Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article AUSTRALIA. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEM . At the Lodge of Benevolence , on Wednesday , 17 th Sept ., 1862 , W . Bro . John Udall , Past G . D ., in the chair , eight petitioners were relieved with £ SS .
CUMBERLAND . CAELISLE . —Union Lodge ( No . 3 S 9 . )—A lodge of emergency was held in the Masonic Rooms , on Tuesday evening , the 9 th of September , to initiate Mr . Benning Cole and raise Bro . Cook . P . W . Hayward , P . M ., officiated as W . M ., assisted by Bros . Blaeklock , S . W . ; Ritson , J . W . ; Melbourne , S . D . ; Richardson , J . D . ; Murray , I . G . ; Store \ -, Tyler ; Fisher , Sec . The lodge
was opened according to ancient custom in the first degree , the minutes being read , confirmed , and signed , and other necessary business despatched the lodge was opened in the P . O . Our "brother and the candidate being late in coming , the lodge was closed . The brethren then retired to the ante-room , were they spent a very pleasant aud harmonious evening , replete with Masonic information . The visiting brethren were : — -Bros . Home , of Lodge St . Thomas , No . 97 , Edinburgh ; and Bro . Gregorj-, New York .
DEVON . DEVOxroBT . —Lodge Fidelity ( No . 280)—The above lodge ( which now meets twice monthly ) met on the 7 th inst ., for the purpose of initiating a naval officer , who proceeds on a foreign station , and an old inhabitant of the town ; the ceremony was performed in a masterly manner by Bro . P . M . Chappie . The duties having terminated , the brethren , accompanied by the visitors , adjourned to the festive board . The
naval brother above alluded to , in reply to the toast of " Our new made Brother , " said that he should ever remember the hononr they had that night conferred on him , and only feared that he would not be able to remain in England a sufficient time to take the other necessary degrees . The visitors present replied on behalf of Brunswick ancl other neighbouring lodges . PLYMOUTH . —Lodge Brunswick ( No . 1 S 5 . )—Owing to a pressing amount of business to be transacted at this flourishing lodge ,
the brethren were summoned for half-past four , punctual to the time were the officers and many of the brethren . The proceedings commenced with the raising of Bro . Gudridge ; after which , two brothers were passed and one initiated . A matter relating to the Annuity Fund was ordered to he entered on the minutes for consideration at the ' next meeting . At half-past nine the brethren and their guests adjourned to the banquet in the festive room . Brothers from Lodges Fortitude and Fidelity ,
in the locality , and one from Halifax , Nova Scotia , returned thanks to the toast of " Our Visiting Brethren . " The brethren shortly after dispersed , highly delighted with their happy evening ' s work .
NORTI-IUMBE RLAND . MoErETH . —Lodfiede Ogle ( No . 919 . )—The usual annual meeting of this lodge , which was held at Stewart's Temperance Hotel , on Thursday , the 11 th iust ., the lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . E . Peed , assisted by his officers and several brethren , when Bro . Andrew Gillespie , P . M . 24 and 614 , and Prov . G . Peg . for Northumberland , proceeded to instal the W . M . elect , Bro . J . 0 . Schofield , as Master for the ensuing year . The newly-installed
Blaster appointed and invested the following officers : —Bros . Peed , P . M . ; J . Greives , S . W . ; J . D . Laws , if . XV . ; J . Watson , sen ., S . D . ; B . Woodman , J . D . ; J . Watson , jun ., Sec . ; K . King , Treas . ; XV . G . Laws , I . G . ; and Harrison , Tyler . After the proposal of a gentleman for initiation the lodge was closed in due form , when the brethren adjourned to the King's Head Inn , where a sumptuous banquet was provided bj r Bro . Greives , to which they did ample justice . Amongst the visitors were observed Bros . W . Quarrie , W . M . 957 ; Bell , S . W . 957 ; Baker , 957 ; Jno . Bailes , S . W . 793 : A . Gillespie , P . M . 2-1-and GIL ancl
A . M . Loades , W . M . 24 . Tee harmony of the evening was materially promoted by the excellent singing of Bros . XV . Quarrie , Bell , J . Watson , junr ., and Reed . The evening was spent in a true Masonic spirit , and the brethren separated at an early hour .
