Article THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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The Week.
development and the progress , not only of Italian nationality , hut of the true religion of Christ . " From the Central Italian States we learn that Signor Fariui . dictator of Parma , has issued a circular addressed to the representatives of Parma at foreign courts , setting forth the reasons of the provisional government for desiring annexations to Sardinia . The Parmesan Government have arrested several individuals suspected of being concerned in the murder of Anviti . According to accounts
from Naples it appears that the prefect of police hacl been dismissed , and the minister of police has resigned , and that the king having become aware of the bad system pursued hy those functionaries , had caused an order to be sent to the provincial prelects to pay less attention to the proceedings of private individuals , and more to their proper duty . A communication from Naples , of the 12 th , says JI . Ajossa , formerly intendent of Salerno , is now the leading man in the ministry ; he it was who caused 51 . Govcrnathe former prefect of policeto be dismissed
, , , the conduct of the latter having created much ill-will against the government . AA ' arlike preparations were carrying on with a , tivity . A telegram from Breslau informs us that the Emperor of Russia will arrive there on Saturday , and the Prince Regent of Prussia on Friday next . A telef ram " from Constantinople , dated Tuesday , states that the Grand Vizier AH Pacha , has been dismissed , and Jlehemet Kuprisli hacl succeeded him ; it further says that Faud Paeha is expected to go out . who mixed in the late in
Hussein Pacha , was up conspiracy Turkey , when questioned on the subject returned a haughty answer , which induced a supposition that a fresh conspiracy was expected to break out . According to a telegram from Madrid , the Government of Jlorrocco had promised to satisfy the demands of Spain , and Spain had thereupon demanded guarantees against further disturbances of the peace , requiring an immediate answer . -The Arabia , which left
Boston on tho 5 th and Halifax on the fith instant , has arrived at Liverpool . Lord Lyons hacl had a protracted interview with the American Secretary of State , but nothing had been clone in the San Juan affair pending the receipt of the views of tho English government , which were expected by the next arrival . General AA'alker hacl again sailed on a filibustering expedition against Nicaragua . The result of the second clay ' s cricket match between tho Eleven English and Twenty-two of the United States , was—the English players' first innings , 156 ;
United States first innings , 38 ; second innings , Co , with seven wickets to go down , and 83 runs to obtain , or they will bo beaten in one inniiifs . The aeronauts , La Mountain and Haddock , descended on the great Canadian wilderness , where they were rescued from starvation by a gentleman who was hunting . Venezuela continues in a disstui-bed state , but the fighting was in favour of the government troops . INDIA , CHINA , AND COLONIES . —By the arrival of the overland mail wo arc in receipt of advices and papers from Calcutta to the 9 th
September , and from Hong-Kong to the 24 th August . Afc Calcutta tho public attention was principally directed to the new taxing measures of the government , which had met with rather strong opposition in the Council Chamber , and had , in consequence , undergone some modifications . There is not much news from China , but the important information had reached Hong-Kong that Jlr . AA ' ard , the American minister , had been courteously received by the Chinese authorities , and had entered Pclcin , ivhere he was to exchange the ratified treaties . It is rumoured that
tho Russians exchanged ratifications with the Chinese three months ago . The Russians were assembling a large fleet at tho mouth of the Peiho . The Bombay mail , we learn by telegram , arrived at Aden on the Oth inst . The latest date from Bombay is the 27 th ult . Central India remained unsettled , the AA ' agheers were still in insurrection , and the frontier districts of Nepaul continued to be occupied by the Nana and his followers . The Parana has arrived afc Southampton with the AA ' est India and Pacific mails . The complete wreck of the Paramatta is almost certain , but she is not yet abandoned . Trade in the AA ' est India Islands is still dull . A revolt has been discovered in Chili .
