Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
Tyler ' s toast closed the proceedings , and the brethren adjourned to another apartment for tea and coffee ; ancl here we ought not to forget the very excellent way in which the brethren were attended to . EASTERN STAB LODGE ( No , 112 ) . —At a meeting holden on Wednesday , January 11 th , at the Rose and Crown Hotel , Bromley , Middlesex , Bro . Edward W . Davis was unanimously elected W . M . for the j'o . -ir ensuing . Bro . W . Wentworth Davis was reelected Treasurer , and Bro . Speight , Tyler . There was no other business and the brethren adjourned at an early hour . The installation meeting is on Wednesday , February 8 th .
LODOE OF FRIENDSHIP ( No . 2-1 S ) . —Tho annual meeting for the installation of the AV . M ., ancl appointment of officers , was holden on Thursday , January 12 th , at the Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhallstreet . Bro . Guest , P . M . presided , in the absence of Bro . Frampton , the W . M ., passed Bro . Boyd to the second degree and raised Bro . Blackburn to the third degree . He then resigned the chair to Bro . How , who had been invited to undertake the ceremony , aud Bro . William Stokes , the W . M . electbeing presented bBro . WmRumseyPMhe was
, y . , .., duly installed , saluted and proclaimed . The W . M . then appointed his officers and invested Bros . D . N . Frampton P . M . ; Wm . Carpenter . S . W .: Braithwaite , J . W . ; T . J . Watson , S . D . ; W . Ford , J . D . ; Geo . Bramston , I , G . ; John Rumsey , P . M ., See . ; William Rumsey , P . M ., who was reelected Treasurer , and Bro . Henry Holt , Tyler , were also invested . All business ended , the Lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to banquet . "The health of the W . M . " was proposed by Bro ' . Archliall ,
KM ,, who spoke of Bro . Stokes as a friend of many years' standing , ancl referred to the fact of Bro . Stokes being elected to the chair in consequence of the wish of the Chapter of Prudence that he should fill the third chair , and it coming to Bro . Carpenter ' s knowledge , he had most cheerfully given way to Bro . Stokes ; it redounded to the S . W . ' s honour , and it ought to be recorded that the Lodge unanimously acceded to the arrangemeut — thereby carrying out the true principles of ancl
Ifasonry , proving the Lodge worthy the name of Friendship . The W . M . in reply referred to the spirit of ambition that should exist in the breast of every man , aud but for the circumstance alluded to by Bro . Archliall , he should not have reached the chair for the present . He had been many years in the Order , aud had now reached the summit of his ambition . He tendered his warmest thanks to the brethren for their kindness , and could sincerely say it was the proudest day of his life to be Master of the Lodge of Friendship . " The health of the Treasurer , " was most warmly received , aud Bro . Birmsey acknowledged the compliment , and mentioned the fact of his having been a member of No . 21 S for twenty years . Bros . Joshua Nunu of No . 15 ( 5 , and J . Compton , of No . 63 . were visitors .
Wi' . r . i . ixRTO . x LODGE ( NO . 805 ) . — The animal meeting of this Lodge was holden on Tuesday evening , January 10 th , at the Lord Duncan Tavern , Broadway , Deptford , Bro . Wadeson , W . M ., presided , supported by his officers . Bro . Wadeson , in a highly impressive manner , raised Bros . Leask and Wilton to the sublime degree of Master Mason , after which Bro . A . I ) . Loewenstarfc , P . M ., took the chair , and in a very careful and efficient manner installed Bro . Oudon , the AV . M . elect , as Master of this Lod being assisted in the bBroDrHinxmanThe
ge , ceremony y . . . AY ' orshipful Master having appointed his officers , the next business was to present Bro . Wadeson with a jewel , which Imd been voted to him at the previous Lodge . It was a very elegant piece of workmanship , manufactured by Bro . A . D . Loeweustark , of Devereux-court , Strand , and bore the following inscription : — ' ' Presented by the brethren of the AVelliugtnn Lodge , No . 805 , to Bro . Robert AVadeson , to evince their approbation of his efficient services while presiding over them as AA ' orshiful Master for the 159
p year S . January 10 th , ] S 5 !> . " Bro . AVadeson returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him . A jewel had also been prepared to be presented to Bro . Prowse , their late lion . Secretary , who had been compelled to resign that office iu consequence of his increasing duties at Greenwich Hospital , but he was not in attendance to receive it . Bro . Bailey , P . M ., was appointed Secretary pro 1 cm . There being no other business , the Loclge was closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , which having been disposed of , a few toasts were given and the proceedings were brought to a close ,
PROVINCIAL . BUCKINGHAMSHIRE . BucicratmAM . — -Btielingham Lodge ( No . S 61 ) . —At the regular meeting of'this Lodge , holden on Monday , January 16 th , at tho AVJiite . 1 fart Hotel , Aylesbury , Bro . the Rev . Joseph Crane AVharton , AV . M ., Bro . tho Rev . AVilliam England was passed to the second degree ; Bros . George K .
