Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 10 of 10 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article COLONIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
was part of a great whole . If they went on with that work the great object to which he hacl alluded would be attained ; if they suffered it to decay they would sap tho foundation of the greatness and prosperity of England .
Mark Masonry.
PROVINCIAL . BIRKENHEAD . —Joppa Lodge of Marl Masters ( I . C . ) No . 5 . —The annual meeting of this well worked and flourishing Loctge , for the election of R . AY . JIaster , AA'ardens , ancl other officers , took place on Tuesday , the 27 th ult ., at the Park Hotel , Birkenhead . After the induction of Bros . Henry Charles Lucy and John Scourfield , the brethren proceeded to the election of Eight AA'ovshipful Master , aud chose , without opposition , Bro . Henry Bulley , late S . AA ' ., who appointed Bro . AA'ilson ,
S . AA ' . ; and Bro . Piatt . J . AV . Tho immediate R . AA ' . JI ., Bro . Piatt , said , that he considered it right to bring the subject of the JIark clothing before them with the view of receiving the opinion of the brethren iu reference to it . The Lodge had now ample funds , and he therefore considered it desirable to complete the furniture and clothing of the Lodge . He hacl ascertained that the clothing adopted by the London ( S . C . ) JIark Lodges and thoso that were under charters of Lord Leigh were similar , so that if the Grancl Lodof England adopted JIark Masonryand there
ge , was a strong belief prevalent that it would , their clothing would still be tho same . It was ultimately agreed that Bro . Piatt should ascertain the cost ofthe clothing , and other particulars thereto appertaining , and report at the next meeting of this Lodge . The Lodgo was afterwards closed in antient form , after which the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
Hi'DE . —Fidelity Lodge ( No . 31 ) . E . C . —A meeting of the Lodge was held on the loth insfc ., at the usual place of meeting , the Norfolk Arms Hoteh Hyde , when a candidate was duly advanced , ancl two others , unavoidably absent , reserved for the next meeting of the Lodge . The principal business of the day was the installation of the AA' . JI . elect , Bro . S . P . Leather , 18 ° , by the immediate P . JI . of the Lodge , Bro . John Yarker , who , after a short address explanatory of the qualifications , & c , requisite for the office , received the candidate ' s assent to certain questions
involving the duties incumbent on the AA ' . M ., and after solemn prayer the candidate was duly installed as AA' . JI . of tho Lodge for the ensuing year . _ The neiv AV . JI . was then saluted , and the following officers appointed and invested , au appropriate charge being delivered to each : —• Bros . John Brierley , S . AA ' . Geo . P . Cooke , J . AV . ; John Yarker . AA ' . JI . and Chaplain ; Jas . Relpli , J . L . Rockliffc , James Jackson , M . S . and T . Cos , Chas . C . AA ' orthington ( previously elected ) , Treas . ; James Huston , S . B . ; James AA'ilsonJDLuke AdsheadDirof JIusic and Cers
, .. ; , . . ; AA ' alter Johnson , I . G . ; and Jesse Taylor , Tyler . An address to the AA ' orshipful JIaster , officers , and brethren , concluded the ceremony . An excellent dinner was provided for the brethren by the proprietress of tho hotel , and in the course of the evening tho following toasts were given : — "The M . AV . G . JI . of JI . JL , Lord Leigh , " "The R . AA ' . B . G . JI . the Earl of Carnarvon , " •'" ' Tho Grand Officers . " Tho health of tho immediate P . JI . of the Lodge ivas then proposed by the AA' . JI ., who , on
returning thanks , adduced some proofs of the antiquity and great utility of the degree when properly understood , and expressed a hope that the officers would render every assistance to their AV . JL , not only by their punctual and regular attendance , but by strenuous exertions in attaining a correct knowledge of the duties incumbent upon them in respect of their several offices , and concluded by proposing the health of their esteemed AV . JI . Bro . Leather returned thanks iu a very appropriate speechexpressing his determination to do everything in his to
, power forward the interests of the Lodge , and iu proposing the health of his officers expressed a hope that they ivould do all iu their power to assist him in this object . Bro . Cooke , J . AV ., appropriately returned thanks for " The Officers , " ancl " To all poor and distressed JIasons " terminated a . highly agreeable evening . It is purposed , ere long , to establish instruction meetings in the degree , and great hopes are expressed of tho ensuing year being a highly prosperous one for the Lodge .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . MOUNT SCON CII . U'T EU ( NO . 109 ) . —The first convocation of this excellent Chapter was held on Monday evening , October 10 th , at Radley ' s Hotel , New Bridge-street , present , Comps . Johnstone , JI . E . Z . ; J . Loag , H y and H . Jluggeridge , as J . ; Comps . Partridge , Goodwin , and How , P . Zs ., and several other Companions . There was no particular business , but a prosperous season with p lenty of work is expected .
