Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
shipful Master , elicited the approbation of the brethren present . The remaining business having been concluded , the Lodge was closed , the brethren retired to the refreshment room , and separated at eleven o ' clock .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 971 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge took place on Wednesday , the 4 th instant , at the Caledonian Hotel , Duke-street . The motion of which Bro . Horbury , J . W ., gave notice , to the effect " That the Lodge be removed to the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , " was brought forward by that brother , and seconded by Bro . Wadham , P . M . It was urged that their present place of meeting was inconvenientlsmalland not at all adapted for
y , holding a Lodge in keeping with the dignity of the Order , nor ample for their increasing numbers . Bro . Ellam proposed , and Bro . Peaking seconded , an amendment , " That the Loclge remain at its present place of meeting . " Bro . M'Knight said that the Temple was found too far situated for the convenience of the generality of the brethren , and that it had been found that fewer attended the various Lodge meetings in consequence . Not only was this the case , but those Lodges which had gone to the Temple had decreased in numbers , and fewer initiations took
place . On the votes being taken , the AY . M ., Bro . AV . T . May , declared the amendment carried . The brethren afterwards adjourned to dinner , when the AVorshipful Master presided . After a well supplied and excellent repast , . the AVorshipful Master gave the usual loyal toasts , which were warmly responded to . That of "The Earl ofZet ] and , M . AA . G . M ., " fo ]] owed , whose reelection to office was so unanimous at the last Grand Lodge . The AV . M . afterwards gave "Lord Panmure , R . AY . D . G . M .. " and " Le Gendre N . Starkie , R . AV . Prov . G . M . of AVest Lancashire . " He had only had the pleasure of being with the last named brother once iu
Lodge , but he had heard some years ago he was a very active Mason . Though his infirmities prevented him from meeting them annually , there was no doubt his heart was still with them . He had arrived now at that time of life when they could not expect his presence amongst them , or many more years to preside over that Prov . Grand Lodge . Bro . Thornton well recollected their Prov . G . M . presidingover Prov . Grand Lodge thirty years ago . The AV . M . then gave "Sir Thos . G . Hesketh , Bart ., R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., " whose ability as a Mason was exhibited by him chosen r
being for Junior Grand AAarden of England . Bro . AA adham , P . M ., in proposing " The health of the AA . M ., " said since he had been installed into the chair of No . 971 , he had filled it to the entire satisfaction of every member of the Lodge . The Masonic career of their AV . M . was an example to every young aspiring brother . Although only a little more than three years initiated , he had assiduously worked his way from office to office , to the dignified aud honourable position of their W . M . ; and during that period he had always performed his duties
well , and clone all in his power to make No . 971 equal in respectability to any Lodge in the province . The AV . M ., in reply , said that when lie first became a Mason he had determined to advance to the highest office he could attain . He then detailed his various advances in office , and in conclusion thanked them for their uniform kindness , and wished them all a prosperous and a happy new year . Several other toasts were given and responded to . The proceedings of the evening were agreeably enlivened by the singing of Bros . Thomison , Sedgwick , Bayles , & e . The Lodge was duly closed in time , form , and harmony .
NOTTINGHAMSHIRE . NOTTINGHAM . —Newslead Lodge ( No . 55 ) . —The usual meeting for the installation of the AV . M . elect of this Lodge , was held at the assembly rooms , ou the 19 th ult ., when Bro . Henry Hadley was installed according to antient form , Bro . James Tomlinson , P . M ., officiating as installing Master , assisted by P . Ms . Bros . Richards , J . W . Robinson , Clark , Jeffries , Spears , ( late of No . 55 ) , James Carter , ( No . 594 ) . The Loclge
having been duly lowered , and the brethren admitted , tho AA . M . was proclaimed and saluted in clue form . The AOL then proceeded to invest the following brethren as his officers : —Bros . C . Pearce , S . AY . ; John G . AVoodward , J . AV . ; E . Newbold , S . D . ; AV . Richards , Treas . ; T . AV . Robinson , Sec ; J . C . Barwell , Tyler . The AA . M . initiated a neophyte ( Mr . Joseph Pearson Barrowdiff ) into the first degree of Freemasonry the same evening ; the Lodge being close in proper form at 10 . 30 , P . M . On Monday , the 2 nd inst ., the AY . M ., Bro . " Hadley , delivered a lecture on the first degree , explaining the symbolical illustrations of the first trestle board with scriptural quotations .