Cartwright and Charles Beauchamp were raised to the third degree . Bro . How , S . W ., informed the brethren that the Most Noble the Marquis of Downshire , Prov . G . M . had announced his intention of holding a Prov . Grand Lodge in tho ensuing spring ; and a wish was expressed that on so important an occasion as the first visit of tho Buckingham Lodge the R . W . Prov . G . M . should be welcomed by a large attendance , also that the brethren should in order accompany tho Prov . Grand Master and his officers to church to attend divine service , and hear a sermon from the Prov . G . ( Jhivplain . The AVorshqifnl Muster expressed his gratification at hearing the announcement of the Marquis of Down-lure ' s proposed visit .
and said if no nearer church offered , liis own at Bierton was at the service of the brethren , and such accommodation as his house afforded . The Senior AVarden was requested to communicate with tho Prov . Grand Secretary on the subject . Bro . George States , P . M ., No . 166 , was admitted a joining member . Some other names were proposed for admission at the next Lodge , which will beheld on tho third Monday in March . The brethren , after the business wa . s ended , dined together , and spent a pleasant evening .
CAMBRIDGESHIRE . C ' AamiiiDc . 'E . —Scientific Lodge ( No . 105 ) . — On Monday , January flth , this Lodge held its annual meeting for the installation of ATorshipful Master , and for the despatch of other Masonic business . The Lodge assembled at one P . M ., and having been opened in the first degree , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Seven gentlemen , members of Trinity College , were then balloted for , aud unanimously elected , but only oue was present for initiation : Bro . the Duke of
St . Albans and other candidates for the second degree were also absent , it being the Christmas vacation at the University . Two brethren were raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons , and another passed to the second degree ; and the auditors of the Treasurer ' s accounts for the past year having been appointed , the Worshipful Master for the ensuing year , Bro . Westmorland , who had been unanimously re-elected , was duly installed in most admirable style by Bro . Baxter , P . M . The AYorshipful Master then appointed the following officers for the ensuing
vear : —Bro . Naylor . S . AV . ; Bro . Beales , jun .. J . AA ' . ; Bro . A . D . Clayton . S . D .: Bro . Barclay , ' J . D . ; Bro . H . Smith , Sec . ; Bro . H . Bentley , T . G . ' ; Bro . Bentley , Dir . of tiers .: Bro . Edwards , Chaplain ; and Bro . Crisp , Steward . The newly elected officers having been suitably addressed , as to their relative duties by Bro . Baxter , the Lodge was closed in due and antient form , aud the brothers adjourned to the banquet , which took place at five o ' clock , under the able presidency of the AYwslvipful Master , who gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts in most excellent style . About fortj ^ brethren were present , aud the evening passed with true Masonic feeling and harmony .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . CHELTENHAM . —Roycd Union Lodge ( No . 307 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge met at the Masonic Hall , to celebrate the festival of St . John the Evangelist , on AA'ednesday , January -1 th , when Bro . Power was installed as AA . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being performed in the most masterly maimer hv Bro . Shirer , the late AV . M ., and P . Prov . G . Burst ., assisted by Bros . Col . Brandon , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . AY . ; BrooksmithP . M . P . Prov . J . G ; AV . ; McDonaldP . M . P . D . Prov . G . M . Alex
, , , , ; , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . W . ; Morrison , P . M ., and numerous other brethren of this and other Lodges . The installation concluded , Bro . Power conferred the honour of the second degree upon Bros . Humphries and Hadley . After partaking of a good dinner , and doing honour to the usual loyal toasts , the health of the newly installed AV . M . was proposed , and received with much enthusiasm . The W . M ., in a few appropriate words , returned thanks , assuring the brethren of his devotedness to the interests of the Royal Union Lodge , which he stated was the oldest Lodge
in the province , the largest , and hitherto the leading Lodge in the manner of conducting its ceremonies . After alluding to the Past Masters who have been the means of bringing the Lodge into the present efficient state , particularly mentioning the name 3 of Bros . Brooksmith , AA illiams . and Shirer , he concluded by expressing a hope that at the expiration of his year of office he might be enabled to look upon the past with as much pleasure as the present was filled with hope . The evening was passed with much conviviality ; other toasts wore drunk , and occasional loyal and patriotic songs ( with pianoforte accompaniment ) made the hours pass quickly .