Ox Thursday evening , October Gth , "being the usual monthly night of meeting of the members of Lodge No . 15 , there was a large attendance . As Bro . John FitzHeury Townsend , LL . D ., D . G . M . of Ireland hacl signified his intention of presiding ou the occasion , a banquet was prepared , but owing to indisposition his presence was unavoidably prevented , much to tho disappointment of the brethren . After the initiation of
two candidates into the mysteries of the Craft , and other routine business , the brethren sat clown to supper . Bro . Jlajor Herbert took the chair , at the request of the AV . JL , Bro . Paul Limriek . The following brethren wore present : —Br . Hadden , S . AA ' . ; Frederick P . E . Potter , J . AA' . ; John Francis Levis , Sec . and Treas , ; Elijah Budler , S . B . ; Richard Beamish , J . B . ; George Robinson , J . P . j Richard H . H . Beefier , J . P . ; Edward Doherty ; AA'illiam AA ' . Henderson ; John Levis ( Grove ); Philip
Atteridge ; Samuel K . Yickery ; Richard Kingston ; James JPCarthy Levis ; John AA'illiam Potter : Robert R . Roimtree ; John O'Donoghue , & c ., & c . On the removal of the cloth , the usual JIasonie toasts , & c , wore proposed and received with clue honours . AYe arc happy in beingable to record the prosperity of this Lodge , ivhieh is doubtless one of the largest and most influential Provincial JIasonie Lodges hi Ireland .
/ CANADA . LAYING THK / CORNER STONE OF ST . JAJIES' CHORCH , LONDON I ( 0 AN AD A WEST ) . ON Friday , the Oth September , the M . W . Grand JIastor of Canada , accompanied by the officers of the Grand Lodge , and a large body of brethren from the various western and eastern Lodges , performed the ceremony of laying the corner stone of the new church of St . James , in
connexion with the established church of Scotland . The day was very fine , ancl the ceremony " passed off with tho greatest possible eclat . Tho brethren assembled afc the Lodge room , Richmond-street , at high noon , and having formed in due order , proceeded to the Tecumseh House , to escort the M . AV . Grand Jlaster , Col . Mercer AA'ilson , and the other Grand Officers , to tho Lodge room . The Grand Lodge was then opened in due form . AA ' o observed the following brethren among the number present : —The JI . AA ' . Bro . AA ' . JI .
