Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1
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Did he forsake you ? No ; but , on tho contrary , ho personally canvassed his friends to attend , that you might continue uninterruptedly your mission of brotherly love and utility . Our Lodgo was then the fallen lord ; you , Bro . Hart , were the faithful retainer who , true to your allegiance , could endure to follow him ; and , to pursue the proposition still further , let me add that , if you have not earned a place in the story , you have gained that which I trust you will not regard as less valuable , aud which I hope you will ever retain—the fraternal
gratitude of those who now surround you . I have to regret , that at this moment , when the production of every word costs me a painful effort , I am physically unable to do justice to those whom I represent , or to convey to you even a faint idea of the sentiments which your uniform courtesy , zeal , and assiduity have awakened . Accept this testimonial , Bro . Hart , as the more eloquent token of our appreciation , and whenever it meets your gaze , let it remind you that respect is better secured by deserving than by soliciting it . Bro . HAKT said , Worshipful
Sir and Brethren , I assure you that I feel perfectly incapable of answering the eloquence of Bro . Henry Isaacs . Indeed , I feel that I am not entitled to your thanks , inasmuch , as while serving you , I have passed some of the happiest evenings of my life in your company . I shall ever regard this testimonial as a proof that I have succeeded in gaining your friendship and esteem . I have always endeavoured to discharge my duties satisfactorily , and I am more than repaid by your kindness . Although we are this evening about to close this Lodof Instruction
ge , I hope that I shall still be enabled to serve you , and 1 assure you that I shall be but too happy to do so in any and every possible manner . I shall ever reflect with the greatest gratification upon the bonds of amity with which we have been united , aud I am convinced that I shall value this flattering testimonial as long as I live .
[ We believe that the Lodge of Instruction will iu future meet under the auspices of the Temperance Lodge to which the majority of tho brethren belong . —ED . ] WESTEOHBNE LODGE ( NO . 1035 ) . —This young ancl flourishing Lodge of Instruction held its first festival on Tuesday evening , May 8 th , at Bro . S . Bailey ' s , Manor House Tavern , AVestbourne Terrace North , Pad-( h ' ngtou . The Lodge was opened at seven o ' clock , by Bros . Cottebrune ,
W . M . ; Adams , G . Purst ., P . M . ; Harrison , S . W . ; Dietrich , J . AA . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , and the first five sections worked . Bro . Adams was elected an honorary member of the Lodge , and in making acknowledgment , after alluding to the fact of Ms being a Grand Officer , thoroughly acquainted with the working of the Craft , and therefore in a position to speak with some authority on the subject , took occasion to congratulate the Lodge on its working , observing that in no Lodge he visiteil was the working carried out more perfectly . Various
brethren having been elected members of the Lodge , and the usual routine business completed , an adjournment to the dining room took place , where an excellent repast was served by the worthy host , aud done ample justice to by the brethren present , numbering twenty-sis . The customary toasts were given , the meeting being in tho intervals greatly enlivened by the vocal abilities of Bros . Handover , Gardner , Feiuier , Brown , and others , who sang in their best style . Altogether the evening passed off most pleasantly , and reflected great credit on the Lodge , We may mention that this Lodge of Instruction meets on alternato Tuesdays , at eight o'clock , until October next .
CAMBRIDGESHIRE . MOVINCIAL OEAND LODGE . THE Prov . Grand Secretary having issued summonses for this Grand Lodge to assemble on Monday last , at the Lion Hotel , a veiw large number assembled . Besides the Prov . Grand Master , Bro . T . H . Hall , F . R . S ., and his Deputy , Prov . G . M ., Bro . the Rev . Arthur II . AYard , G . Chaplain , Bros . Deighton , Prov . S . G . AV . ; Westmorland , Prov . J . G . AA . ;
0 . J . Jones , Prov . G . Treas . ; Edwards , G . Sec . ; Strettou , Prov . S . G . D . ; Hagreon , Prov . G . Purs ., & e ., & c ., were present . Some brethren also were in attendance from the newly formed Lodge at AYisbeach . The Lodge having been opened in ample form and with solemn prayer , the minutes of the last communication were read and confirmed . The Prov . Grand Master then , in graceful terms , alluded to the very satisfactory state of the Craft ill tho town and university , and congratulated the various Lodges ou the steady progress they were making . Tho Deputy Prov .