NbrwNfinA . ir . —Commercial Lodge ( No . 594 ) . —The annual festival of this Lodge was held on Monday , January 9 th , at the Flying Horse Hotel , present—Bros . Kidd , AV . M ., ( presiding ); Thos . Danks , AV . Bradbury , J . C . Nixon , J . AVebstor , Thos . Cullen , E . M . Cullen , S . R . P . Shilton , M . A owles , Fai ' rburu , Hinclch ' ng , Burnett , J . C'omyn , J . Shaw , William Page , Perry , Rutherford . Visitors—Henry Hadley , ( AY . M ., Neivstead , No . 55 ) , Charles Pearce , ( S . AA . No . 55 ) ; John George AVoodford ( J . AV .. No . 55 ); AVatson , ( AV . M ., Royal Sussex , No . 576 );
Revill , ( Royal Forest Lodge , ); Riley , ( Stuart Loclge , No . 7 S 7 ); S . Cropper , ( Lebanon , No . 191 , New York ); John Cropper . The minutes of the preceding Lodge were read aud confirmed . The ballot having been taken for the AV . M . for the ensuing year , and the selection of the brethren falling upon Bro . Samuel Richard Pan Shilton , preparations were made for his installation . The Lodge was raised to the F . C . degree , and the AV . M . elect was introduced by Bros . Kidd , Thomas Danks ( the father of the Lodge ) , officiating as the installing Master .
The antient charges having been read over to the AV . M . elect — to each of which he signified his assent — the brethren not installed Masters were requested to withdraw . A board of installed Masters was then formed , and assisted Bro . Danks , P . M ., in placing Bro . Sheltott in the chair of King Solomon . Bro . Danks invested him with his jewel of office , and delivered the usual admonitory remarks . The usual proclamation took place , Lodge was lowered , and the brethren admitted ; who saluted the AV . M . Bro . Shelton proceeded to invest the following
brethren as his officers : —Bros . Barnett , S . W . ; Hickling , J . AY . ; Perry , J . D , ; AA ' m . Rutherford , I . G . ; John Coinyn , Treas . ; Thos . Cullen , Sec ; 11 . Jeffries , Tyler . Tho Lodge having been closed in proper form , tho brethren repaired to a good dinner , and the evening was spent in a truly Masonic manner . There are two persona to be balloted for ou the next monthly night , and the Lodge is in a prosperous state .
SOMERSETSHIRE . BATH . —Royal Cumberland Lodge ( No . 4 S ) . —This ancient Lodge held a meeting on the 12 th instant , for the purpose of installing the Master for the present year , Bro . Thomas Wilton . There was a numerous attendance of the members , and also visitors from London and Bristol , as well as the Worshipful Masters and brethren of the two other Lodges in the city , and the spacious hall was well filled . The ceremony of
installation was ably performed by the retiring Master , Bro . Ashley , and after the conclusion of the general business , Bro . PEACH , P . M . and P . Prov . S . G . AV . of Somerset , rose and proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Ashley for the admirable manner in which lie had fulfilled the arduous duties of AVorshipful Master of the Lodge for two eventful years . In doing so , Bro . Peach said he should abstain from attempting a laboured panegyric upon Bro . Ashley , to whom such would he unacceptable , though it would be fitting to the time ancl occasion . He would content himself
by repeating au expression used by au old and wise brother , a member of a sister Lodge , in a very recent conversation . "Bro . Ashley , " he said , " is an example worthy the imitation of all A \ . Ms ., as he is a pattern for the guidance of all Masons ; lie is an honest man , and possesses a true Masonic heart . " Bro . Ashley had endeared himself to every brother , not only of his own Lodge , but to all with whom he had been , brought into contact during his term of office . He ( Bro . Peach ) ventured to affirm that he would carry with him the friendship of all good Masons
, and the abiding assurance of an approving conscience . Bro . BAGSHAWE , P . M ., seconded the motion , and said he was entrusted with a most pleasing duty , that of presenting ( in the name of the whole of the members of the Loclge ) a Past Master ' s jewel , which bore the following inscription ;— "Presented to Bro . T . P . Ashley , P . Prov . J . G . AV . of Somerset , and P . M . of the Royal Cumberland Loclge No . 48 , by his attached brethren , to commemorate the honourable distinction of his having for two years filled the chair of that Lodge , and by his conduct
therein , merited the approbation of a / 1 good Masons . Bath , 12 th of January , 1 S 00 . " The jewel was then presented in the midst of great applause , and the true feelings of the brethren shown by hearty and prolonged acclamations . Bro . ASHLEY , in returning thanks for the compliment paid him , spoke of the pleasure he had felt in the ruling of the Lodge , for though the number of members was large and they had much business continually before them , still such was the kindly feeling at all times expressed towards him by all the brethren , that the
responsibilities and the anxieties of office had been lessened by their willing assistance . As he had so lately addressed them at some length on the prosperity of their Lodge , and their practice of the three great principles of the Order , he would now . only say that though it was his wish to havo resigned the chair with the simple knowledge that to the best of his ability he had performed the duties belonging to the office , yet he accepted this jewel with feelings deeply moved , as the approval of his Masonic conduct . The Lodge having been closed , tho brethren adjourned