HAMPSHIRE . SOUTHAMPTON . —lloyul Glos / er Lodge ( No . 152 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge met at Freemasons' Hall , Bugle-street , on Thursday , 12 th Dee ., the AV . M ., Bro . T . P . Payne , in the chair , supported by Bros . Booth , S . AT . ; Philips , J . W " . ; Barker , S . I ) . ; Klitz , J . D . ; H . Clarke , Sec ; J . Ruddock , P . M . ; Clarke , AA . M . elect of Lodge of Peace and Harmony ; Douglas , P . M . ; Abraham , P . M . ; Bemister , P . M . The minutes of the last meeting having been confirmed , the brethren unanimously
elected as a joining member Bro . G . Osborne , lieutenant 11 th regiment , of the Panmure Lodge , Aldershott . Several communications from distressed brethren were brought before the Lodge , and relief afforded . Bro . BOOTH , S . AA " ., referred to the communication from Grand Lodge with regard to the spurious Lodges . He said they were bound , as Masons , to admit brethren into tho Lodge , and as the members of what were termed spurious Lodges were Masons under a foreign warrant , he wished to know how they were to get out of the difficulty . Bro .
Passenger said there could bo no doubt upon the matter ; the one established at Stratford called itself the Reformed Order of Memphis , or Rite of Philadelphes . They had no guarantee of their being true Masons , and if they were so , but not under the jurisdiction of and subordinate to Grand Lodge , they could not claim any of the privileges of Masonry . However , they could not dischaige their duties as Masons without obeying Grand Lodge , and the best way to comply with the request of Grand Lodge would be by examining the certificate of every visiting brother unknown to them . Several brethren were then proposed as onudulates for initiation , and the Lodge closed . A large
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
Tyler ' s toast closed the proceedings , and the brethren adjourned to another apartment for tea and coffee ; ancl here we ought not to forget the very excellent way in which the brethren were attended to . EASTERN STAB LODGE ( No , 112 ) . —At a meeting holden on Wednesday , January 11 th , at the Rose and Crown Hotel , Bromley , Middlesex , Bro . Edward W . Davis was unanimously elected W . M . for the j'o . -ir ensuing . Bro . W . Wentworth Davis was reelected Treasurer , and Bro . Speight , Tyler . There was no other business and the brethren adjourned at an early hour . The installation meeting is on Wednesday , February 8 th .
LODOE OF FRIENDSHIP ( No . 2-1 S ) . —Tho annual meeting for the installation of the AV . M ., ancl appointment of officers , was holden on Thursday , January 12 th , at the Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhallstreet . Bro . Guest , P . M . presided , in the absence of Bro . Frampton , the W . M ., passed Bro . Boyd to the second degree and raised Bro . Blackburn to the third degree . He then resigned the chair to Bro . How , who had been invited to undertake the ceremony , aud Bro . William Stokes , the W . M . electbeing presented bBro . WmRumseyPMhe was
, y . , .., duly installed , saluted and proclaimed . The W . M . then appointed his officers and invested Bros . D . N . Frampton P . M . ; Wm . Carpenter . S . W .: Braithwaite , J . W . ; T . J . Watson , S . D . ; W . Ford , J . D . ; Geo . Bramston , I , G . ; John Rumsey , P . M ., See . ; William Rumsey , P . M ., who was reelected Treasurer , and Bro . Henry Holt , Tyler , were also invested . All business ended , the Lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to banquet . "The health of the W . M . " was proposed by Bro ' . Archliall ,
KM ,, who spoke of Bro . Stokes as a friend of many years' standing , ancl referred to the fact of Bro . Stokes being elected to the chair in consequence of the wish of the Chapter of Prudence that he should fill the third chair , and it coming to Bro . Carpenter ' s knowledge , he had most cheerfully given way to Bro . Stokes ; it redounded to the S . W . ' s honour , and it ought to be recorded that the Lodge unanimously acceded to the arrangemeut — thereby carrying out the true principles of ancl
Ifasonry , proving the Lodge worthy the name of Friendship . The W . M . in reply referred to the spirit of ambition that should exist in the breast of every man , aud but for the circumstance alluded to by Bro . Archliall , he should not have reached the chair for the present . He had been many years in the Order , aud had now reached the summit of his ambition . He tendered his warmest thanks to the brethren for their kindness , and could sincerely say it was the proudest day of his life to be Master of the Lodge of Friendship . " The health of the Treasurer , " was most warmly received , aud Bro . Birmsey acknowledged the compliment , and mentioned the fact of his having been a member of No . 21 S for twenty years . Bros . Joshua Nunu of No . 15 ( 5 , and J . Compton , of No . 63 . were visitors .