Grand Master also alluded to the gratifying fact that iu the two Lodges iu the town of Cambridge the Masters had been reelected to their office , one unanimously , and the other by an overwhelming majority . He also referred to the new Lodge at Wisboach , which would , ho thought , bo ere long one of the best Provincial Lodges iu the kingdom . There being no further business to be transacted , tho Grand Master appointed his officers for tho ensuing year , who were invested and saluted in the usual manner : —Bvos . WestmorlandM . A . ( Follow < iF . Ie . sus College )
, , S . G . W . ; Dr . AVhitsed , AV . M . No . 1111 , J . G . AV . ; Rev . J . Wolstenbolme , M . A . ( Fellow of Christ's College ) , 0 . Chaplain ; Dr . Itooko , M . W . No . Ill I , ( .. ' . Reg . ; Edwards , P . G . AV ., G . Sec . ; Dr . Perceval ( Fellow of Trinity Hall ) , S . G . D . ; Dennis Hall , J . G . D . ; Albert Cl . iydon , G . Supt . of Works ; Charles Barclay ( Trinity College ) , G . Dir . of Cers . ; A . IT . AVard , J . AV . No . 1111 , G . Sword Bearer ; Ai L , Tampling ( Trinity College ) , G , Organist ; J , J . (
Hagreon , G . Purs . ; J . C . Peters , H . Smith , and F . Grain , G . Stewards ; 11 . Collyer and J . Collyor , Tylers . The D . Prov . Grand Master proposed , and Bro . Crisp , P . G . W ., seconded , that Bro . O . J . Jones should be reelected Grand Treasurer , which was carried unanimously . Grand Lodge was then closed with prayer , and the brethren adjourned .
CAMBainoK . —Scientific Lodge ( No . 105 ) . —The monthly meeting of this most flourishing Lodge was also held on Monday last . The AA . M ., Bro . Westmorland ( Fellow of Jesus College , and the newly appointed S . G . AAL of the province ) , presided , assisted by his officers . There was a large muster of brethren and a very heavy night ' s work to be got through , Bros . C . Newton , J . AY . Hawksworth , J . Frank Hamilton ( all of Trinity College ) , and Bro , Peterkin ( Emmanuel College ) , were each raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Bros . Digby , Hudson , aud
Morse , were passed to the second degree . A dispensation was then read , allowing the Lodge to initiate nine candidates in one evening ; after which the candidates were initiated and became Brothers : —S , Leatham , AA . Grove , Arthur Guest , R . Marriott , J . Braduay , G . Parker , Hon . Percy A . Amherst , J . Lyle ( ali of Trinity College ) , and E . Foster ( of St . John ' s College ) . Tho various ceremonies were very ably performed indeed by the AVorshipful Master . Some other business having been disposed of , the brethren adjourned to dinner . The Prov . Grand Master expressed himself as being much pleased with the whole proceedings .
LEICESTERSHIRE . AsiiBY-DE-LA-Zoucii . —Ferrers and Imnhoe Lodge ( No . 1081 ) . —The mouthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , the 7 th hist . ; the members present were : — -Bros . 11 . Warner , P . M ., as W , M . ; I . Redfcrn , asS . W . ; T . H . Bobart , J . AA . ; J . Denton , Chaplain ; Henry T . Bobart , Sec ; AA m . Mason , J . D . ; W . M . Bobart , I . G . P . Dicken , G . F . Brown , S . Love , F . Hamp , Bithrcy , and Goodman . The Lodge having
been opened iu the first degree , and the minutes being confirmed , Bro . Warner nominated Bro . T . H . Bobart , J . AY . and P . G . S . B ., tho AY . M . for the ensuing year . On the ballot being taken , Bro . Bobart was elected . It was proposed by Bro . Denton , and seconded by Bro . Bithrey , and carried unanimously , " That the brethren cannot avoid taking the first opportunity to record the deep regret they feel at the decease of their respected and deeply lamented AV . M ., Bro . Mammatt , and in recording this melancholeventthey would beg to offer to his
y , bereaved widow their sincerest sympathy iu her affliction , ancl to assure her that the loss the brethren have sustained will make a deep and lasting impression on their minds . The brethren also feel that as a distinguished member of their Order , and a friend ever ready to render his advice and assistance iu every benevolent cause , the loss sustained is irreparable . " ( See . Freemasons' Magazine for May 12 th , 1860 , page 378 ) . The Lodge was then closed according to antient custom .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . ABERGAVENNY . —Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 1120 ) . —A warrant having been graciously granted by the MAIL Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , to hold a Lodge at Abergavenny , to be called the " Philanthropic Lodge , " No . 1120 , and to be held at the Angel Hotel , a Lodge was duly formed on Tuesday , the loth instant , under the able presidency of Bro . Henry Bridges , Nos . !) S 3 , 123 , P . M . 3 S , 367 , CS 0 , 1012 , AV . M . 1099 , P . Prov .