AVilson , Grand JIaster ; R . AV . Bro . Thompson AA'ilson , Deputy Grand JIaster ; R . AY . Bro . G . AA ' . Whitehead , as ' S . G . AV . ; R . AA ' . Bro . James Daniell , as J . G . AV . ; R . AV . Bro . Rev . Alex . JIcKidd , as G . Chaplain ; R . AV . Bro . BJ Curtis , as G . Treas . ; R . AY . Bro . H . B . MorehoustJ , G . Reg . ; R . AY . Bi-o . Thomas B . Harris , G . Sec . ; 'V . AV . Bro . the Rev . S . B . Campbell , S . G . B . ; V . AY . Bro . T . AV . Thomas , J . G . D . ; V . AV . Bro . C . L . Davis , as G . Supt . of AVorks ; V . AV . Bro . P . Francis , as G . Dir . of Cers . ; A AYBroEHcathfieldAsstDirof CersVWBroG Masson
.. . . , . . . ; .. . . , G . S . B . ; V . AV . Bro . John Harrison , as G . Org . ; V . AY . Bro . AV . P . Viclall , as G . Purst . ; V . AV . Bros . T . JIackie , J . Boyd , A . G . Smyth , G . M . AA'ilson , G . Stewards ; Bro . T . JI . eMiillen , G . Tyler . In addition to the foregoing , representatives of the following Lodges were also present : —St . Gcorge ' d , St . John's , ancl the Kilwinning , of London ; St . Thomas Lodge ; Jlount Brydges Lodge ; Albion Lodge , of Newbury ; St . John ' s , of Delaware ; StPaul ' sof LambethStJohn ' sStrict Observanceand Bartonof
. , ; . , , , _ Hamilton ; King Solomon ' s , of AA ' ooclstock ; St . John ' s , of Ingersoll ; King Hiram , of Tilsonburgh ; Great Western , of AVindsor ; Sharon , of Sharon ; King Solomon , of Toronto ; Norfolk , of Siincoo ; AA'ilson Lodge , of AVaterford ; St . Lawrence , of Montreal ; Detroit Lodge ; AVarren Lodge , of Fingal ; Bro . Harper , the P . J . G . AV . of the Prov . Grand Lodge , Durham , England ; Welland Lodge , of Fonthill ; St . Mark's , Port
Stanley ; St . John ' s , Toronto ; Valley Lodge , Dundas : Brant Lodge , Brantford ; Port Huron Lodge , Michigan ; Lodge No . 125 , England . After certain business had been transacted , the procession , nuclei- the command of the Grand Director of Ceremonies , again formed in the following order : —Visiting brethren from Lodges at a distance ; junior Lodges ; city Lodges according to number ; Past JIasters ; Royal Arch JIasons ; Knights 'Templar ; Grand Sivord Bearer ; Officers of Grand Lodge and the Grand JIasterA military baud headed the
processionperform-. , ing appropriate airs . The brethren then proceeded to the ground , in Richmond-street , where the ceremony was to take place : and a more imposing array of brethren belonging to the Order of Freemasons never before gathered in this city since the laying of the foundation stone of St . Paul's Cathedral . The numbers could not have been fewer than two to three hundred , ancl as they proceeded two and two , arrayed in the full insignia of officefrom the JIAVGrand JIaster of Canadadown
, .. , to tho simple JIaster JIason , presented an imposing spectacle . ^ AA o question if a more respectable body of men could be gathered than those who took part in the procession . Arrived at the ground , the brethren , under the able direction of Bro T . Francis , G . Dir . of Cers ., formed two lines , between ivhieh the JI . AA' .. Grand JIaster , accompanied by the Grand Stewards , followed by the officers of the Grand Lodge , Sword Bearer , Knights Templar , Royal of the various
Arch JIasons , ancl Past JIasters , followed by the brethren Lodges , passed up to the platform , on which the ceremony was to take place . The stone which was destined to be laid was already suspended , ancl in another below was a receptacle wherein to p lace a vase containing various documents , provided for the occasion . The JI . AV . Grand JIaster , and the various officers of the Grand Lodge , the Rev . Bro . Nichol , & c , gathered round the stonewhen the proceedings of the day commenced
, by the assembly singing the Hundredth Psalm . The Rev . Bro . Nichol then read tho seventh chapter of the second book of Samuel , aud engaged in an extempore prayer . The M . AV . Graud JIaster then addressed the spectators in the following terms : — " Men , women , ancl children , here assembled to-day , to behold this ceremony , know all of you that we bo lawful JIasons , true to the laws of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
was part of a great whole . If they went on with that work the great object to which he hacl alluded would be attained ; if they suffered it to decay they would sap tho foundation of the greatness and prosperity of England .
