Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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convenience , it was judged advisable to postpone the festive celebration of the 103 rd anniversary of the lodge to a less inclement season of the year . Accordingly , the banquet will f . ike place in the spring ; and arrangements are being made by which it is hoped that severed honoured London brethren will ho brought to Winchester to partake of the hospitality of the Worshipful Master , and to afford to the Hampshire brethren an opportunity of witnessing that accuracy of ceremonial and
precision of working which are the characteristics of metropolitan Masonry . The members of No . 76 , consoling themselves with the anticipation of this great Masonic treat , held an ordinary meeting for the purpose of installing Bro . Stebbing . The ceremony was performed by the retiring Master , Bro . A \ fm \ Smith , assisted hy the Past Masters of the lodge , the W . M ., -Bro . Stebbing , having first invested Bro . Alfred Smith , I . P . M . then his officers as follows : —Bros . E . SheppardS . W . ;
, , P . Ruff , J . W . ; R . S . Hulbort , S . D . ; H . Hnhbersfcy , J . D . ; C . Sherry , Treas . ; H . Hugstins , Sec . ; Waterman , Dir . of Cers . ; E . Carter and II . Sherry , " Stewards ; H . Grant , I . G . ; Richards , Tyler . It was then proposed by the S . W ., seconded by the J . W ., supported by the W . M ., and carried unanimously , that a
vote expressive of the thanks of the lodge be engrossed on vellum and presented to Bro . Alfred Smith , P . M ., for his able services in the chair during the past two years . Ifc was also unanimously resolved that Bro . Alfred Smith , P . M ., be deputed to convey to the Prov . G . M ., Admiral Sir Lucis Curtis , Bart ., K . C . B ., the congratulations of the lodge on his appointment to the distinguished rank of Admiral of the Fleet . Bro . Best was then elected Treasurer of the Local Benevolent Fund , which
was announced to be in a highly satisfactory state . This fund was established some years ago , under the auspices of Bro . Hadeham , an esteemed P . M . of the lodge . It was designed for the relief of such members or past members of tho lodge us should fall into necessitous circumstances , and was constituted in imitation of a similar fund attached to the Robert Burns' Lodge ( So . 25 ) , Loudon . It is intended to supplement the general charities of tho Craftandbits meansthe lod
; , y , ge is able to extend to its members such relief as those excellent institutions , from the numerous demands on their means , are ¦ unable to afford . The business of the evening being ended , the ¦ brethren adjourned for refreshment , and , having spent a short time in agreeable social intercourse , filially separated highly delighted with their present enjoyment and future prospects .
NORFOLK . -K-VSG- ' s Ir-fins . —Vliilanthro-pio Lo & ge ( No . 107 ) . —This lodge held its usual month ' y meeting at the Duke ' s Head Hotel , on Monday , the Sth inst ., for the election of the W . M . for the ensuing year , and for other business * , when Bro . T . M . Wilkin was unanimously elected , and the installation was fixed for tho first Monday in March . The ceremony will be performed by
Bro . J . Dawbarn , of Norwich . At the same meeting the lodge noted , on the motion of Bro . G . Webster , S . W ., seconded by Pro . R . H . Household , S . D ., the following appropriations from the fund sof the lodga : —Ten guineas to the Royal Freemasons ' School for Female Children ; ten guineas to the Royal Masonic Boys' School ; ten pounds to the Royal Benevolent Institution for Indigent Freemr . sras and their Widows ; and five pounds to She Benevolent Fund of the lodge for local relief .
SOUTH WALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . CAEDIPF . —Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 3 G ) , —The regular lodge was held on Tuesday , 9 th inst ., Bro . Evan J . Thomas , P . M ., presiding , in the absence of the M . M . There being no business in the first or second degrees , the lodge was raised to the third degree , and Bro . Esp having previously given satisfactory proof of proficiency in the former degree , was introduced , and raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . iu the presiding Master's
, usually correct and impressive manner . The ordinary amount of " small talk" respecting the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE having been indulged in by a section of the members , the lodge ( at which only a few brethren were present ) was closed at an early hour .
