though unavoidable circumstances , especially the limitations of space , have prevented mo from addressing so many ladies as ivas at one time proposed . " There is no phase of life , "
says a modern writer , " from the triumph of success to the agony of disappointment , which is not affected by woman ' s influence and woman ' s smile . " May we not fairly claim your approving smiles on this the completion of our undertaking ; ancl your influence , after ivhat you have seen and heard , to assist in dissipating the popular prejudices which exist in reference to our Craft ? I trust
that you will depart from tho Temple now dedicated to Freemasonry—to which ladies are rarely admittedfavourably imprssed by the solemnity of our proceedings , all of which , let me assure you , partake of the character of those you have now witnessed . Such being the case , aud all our influences being of an exalting moral and intellectual nature , should you ever unhappily have reason ,
to complain of the conduct of those of our sex , being Freemasons , who are near and dear to you , pray ascribe it to any cause rather than connection with our Order . As ivell may you attribute any deficiency in principle and behaviour on tho part . of those who belong not to us , to a regular attendance at Church and conformity to its discipline , as to say that Freemasonry is responsible for
any derelictions of its members . There are black sheep in every floek . Finally , believe me , it is our earnest desire—nay , our enjoined duty—to protect and to pay every respect and honour to those whom the Divine Being has appointed as helpmates for us iu this world ; and you are , allow me iu all courtesy to say , bound to acquiesce in the position he has assigned to you , as expressed in tbe folloiving touching words put by Miltou into the mouth of Eve ivhen addressing
Adam" My author and disposer , what thou bid st , Unargued , I obey ; so God ordains ; God is thy law , thou mine ; to know no more Is woman ' s happiest knowledge and her praise . " In conclusion , to all now present permit me to offer my most cordial thanks for the kind attention with ivhieh you have listened to the words I have so imperfectly
uttered , and to entreat you to join with mo in an inwardly expressed and silent prayer that the blessing of Heaven may be abundantly shed on the proceedings of this day , and accompany all the works of piety , of reverence , of social harmony , kindness , and charity to be performed , within these walls , now solemnly dedicated to the glory of the Groat Architect of the Universe and to the honour of Freemasonry .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
THE MATERIA ! OP A R . A . PEDESTAL . What is the legendary material of a Eoyal Arch pedestal?—Pitov . G-. SCRIBE IN " . —[ A Avhite oriental porphyry stone placed on a double cube of white marble . ] THE NUMBER OP PERFECTION " .
HOAV is the mystic number of perfection composed ? V . N . V . —[ By adding the mystical numbers of the 12 Elohistic names , 3 with 3 letters , 3 * 3 = 9 ; 3 with 5 letters , 3 * 5 = 15 ; 3 vritli 7 letters , 3 * 7 = 21 ; and 3 AA'ith 9 letters , 3 x 9 = 27 . These added together—9 , 15 , 21 , ancl 27—are the same number that formed the Sanhedrim . ]