Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 5 of 10 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
committee of the Benevolent Fund during the last year , though they had received a petition from Bro . Berry , P . M ., who had unfortunately suffered great distress through becoming bond for a relation . The sum of five guineas ivas voted to him . The sum of ten guineas was voted to the Boys School , aud a similar sum to the Girls School , Loudon . Bro . AYalmesloy , Prov . G . Treas ., moved " That the sum of fifty guineas bo given next year towards the funds for tho erection of the
intended hall . '' He was sorry to say that the ivhole ofthe Lodges in the town had not yet gone to the hall to hold their meetings , had they all done so the expenses of the hall would be much lessened . He could not see the reason why any should hold back . He also drew the attention ofthe brethren to the ease of Jliss Bay , whose father had not been long enough belonging to the Order to entitle her to the benefit of the funds of the AA ' est Lancashire Institution , and desired that something should be . done for her .
Bro . Gambell , P . Prov . G . Purst ., knew Bro . Bay , who had died suddenly , and an effort was being made to place his daughter to some business by which she would be enabled ultimately to get- her living . He concluded by moving that the sum of five guineas be given her out ofthe Prov . Grand Lodge funds , which was seconded and carried . Bro . Wylie , Prov . G . Sec , called the attention of the R . AV . D . Prov . Grand Master to the very indifferent manner in which some of the books
of Lodges were kept . He believed one or tivo brethren had been omitted from the list of those contributing towards the educational fund . He therefore suggested that an alphabetical list of the names of all members of a Lodge be kept . He could not refrain from stating that the register , books , ancl returns of the Merchants Lodge , No . 291 , reflected tho highest credit for the manner in which they had been kept . Bro . AValmsley was then elected Prov . G . Treas . for tho ensuing year . The ProvGrand Lodge was then resolved into a court of of
. governors the AA ' est Lancashire Institution for the Education and Advancement in Life of Children of Distressed JIasons . Bro . Gambell read the minutes of the institution , in which mention was made of the various sums granted to the children ivho were the objects of its charity . Bro . Fenton had been chosen to supply the place of Bro . Jeffrey , deceased , as medical adviser to the institution . Bro . Collins was reelected solicitor to the town ; Bro . Brabner was reappointed
Treasurer , and Bro . Gambell was then reappointed Prov . G . Sec ' retarv . Bro . AA ' almsley said he felt great pleasure in moving a vote of thanks to Bro . Gambell for his active ancl energetic services to the institution . He appeared to be never ceasing in his labours for the charity , and every one must know that the attention required for office must occupy a vast amount of time and entail a great deal of labour , which Bro . Gambell always gave most cheerfully . No one in the province , ho was satisfied , worked as hard as bo did .
Bro . \ ouughusbaud had much pleasure in seconding tho proposition , for he said night after night they ivould find Bro . Gambell labouring in that building iu behalf of the institution , and for the Order in general . He knew of no man who worked so laboriously . Bro . Younghusband , seconded by Bro . AVylie , then moved a vote of thanks to the committee and officers of the educational institution , wliich ivas carried unanimously . Bro . Brabnerthe Treasurerread a statement of the accounts of the
, , institution , which showed that upwards of £ 150 had that day been received from the various Lodges towards the funds , making the amount iiicii in hand for purposes of education , . £ 3 , 000 . Bro . Hamer , _ Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., proposed , aud Bro . Lambert seconded , that instead of one general balance sheet , each Lodge should have , a balance sheet of its own , printed at the expense of the funds of the institution , which resolution was carried .