GENERAL H OME NEWS . —The Premier has been consulting with his colleagues in cabinet council almost every clay this iveek . General the Earl of AA ' cstmorlanu , G .. C . B ., and G . C . IL , expired on Sunday evening afc Apethorpo House , the family seat in Northamptonshire , after a short illness . By a notification from the AA ' ar Office it appears that government have resolved to increase the supply of rifles to the volunteer corps from 25 to 50 per cent . The quantity of ammunition to be supplied afc cost price is also doubled . Several other advantageous arrange-The ofthe Social Science
ments are in prospect . proceedings Conference terminated ou Saturday . Although __ ivhole week was dedicated to the business of the Congress , and the various sections applied themselves most studiously to their duties , ' several papers sent in remained unread . The meeting afc Bradford has been a most successful one , ancl the various valuable papers read must tend to the advancement fof the moral and social welfare of the kingdom . A court of aldermen was held on Tuesday , the Lord JIayor in the chair ,
when Jlr . James Abbiss , the newly elected alderman for Bridge AA ' ard was formally presented to the court , and took the usual oaths and his seat . He was then warmly congratulated by his brother aldermen . Alderman Rose moved , "That it be referred to a committee to take into consideration the laws relating to the sworn brokers of the city , ancl to report thereon . " Alderman Sydney said Alderman Rose had given no reason why his motion should be adopted , aud as the government would doubtless , in their bill , deal with the subject , he ( Alderman Sydney ) would move the previous question as an amendment . Some discussion ensued on the point ; after which the amendment was negatived , and
the motion agreed to . The official report of Jlr . Traill , the magistrate , ancl Captain AA'alker , nautical assessor , respecting the loss of tho Alma , steamer in the Red Sea , has been issued by the Board of Trade , together with their decision upon the matter . The report stated that JMr . Traill considered the loss of the ship as proceeding from the default of the chief officer ( Jlr . Davies ) in not paying due attention to the bearings of the Great ancl Little Harnish , ancl in consequence not hauling the ship up
soon enough and far enough to avoid the clanger , which , hacl he consulted the chart , must have appeared to him directly in his course . The certificate of Captain Henry was returned to him . The report concluded by recommending a light to be placed on one or two points indicated . The Board of Trade suspended Mr . Davis ' s certificate for twelve months . The deaths in the metropolis last week were only 902 , a fact which shows that the health of London is in a satisfactory state , being about 200 deaths below the estimated number . The only unfavourable
features exhibited are the still high mortality from scarlatina , and the tendency to increase of small-pox . The births during the week numbered 1627 . The return for the City is also favourable . The City commissioners of sewers met on Tuesday at Guildhall . A precept having been recently received from the Board of 'AVorks requiring payment on the 30 th of April next , from the commissioners , of £ 7 , 800 , due from the City , a rate was now ordered to be made for that purpose . The medical officer presented his weekly reporton the sanitary state of the Cit
, y . A man named Charles AVarklett has been brought before Jlr . Yardley , at the Thames police-court , charged with wilfully setting fire to the house of his master , Jlr . Greenaway , tailor , Limehouse . Late on Sunday evening it was discovered that the house was on fire in three different places , which being with some difficulty and damage extinguished , the prisoner camo forward and voluntarily confessed that he had set fire to tho house ; alleging , too , that he was induced to the act byfriendly feelings towards his master . This statement- was repeated
at his examination , and the prisoner was committed for trial .- John Silvester , a cigar maker of Commercial-road , was committed for trial by Jlr . Selfe , at the Thames Police-court , on the charge of stabbing with intent to murder , a police-constable , who was about to takeTiim into custody for assaulting a woman ivith a poker . On Monday the case of the robbery from Jlr . AA ' . Griffiths of upwards of £ 100 in notes and cheques , came before the recorder at Manchester . The examination lasted the ivhole day . Some of the notes were for a large amount , aud
were discounted by two men , JPGuinness and Walmsley . AA ' almsley was discharged , but JI'Guinness , Sparks , ancl a woman named Jl'Kinsey were found guilty , aud were sentenced , the former to seven years , the latter two to four years each of penal servitude . On Tuesday last Jlr . Serjeant Payne concluded an inquiry afc the Common Pleas Court , Guildhall , into the cause of the late disastrous fire in Bucklersbury , on the 7 th instant . Evidence having been taken at some length as to the oriin and progress of the fireand the nature of paraffin oilthe j
g , , ury returned the following verdict : — " That the fire was accidental , ancl the jury are . of opinion there was great neglect and a thorough absence of the necessary precautions . The jury are further of opinion that paraffin oil , when stored in such large quantities , is of a character dangerous to tho immediate neighbourhood . " Mr . T . Atkinson said the suggestion of the jury would bo attended to . In future the company would only keep small quantities upon the premises for immediate use or supply .