Bute Lodge ( No . 060 ) . —The stated forni ghtly meeting of this flourishing lodge took place on Tuesday , the 16 th inst . Present—Bros . J . Thorp , W . M . ; J . Dateiel , S . W . ; W . H . Martin , J . W . ; P . Bird , Treas . ; W . H . Moreton , Sec ; J . Daniel , S . D . { pro tern . ); A . Davis , J . D . ; T . Bell , I . G . { pro tern . ) . This being die lodge appropriated by the by-laws principally to instruction , it was at once raised to the third degree , when the
W . M . delivereda highly interestingandinst-ructiveoriginallecture in this sublime degree . The privilege , so rarely enjoyed even in the oldest lodges , was highly appreciated by the brethren , and the eloquent address warmly applauded throughout . We only regret that , being extempore and delivered without even notes we are unable to present a short epitome of it to our readers . The lodge having been closed down to the first degree , two candidates were proposed for initiationand the usual
compli-, ment to visiting brethren ( never omitted in this lodge ) , was paid , and duly acknowledged . The W . M . stated that the Masonic Hall Building Committee had received from the Trustees of the Marquis of Bate the offer of a most eligible piece of building ground , and that a prospectus would shortly he issued , limiting tbe capital to such an amount ; that the shares ( nearltwo thirds of which are already subscribed
y for ) , mig ht be comfortably held exclusively by members of the Bute Lodge . Abetter was read from the Secre- ^ tary of a neighbouring lodge soliciting a copy of the by-laws of this lodge , which , oiving to their very careful compilation , under the able superintendence of the experienced W . M ., have attained somewhat more than a local notoriety . The W . M . having announced his intention to visit the Silurian
Lodge , Newport , at its next stated meeting on Wednesday , March 2 nd , hoped that he should be supported by all of his officers and a large number of the brethren upon that occasion , as the Bute Lodge would ever owe a considerable amount of gratitude to the ' brefchreu of the Silurian for the assistance rendered in obtaining a warrant for this lodge . There being no other business , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony at nine o ' clock .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . Rirox . —De Grey and Eipon Lodge ( No . 837 . )—The lodge met on Friday , February 5 , at six o'clock . The W . M . Bro . Martin opened ' the lodge ' in the first degree , when the minutes of last lodge were read by the Secretary , Bro . Binns , and confirmed . The W . M . then asked Bro . Denton , the I . P . M ., to take the chaii-. ' / l'he lodge was opened in the second degree . Bro . Hoh-d having expressed his desire to be advanced to the third
oy degree , the usual questions were put and answered satisfactorily , and he was subsequently raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . The traditioual history and working tools peculiar to this degree were eloquently explained . Bro . Hoh-oyd was then informed before be could advance another stop , he must be able satisfactorily to answer certain questions which were then put to the WardensThis the first lod held after the de
. being ge - cease of Bro . George Fearn ' ley , M . D ., R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., the W . M . Depute according to notice in the summons , delivered a funeral ceremony and oration to his memory . The ceremony was conducted throughout in a very solemn and impressive manner , interspersed with music aud signing , Bro . Stephenson presiding at the organ .
FlJNEEAL CEEEMUJTY ATTD OEATIO > -. By Bro . John Denton , P ; isfc Master De Grey and Ripon Lodge ( No . S 37 ) , in memory of the Right Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Dr , George Fearnley . RnLTUEE-v , — From time immemorial it has been an established custom amongst Freemasons for each lodge at a stated periodonce in every yearto select from its members a skilled
, , brother to preside over them in the capacity of Master ; so also it is the custom for the Provincial Grand Master of each province to select from amongst the brethren one well qualified to act as his Deputy in ruling the province . Our Worshipful Master having requested me ( the Immediate Past Master ) to take the chair this evening , and our lodge having no chaplain , the painful dutdevolves upon me to inform you in lodge
asy sembled that the Most High has been pleased to take unto himself our dear departed Brother Dr . Fearnley , the Right Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master of this province . Brethren , this being our first lodge held after his much-to-belamented death , it is the most appropriate time to perform the service usual on such occasions .