Wi' . r . i . ixRTO . x LODGE ( NO . 805 ) . — The animal meeting of this Lodge was holden on Tuesday evening , January 10 th , at the Lord Duncan Tavern , Broadway , Deptford , Bro . Wadeson , W . M ., presided , supported by his officers . Bro . Wadeson , in a highly impressive manner , raised Bros . Leask and Wilton to the sublime degree of Master Mason , after which Bro . A . I ) . Loewenstarfc , P . M ., took the chair , and in a very careful and efficient manner installed Bro . Oudon , the AV . M . elect , as Master of this Lod being assisted in the bBroDrHinxmanThe
ge , ceremony y . . . AY ' orshipful Master having appointed his officers , the next business was to present Bro . Wadeson with a jewel , which Imd been voted to him at the previous Lodge . It was a very elegant piece of workmanship , manufactured by Bro . A . D . Loeweustark , of Devereux-court , Strand , and bore the following inscription : — ' ' Presented by the brethren of the AVelliugtnn Lodge , No . 805 , to Bro . Robert AVadeson , to evince their approbation of his efficient services while presiding over them as AA ' orshiful Master for the 159
p year S . January 10 th , ] S 5 !> . " Bro . AVadeson returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him . A jewel had also been prepared to be presented to Bro . Prowse , their late lion . Secretary , who had been compelled to resign that office iu consequence of his increasing duties at Greenwich Hospital , but he was not in attendance to receive it . Bro . Bailey , P . M ., was appointed Secretary pro 1 cm . There being no other business , the Loclge was closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , which having been disposed of , a few toasts were given and the proceedings were brought to a close ,
PROVINCIAL . BUCKINGHAMSHIRE . BucicratmAM . — -Btielingham Lodge ( No . S 61 ) . —At the regular meeting of'this Lodge , holden on Monday , January 16 th , at tho AVJiite . 1 fart Hotel , Aylesbury , Bro . the Rev . Joseph Crane AVharton , AV . M ., Bro . tho Rev . AVilliam England was passed to the second degree ; Bros . George K .
Cartwright and Charles Beauchamp were raised to the third degree . Bro . How , S . W ., informed the brethren that the Most Noble the Marquis of Downshire , Prov . G . M . had announced his intention of holding a Prov . Grand Lodge in tho ensuing spring ; and a wish was expressed that on so important an occasion as the first visit of tho Buckingham Lodge the R . W . Prov . G . M . should be welcomed by a large attendance , also that the brethren should in order accompany tho Prov . Grand Master and his officers to church to attend divine service , and hear a sermon from the Prov . G . ( Jhivplain . The AVorshqifnl Muster expressed his gratification at hearing the announcement of the Marquis of Down-lure ' s proposed visit .
and said if no nearer church offered , liis own at Bierton was at the service of the brethren , and such accommodation as his house afforded . The Senior AVarden was requested to communicate with tho Prov . Grand Secretary on the subject . Bro . George States , P . M ., No . 166 , was admitted a joining member . Some other names were proposed for admission at the next Lodge , which will beheld on tho third Monday in March . The brethren , after the business wa . s ended , dined together , and spent a pleasant evening .
