Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 2 of 10 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
NOT ELECTED . 13 . Morris , Chas . ( London ) P 57 14 . Pescote , Thomas H . ( Chichester ) 304 15 . Campbell , Alfred C . ( Monmouth ) 201 1 ( 5 . AA ebber , Edward C . ( Lincoln ) 1 G 3 17 . Clatworthy , John M . ( Brixton ) 82 IS . Ash field , Edward T . ( London ) Of )
10 . Davis , John AY ( Loudon ) 15 It will therefore be seen that nine London and throe country boys were elected—the number oE candidates being twelve from London and seven from the country . The friends of candidates should be careful to poll all their strength , and not give away or lend their votes to other candidates under an idea of want of strength , as all votes now carry on to the next election ; and it ivill therefore be seen that with exertion , his
friends are pretty sure to carry the election of Morris on the next occasion . By careful attention to the accumulation of votes from election to election , the friends of almost every candidate will be sure to secure his election within a reasonable time . A vote of thanks to the chairman closed the proceedings . A word to tbe . Secretaries of this and the other Masonic charities . —It is usual for the Secretaries of public institutions to make out a list of
the successful candidates , with the numbers polled , and place it in the hall of the building in which the elect-ion takes place , for the information of all comers . The example might be worth following . [ AVe have received some strange comnimiications relative to the continual disputes between the two masters ; the absence of the head master for tivo or three days at a time ; the want of system in the estib-Hshmenfc , kc , which shall not escape our notice , —ED . " )
. . METKOPOLITAN . EASTERN- STAR LODGE ( NO . 112 ) . —The first meeting of the season ivas held on AVednesday , October 12 th , at the Neiv Globe Tavern , Mile End-road , Bro . H . J . Vousley , AA ' . M ., presided , attended by his Officers , and Bros . W . AY Davis , S . Marriott , and G . Allison , P . Ms . After the business was transacted the brethren adjourned to dinner , ancl in love
and harmony passed __ pleasant evening . There were several visitors , and among them Bro . Maney , AA . M ., No . 201 ; Bro . Emmens , P . M ., No . 201 , aud Bro . It . Motion , P . M ., Xo . GB 3 . AA ' e understand that this Lodge is likely to have another removal , and it is rumoured that it will probably be located at Bro . Painter ' s , in Leadenhall-street ; to western visitors this will be agreeable , as a more pleasant Lodge does not exist . AVELLrxc-Tox LODGE ( NO . S 05 ) . —The monthly meetingand the
, second for the season of this Lodge , was hold on Tuesday evening , October Uth , at the Lord Duncan Tavern , Broadway , Deptford , Bro . AVadeson , AYM ., presided ; assisted by Bro . Oivdeu , S . AV ., and AVelsford , J . W . ; and there was a numerous assemblage of other brethren . ' The lirsfc business of the evening was to o " . umue Bros . Prior and Pearce as to their proficiency iu the first degree , after which they were , in duo form , respectively passed to tho degree of E . C . Messrs . Tee and Smith ( the latter a gentleman of colour ) were introducedand in a most
, impressive manner , admitted to the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . There being no further business , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren , numbering between thirty aud forty , retired to refreshment ; after which the usual toasts , both loyal and Masonic , were given , and the evening was spent in the moDt complete harmony , the business being brought to a close soon after ten o ' clock .