Mark Masonry.
PROVINCIAL . BIRKENHEAD . —Joppa Lodge of Marl Masters ( I . C . ) No . 5 . —The annual meeting of this well worked and flourishing Loctge , for the election of R . AY . JIaster , AA'ardens , ancl other officers , took place on Tuesday , the 27 th ult ., at the Park Hotel , Birkenhead . After the induction of Bros . Henry Charles Lucy and John Scourfield , the brethren proceeded to the election of Eight AA'ovshipful Master , aud chose , without opposition , Bro . Henry Bulley , late S . AA ' ., who appointed Bro . AA'ilson ,
S . AA ' . ; and Bro . Piatt . J . AV . Tho immediate R . AA ' . JI ., Bro . Piatt , said , that he considered it right to bring the subject of the JIark clothing before them with the view of receiving the opinion of the brethren iu reference to it . The Lodge had now ample funds , and he therefore considered it desirable to complete the furniture and clothing of the Lodge . He hacl ascertained that the clothing adopted by the London ( S . C . ) JIark Lodges and thoso that were under charters of Lord Leigh were similar , so that if the Grancl Lodof England adopted JIark Masonryand there
ge , was a strong belief prevalent that it would , their clothing would still be tho same . It was ultimately agreed that Bro . Piatt should ascertain the cost ofthe clothing , and other particulars thereto appertaining , and report at the next meeting of this Lodge . The Lodgo was afterwards closed in antient form , after which the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
Hi'DE . —Fidelity Lodge ( No . 31 ) . E . C . —A meeting of the Lodge was held on the loth insfc ., at the usual place of meeting , the Norfolk Arms Hoteh Hyde , when a candidate was duly advanced , ancl two others , unavoidably absent , reserved for the next meeting of the Lodge . The principal business of the day was the installation of the AA' . JI . elect , Bro . S . P . Leather , 18 ° , by the immediate P . JI . of the Lodge , Bro . John Yarker , who , after a short address explanatory of the qualifications , & c , requisite for the office , received the candidate ' s assent to certain questions
involving the duties incumbent on the AA ' . M ., and after solemn prayer the candidate was duly installed as AA' . JI . of tho Lodge for the ensuing year . _ The neiv AV . JI . was then saluted , and the following officers appointed and invested , au appropriate charge being delivered to each : —• Bros . John Brierley , S . AA ' . Geo . P . Cooke , J . AV . ; John Yarker . AA ' . JI . and Chaplain ; Jas . Relpli , J . L . Rockliffc , James Jackson , M . S . and T . Cos , Chas . C . AA ' orthington ( previously elected ) , Treas . ; James Huston , S . B . ; James AA'ilsonJDLuke AdsheadDirof JIusic and Cers
, .. ; , . . ; AA ' alter Johnson , I . G . ; and Jesse Taylor , Tyler . An address to the AA ' orshipful JIaster , officers , and brethren , concluded the ceremony . An excellent dinner was provided for the brethren by the proprietress of tho hotel , and in the course of the evening tho following toasts were given : — "The M . AV . G . JI . of JI . JL , Lord Leigh , " "The R . AA ' . B . G . JI . the Earl of Carnarvon , " •'" ' Tho Grand Officers . " Tho health of tho immediate P . JI . of the Lodge ivas then proposed by the AA' . JI ., who , on
returning thanks , adduced some proofs of the antiquity and great utility of the degree when properly understood , and expressed a hope that the officers would render every assistance to their AV . JL , not only by their punctual and regular attendance , but by strenuous exertions in attaining a correct knowledge of the duties incumbent upon them in respect of their several offices , and concluded by proposing the health of their esteemed AV . JI . Bro . Leather returned thanks iu a very appropriate speechexpressing his determination to do everything in his to
, power forward the interests of the Lodge , and iu proposing the health of his officers expressed a hope that they ivould do all iu their power to assist him in this object . Bro . Cooke , J . AV ., appropriately returned thanks for " The Officers , " ancl " To all poor and distressed JIasons " terminated a . highly agreeable evening . It is purposed , ere long , to establish instruction meetings in the degree , and great hopes are expressed of tho ensuing year being a highly prosperous one for the Lodge .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . MOUNT SCON CII . U'T EU ( NO . 109 ) . —The first convocation of this excellent Chapter was held on Monday evening , October 10 th , at Radley ' s Hotel , New Bridge-street , present , Comps . Johnstone , JI . E . Z . ; J . Loag , H y and H . Jluggeridge , as J . ; Comps . Partridge , Goodwin , and How , P . Zs ., and several other Companions . There was no particular business , but a prosperous season with p lenty of work is expected .