Bro . AA ' almsley afterwards called the attention of the brethren to the invaluable services of Bro . Gambell , for whom a subscription had been set on foot , to present trim with a testimonial worthy of his zealous services , but he had obstinately refused to receive anything . It was afterwards suggested to present Mrs . Gambell with a silver sea service but this had also been denied them by Bro . Gambell , who at length said if the brethren persisted in their intentionhe would withdraw from
, any active connexion with the institution , or with the business of the province . Now , as they could not possibly think of injuring his feelings , or dispensing with his services , they therefore asked ' him his advice in reference to rim money subscribed , and he replied that they would best consult his feelings if they would devote the amount exclusively to Masonic purposes . Under these circumstances the brethren had no alternative but to return the money subscribed , or pay it info the funds of the institution
, and elect Bro . Gambell president of the institution , which would cost fifty guineas to make bim a life member : Bro . Younghusband therefore proposed , and Bro . Jfaudsley seconded , that Bro . Gambell bo elected president of the institution , ivhieh was carried unanimously . This concluded the business of the Prov . Grand Lodge , which was then closed in ancient form . L ' pwards of eighty of the brethren afterwards dined at the Adelphi
Hotel , under the presidency of Bro . Thomas Littledalo , Prov . S . G . AV , iu the absence of the Prov . Grand Jlaster from illness , and of the B . Prov . Grand Master from a previous engagement . The usual complimentary speeches wore made , and a pleasant evening was spent . LiVEiti'OOL . — , S 7 . John ' ., lodge ( No . 9 / 1 ) . —On AA ednesday evening , the Sth instant , the brethren of this Lodge held their usual monthly
meeting at the Caledonian Hotel , Duke-street . There was a large attendance of visiting brethren , amongst whom were—Bros . Richard Spurning , No . 2-15 ; Hy . Spurning , No . ' 310 ; JI . Atkinson , No . 29-1 ; J . Swift , No . 310 : P . Le . Bautiller , No . 722 , Jersey ; J . C . Banister , P . JI ., No . 2 G 7 , AV . JI ., No . 5 ( 3 , Prov . G . D . ; James AA ' oods , No . 300 ; F . J . Audsley , J . AV ., No . 3 G 0 ; Thomas Pago , No . 29-1 ; E . Hughes , No . 179 MrRichard Picking and JlrJohn Mines initiated bthe
. . . were y AA . JL , Bro . AA . T . May , iu a masterly manner ; who afterwards passed Bros . Jones , Thomas Kay , and P . Le Bautiller , to the degree of Fellow Craft . At the conclusion of the ceremony the Lodge was reduced to the first degree , when the brethren were called from labour to refreshment . The usual loyal and JIasonie toasts were given ancl heartily responded to . In giving the health of Bro . Le Gendre N . Starkie , R . AA ' . Prov . G . JI . of AA'est Lancashire , the W . JI . said he had hoped that tho
health of the Prov . G . M . would have admitted of his being present on Tuesday at the Prov . G . Lodgo , for all regretted his absence from their animal gathering . The health of Bro . Sir Thomas Hesketh , was afterwards given . Bro . AA eidam proposed success to the AA ' est Lancashire Masonic Institution for the education and advancement of children of distressed JIasons , which was warmly received . In urging the claims of the institution he expressed a hope that every brother would contribute towards the funds . For the small sum of five shillings per
annum three children were entitled to the benefits of ihe institution . They ivould find that the claims of those entitled to benefit had been most promptly attended to , and a more deserving charity could not be found beyond the Craft . He instanced the case of one deceased brother who had left two children , but who were not claimants on the funds from tbe fact that the father had not subscribed his five shillings . In conclusion , he hoped every one would come forward and subscribe in behalf of so noble ancl excellent an institution . ( Alause ) . The healths
pp of the newly initiated brethren ivere afterwards given , those of the officers of tho Lodge and the visiting brethren . The AA . JI . read several petitions for relief , at the conclusion of which liberal allowances were made for their less fortunate brethren and connexions , The Lodge was then closed in harmony .
SUFFOLK . . PROVINCIAL cn . ixD LODGE AT WOODBMDGE . THIS Prov . Grand Lodge was holden on AVednesday , the 12 th inst ., at AA ' oodbridge , ancl was numerously attended . The weather being uufortuiwtely very wet , prevented the demonstration from being so imposing as it otherwise would have been , ancl the number of spectators was consequently much smaller .
The business of the day commenced by tho Board of Finance sitting at the Bull Inn , Bro . Freeman , D . Prov . G . JI ., in the chair , when the accounts were audited previous to being- submitted to Grand Lodge for confirmation . At the Lecture Hall in St . John-street , the Prov . Grand Lodge was opened in due form , and with solemn prayer , by the Grand Registrar , Bro . F . Roxburgh , acting as Prov . Grand JIaster . The Prov . Grand Secretary stated that no return had been received
for two years from the Lodge of Fidelity ( No . S 13 ) , and the Prov . Grand JIaster requested the Secretary to summon that Lodge , to show cause why thoy were not represented . The minutes of the last Prov . Grand Lodge , held on the 2 1 th Sept ., ISoS , as well as those of a Special Prov . Grand Lodge held 16 'th February , 1859 , were read and confirmed . The proposed code of by-laws were put to the Lodge seriatim , and agreed to . The report of the Finance Board , held in the morning , was read and adopted . The Prov . Grand Jtaster said the next matter he had to bring before them was the state of the Masonic charities .