PROVINCIAL . BUCKINGHAMSHIRE . AVLESBCTRY . —Buckingham Lodge ( No . SGI ) . —At the regular meeting , held on Monday , October 17 th , at the lloyal AVhite Hart Hotel , there ivere present , tiie Ilev . Bro . J . C . A \ harton , Vicar of Bier ton , AV . M . ; Bro . J . How , S . AV . ; J . Grace , J . AV . ; Rev . Bro . Oliver ; the other officers and
brethren . A ballot was taken lor the admission of tho Ilev . AVilliam England , of Boughton , near Newport Pagnel ; Charles Davie lleauebainp , Q . E . ; and George Cavtwright , O . E . ; and these gentlemen being present were initiated into Masonry by the AV . M ., who , iu commemoration of his first performing the rite , presented the Lodge with a pair of columns . The J . W . also presented the Lodge ivith a ballot box . A vote of thanks to each of those reverend brethren was moved by Bro . How , and seconded by Bro . AVilliams , S . D ., duly put and carried with acclamation
. The S . AV . proposed Bro . George States , P . M ., "No . 1 G 6 , as a joining member . Tho Lodge was closed iu love and harmony , and adjourned till January . The brethren dined together , and separated at an early h , nu- . CHESHIRE . JB . RKEXH _ . AD . —Mersey Lodge ( No . 701 ) . —On the ' 13 th instant the regular meeting : of this Lodge was ' held in the Angel Hotel , Birkenhead , when Edward Ernest AYard Kirkby , a young gentleman ( son of the
S . AV . ) who has latterly distinguished himself at Cambridge , was initiated by the AV . M ., Bro . J . Griffith . After the usual business had been transacted the Lodgo was called to refreshment , provided by Bro . Morton . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were then drunk , including that of Bro . Samuel Moss , V . AV . P . Prov . J . G . AV . of Gloucestershire and Cheshire , accompanied with the following memorandum , which was ordered to be inserted on the minutes , and a copy thereof inscribed on vellum presented to Bro . Moss : — "A portrait of our respected TreasurerBvo
, . Samuel Moss , V . W . P . Prov . J . G . AA ., & c ., in the costume ofthe rank he so deservedly holds in the Craft , ancl the expense thereof defrayed by a general subscription among the members of the Lodge . Resolved , That the same be framed and placed in the Lodge room as a continued memento of the truly fraternal esteem and regard in which Bro . Moss is held by every member of the Lodge for the devotion manifested by him in promoting its welfaremore especiallfor the careattentionand
, y , , ability with which he has uniformly managed the funds of the same during the last fourteen years . The Lodge at the same time desires to record its high appreciation of the merits of Bro . Moss as a distinguished JIason ; its grateful and fraternal regard for him as a brother ; and its sincere and heartfelt wishes that it may please the G . A . O . T . U . to bless his declining years With health ancl happiness—the sure concomitants of a well spent life . " .
\ DEVONSHIRE . STONEHOUSE . —Lodge of Sincerity ( No . 224 ) . —At a regular meeting held pursuant to notices , at St . George ' s Hall , East Stonehouse , on Monday , Oct . the 10 th , at seven o ' clock , r . ir ., present , Bros . R . R . Rood , AA . M ., in the chair : Lord Graves , S . AA " . ; JEev . G . Knowling , J . D . ; Tripe , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . D ., Treas .: Spenee Ball , See .: Ridley , S . D . ; Rae , J . D . ; Benton , acting I . G . ; Hunt , P . M . ; Cole , P . M . ; Dowse , P . M . ; Tincoll j
Cater ; Walker ; liJadri ; and visiting brethren—Gibson , No . 270 ; Owen , No . 2 SS ; Watson ; Vowel , No . 72 S , Irish Constitution ; Samuels , No . 270 , the Lodge being opened , the minutes of the preceding meeting were confirmed in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee of General Purposes . The bill for a perfect ashlar was ordered to be paid and a donation of £ 1 was voted towards the fund now raising to support the publication ofthe Freemason ! , ' Magazine . Mr . John AVintherbotham Batten was then balloted forand having been elected was introduced
, and initiated into the mysterious secrets of Freemasonry . The working tools were explained by the J . AV . The charge was given by Bro . Tripe , and the lecture on the tracing board by the AA . M . Several brethren were then proposed as joining members , and Mr . J . AV . Raines as a candidate for Masonry . The Lodge was closed in peace ancl harmony at a quarter past nine o ' clock .
TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge tfSo . 1012 ) . —The annual dinner of this Lodge was holden at the Seven Stars Hotel , on the 7 th instant . There was a goodly attendance of the brethren and visitors to witness the ceremony of the installation of Bro . Thos . Hunt Edmonds as AVorshipful Master for the ensuing year . Bro . Edmonds was presented by Bro . J . J . Blake , P . Prov . G . AV . of Surrey , and the ceremony of installation was performed in masterly style by Bro . Henry Bridges , P . M ., who also hacl previously initiated Mr . John Heath , jun . The folloiving are the 7
officers for the present year : —Bros . T . H . Edmonds , AA . M . ; J . Powning , S . AV . ; J . Slattev . J . AV . ; S . ]_' . Shairp , Treas . ; T . Lidstone , See . ; Rev , Spear Cole , Chaplain ; AV . II . AVatson , S . D . ; J . Heath , J . D . ; H . Bartlett , I . G . ; J . Phillimore , B . O . L . ; I . Marks , Steward , and J . Thomas , Tyler . All business being done , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The health of "The Visitors" was drunk and responded to by Bros . J . J . Blake , P . Prov . G . AV . of Surrey , and Col . Morris , P . M . The brethren separated at an early hour . DURHAM .