Ox Thursday evening , October Gth , "being the usual monthly night of meeting of the members of Lodge No . 15 , there was a large attendance . As Bro . John FitzHeury Townsend , LL . D ., D . G . M . of Ireland hacl signified his intention of presiding ou the occasion , a banquet was prepared , but owing to indisposition his presence was unavoidably prevented , much to tho disappointment of the brethren . After the initiation of
two candidates into the mysteries of the Craft , and other routine business , the brethren sat clown to supper . Bro . Jlajor Herbert took the chair , at the request of the AV . JL , Bro . Paul Limriek . The following brethren wore present : —Br . Hadden , S . AA ' . ; Frederick P . E . Potter , J . AA' . ; John Francis Levis , Sec . and Treas , ; Elijah Budler , S . B . ; Richard Beamish , J . B . ; George Robinson , J . P . j Richard H . H . Beefier , J . P . ; Edward Doherty ; AA'illiam AA ' . Henderson ; John Levis ( Grove ); Philip
Atteridge ; Samuel K . Yickery ; Richard Kingston ; James JPCarthy Levis ; John AA'illiam Potter : Robert R . Roimtree ; John O'Donoghue , & c ., & c . On the removal of the cloth , the usual JIasonie toasts , & c , wore proposed and received with clue honours . AYe arc happy in beingable to record the prosperity of this Lodge , ivhieh is doubtless one of the largest and most influential Provincial JIasonie Lodges hi Ireland .
/ CANADA . LAYING THK / CORNER STONE OF ST . JAJIES' CHORCH , LONDON I ( 0 AN AD A WEST ) . ON Friday , the Oth September , the M . W . Grand JIastor of Canada , accompanied by the officers of the Grand Lodge , and a large body of brethren from the various western and eastern Lodges , performed the ceremony of laying the corner stone of the new church of St . James , in
connexion with the established church of Scotland . The day was very fine , ancl the ceremony " passed off with tho greatest possible eclat . Tho brethren assembled afc the Lodge room , Richmond-street , at high noon , and having formed in due order , proceeded to the Tecumseh House , to escort the M . AV . Grand Jlaster , Col . Mercer AA'ilson , and the other Grand Officers , to tho Lodge room . The Grand Lodge was then opened in due form . AA ' o observed the following brethren among the number present : —The JI . AA ' . Bro . AA ' . JI .