SUSSEX . PEOVIJCCIAI GEAITD LODGE . A large gathering is anticipated at the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Sussex , which , with the banquet to follow , will take place , for the first time , at the Royal Pavilion , Brighton , on Friday , the 26 th inst . An additional interest attaches to the meeting , owing to several intended new
provincial appointments . BEIGHTOX . —Boyal York Lodge ( No . 391 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 2 nd inst ., at the Old Ship Hotel , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . Marchant , supported by the whole of his officers . The lodge was opened only in the first degree , and upon being closed the brethren , about twenty-five in number , adjourned to an unusually good banquet , the W . M . presiding . A very friendly evening was spent . During the summer months thelodge business has been light , and the ability of the W . M . not tested in regard to initiations .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . DOXCASTEE . —St . George's Lodge ( No . 29 S . )—It has been previously announced that the next quarterly meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge for West Yorkshire will he held in Doncaster on the 1 st of October next . On Friday last an emergency meeting of the brethren , convened by the W . M ., was held in the . Town Hall , " to consider as to the reception to be given to
the R . W . the Provincial Grand Master , the Earl de Grey and Ripon , who has stated his intention of being present at the Provincial Grand Lodge , to be held on Wednesday , tho 1 st of October , and other business . " The chair was taken by the W . M ., Bro . T . Smith , who read a letter which he had received that clay from Bro . Dr . Fearnley , the D . Prov . G . M ., informing him of the intention of the noble Earl to be present at the ensuing meeting , and expressing his hope that his lordship
would meet with a hearty reception at the hands of the brethren of St . George's Lodge . Some conversation took place on the subject ; ancl it being stated by one of the brethren present that the use of the Mansion Honse could not be obtained for tho banquet , it was resolved that the same should be provided at the Reindeer Hotel . It was also agreed that the lodge should he held in the large room at the Town Hall ; and that a harmonium be placed therein for the occasion . It was a subject of congratulation amongst the brethren that his lordship should have so far honoured the lodge by this mark of his kindness .
VICTORIA . ( From a Correspondent ) SOUTH YOBEA LODGE ( NO . 1010 ) . —This lodge held its monthly meeting at the New Bridge Hotel , Gardner's Creekroad , on Thursday , the 10 th June , 1862 . Present , Bros . H . W . Lowry , W . M ., in the chair ; N . XV . Pollard , P . M . ; visiting Bro . J . Goodall , W . M ., Richmond Lodge ( No . 1093 ) ; T . II . Lempriere ,
Prov . G . Sec ., S . W . ; Frank Day , J . W . ; A . Kearney , Treas . ; W . Burchall , Sec . ; C . Morlin , J . D . ; J . Dollamore , I . G . ; and twenty-two members ancl fourteen visitors . The lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer , at 7 ' o ' clock , p . m ., the lodge having been summoned half an hour earlier in consequence of the amount of business . The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Mr . Cassidy as a candidate for initiation . Mr . Cassidy , being in
attendance , was introduced in due form and initiated , the ceremony being ably performed by the W . M . The lodge was then opened in the : second degree , when Bros . Coster and Durdley were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , when Bro . Hull was raised to the high and sublime degree of a Master Mason , the ceremony being most impressively performed by the W . M . The lodge was then reduced to the first degree , when two candidates were proposed for initiation . The lodge was closed in clue form
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEM . At the Lodge of Benevolence , on Wednesday , 17 th Sept ., 1862 , W . Bro . John Udall , Past G . D ., in the chair , eight petitioners were relieved with £ SS .
CUMBERLAND . CAELISLE . —Union Lodge ( No . 3 S 9 . )—A lodge of emergency was held in the Masonic Rooms , on Tuesday evening , the 9 th of September , to initiate Mr . Benning Cole and raise Bro . Cook . P . W . Hayward , P . M ., officiated as W . M ., assisted by Bros . Blaeklock , S . W . ; Ritson , J . W . ; Melbourne , S . D . ; Richardson , J . D . ; Murray , I . G . ; Store \ -, Tyler ; Fisher , Sec . The lodge
was opened according to ancient custom in the first degree , the minutes being read , confirmed , and signed , and other necessary business despatched the lodge was opened in the P . O . Our "brother and the candidate being late in coming , the lodge was closed . The brethren then retired to the ante-room , were they spent a very pleasant aud harmonious evening , replete with Masonic information . The visiting brethren were : — -Bros . Home , of Lodge St . Thomas , No . 97 , Edinburgh ; and Bro . Gregorj-, New York .
DEVON . DEVOxroBT . —Lodge Fidelity ( No . 280)—The above lodge ( which now meets twice monthly ) met on the 7 th inst ., for the purpose of initiating a naval officer , who proceeds on a foreign station , and an old inhabitant of the town ; the ceremony was performed in a masterly manner by Bro . P . M . Chappie . The duties having terminated , the brethren , accompanied by the visitors , adjourned to the festive board . The
naval brother above alluded to , in reply to the toast of " Our new made Brother , " said that he should ever remember the hononr they had that night conferred on him , and only feared that he would not be able to remain in England a sufficient time to take the other necessary degrees . The visitors present replied on behalf of Brunswick ancl other neighbouring lodges . PLYMOUTH . —Lodge Brunswick ( No . 1 S 5 . )—Owing to a pressing amount of business to be transacted at this flourishing lodge ,
the brethren were summoned for half-past four , punctual to the time were the officers and many of the brethren . The proceedings commenced with the raising of Bro . Gudridge ; after which , two brothers were passed and one initiated . A matter relating to the Annuity Fund was ordered to he entered on the minutes for consideration at the ' next meeting . At half-past nine the brethren and their guests adjourned to the banquet in the festive room . Brothers from Lodges Fortitude and Fidelity ,
in the locality , and one from Halifax , Nova Scotia , returned thanks to the toast of " Our Visiting Brethren . " The brethren shortly after dispersed , highly delighted with their happy evening ' s work .