S . G . D . Surrey , and G . S . B . of England , He was assisted in his labours by Bros . Williams , No . Ill , Hereford ; Donne , P . M . of the Yitruvian Lodge , lloss , and Prov . S . G . D . for Herefordshire ; Whitchurch , S . AY . of the Silurian Lodge , Newport ; Groves , of the Isea Lodge , Newport , and P . Prov . G . Org . of Monmouthshire ; Homfray , of the Isea Lodge , Newport , and Prov . G . Steward , Monmouthshire , and several other brethren . After the consecration , which was performed in the most beautiful manner bBro . BridgesBro . Henry John HigginsonP . M . of the Royal
y , , Cumberland . Lodge , No . 48 , Bath , was installed by him into the chair according to antient custom , Bro . Peirce , of the Monmouth Lodge , No . 761 , being appointed S . 'W ., aud Bro . Bellamy , of the Monmouth Lodge and Lodge of Honour , No . 528 , Bath , being appointed J . AV . ; Bro . Browning , of Monmouth , Secretary . The furniture and regalia were kindly presented by Bro . James Jones , a P . M . of the Old Philanthropic Lodge held in this town some thirty-two years since , and u-hich he iu a trulMasonic spirit had 2 'i'eserved intact and in
y good order until such time as a now Lodge might be formed in Abergavenny . This revered and worthy brother was unable to attend through illness , but his hearty good wishes attended the formation of the Lodge , of which he was unanimously voted an honorary brother . After the installation , three gentlemen were initiated into the order , having been proposed by letter to the AY . M ., and duly balloted for . Tho dinner was of a most elegant character , and the only drawback to the pleasures of the day was that so few brethren wore present on so
interesting an occasion , Bro . Morgan having provided for about forty brethren , while only twenty were present . It ivas mentioned during the evening that the Monmouth Lodge , the oldest Lodge in the province , was entirely unrepresented , and that the brethren of the Silurian and Isea Lodges , in Newport , although represented , were unfortunately prevented from appearing in such numbers as they had promised , through unforeseen circumstances . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having boon duly given and responded to , the brethren retired to their respective homes , well satisfied that on a future occasion they would be better supported .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Did he forsake you ? No ; but , on tho contrary , ho personally canvassed his friends to attend , that you might continue uninterruptedly your mission of brotherly love and utility . Our Lodgo was then the fallen lord ; you , Bro . Hart , were the faithful retainer who , true to your allegiance , could endure to follow him ; and , to pursue the proposition still further , let me add that , if you have not earned a place in the story , you have gained that which I trust you will not regard as less valuable , aud which I hope you will ever retain—the fraternal
gratitude of those who now surround you . I have to regret , that at this moment , when the production of every word costs me a painful effort , I am physically unable to do justice to those whom I represent , or to convey to you even a faint idea of the sentiments which your uniform courtesy , zeal , and assiduity have awakened . Accept this testimonial , Bro . Hart , as the more eloquent token of our appreciation , and whenever it meets your gaze , let it remind you that respect is better secured by deserving than by soliciting it . Bro . HAKT said , Worshipful
Sir and Brethren , I assure you that I feel perfectly incapable of answering the eloquence of Bro . Henry Isaacs . Indeed , I feel that I am not entitled to your thanks , inasmuch , as while serving you , I have passed some of the happiest evenings of my life in your company . I shall ever regard this testimonial as a proof that I have succeeded in gaining your friendship and esteem . I have always endeavoured to discharge my duties satisfactorily , and I am more than repaid by your kindness . Although we are this evening about to close this Lodof Instruction
ge , I hope that I shall still be enabled to serve you , and 1 assure you that I shall be but too happy to do so in any and every possible manner . I shall ever reflect with the greatest gratification upon the bonds of amity with which we have been united , aud I am convinced that I shall value this flattering testimonial as long as I live .