to a sumptuous banquet at Bro . Amery ' s , when nearly fifty sat down to dinner . The usual toasts having been given and responded to , Bro . AAlrrTE , P . M ., proposed the toast of " The AV . M ., Bro . AVilton , " iu terms which showed how highly lie was esteemed , and the applause which greeted this toast proved that Bro . AVilton begins his year of office with a Lodge united in feelings of regard for their Master ; which was acknowledged in a truly Masonic speech by Bro . AVilton . Tho toast of "The Masonic Charities" having been givenallusion was made to the
, great exertions being made by the Rath Lodges to answer the appeals made to them in behalf of those institutions , which it is hoped will be shewn by two of them , at least , shortly becoming life governors of all the charities , and a hope was expressed that other Lodges would follow the noble example thus set them by the Bath Masons . The conviviality of the evening was kept up throughout , and the brethren did not separate till a late hour .
TAUNTON . — Lodge of Unanimity and Sincerity ( No . 327 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge celebrated the annual festival of St . John , at the Lodge room , on Wednesday , the 2 Sth ult . The Lodge was opened by , the AV . M . Bro . Bluett , and shorty after the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Randolph , was announced , and was received with due honours , and , at the request of the AVorshipful Master , kindly undertook the duty of installing into the chair of the Lodge as AVorshipful Master for the ensuing year , Bro . Captain Alexander AVilliam Adair , of Her Majesty ' s Coldstream Guards , and of Heatherton Park , in this county , and who had several years since served the office of Junior Warden , but having been absent during the Crimean war , the brethren had not before had an opportunity of testi-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
shipful Master , elicited the approbation of the brethren present . The remaining business having been concluded , the Lodge was closed , the brethren retired to the refreshment room , and separated at eleven o ' clock .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 971 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge took place on Wednesday , the 4 th instant , at the Caledonian Hotel , Duke-street . The motion of which Bro . Horbury , J . W ., gave notice , to the effect " That the Lodge be removed to the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , " was brought forward by that brother , and seconded by Bro . Wadham , P . M . It was urged that their present place of meeting was inconvenientlsmalland not at all adapted for
y , holding a Lodge in keeping with the dignity of the Order , nor ample for their increasing numbers . Bro . Ellam proposed , and Bro . Peaking seconded , an amendment , " That the Loclge remain at its present place of meeting . " Bro . M'Knight said that the Temple was found too far situated for the convenience of the generality of the brethren , and that it had been found that fewer attended the various Lodge meetings in consequence . Not only was this the case , but those Lodges which had gone to the Temple had decreased in numbers , and fewer initiations took
place . On the votes being taken , the AY . M ., Bro . AV . T . May , declared the amendment carried . The brethren afterwards adjourned to dinner , when the AVorshipful Master presided . After a well supplied and excellent repast , . the AVorshipful Master gave the usual loyal toasts , which were warmly responded to . That of "The Earl ofZet ] and , M . AA . G . M ., " fo ]] owed , whose reelection to office was so unanimous at the last Grand Lodge . The AV . M . afterwards gave "Lord Panmure , R . AY . D . G . M .. " and " Le Gendre N . Starkie , R . AV . Prov . G . M . of AVest Lancashire . " He had only had the pleasure of being with the last named brother once iu
Lodge , but he had heard some years ago he was a very active Mason . Though his infirmities prevented him from meeting them annually , there was no doubt his heart was still with them . He had arrived now at that time of life when they could not expect his presence amongst them , or many more years to preside over that Prov . Grand Lodge . Bro . Thornton well recollected their Prov . G . M . presidingover Prov . Grand Lodge thirty years ago . The AV . M . then gave "Sir Thos . G . Hesketh , Bart ., R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., " whose ability as a Mason was exhibited by him chosen r
being for Junior Grand AAarden of England . Bro . AA adham , P . M ., in proposing " The health of the AA . M ., " said since he had been installed into the chair of No . 971 , he had filled it to the entire satisfaction of every member of the Lodge . The Masonic career of their AV . M . was an example to every young aspiring brother . Although only a little more than three years initiated , he had assiduously worked his way from office to office , to the dignified aud honourable position of their W . M . ; and during that period he had always performed his duties
well , and clone all in his power to make No . 971 equal in respectability to any Lodge in the province . The AV . M ., in reply , said that when lie first became a Mason he had determined to advance to the highest office he could attain . He then detailed his various advances in office , and in conclusion thanked them for their uniform kindness , and wished them all a prosperous and a happy new year . Several other toasts were given and responded to . The proceedings of the evening were agreeably enlivened by the singing of Bros . Thomison , Sedgwick , Bayles , & e . The Lodge was duly closed in time , form , and harmony .