Anthem . Whate ' er we fondly call our own Belongs to Heaven's great Lord , The blessings lent us for a day Are soon to be restored . 'Tis God that lifts our comforts High Or sinks them in the grave .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
convenience , it was judged advisable to postpone the festive celebration of the 103 rd anniversary of the lodge to a less inclement season of the year . Accordingly , the banquet will f . ike place in the spring ; and arrangements are being made by which it is hoped that severed honoured London brethren will ho brought to Winchester to partake of the hospitality of the Worshipful Master , and to afford to the Hampshire brethren an opportunity of witnessing that accuracy of ceremonial and
precision of working which are the characteristics of metropolitan Masonry . The members of No . 76 , consoling themselves with the anticipation of this great Masonic treat , held an ordinary meeting for the purpose of installing Bro . Stebbing . The ceremony was performed by the retiring Master , Bro . A \ fm \ Smith , assisted hy the Past Masters of the lodge , the W . M ., -Bro . Stebbing , having first invested Bro . Alfred Smith , I . P . M . then his officers as follows : —Bros . E . SheppardS . W . ;
, , P . Ruff , J . W . ; R . S . Hulbort , S . D . ; H . Hnhbersfcy , J . D . ; C . Sherry , Treas . ; H . Hugstins , Sec . ; Waterman , Dir . of Cers . ; E . Carter and II . Sherry , " Stewards ; H . Grant , I . G . ; Richards , Tyler . It was then proposed by the S . W ., seconded by the J . W ., supported by the W . M ., and carried unanimously , that a
vote expressive of the thanks of the lodge be engrossed on vellum and presented to Bro . Alfred Smith , P . M ., for his able services in the chair during the past two years . Ifc was also unanimously resolved that Bro . Alfred Smith , P . M ., be deputed to convey to the Prov . G . M ., Admiral Sir Lucis Curtis , Bart ., K . C . B ., the congratulations of the lodge on his appointment to the distinguished rank of Admiral of the Fleet . Bro . Best was then elected Treasurer of the Local Benevolent Fund , which
was announced to be in a highly satisfactory state . This fund was established some years ago , under the auspices of Bro . Hadeham , an esteemed P . M . of the lodge . It was designed for the relief of such members or past members of tho lodge us should fall into necessitous circumstances , and was constituted in imitation of a similar fund attached to the Robert Burns' Lodge ( So . 25 ) , Loudon . It is intended to supplement the general charities of tho Craftandbits meansthe lod
; , y , ge is able to extend to its members such relief as those excellent institutions , from the numerous demands on their means , are ¦ unable to afford . The business of the evening being ended , the ¦ brethren adjourned for refreshment , and , having spent a short time in agreeable social intercourse , filially separated highly delighted with their present enjoyment and future prospects .
NORFOLK . -K-VSG- ' s Ir-fins . —Vliilanthro-pio Lo & ge ( No . 107 ) . —This lodge held its usual month ' y meeting at the Duke ' s Head Hotel , on Monday , the Sth inst ., for the election of the W . M . for the ensuing year , and for other business * , when Bro . T . M . Wilkin was unanimously elected , and the installation was fixed for tho first Monday in March . The ceremony will be performed by
Bro . J . Dawbarn , of Norwich . At the same meeting the lodge noted , on the motion of Bro . G . Webster , S . W ., seconded by Pro . R . H . Household , S . D ., the following appropriations from the fund sof the lodga : —Ten guineas to the Royal Freemasons ' School for Female Children ; ten guineas to the Royal Masonic Boys' School ; ten pounds to the Royal Benevolent Institution for Indigent Freemr . sras and their Widows ; and five pounds to She Benevolent Fund of the lodge for local relief .
SOUTH WALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . CAEDIPF . —Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 3 G ) , —The regular lodge was held on Tuesday , 9 th inst ., Bro . Evan J . Thomas , P . M ., presiding , in the absence of the M . M . There being no business in the first or second degrees , the lodge was raised to the third degree , and Bro . Esp having previously given satisfactory proof of proficiency in the former degree , was introduced , and raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . iu the presiding Master's
, usually correct and impressive manner . The ordinary amount of " small talk" respecting the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE having been indulged in by a section of the members , the lodge ( at which only a few brethren were present ) was closed at an early hour .