SOUTH SHIELDS . — , S 7 . Hilda' .. Lodge ( No . 292 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodgo was hold at Bro . Carman ' s , the Golden Lion , on Monday , the 10 th Oct ., the AV . M . ( Bro . Oliver ) presiding , supported and assisted by Bros . Ridley , Toshach , Tivizell , ( No . 624 ); Tulloch , ( No . 021 ); I-Iinde , S . W . ; ancl Bucklancl , J . AV . After the minutes hacl been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken , when three gentlemen were initiated , one passed , and two raised , into the several degrees . On the motion of Bi-oRidleyP . M . the following resolution was carried unanimously :
. , , — " That this Lodgo do contribute the sum of twenty guineas as a donation to the Girls School , for the daughters of indigent ancl deceased Ereemasons , to constitute tho W . M . a life governor , so long as tho Lodge exists ; and also , the sum of ten guineas to tho Boys School . " A large , handsome , and elaborately engraved set of silver working tools , for the use of the Lodge , enclosed in a beautiful mahogany case , was presented bBroHHcivisonP . M . the present was accompanied ba
y . . , ; y letter from Bro . Howison , expressing his inability to _ attend from ill health , tendering the gift in appropriate and expressive terms for the many kindnesses shown him b y the brethren , more especially while presiding over tliem as AA . M . Bi-o . Toshach , P . M ., proposed , ancl Bro . Ridley , P . M ., seconded , a cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Hewisou , which ivas carried by acclamation . Bro . ___ . D . Cooke , of Kentucky , was present during the evening , and delivered a short address . After several
propositions had been received , the Lodge was closed in duo form . A Lodge of Instruction , in connexion with . St . Hilda ' s Lodge , is held every Thursday evening at eight o'clock , in the Lodge room , Bro . Ridley , P . M ., being the AV . JL ; Bros . Roddiun , SAY- ; ( nil Buchanan , J . AV ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
NOT ELECTED . 13 . Morris , Chas . ( London ) P 57 14 . Pescote , Thomas H . ( Chichester ) 304 15 . Campbell , Alfred C . ( Monmouth ) 201 1 ( 5 . AA ebber , Edward C . ( Lincoln ) 1 G 3 17 . Clatworthy , John M . ( Brixton ) 82 IS . Ash field , Edward T . ( London ) Of )
10 . Davis , John AY ( Loudon ) 15 It will therefore be seen that nine London and throe country boys were elected—the number oE candidates being twelve from London and seven from the country . The friends of candidates should be careful to poll all their strength , and not give away or lend their votes to other candidates under an idea of want of strength , as all votes now carry on to the next election ; and it ivill therefore be seen that with exertion , his
friends are pretty sure to carry the election of Morris on the next occasion . By careful attention to the accumulation of votes from election to election , the friends of almost every candidate will be sure to secure his election within a reasonable time . A vote of thanks to the chairman closed the proceedings . A word to tbe . Secretaries of this and the other Masonic charities . —It is usual for the Secretaries of public institutions to make out a list of
the successful candidates , with the numbers polled , and place it in the hall of the building in which the elect-ion takes place , for the information of all comers . The example might be worth following . [ AVe have received some strange comnimiications relative to the continual disputes between the two masters ; the absence of the head master for tivo or three days at a time ; the want of system in the estib-Hshmenfc , kc , which shall not escape our notice , —ED . " )
. . METKOPOLITAN . EASTERN- STAR LODGE ( NO . 112 ) . —The first meeting of the season ivas held on AVednesday , October 12 th , at the Neiv Globe Tavern , Mile End-road , Bro . H . J . Vousley , AA ' . M ., presided , attended by his Officers , and Bros . W . AY Davis , S . Marriott , and G . Allison , P . Ms . After the business was transacted the brethren adjourned to dinner , ancl in love
and harmony passed __ pleasant evening . There were several visitors , and among them Bro . Maney , AA . M ., No . 201 ; Bro . Emmens , P . M ., No . 201 , aud Bro . It . Motion , P . M ., Xo . GB 3 . AA ' e understand that this Lodge is likely to have another removal , and it is rumoured that it will probably be located at Bro . Painter ' s , in Leadenhall-street ; to western visitors this will be agreeable , as a more pleasant Lodge does not exist . AVELLrxc-Tox LODGE ( NO . S 05 ) . —The monthly meetingand the
, second for the season of this Lodge , was hold on Tuesday evening , October Uth , at the Lord Duncan Tavern , Broadway , Deptford , Bro . AVadeson , AYM ., presided ; assisted by Bro . Oivdeu , S . AV ., and AVelsford , J . W . ; and there was a numerous assemblage of other brethren . ' The lirsfc business of the evening was to o " . umue Bros . Prior and Pearce as to their proficiency iu the first degree , after which they were , in duo form , respectively passed to tho degree of E . C . Messrs . Tee and Smith ( the latter a gentleman of colour ) were introducedand in a most
, impressive manner , admitted to the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . There being no further business , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren , numbering between thirty aud forty , retired to refreshment ; after which the usual toasts , both loyal and Masonic , were given , and the evening was spent in the moDt complete harmony , the business being brought to a close soon after ten o ' clock .