NOTTINGHAMSHIRE . NOTTINGHAM . —Newslead Lodge ( No . 55 ) . —The usual meeting for the installation of the AV . M . elect of this Lodge , was held at the assembly rooms , ou the 19 th ult ., when Bro . Henry Hadley was installed according to antient form , Bro . James Tomlinson , P . M ., officiating as installing Master , assisted by P . Ms . Bros . Richards , J . W . Robinson , Clark , Jeffries , Spears , ( late of No . 55 ) , James Carter , ( No . 594 ) . The Loclge
having been duly lowered , and the brethren admitted , tho AA . M . was proclaimed and saluted in clue form . The AOL then proceeded to invest the following brethren as his officers : —Bros . C . Pearce , S . AY . ; John G . AVoodward , J . AV . ; E . Newbold , S . D . ; AV . Richards , Treas . ; T . AV . Robinson , Sec ; J . C . Barwell , Tyler . The AA . M . initiated a neophyte ( Mr . Joseph Pearson Barrowdiff ) into the first degree of Freemasonry the same evening ; the Lodge being close in proper form at 10 . 30 , P . M . On Monday , the 2 nd inst ., the AY . M ., Bro . " Hadley , delivered a lecture on the first degree , explaining the symbolical illustrations of the first trestle board with scriptural quotations .
NbrwNfinA . ir . —Commercial Lodge ( No . 594 ) . —The annual festival of this Lodge was held on Monday , January 9 th , at the Flying Horse Hotel , present—Bros . Kidd , AV . M ., ( presiding ); Thos . Danks , AV . Bradbury , J . C . Nixon , J . AVebstor , Thos . Cullen , E . M . Cullen , S . R . P . Shilton , M . A owles , Fai ' rburu , Hinclch ' ng , Burnett , J . C'omyn , J . Shaw , William Page , Perry , Rutherford . Visitors—Henry Hadley , ( AY . M ., Neivstead , No . 55 ) , Charles Pearce , ( S . AA . No . 55 ) ; John George AVoodford ( J . AV .. No . 55 ); AVatson , ( AV . M ., Royal Sussex , No . 576 );
Revill , ( Royal Forest Lodge , ); Riley , ( Stuart Loclge , No . 7 S 7 ); S . Cropper , ( Lebanon , No . 191 , New York ); John Cropper . The minutes of the preceding Lodge were read aud confirmed . The ballot having been taken for the AV . M . for the ensuing year , and the selection of the brethren falling upon Bro . Samuel Richard Pan Shilton , preparations were made for his installation . The Lodge was raised to the F . C . degree , and the AV . M . elect was introduced by Bros . Kidd , Thomas Danks ( the father of the Lodge ) , officiating as the installing Master .
The antient charges having been read over to the AV . M . elect — to each of which he signified his assent — the brethren not installed Masters were requested to withdraw . A board of installed Masters was then formed , and assisted Bro . Danks , P . M ., in placing Bro . Sheltott in the chair of King Solomon . Bro . Danks invested him with his jewel of office , and delivered the usual admonitory remarks . The usual proclamation took place , Lodge was lowered , and the brethren admitted ; who saluted the AV . M . Bro . Shelton proceeded to invest the following
brethren as his officers : —Bros . Barnett , S . W . ; Hickling , J . AY . ; Perry , J . D , ; AA ' m . Rutherford , I . G . ; John Coinyn , Treas . ; Thos . Cullen , Sec ; 11 . Jeffries , Tyler . Tho Lodge having been closed in proper form , tho brethren repaired to a good dinner , and the evening was spent in a truly Masonic manner . There are two persona to be balloted for ou the next monthly night , and the Lodge is in a prosperous state .