[ We believe that the Lodge of Instruction will iu future meet under the auspices of the Temperance Lodge to which the majority of tho brethren belong . —ED . ] WESTEOHBNE LODGE ( NO . 1035 ) . —This young ancl flourishing Lodge of Instruction held its first festival on Tuesday evening , May 8 th , at Bro . S . Bailey ' s , Manor House Tavern , AVestbourne Terrace North , Pad-( h ' ngtou . The Lodge was opened at seven o ' clock , by Bros . Cottebrune ,
W . M . ; Adams , G . Purst ., P . M . ; Harrison , S . W . ; Dietrich , J . AA . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , and the first five sections worked . Bro . Adams was elected an honorary member of the Lodge , and in making acknowledgment , after alluding to the fact of Ms being a Grand Officer , thoroughly acquainted with the working of the Craft , and therefore in a position to speak with some authority on the subject , took occasion to congratulate the Lodge on its working , observing that in no Lodge he visiteil was the working carried out more perfectly . Various
brethren having been elected members of the Lodge , and the usual routine business completed , an adjournment to the dining room took place , where an excellent repast was served by the worthy host , aud done ample justice to by the brethren present , numbering twenty-sis . The customary toasts were given , the meeting being in tho intervals greatly enlivened by the vocal abilities of Bros . Handover , Gardner , Feiuier , Brown , and others , who sang in their best style . Altogether the evening passed off most pleasantly , and reflected great credit on the Lodge , We may mention that this Lodge of Instruction meets on alternato Tuesdays , at eight o'clock , until October next .
CAMBRIDGESHIRE . MOVINCIAL OEAND LODGE . THE Prov . Grand Secretary having issued summonses for this Grand Lodge to assemble on Monday last , at the Lion Hotel , a veiw large number assembled . Besides the Prov . Grand Master , Bro . T . H . Hall , F . R . S ., and his Deputy , Prov . G . M ., Bro . the Rev . Arthur II . AYard , G . Chaplain , Bros . Deighton , Prov . S . G . AV . ; Westmorland , Prov . J . G . AA . ;
0 . J . Jones , Prov . G . Treas . ; Edwards , G . Sec . ; Strettou , Prov . S . G . D . ; Hagreon , Prov . G . Purs ., & e ., & c ., were present . Some brethren also were in attendance from the newly formed Lodge at AYisbeach . The Lodge having been opened in ample form and with solemn prayer , the minutes of the last communication were read and confirmed . The Prov . Grand Master then , in graceful terms , alluded to the very satisfactory state of the Craft ill tho town and university , and congratulated the various Lodges ou the steady progress they were making . Tho Deputy Prov .
Grand Master also alluded to the gratifying fact that iu the two Lodges iu the town of Cambridge the Masters had been reelected to their office , one unanimously , and the other by an overwhelming majority . He also referred to the new Lodge at Wisboach , which would , ho thought , bo ere long one of the best Provincial Lodges iu the kingdom . There being no further business to be transacted , tho Grand Master appointed his officers for tho ensuing year , who were invested and saluted in the usual manner : —Bvos . WestmorlandM . A . ( Follow < iF . Ie . sus College )
, , S . G . W . ; Dr . AVhitsed , AV . M . No . 1111 , J . G . AV . ; Rev . J . Wolstenbolme , M . A . ( Fellow of Christ's College ) , 0 . Chaplain ; Dr . Itooko , M . W . No . Ill I , ( .. ' . Reg . ; Edwards , P . G . AV ., G . Sec . ; Dr . Perceval ( Fellow of Trinity Hall ) , S . G . D . ; Dennis Hall , J . G . D . ; Albert Cl . iydon , G . Supt . of Works ; Charles Barclay ( Trinity College ) , G . Dir . of Cers . ; A . IT . AVard , J . AV . No . 1111 , G . Sword Bearer ; Ai L , Tampling ( Trinity College ) , G , Organist ; J , J . (
Hagreon , G . Purs . ; J . C . Peters , H . Smith , and F . Grain , G . Stewards ; 11 . Collyer and J . Collyor , Tylers . The D . Prov . Grand Master proposed , and Bro . Crisp , P . G . W ., seconded , that Bro . O . J . Jones should be reelected Grand Treasurer , which was carried unanimously . Grand Lodge was then closed with prayer , and the brethren adjourned .
CAMBainoK . —Scientific Lodge ( No . 105 ) . —The monthly meeting of this most flourishing Lodge was also held on Monday last . The AA . M ., Bro . Westmorland ( Fellow of Jesus College , and the newly appointed S . G . AAL of the province ) , presided , assisted by his officers . There was a large muster of brethren and a very heavy night ' s work to be got through , Bros . C . Newton , J . AY . Hawksworth , J . Frank Hamilton ( all of Trinity College ) , and Bro , Peterkin ( Emmanuel College ) , were each raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Bros . Digby , Hudson , aud
Morse , were passed to the second degree . A dispensation was then read , allowing the Lodge to initiate nine candidates in one evening ; after which the candidates were initiated and became Brothers : —S , Leatham , AA . Grove , Arthur Guest , R . Marriott , J . Braduay , G . Parker , Hon . Percy A . Amherst , J . Lyle ( ali of Trinity College ) , and E . Foster ( of St . John ' s College ) . Tho various ceremonies were very ably performed indeed by the AVorshipful Master . Some other business having been disposed of , the brethren adjourned to dinner . The Prov . Grand Master expressed himself as being much pleased with the whole proceedings .