COMMERCIAL ; AND PUBLIC COMPANIES . —Tho weekly reviews from the manufacturing districts state that tho general tone of business was not discouraging , ancl that the impression was favourable with regard to the condition of trade at the conclusion of the year . A greater disposition was manifested on the part of buyers in Manchester to take goods , and prices were easier , but the extent of operations was not for the moment important . Iu Birmingham , an increase in trade occurred late in the week , the manufacturers having received a variety of orders on American ancl Australian account .
To Correspondents.
Tun Pitov . GKAXD LODGE AT ROSS . — "An Old P . JI . " is thanked for his communication on the subject of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Herefordshire , which shall receive our careful attention . ' 11 . H . "—JEUSEV . —A communication of great length is unavoidably postponed this week . " . f . AV . "—Our opinion has been more than once expressed—all such
publications are rank impostures . " B . " —Bro . Hyde Clarke is at present resident in Smyrna . ' ¦ 'ALWIA . "—In a iveek or two we will endeavour to meet your wishes . "B . A ., OXPOUD . "—The AVardens have no right to occupy tho Master ' s chair , even when ruling the Lodge .
" CZAR . "—AVe do not know that the present Emperor of Russia is a JIason ; wc never heard that he was . Tho Emperor of Brazil is a JIason . " L _ . CTi _ l . En . " AVrito to Bro . JIattiiew Cooke , 78 , George-street , Euston-road . No . 1090 . — Next week .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
development and the progress , not only of Italian nationality , hut of the true religion of Christ . " From the Central Italian States we learn that Signor Fariui . dictator of Parma , has issued a circular addressed to the representatives of Parma at foreign courts , setting forth the reasons of the provisional government for desiring annexations to Sardinia . The Parmesan Government have arrested several individuals suspected of being concerned in the murder of Anviti . According to accounts
from Naples it appears that the prefect of police hacl been dismissed , and the minister of police has resigned , and that the king having become aware of the bad system pursued hy those functionaries , had caused an order to be sent to the provincial prelects to pay less attention to the proceedings of private individuals , and more to their proper duty . A communication from Naples , of the 12 th , says JI . Ajossa , formerly intendent of Salerno , is now the leading man in the ministry ; he it was who caused 51 . Govcrnathe former prefect of policeto be dismissed
, , , the conduct of the latter having created much ill-will against the government . AA ' arlike preparations were carrying on with a , tivity . A telegram from Breslau informs us that the Emperor of Russia will arrive there on Saturday , and the Prince Regent of Prussia on Friday next . A telef ram " from Constantinople , dated Tuesday , states that the Grand Vizier AH Pacha , has been dismissed , and Jlehemet Kuprisli hacl succeeded him ; it further says that Faud Paeha is expected to go out . who mixed in the late in
Hussein Pacha , was up conspiracy Turkey , when questioned on the subject returned a haughty answer , which induced a supposition that a fresh conspiracy was expected to break out . According to a telegram from Madrid , the Government of Jlorrocco had promised to satisfy the demands of Spain , and Spain had thereupon demanded guarantees against further disturbances of the peace , requiring an immediate answer . -The Arabia , which left
Boston on tho 5 th and Halifax on the fith instant , has arrived at Liverpool . Lord Lyons hacl had a protracted interview with the American Secretary of State , but nothing had been clone in the San Juan affair pending the receipt of the views of tho English government , which were expected by the next arrival . General AA'alker hacl again sailed on a filibustering expedition against Nicaragua . The result of the second clay ' s cricket match between tho Eleven English and Twenty-two of the United States , was—the English players' first innings , 156 ;