AVilson , Grand JIaster ; R . AV . Bro . Thompson AA'ilson , Deputy Grand JIaster ; R . AY . Bro . G . AA ' . Whitehead , as ' S . G . AV . ; R . AA ' . Bro . James Daniell , as J . G . AV . ; R . AV . Bro . Rev . Alex . JIcKidd , as G . Chaplain ; R . AV . Bro . BJ Curtis , as G . Treas . ; R . AY . Bro . H . B . MorehoustJ , G . Reg . ; R . AY . Bi-o . Thomas B . Harris , G . Sec . ; 'V . AV . Bro . the Rev . S . B . Campbell , S . G . B . ; V . AY . Bro . T . AV . Thomas , J . G . D . ; V . AV . Bro . C . L . Davis , as G . Supt . of AVorks ; V . AV . Bro . P . Francis , as G . Dir . of Cers . ; A AYBroEHcathfieldAsstDirof CersVWBroG Masson
.. . . , . . . ; .. . . , G . S . B . ; V . AV . Bro . John Harrison , as G . Org . ; V . AY . Bro . AV . P . Viclall , as G . Purst . ; V . AV . Bros . T . JIackie , J . Boyd , A . G . Smyth , G . M . AA'ilson , G . Stewards ; Bro . T . JI . eMiillen , G . Tyler . In addition to the foregoing , representatives of the following Lodges were also present : —St . Gcorge ' d , St . John's , ancl the Kilwinning , of London ; St . Thomas Lodge ; Jlount Brydges Lodge ; Albion Lodge , of Newbury ; St . John ' s , of Delaware ; StPaul ' sof LambethStJohn ' sStrict Observanceand Bartonof
. , ; . , , , _ Hamilton ; King Solomon ' s , of AA ' ooclstock ; St . John ' s , of Ingersoll ; King Hiram , of Tilsonburgh ; Great Western , of AVindsor ; Sharon , of Sharon ; King Solomon , of Toronto ; Norfolk , of Siincoo ; AA'ilson Lodge , of AVaterford ; St . Lawrence , of Montreal ; Detroit Lodge ; AVarren Lodge , of Fingal ; Bro . Harper , the P . J . G . AV . of the Prov . Grand Lodge , Durham , England ; Welland Lodge , of Fonthill ; St . Mark's , Port
Stanley ; St . John ' s , Toronto ; Valley Lodge , Dundas : Brant Lodge , Brantford ; Port Huron Lodge , Michigan ; Lodge No . 125 , England . After certain business had been transacted , the procession , nuclei- the command of the Grand Director of Ceremonies , again formed in the following order : —Visiting brethren from Lodges at a distance ; junior Lodges ; city Lodges according to number ; Past JIasters ; Royal Arch JIasons ; Knights 'Templar ; Grand Sivord Bearer ; Officers of Grand Lodge and the Grand JIasterA military baud headed the
processionperform-. , ing appropriate airs . The brethren then proceeded to the ground , in Richmond-street , where the ceremony was to take place : and a more imposing array of brethren belonging to the Order of Freemasons never before gathered in this city since the laying of the foundation stone of St . Paul's Cathedral . The numbers could not have been fewer than two to three hundred , ancl as they proceeded two and two , arrayed in the full insignia of officefrom the JIAVGrand JIaster of Canadadown
, .. , to tho simple JIaster JIason , presented an imposing spectacle . ^ AA o question if a more respectable body of men could be gathered than those who took part in the procession . Arrived at the ground , the brethren , under the able direction of Bro T . Francis , G . Dir . of Cers ., formed two lines , between ivhieh the JI . AA' .. Grand JIaster , accompanied by the Grand Stewards , followed by the officers of the Grand Lodge , Sword Bearer , Knights Templar , Royal of the various
Arch JIasons , ancl Past JIasters , followed by the brethren Lodges , passed up to the platform , on which the ceremony was to take place . The stone which was destined to be laid was already suspended , ancl in another below was a receptacle wherein to p lace a vase containing various documents , provided for the occasion . The JI . AV . Grand JIaster , and the various officers of the Grand Lodge , the Rev . Bro . Nichol , & c , gathered round the stonewhen the proceedings of the day commenced
, by the assembly singing the Hundredth Psalm . The Rev . Bro . Nichol then read tho seventh chapter of the second book of Samuel , aud engaged in an extempore prayer . The M . AV . Graud JIaster then addressed the spectators in the following terms : — " Men , women , ancl children , here assembled to-day , to behold this ceremony , know all of you that we bo lawful JIasons , true to the laws of