TheD . Prov . Grand JIastor read a letter from Bro . Symonds , stating his inability to attend that day , ancl requesting that tho resolutions as proposed by Bro . Symonds might be read and introduced into the province of Suffolk . ft was moved that the AVorshipful JIaster of every Lodge iu the province , having made their returns , to Prov . Grand Lodge , bo members of ihe Provincial Committee for promoting the interest of the four JIasonie charitiesancl that each Lodlie informed thereof
, ge . The Prov . Grancl Master then appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . Rev . F . AV . Freeman . B . Prov . G . JI ; Spencer Freeman , Prov . S . G . AA . ; John Gissing . Prov . J . G . AV .: Richard F . Jennings . Prov . G . Reg . ; Hev . II . N . Sanderson , Prov . G . Chaplain ; Edward Boiling , Prov . G . Sec ; Neove , Prov . S . G . B . ; Noble , Prov . J . G . D .: Luff , Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; Bays . Prov . 0 . Dir . of Cers . ; Findlcy , Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; Ball , Prov . G . Org . ; Sams , Prov . G . S . B . ; Randall , Prov . G . Purst ; G
Bros . AVilmshurst , AVard , Corder , Harrison , Grey , and Goodall , Prov . . Stewards . The Provincial Grand Lodge , all business being concluded , ivas then adjourned in due form . The brethren proceeded to tho fine old church of St . Jlary ' s , where prayers were read by Bro . the Rev . I'klivard Carv .-itham , Prov . G . Chaplain , The bBrothe RevRN Sanderson
Essex . sermon was -preached y . . . . , second master of Queen Elizabeth ' s Grammar School at Ipswich , lnc preacher took for bis text 1 Kings , c . vi ., v . 7 , " And the house when ii . was in building was built of stone , made ready before it was brought thither ; so that there was neither hammer nor axe , nor any tool of iron heard in tho house while it was in building . " Upon this text the rev .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
committee of the Benevolent Fund during the last year , though they had received a petition from Bro . Berry , P . M ., who had unfortunately suffered great distress through becoming bond for a relation . The sum of five guineas ivas voted to him . The sum of ten guineas was voted to the Boys School , aud a similar sum to the Girls School , Loudon . Bro . AYalmesloy , Prov . G . Treas ., moved " That the sum of fifty guineas bo given next year towards the funds for tho erection of the
intended hall . '' He was sorry to say that the ivhole ofthe Lodges in the town had not yet gone to the hall to hold their meetings , had they all done so the expenses of the hall would be much lessened . He could not see the reason why any should hold back . He also drew the attention ofthe brethren to the ease of Jliss Bay , whose father had not been long enough belonging to the Order to entitle her to the benefit of the funds of the AA ' est Lancashire Institution , and desired that something should be . done for her .
Bro . Gambell , P . Prov . G . Purst ., knew Bro . Bay , who had died suddenly , and an effort was being made to place his daughter to some business by which she would be enabled ultimately to get- her living . He concluded by moving that the sum of five guineas be given her out ofthe Prov . Grand Lodge funds , which was seconded and carried . Bro . Wylie , Prov . G . Sec , called the attention of the R . AV . D . Prov . Grand Master to the very indifferent manner in which some of the books
of Lodges were kept . He believed one or tivo brethren had been omitted from the list of those contributing towards the educational fund . He therefore suggested that an alphabetical list of the names of all members of a Lodge be kept . He could not refrain from stating that the register , books , ancl returns of the Merchants Lodge , No . 291 , reflected tho highest credit for the manner in which they had been kept . Bro . AValmsley was then elected Prov . G . Treas . for tho ensuing year . The ProvGrand Lodge was then resolved into a court of of
. governors the AA ' est Lancashire Institution for the Education and Advancement in Life of Children of Distressed JIasons . Bro . Gambell read the minutes of the institution , in which mention was made of the various sums granted to the children ivho were the objects of its charity . Bro . Fenton had been chosen to supply the place of Bro . Jeffrey , deceased , as medical adviser to the institution . Bro . Collins was reelected solicitor to the town ; Bro . Brabner was reappointed
Treasurer , and Bro . Gambell was then reappointed Prov . G . Sec ' retarv . Bro . AA ' almsley said he felt great pleasure in moving a vote of thanks to Bro . Gambell for his active ancl energetic services to the institution . He appeared to be never ceasing in his labours for the charity , and every one must know that the attention required for office must occupy a vast amount of time and entail a great deal of labour , which Bro . Gambell always gave most cheerfully . No one in the province , ho was satisfied , worked as hard as bo did .