CAMBRIDGESHIRE . C ' AamiiiDc . 'E . —Scientific Lodge ( No . 105 ) . — On Monday , January flth , this Lodge held its annual meeting for the installation of ATorshipful Master , and for the despatch of other Masonic business . The Lodge assembled at one P . M ., and having been opened in the first degree , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Seven gentlemen , members of Trinity College , were then balloted for , aud unanimously elected , but only oue was present for initiation : Bro . the Duke of
St . Albans and other candidates for the second degree were also absent , it being the Christmas vacation at the University . Two brethren were raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons , and another passed to the second degree ; and the auditors of the Treasurer ' s accounts for the past year having been appointed , the Worshipful Master for the ensuing year , Bro . Westmorland , who had been unanimously re-elected , was duly installed in most admirable style by Bro . Baxter , P . M . The AYorshipful Master then appointed the following officers for the ensuing
vear : —Bro . Naylor . S . AV . ; Bro . Beales , jun .. J . AA ' . ; Bro . A . D . Clayton . S . D .: Bro . Barclay , ' J . D . ; Bro . H . Smith , Sec . ; Bro . H . Bentley , T . G . ' ; Bro . Bentley , Dir . of tiers .: Bro . Edwards , Chaplain ; and Bro . Crisp , Steward . The newly elected officers having been suitably addressed , as to their relative duties by Bro . Baxter , the Lodge was closed in due and antient form , aud the brothers adjourned to the banquet , which took place at five o ' clock , under the able presidency of the AYwslvipful Master , who gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts in most excellent style . About fortj ^ brethren were present , aud the evening passed with true Masonic feeling and harmony .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . CHELTENHAM . —Roycd Union Lodge ( No . 307 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge met at the Masonic Hall , to celebrate the festival of St . John the Evangelist , on AA'ednesday , January -1 th , when Bro . Power was installed as AA . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being performed in the most masterly maimer hv Bro . Shirer , the late AV . M ., and P . Prov . G . Burst ., assisted by Bros . Col . Brandon , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . AY . ; BrooksmithP . M . P . Prov . J . G ; AV . ; McDonaldP . M . P . D . Prov . G . M . Alex
, , , , ; , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . W . ; Morrison , P . M ., and numerous other brethren of this and other Lodges . The installation concluded , Bro . Power conferred the honour of the second degree upon Bros . Humphries and Hadley . After partaking of a good dinner , and doing honour to the usual loyal toasts , the health of the newly installed AV . M . was proposed , and received with much enthusiasm . The W . M ., in a few appropriate words , returned thanks , assuring the brethren of his devotedness to the interests of the Royal Union Lodge , which he stated was the oldest Lodge
in the province , the largest , and hitherto the leading Lodge in the manner of conducting its ceremonies . After alluding to the Past Masters who have been the means of bringing the Lodge into the present efficient state , particularly mentioning the name 3 of Bros . Brooksmith , AA illiams . and Shirer , he concluded by expressing a hope that at the expiration of his year of office he might be enabled to look upon the past with as much pleasure as the present was filled with hope . The evening was passed with much conviviality ; other toasts wore drunk , and occasional loyal and patriotic songs ( with pianoforte accompaniment ) made the hours pass quickly .
HAMPSHIRE . SOUTHAMPTON . —lloyul Glos / er Lodge ( No . 152 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge met at Freemasons' Hall , Bugle-street , on Thursday , 12 th Dee ., the AV . M ., Bro . T . P . Payne , in the chair , supported by Bros . Booth , S . AT . ; Philips , J . W " . ; Barker , S . I ) . ; Klitz , J . D . ; H . Clarke , Sec ; J . Ruddock , P . M . ; Clarke , AA . M . elect of Lodge of Peace and Harmony ; Douglas , P . M . ; Abraham , P . M . ; Bemister , P . M . The minutes of the last meeting having been confirmed , the brethren unanimously
elected as a joining member Bro . G . Osborne , lieutenant 11 th regiment , of the Panmure Lodge , Aldershott . Several communications from distressed brethren were brought before the Lodge , and relief afforded . Bro . BOOTH , S . AA " ., referred to the communication from Grand Lodge with regard to the spurious Lodges . He said they were bound , as Masons , to admit brethren into tho Lodge , and as the members of what were termed spurious Lodges were Masons under a foreign warrant , he wished to know how they were to get out of the difficulty . Bro .
Passenger said there could bo no doubt upon the matter ; the one established at Stratford called itself the Reformed Order of Memphis , or Rite of Philadelphes . They had no guarantee of their being true Masons , and if they were so , but not under the jurisdiction of and subordinate to Grand Lodge , they could not claim any of the privileges of Masonry . However , they could not dischaige their duties as Masons without obeying Grand Lodge , and the best way to comply with the request of Grand Lodge would be by examining the certificate of every visiting brother unknown to them . Several brethren were then proposed as onudulates for initiation , and the Lodge closed . A large