SOMERSETSHIRE . BATH . —Royal Cumberland Lodge ( No . 4 S ) . —This ancient Lodge held a meeting on the 12 th instant , for the purpose of installing the Master for the present year , Bro . Thomas Wilton . There was a numerous attendance of the members , and also visitors from London and Bristol , as well as the Worshipful Masters and brethren of the two other Lodges in the city , and the spacious hall was well filled . The ceremony of
installation was ably performed by the retiring Master , Bro . Ashley , and after the conclusion of the general business , Bro . PEACH , P . M . and P . Prov . S . G . AV . of Somerset , rose and proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Ashley for the admirable manner in which lie had fulfilled the arduous duties of AVorshipful Master of the Lodge for two eventful years . In doing so , Bro . Peach said he should abstain from attempting a laboured panegyric upon Bro . Ashley , to whom such would he unacceptable , though it would be fitting to the time ancl occasion . He would content himself
by repeating au expression used by au old and wise brother , a member of a sister Lodge , in a very recent conversation . "Bro . Ashley , " he said , " is an example worthy the imitation of all A \ . Ms ., as he is a pattern for the guidance of all Masons ; lie is an honest man , and possesses a true Masonic heart . " Bro . Ashley had endeared himself to every brother , not only of his own Lodge , but to all with whom he had been , brought into contact during his term of office . He ( Bro . Peach ) ventured to affirm that he would carry with him the friendship of all good Masons
, and the abiding assurance of an approving conscience . Bro . BAGSHAWE , P . M ., seconded the motion , and said he was entrusted with a most pleasing duty , that of presenting ( in the name of the whole of the members of the Loclge ) a Past Master ' s jewel , which bore the following inscription ;— "Presented to Bro . T . P . Ashley , P . Prov . J . G . AV . of Somerset , and P . M . of the Royal Cumberland Loclge No . 48 , by his attached brethren , to commemorate the honourable distinction of his having for two years filled the chair of that Lodge , and by his conduct
therein , merited the approbation of a / 1 good Masons . Bath , 12 th of January , 1 S 00 . " The jewel was then presented in the midst of great applause , and the true feelings of the brethren shown by hearty and prolonged acclamations . Bro . ASHLEY , in returning thanks for the compliment paid him , spoke of the pleasure he had felt in the ruling of the Lodge , for though the number of members was large and they had much business continually before them , still such was the kindly feeling at all times expressed towards him by all the brethren , that the
responsibilities and the anxieties of office had been lessened by their willing assistance . As he had so lately addressed them at some length on the prosperity of their Lodge , and their practice of the three great principles of the Order , he would now . only say that though it was his wish to havo resigned the chair with the simple knowledge that to the best of his ability he had performed the duties belonging to the office , yet he accepted this jewel with feelings deeply moved , as the approval of his Masonic conduct . The Lodge having been closed , tho brethren adjourned
to a sumptuous banquet at Bro . Amery ' s , when nearly fifty sat down to dinner . The usual toasts having been given and responded to , Bro . AAlrrTE , P . M ., proposed the toast of " The AV . M ., Bro . AVilton , " iu terms which showed how highly lie was esteemed , and the applause which greeted this toast proved that Bro . AVilton begins his year of office with a Lodge united in feelings of regard for their Master ; which was acknowledged in a truly Masonic speech by Bro . AVilton . Tho toast of "The Masonic Charities" having been givenallusion was made to the
, great exertions being made by the Rath Lodges to answer the appeals made to them in behalf of those institutions , which it is hoped will be shewn by two of them , at least , shortly becoming life governors of all the charities , and a hope was expressed that other Lodges would follow the noble example thus set them by the Bath Masons . The conviviality of the evening was kept up throughout , and the brethren did not separate till a late hour .
TAUNTON . — Lodge of Unanimity and Sincerity ( No . 327 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge celebrated the annual festival of St . John , at the Lodge room , on Wednesday , the 2 Sth ult . The Lodge was opened by , the AV . M . Bro . Bluett , and shorty after the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Randolph , was announced , and was received with due honours , and , at the request of the AVorshipful Master , kindly undertook the duty of installing into the chair of the Lodge as AVorshipful Master for the ensuing year , Bro . Captain Alexander AVilliam Adair , of Her Majesty ' s Coldstream Guards , and of Heatherton Park , in this county , and who had several years since served the office of Junior Warden , but having been absent during the Crimean war , the brethren had not before had an opportunity of testi-