NORTI-IUMBE RLAND . MoErETH . —Lodfiede Ogle ( No . 919 . )—The usual annual meeting of this lodge , which was held at Stewart's Temperance Hotel , on Thursday , the 11 th iust ., the lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . E . Peed , assisted by his officers and several brethren , when Bro . Andrew Gillespie , P . M . 24 and 614 , and Prov . G . Peg . for Northumberland , proceeded to instal the W . M . elect , Bro . J . 0 . Schofield , as Master for the ensuing year . The newly-installed
Blaster appointed and invested the following officers : —Bros . Peed , P . M . ; J . Greives , S . W . ; J . D . Laws , if . XV . ; J . Watson , sen ., S . D . ; B . Woodman , J . D . ; J . Watson , jun ., Sec . ; K . King , Treas . ; XV . G . Laws , I . G . ; and Harrison , Tyler . After the proposal of a gentleman for initiation the lodge was closed in due form , when the brethren adjourned to the King's Head Inn , where a sumptuous banquet was provided bj r Bro . Greives , to which they did ample justice . Amongst the visitors were observed Bros . W . Quarrie , W . M . 957 ; Bell , S . W . 957 ; Baker , 957 ; Jno . Bailes , S . W . 793 : A . Gillespie , P . M . 2-1-and GIL ancl
A . M . Loades , W . M . 24 . Tee harmony of the evening was materially promoted by the excellent singing of Bros . XV . Quarrie , Bell , J . Watson , junr ., and Reed . The evening was spent in a true Masonic spirit , and the brethren separated at an early hour .
SUSSEX . PEOVIJCCIAI GEAITD LODGE . A large gathering is anticipated at the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Sussex , which , with the banquet to follow , will take place , for the first time , at the Royal Pavilion , Brighton , on Friday , the 26 th inst . An additional interest attaches to the meeting , owing to several intended new
provincial appointments . BEIGHTOX . —Boyal York Lodge ( No . 391 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 2 nd inst ., at the Old Ship Hotel , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . Marchant , supported by the whole of his officers . The lodge was opened only in the first degree , and upon being closed the brethren , about twenty-five in number , adjourned to an unusually good banquet , the W . M . presiding . A very friendly evening was spent . During the summer months thelodge business has been light , and the ability of the W . M . not tested in regard to initiations .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . DOXCASTEE . —St . George's Lodge ( No . 29 S . )—It has been previously announced that the next quarterly meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge for West Yorkshire will he held in Doncaster on the 1 st of October next . On Friday last an emergency meeting of the brethren , convened by the W . M ., was held in the . Town Hall , " to consider as to the reception to be given to
the R . W . the Provincial Grand Master , the Earl de Grey and Ripon , who has stated his intention of being present at the Provincial Grand Lodge , to be held on Wednesday , tho 1 st of October , and other business . " The chair was taken by the W . M ., Bro . T . Smith , who read a letter which he had received that clay from Bro . Dr . Fearnley , the D . Prov . G . M ., informing him of the intention of the noble Earl to be present at the ensuing meeting , and expressing his hope that his lordship
would meet with a hearty reception at the hands of the brethren of St . George's Lodge . Some conversation took place on the subject ; ancl it being stated by one of the brethren present that the use of the Mansion Honse could not be obtained for tho banquet , it was resolved that the same should be provided at the Reindeer Hotel . It was also agreed that the lodge should he held in the large room at the Town Hall ; and that a harmonium be placed therein for the occasion . It was a subject of congratulation amongst the brethren that his lordship should have so far honoured the lodge by this mark of his kindness .
VICTORIA . ( From a Correspondent ) SOUTH YOBEA LODGE ( NO . 1010 ) . —This lodge held its monthly meeting at the New Bridge Hotel , Gardner's Creekroad , on Thursday , the 10 th June , 1862 . Present , Bros . H . W . Lowry , W . M ., in the chair ; N . XV . Pollard , P . M . ; visiting Bro . J . Goodall , W . M ., Richmond Lodge ( No . 1093 ) ; T . II . Lempriere ,
Prov . G . Sec ., S . W . ; Frank Day , J . W . ; A . Kearney , Treas . ; W . Burchall , Sec . ; C . Morlin , J . D . ; J . Dollamore , I . G . ; and twenty-two members ancl fourteen visitors . The lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer , at 7 ' o ' clock , p . m ., the lodge having been summoned half an hour earlier in consequence of the amount of business . The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Mr . Cassidy as a candidate for initiation . Mr . Cassidy , being in
attendance , was introduced in due form and initiated , the ceremony being ably performed by the W . M . The lodge was then opened in the : second degree , when Bros . Coster and Durdley were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , when Bro . Hull was raised to the high and sublime degree of a Master Mason , the ceremony being most impressively performed by the W . M . The lodge was then reduced to the first degree , when two candidates were proposed for initiation . The lodge was closed in clue form