United States first innings , 38 ; second innings , Co , with seven wickets to go down , and 83 runs to obtain , or they will bo beaten in one inniiifs . The aeronauts , La Mountain and Haddock , descended on the great Canadian wilderness , where they were rescued from starvation by a gentleman who was hunting . Venezuela continues in a disstui-bed state , but the fighting was in favour of the government troops . INDIA , CHINA , AND COLONIES . —By the arrival of the overland mail wo arc in receipt of advices and papers from Calcutta to the 9 th
September , and from Hong-Kong to the 24 th August . Afc Calcutta tho public attention was principally directed to the new taxing measures of the government , which had met with rather strong opposition in the Council Chamber , and had , in consequence , undergone some modifications . There is not much news from China , but the important information had reached Hong-Kong that Jlr . AA ' ard , the American minister , had been courteously received by the Chinese authorities , and had entered Pclcin , ivhere he was to exchange the ratified treaties . It is rumoured that
tho Russians exchanged ratifications with the Chinese three months ago . The Russians were assembling a large fleet at tho mouth of the Peiho . The Bombay mail , we learn by telegram , arrived at Aden on the Oth inst . The latest date from Bombay is the 27 th ult . Central India remained unsettled , the AA ' agheers were still in insurrection , and the frontier districts of Nepaul continued to be occupied by the Nana and his followers . The Parana has arrived afc Southampton with the AA ' est India and Pacific mails . The complete wreck of the Paramatta is almost certain , but she is not yet abandoned . Trade in the AA ' est India Islands is still dull . A revolt has been discovered in Chili .
GENERAL H OME NEWS . —The Premier has been consulting with his colleagues in cabinet council almost every clay this iveek . General the Earl of AA ' cstmorlanu , G .. C . B ., and G . C . IL , expired on Sunday evening afc Apethorpo House , the family seat in Northamptonshire , after a short illness . By a notification from the AA ' ar Office it appears that government have resolved to increase the supply of rifles to the volunteer corps from 25 to 50 per cent . The quantity of ammunition to be supplied afc cost price is also doubled . Several other advantageous arrange-The ofthe Social Science
ments are in prospect . proceedings Conference terminated ou Saturday . Although __ ivhole week was dedicated to the business of the Congress , and the various sections applied themselves most studiously to their duties , ' several papers sent in remained unread . The meeting afc Bradford has been a most successful one , ancl the various valuable papers read must tend to the advancement fof the moral and social welfare of the kingdom . A court of aldermen was held on Tuesday , the Lord JIayor in the chair ,
when Jlr . James Abbiss , the newly elected alderman for Bridge AA ' ard was formally presented to the court , and took the usual oaths and his seat . He was then warmly congratulated by his brother aldermen . Alderman Rose moved , "That it be referred to a committee to take into consideration the laws relating to the sworn brokers of the city , ancl to report thereon . " Alderman Sydney said Alderman Rose had given no reason why his motion should be adopted , aud as the government would doubtless , in their bill , deal with the subject , he ( Alderman Sydney ) would move the previous question as an amendment . Some discussion ensued on the point ; after which the amendment was negatived , and
the motion agreed to . The official report of Jlr . Traill , the magistrate , ancl Captain AA'alker , nautical assessor , respecting the loss of tho Alma , steamer in the Red Sea , has been issued by the Board of Trade , together with their decision upon the matter . The report stated that JMr . Traill considered the loss of the ship as proceeding from the default of the chief officer ( Jlr . Davies ) in not paying due attention to the bearings of the Great ancl Little Harnish , ancl in consequence not hauling the ship up
soon enough and far enough to avoid the clanger , which , hacl he consulted the chart , must have appeared to him directly in his course . The certificate of Captain Henry was returned to him . The report concluded by recommending a light to be placed on one or two points indicated . The Board of Trade suspended Mr . Davis ' s certificate for twelve months . The deaths in the metropolis last week were only 902 , a fact which shows that the health of London is in a satisfactory state , being about 200 deaths below the estimated number . The only unfavourable