Bro . \ ouughusbaud had much pleasure in seconding tho proposition , for he said night after night they ivould find Bro . Gambell labouring in that building iu behalf of the institution , and for the Order in general . He knew of no man who worked so laboriously . Bro . Younghusband , seconded by Bro . AVylie , then moved a vote of thanks to the committee and officers of the educational institution , wliich ivas carried unanimously . Bro . Brabnerthe Treasurerread a statement of the accounts of the
, , institution , which showed that upwards of £ 150 had that day been received from the various Lodges towards the funds , making the amount iiicii in hand for purposes of education , . £ 3 , 000 . Bro . Hamer , _ Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., proposed , aud Bro . Lambert seconded , that instead of one general balance sheet , each Lodge should have , a balance sheet of its own , printed at the expense of the funds of the institution , which resolution was carried .
Bro . AA ' almsley afterwards called the attention of the brethren to the invaluable services of Bro . Gambell , for whom a subscription had been set on foot , to present trim with a testimonial worthy of his zealous services , but he had obstinately refused to receive anything . It was afterwards suggested to present Mrs . Gambell with a silver sea service but this had also been denied them by Bro . Gambell , who at length said if the brethren persisted in their intentionhe would withdraw from
, any active connexion with the institution , or with the business of the province . Now , as they could not possibly think of injuring his feelings , or dispensing with his services , they therefore asked ' him his advice in reference to rim money subscribed , and he replied that they would best consult his feelings if they would devote the amount exclusively to Masonic purposes . Under these circumstances the brethren had no alternative but to return the money subscribed , or pay it info the funds of the institution
, and elect Bro . Gambell president of the institution , which would cost fifty guineas to make bim a life member : Bro . Younghusband therefore proposed , and Bro . Jfaudsley seconded , that Bro . Gambell bo elected president of the institution , ivhieh was carried unanimously . This concluded the business of the Prov . Grand Lodge , which was then closed in ancient form . L ' pwards of eighty of the brethren afterwards dined at the Adelphi
Hotel , under the presidency of Bro . Thomas Littledalo , Prov . S . G . AV , iu the absence of the Prov . Grand Jlaster from illness , and of the B . Prov . Grand Master from a previous engagement . The usual complimentary speeches wore made , and a pleasant evening was spent . LiVEiti'OOL . — , S 7 . John ' ., lodge ( No . 9 / 1 ) . —On AA ednesday evening , the Sth instant , the brethren of this Lodge held their usual monthly
meeting at the Caledonian Hotel , Duke-street . There was a large attendance of visiting brethren , amongst whom were—Bros . Richard Spurning , No . 2-15 ; Hy . Spurning , No . ' 310 ; JI . Atkinson , No . 29-1 ; J . Swift , No . 310 : P . Le . Bautiller , No . 722 , Jersey ; J . C . Banister , P . JI ., No . 2 G 7 , AV . JI ., No . 5 ( 3 , Prov . G . D . ; James AA ' oods , No . 300 ; F . J . Audsley , J . AV ., No . 3 G 0 ; Thomas Pago , No . 29-1 ; E . Hughes , No . 179 MrRichard Picking and JlrJohn Mines initiated bthe
. . . were y AA . JL , Bro . AA . T . May , iu a masterly manner ; who afterwards passed Bros . Jones , Thomas Kay , and P . Le Bautiller , to the degree of Fellow Craft . At the conclusion of the ceremony the Lodge was reduced to the first degree , when the brethren were called from labour to refreshment . The usual loyal and JIasonie toasts were given ancl heartily responded to . In giving the health of Bro . Le Gendre N . Starkie , R . AA ' . Prov . G . JI . of AA'est Lancashire , the W . JI . said he had hoped that tho
health of the Prov . G . M . would have admitted of his being present on Tuesday at the Prov . G . Lodgo , for all regretted his absence from their animal gathering . The health of Bro . Sir Thomas Hesketh , was afterwards given . Bro . AA eidam proposed success to the AA ' est Lancashire Masonic Institution for the education and advancement of children of distressed JIasons , which was warmly received . In urging the claims of the institution he expressed a hope that every brother would contribute towards the funds . For the small sum of five shillings per
annum three children were entitled to the benefits of ihe institution . They ivould find that the claims of those entitled to benefit had been most promptly attended to , and a more deserving charity could not be found beyond the Craft . He instanced the case of one deceased brother who had left two children , but who were not claimants on the funds from tbe fact that the father had not subscribed his five shillings . In conclusion , he hoped every one would come forward and subscribe in behalf of so noble ancl excellent an institution . ( Alause ) . The healths
pp of the newly initiated brethren ivere afterwards given , those of the officers of tho Lodge and the visiting brethren . The AA . JI . read several petitions for relief , at the conclusion of which liberal allowances were made for their less fortunate brethren and connexions , The Lodge was then closed in harmony .