PROVINCIAL . BUCKINGHAMSHIRE . AVLESBCTRY . —Buckingham Lodge ( No . SGI ) . —At the regular meeting , held on Monday , October 17 th , at the lloyal AVhite Hart Hotel , there ivere present , tiie Ilev . Bro . J . C . A \ harton , Vicar of Bier ton , AV . M . ; Bro . J . How , S . AV . ; J . Grace , J . AV . ; Rev . Bro . Oliver ; the other officers and
brethren . A ballot was taken lor the admission of tho Ilev . AVilliam England , of Boughton , near Newport Pagnel ; Charles Davie lleauebainp , Q . E . ; and George Cavtwright , O . E . ; and these gentlemen being present were initiated into Masonry by the AV . M ., who , iu commemoration of his first performing the rite , presented the Lodge with a pair of columns . The J . W . also presented the Lodge ivith a ballot box . A vote of thanks to each of those reverend brethren was moved by Bro . How , and seconded by Bro . AVilliams , S . D ., duly put and carried with acclamation
. The S . AV . proposed Bro . George States , P . M ., "No . 1 G 6 , as a joining member . Tho Lodge was closed iu love and harmony , and adjourned till January . The brethren dined together , and separated at an early h , nu- . CHESHIRE . JB . RKEXH _ . AD . —Mersey Lodge ( No . 701 ) . —On the ' 13 th instant the regular meeting : of this Lodge was ' held in the Angel Hotel , Birkenhead , when Edward Ernest AYard Kirkby , a young gentleman ( son of the
S . AV . ) who has latterly distinguished himself at Cambridge , was initiated by the AV . M ., Bro . J . Griffith . After the usual business had been transacted the Lodgo was called to refreshment , provided by Bro . Morton . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were then drunk , including that of Bro . Samuel Moss , V . AV . P . Prov . J . G . AV . of Gloucestershire and Cheshire , accompanied with the following memorandum , which was ordered to be inserted on the minutes , and a copy thereof inscribed on vellum presented to Bro . Moss : — "A portrait of our respected TreasurerBvo
, . Samuel Moss , V . W . P . Prov . J . G . AA ., & c ., in the costume ofthe rank he so deservedly holds in the Craft , ancl the expense thereof defrayed by a general subscription among the members of the Lodge . Resolved , That the same be framed and placed in the Lodge room as a continued memento of the truly fraternal esteem and regard in which Bro . Moss is held by every member of the Lodge for the devotion manifested by him in promoting its welfaremore especiallfor the careattentionand
, y , , ability with which he has uniformly managed the funds of the same during the last fourteen years . The Lodge at the same time desires to record its high appreciation of the merits of Bro . Moss as a distinguished JIason ; its grateful and fraternal regard for him as a brother ; and its sincere and heartfelt wishes that it may please the G . A . O . T . U . to bless his declining years With health ancl happiness—the sure concomitants of a well spent life . " .