Bute Lodge ( No . 060 ) . —The stated forni ghtly meeting of this flourishing lodge took place on Tuesday , the 16 th inst . Present—Bros . J . Thorp , W . M . ; J . Dateiel , S . W . ; W . H . Martin , J . W . ; P . Bird , Treas . ; W . H . Moreton , Sec ; J . Daniel , S . D . { pro tern . ); A . Davis , J . D . ; T . Bell , I . G . { pro tern . ) . This being die lodge appropriated by the by-laws principally to instruction , it was at once raised to the third degree , when the
W . M . delivereda highly interestingandinst-ructiveoriginallecture in this sublime degree . The privilege , so rarely enjoyed even in the oldest lodges , was highly appreciated by the brethren , and the eloquent address warmly applauded throughout . We only regret that , being extempore and delivered without even notes we are unable to present a short epitome of it to our readers . The lodge having been closed down to the first degree , two candidates were proposed for initiationand the usual
compli-, ment to visiting brethren ( never omitted in this lodge ) , was paid , and duly acknowledged . The W . M . stated that the Masonic Hall Building Committee had received from the Trustees of the Marquis of Bate the offer of a most eligible piece of building ground , and that a prospectus would shortly he issued , limiting tbe capital to such an amount ; that the shares ( nearltwo thirds of which are already subscribed
y for ) , mig ht be comfortably held exclusively by members of the Bute Lodge . Abetter was read from the Secre- ^ tary of a neighbouring lodge soliciting a copy of the by-laws of this lodge , which , oiving to their very careful compilation , under the able superintendence of the experienced W . M ., have attained somewhat more than a local notoriety . The W . M . having announced his intention to visit the Silurian
Lodge , Newport , at its next stated meeting on Wednesday , March 2 nd , hoped that he should be supported by all of his officers and a large number of the brethren upon that occasion , as the Bute Lodge would ever owe a considerable amount of gratitude to the ' brefchreu of the Silurian for the assistance rendered in obtaining a warrant for this lodge . There being no other business , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony at nine o ' clock .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . Rirox . —De Grey and Eipon Lodge ( No . 837 . )—The lodge met on Friday , February 5 , at six o'clock . The W . M . Bro . Martin opened ' the lodge ' in the first degree , when the minutes of last lodge were read by the Secretary , Bro . Binns , and confirmed . The W . M . then asked Bro . Denton , the I . P . M ., to take the chaii-. ' / l'he lodge was opened in the second degree . Bro . Hoh-d having expressed his desire to be advanced to the third
oy degree , the usual questions were put and answered satisfactorily , and he was subsequently raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . The traditioual history and working tools peculiar to this degree were eloquently explained . Bro . Hoh-oyd was then informed before be could advance another stop , he must be able satisfactorily to answer certain questions which were then put to the WardensThis the first lod held after the de
. being ge - cease of Bro . George Fearn ' ley , M . D ., R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., the W . M . Depute according to notice in the summons , delivered a funeral ceremony and oration to his memory . The ceremony was conducted throughout in a very solemn and impressive manner , interspersed with music aud signing , Bro . Stephenson presiding at the organ .
FlJNEEAL CEEEMUJTY ATTD OEATIO > -. By Bro . John Denton , P ; isfc Master De Grey and Ripon Lodge ( No . S 37 ) , in memory of the Right Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Dr , George Fearnley . RnLTUEE-v , — From time immemorial it has been an established custom amongst Freemasons for each lodge at a stated periodonce in every yearto select from its members a skilled
, , brother to preside over them in the capacity of Master ; so also it is the custom for the Provincial Grand Master of each province to select from amongst the brethren one well qualified to act as his Deputy in ruling the province . Our Worshipful Master having requested me ( the Immediate Past Master ) to take the chair this evening , and our lodge having no chaplain , the painful dutdevolves upon me to inform you in lodge
asy sembled that the Most High has been pleased to take unto himself our dear departed Brother Dr . Fearnley , the Right Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master of this province . Brethren , this being our first lodge held after his much-to-belamented death , it is the most appropriate time to perform the service usual on such occasions .
Anthem . Whate ' er we fondly call our own Belongs to Heaven's great Lord , The blessings lent us for a day Are soon to be restored . 'Tis God that lifts our comforts High Or sinks them in the grave .