LEICESTERSHIRE . AsiiBY-DE-LA-Zoucii . —Ferrers and Imnhoe Lodge ( No . 1081 ) . —The mouthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , the 7 th hist . ; the members present were : — -Bros . 11 . Warner , P . M ., as W , M . ; I . Redfcrn , asS . W . ; T . H . Bobart , J . AA . ; J . Denton , Chaplain ; Henry T . Bobart , Sec ; AA m . Mason , J . D . ; W . M . Bobart , I . G . P . Dicken , G . F . Brown , S . Love , F . Hamp , Bithrcy , and Goodman . The Lodge having
been opened iu the first degree , and the minutes being confirmed , Bro . Warner nominated Bro . T . H . Bobart , J . AY . and P . G . S . B ., tho AY . M . for the ensuing year . On the ballot being taken , Bro . Bobart was elected . It was proposed by Bro . Denton , and seconded by Bro . Bithrey , and carried unanimously , " That the brethren cannot avoid taking the first opportunity to record the deep regret they feel at the decease of their respected and deeply lamented AV . M ., Bro . Mammatt , and in recording this melancholeventthey would beg to offer to his
y , bereaved widow their sincerest sympathy iu her affliction , ancl to assure her that the loss the brethren have sustained will make a deep and lasting impression on their minds . The brethren also feel that as a distinguished member of their Order , and a friend ever ready to render his advice and assistance iu every benevolent cause , the loss sustained is irreparable . " ( See . Freemasons' Magazine for May 12 th , 1860 , page 378 ) . The Lodge was then closed according to antient custom .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . ABERGAVENNY . —Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 1120 ) . —A warrant having been graciously granted by the MAIL Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , to hold a Lodge at Abergavenny , to be called the " Philanthropic Lodge , " No . 1120 , and to be held at the Angel Hotel , a Lodge was duly formed on Tuesday , the loth instant , under the able presidency of Bro . Henry Bridges , Nos . !) S 3 , 123 , P . M . 3 S , 367 , CS 0 , 1012 , AV . M . 1099 , P . Prov .
S . G . D . Surrey , and G . S . B . of England , He was assisted in his labours by Bros . Williams , No . Ill , Hereford ; Donne , P . M . of the Yitruvian Lodge , lloss , and Prov . S . G . D . for Herefordshire ; Whitchurch , S . AY . of the Silurian Lodge , Newport ; Groves , of the Isea Lodge , Newport , and P . Prov . G . Org . of Monmouthshire ; Homfray , of the Isea Lodge , Newport , and Prov . G . Steward , Monmouthshire , and several other brethren . After the consecration , which was performed in the most beautiful manner bBro . BridgesBro . Henry John HigginsonP . M . of the Royal
y , , Cumberland . Lodge , No . 48 , Bath , was installed by him into the chair according to antient custom , Bro . Peirce , of the Monmouth Lodge , No . 761 , being appointed S . 'W ., aud Bro . Bellamy , of the Monmouth Lodge and Lodge of Honour , No . 528 , Bath , being appointed J . AV . ; Bro . Browning , of Monmouth , Secretary . The furniture and regalia were kindly presented by Bro . James Jones , a P . M . of the Old Philanthropic Lodge held in this town some thirty-two years since , and u-hich he iu a trulMasonic spirit had 2 'i'eserved intact and in
y good order until such time as a now Lodge might be formed in Abergavenny . This revered and worthy brother was unable to attend through illness , but his hearty good wishes attended the formation of the Lodge , of which he was unanimously voted an honorary brother . After the installation , three gentlemen were initiated into the order , having been proposed by letter to the AY . M ., and duly balloted for . Tho dinner was of a most elegant character , and the only drawback to the pleasures of the day was that so few brethren wore present on so
interesting an occasion , Bro . Morgan having provided for about forty brethren , while only twenty were present . It ivas mentioned during the evening that the Monmouth Lodge , the oldest Lodge in the province , was entirely unrepresented , and that the brethren of the Silurian and Isea Lodges , in Newport , although represented , were unfortunately prevented from appearing in such numbers as they had promised , through unforeseen circumstances . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having boon duly given and responded to , the brethren retired to their respective homes , well satisfied that on a future occasion they would be better supported .