\ DEVONSHIRE . STONEHOUSE . —Lodge of Sincerity ( No . 224 ) . —At a regular meeting held pursuant to notices , at St . George ' s Hall , East Stonehouse , on Monday , Oct . the 10 th , at seven o ' clock , r . ir ., present , Bros . R . R . Rood , AA . M ., in the chair : Lord Graves , S . AA " . ; JEev . G . Knowling , J . D . ; Tripe , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . D ., Treas .: Spenee Ball , See .: Ridley , S . D . ; Rae , J . D . ; Benton , acting I . G . ; Hunt , P . M . ; Cole , P . M . ; Dowse , P . M . ; Tincoll j
Cater ; Walker ; liJadri ; and visiting brethren—Gibson , No . 270 ; Owen , No . 2 SS ; Watson ; Vowel , No . 72 S , Irish Constitution ; Samuels , No . 270 , the Lodge being opened , the minutes of the preceding meeting were confirmed in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee of General Purposes . The bill for a perfect ashlar was ordered to be paid and a donation of £ 1 was voted towards the fund now raising to support the publication ofthe Freemason ! , ' Magazine . Mr . John AVintherbotham Batten was then balloted forand having been elected was introduced
, and initiated into the mysterious secrets of Freemasonry . The working tools were explained by the J . AV . The charge was given by Bro . Tripe , and the lecture on the tracing board by the AA . M . Several brethren were then proposed as joining members , and Mr . J . AV . Raines as a candidate for Masonry . The Lodge was closed in peace ancl harmony at a quarter past nine o ' clock .
TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge tfSo . 1012 ) . —The annual dinner of this Lodge was holden at the Seven Stars Hotel , on the 7 th instant . There was a goodly attendance of the brethren and visitors to witness the ceremony of the installation of Bro . Thos . Hunt Edmonds as AVorshipful Master for the ensuing year . Bro . Edmonds was presented by Bro . J . J . Blake , P . Prov . G . AV . of Surrey , and the ceremony of installation was performed in masterly style by Bro . Henry Bridges , P . M ., who also hacl previously initiated Mr . John Heath , jun . The folloiving are the 7
officers for the present year : —Bros . T . H . Edmonds , AA . M . ; J . Powning , S . AV . ; J . Slattev . J . AV . ; S . ]_' . Shairp , Treas . ; T . Lidstone , See . ; Rev , Spear Cole , Chaplain ; AV . II . AVatson , S . D . ; J . Heath , J . D . ; H . Bartlett , I . G . ; J . Phillimore , B . O . L . ; I . Marks , Steward , and J . Thomas , Tyler . All business being done , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The health of "The Visitors" was drunk and responded to by Bros . J . J . Blake , P . Prov . G . AV . of Surrey , and Col . Morris , P . M . The brethren separated at an early hour . DURHAM .
SOUTH SHIELDS . — , S 7 . Hilda' .. Lodge ( No . 292 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodgo was hold at Bro . Carman ' s , the Golden Lion , on Monday , the 10 th Oct ., the AV . M . ( Bro . Oliver ) presiding , supported and assisted by Bros . Ridley , Toshach , Tivizell , ( No . 624 ); Tulloch , ( No . 021 ); I-Iinde , S . W . ; ancl Bucklancl , J . AV . After the minutes hacl been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken , when three gentlemen were initiated , one passed , and two raised , into the several degrees . On the motion of Bi-oRidleyP . M . the following resolution was carried unanimously :
. , , — " That this Lodgo do contribute the sum of twenty guineas as a donation to the Girls School , for the daughters of indigent ancl deceased Ereemasons , to constitute tho W . M . a life governor , so long as tho Lodge exists ; and also , the sum of ten guineas to tho Boys School . " A large , handsome , and elaborately engraved set of silver working tools , for the use of the Lodge , enclosed in a beautiful mahogany case , was presented bBroHHcivisonP . M . the present was accompanied ba
y . . , ; y letter from Bro . Howison , expressing his inability to _ attend from ill health , tendering the gift in appropriate and expressive terms for the many kindnesses shown him b y the brethren , more especially while presiding over tliem as AA . M . Bi-o . Toshach , P . M ., proposed , ancl Bro . Ridley , P . M ., seconded , a cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Hewisou , which ivas carried by acclamation . Bro . ___ . D . Cooke , of Kentucky , was present during the evening , and delivered a short address . After several
propositions had been received , the Lodge was closed in duo form . A Lodge of Instruction , in connexion with . St . Hilda ' s Lodge , is held every Thursday evening at eight o'clock , in the Lodge room , Bro . Ridley , P . M ., being the AV . JL ; Bros . Roddiun , SAY- ; ( nil Buchanan , J . AV ,