features exhibited are the still high mortality from scarlatina , and the tendency to increase of small-pox . The births during the week numbered 1627 . The return for the City is also favourable . The City commissioners of sewers met on Tuesday at Guildhall . A precept having been recently received from the Board of 'AVorks requiring payment on the 30 th of April next , from the commissioners , of £ 7 , 800 , due from the City , a rate was now ordered to be made for that purpose . The medical officer presented his weekly reporton the sanitary state of the Cit
, y . A man named Charles AVarklett has been brought before Jlr . Yardley , at the Thames police-court , charged with wilfully setting fire to the house of his master , Jlr . Greenaway , tailor , Limehouse . Late on Sunday evening it was discovered that the house was on fire in three different places , which being with some difficulty and damage extinguished , the prisoner camo forward and voluntarily confessed that he had set fire to tho house ; alleging , too , that he was induced to the act byfriendly feelings towards his master . This statement- was repeated
at his examination , and the prisoner was committed for trial .- John Silvester , a cigar maker of Commercial-road , was committed for trial by Jlr . Selfe , at the Thames Police-court , on the charge of stabbing with intent to murder , a police-constable , who was about to takeTiim into custody for assaulting a woman ivith a poker . On Monday the case of the robbery from Jlr . AA ' . Griffiths of upwards of £ 100 in notes and cheques , came before the recorder at Manchester . The examination lasted the ivhole day . Some of the notes were for a large amount , aud
were discounted by two men , JPGuinness and Walmsley . AA ' almsley was discharged , but JI'Guinness , Sparks , ancl a woman named Jl'Kinsey were found guilty , aud were sentenced , the former to seven years , the latter two to four years each of penal servitude . On Tuesday last Jlr . Serjeant Payne concluded an inquiry afc the Common Pleas Court , Guildhall , into the cause of the late disastrous fire in Bucklersbury , on the 7 th instant . Evidence having been taken at some length as to the oriin and progress of the fireand the nature of paraffin oilthe j
g , , ury returned the following verdict : — " That the fire was accidental , ancl the jury are . of opinion there was great neglect and a thorough absence of the necessary precautions . The jury are further of opinion that paraffin oil , when stored in such large quantities , is of a character dangerous to tho immediate neighbourhood . " Mr . T . Atkinson said the suggestion of the jury would bo attended to . In future the company would only keep small quantities upon the premises for immediate use or supply .
COMMERCIAL ; AND PUBLIC COMPANIES . —Tho weekly reviews from the manufacturing districts state that tho general tone of business was not discouraging , ancl that the impression was favourable with regard to the condition of trade at the conclusion of the year . A greater disposition was manifested on the part of buyers in Manchester to take goods , and prices were easier , but the extent of operations was not for the moment important . Iu Birmingham , an increase in trade occurred late in the week , the manufacturers having received a variety of orders on American ancl Australian account .
To Correspondents.
Tun Pitov . GKAXD LODGE AT ROSS . — "An Old P . JI . " is thanked for his communication on the subject of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Herefordshire , which shall receive our careful attention . ' 11 . H . "—JEUSEV . —A communication of great length is unavoidably postponed this week . " . f . AV . "—Our opinion has been more than once expressed—all such
publications are rank impostures . " B . " —Bro . Hyde Clarke is at present resident in Smyrna . ' ¦ 'ALWIA . "—In a iveek or two we will endeavour to meet your wishes . "B . A ., OXPOUD . "—The AVardens have no right to occupy tho Master ' s chair , even when ruling the Lodge .
" CZAR . "—AVe do not know that the present Emperor of Russia is a JIason ; wc never heard that he was . Tho Emperor of Brazil is a JIason . " L _ . CTi _ l . En . " AVrito to Bro . JIattiiew Cooke , 78 , George-street , Euston-road . No . 1090 . — Next week .