SUFFOLK . . PROVINCIAL cn . ixD LODGE AT WOODBMDGE . THIS Prov . Grand Lodge was holden on AVednesday , the 12 th inst ., at AA ' oodbridge , ancl was numerously attended . The weather being uufortuiwtely very wet , prevented the demonstration from being so imposing as it otherwise would have been , ancl the number of spectators was consequently much smaller .
The business of the day commenced by tho Board of Finance sitting at the Bull Inn , Bro . Freeman , D . Prov . G . JI ., in the chair , when the accounts were audited previous to being- submitted to Grand Lodge for confirmation . At the Lecture Hall in St . John-street , the Prov . Grand Lodge was opened in due form , and with solemn prayer , by the Grand Registrar , Bro . F . Roxburgh , acting as Prov . Grand JIaster . The Prov . Grand Secretary stated that no return had been received
for two years from the Lodge of Fidelity ( No . S 13 ) , and the Prov . Grand JIaster requested the Secretary to summon that Lodge , to show cause why thoy were not represented . The minutes of the last Prov . Grand Lodge , held on the 2 1 th Sept ., ISoS , as well as those of a Special Prov . Grand Lodge held 16 'th February , 1859 , were read and confirmed . The proposed code of by-laws were put to the Lodge seriatim , and agreed to . The report of the Finance Board , held in the morning , was read and adopted . The Prov . Grand Jtaster said the next matter he had to bring before them was the state of the Masonic charities .
TheD . Prov . Grand JIastor read a letter from Bro . Symonds , stating his inability to attend that day , ancl requesting that tho resolutions as proposed by Bro . Symonds might be read and introduced into the province of Suffolk . ft was moved that the AVorshipful JIaster of every Lodge iu the province , having made their returns , to Prov . Grand Lodge , bo members of ihe Provincial Committee for promoting the interest of the four JIasonie charitiesancl that each Lodlie informed thereof
, ge . The Prov . Grancl Master then appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . Rev . F . AV . Freeman . B . Prov . G . JI ; Spencer Freeman , Prov . S . G . AA . ; John Gissing . Prov . J . G . AV .: Richard F . Jennings . Prov . G . Reg . ; Hev . II . N . Sanderson , Prov . G . Chaplain ; Edward Boiling , Prov . G . Sec ; Neove , Prov . S . G . B . ; Noble , Prov . J . G . D .: Luff , Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; Bays . Prov . 0 . Dir . of Cers . ; Findlcy , Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; Ball , Prov . G . Org . ; Sams , Prov . G . S . B . ; Randall , Prov . G . Purst ; G
Bros . AVilmshurst , AVard , Corder , Harrison , Grey , and Goodall , Prov . . Stewards . The Provincial Grand Lodge , all business being concluded , ivas then adjourned in due form . The brethren proceeded to tho fine old church of St . Jlary ' s , where prayers were read by Bro . the Rev . I'klivard Carv .-itham , Prov . G . Chaplain , The bBrothe RevRN Sanderson
Essex . sermon was -preached y . . . . , second master of Queen Elizabeth ' s Grammar School at Ipswich , lnc preacher took for bis text 1 Kings , c . vi ., v . 7 , " And the house when ii . was in building was built of stone , made ready before it was brought thither ; so that there was neither hammer nor axe , nor any tool of iron heard in tho house while it was in building . " Upon this text the rev .