Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
appear to be imbued with a true love of Masonry . Only the strongest confidence in my brethren of '" ' the mystic tio " could have induced me to make my wants known through r . n advertisement . I am living in a pretty , though sequestered , part of England , where there arc no eligible young ladies-I have , therefore , ventured to apply to my brethren in Masonry , to whom I have never applied in vain , many of
whom , doubtless , possess charming and accomplished younglady relatives , ivho would not , perhaps , object to share the joys and the sorrows of a rural parsonage . —L . T . " A Benedict writes , " I exceedingly regret that any brother ( more particularly a Reverend one ) should resort to the advertising columns as a means to obtain a wife . Surely the sweet relationship that should exist between man
and wife is too sacred a subject for an advertisement , like the sale broad acres or of fat oxen . I would ask any sensible man what respect he could possibly feel for such a woman ivho is so lost to delicacy to answer such an advertisement . I suppose the next thing we shall have , will be Paterfamilias advertising his daughters for marriage , and expatiating on their various charms in
not over chaste language . In conclusion , Mr . Editor , I Avould say that auy man who is unable to obtain a Avife without such means is by far better without one . —Nottingham . March 18 , 1861 . "
INSTALLATION OP S . G . M . OP KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . At the present time , with the installation of the new Supreme Grand Master of Knights Templar in prospect , it would be very acceptable to us , and many of your K . T . ' readers , if you can inform us what is the mode of proceeding , . in such events amongst the Chivalric Order of the Temple ? —H . H ., AV . H . M ., and T . J . T . —[ In the Manual of the Knights of the Order of the Temple , p . 63 , chap . 4 , Avhich treats " Of the Grand Master , " it states as follows : —
Art . 26 . The Grand Master holds the government of the Order ; therefore he alone has the supreme authority , and plenitude of chief power over the whole Order . 27 . The Grand Master watches over the preservation of tlie rights and privileges of the Order in general , and of each Knight in particular . 28 . The Grand Master is elected for life . 29 . The Grand Master is elected in the General Convent , from
among all the knights , professing the Apostolic Catholic Religion , see theArchet . andLevit . Hit . ( but excepting the , Primate , General Coadjutors , Coadjutors , and Chaplains ) as often as an Heir-Successor , a Magisterial Prince , shall not be appointed . 30 . The election of Grand Master takes place as follows : — The General Convent proposes five knights as candidates . Among the five candidates , three are designated ? by the Statutary Committees .
31 . AVhen the Statutary Committees , assembled in private conclave at the Magisterial Palace , have elected three among the five candidates , proposed by the General Convent ( the General Convent still continuing its sittings ) the Regent , his Privy Council , the Princes , the Primate , and his General Coadjutors , and nine Ministers , according to profession , the most ancient knights , be they endowed or not with dignities , titles , and benefices , immediately assemble in Grand Privy Council ; during which , they vote by ballot and
absolute plurality for the election of Grand Alaster . The Grand Master is elected from those candidates who have been presented by the Statutary Committees . If the votes given by these shall not show an absolute majority , the votes shall be taken a third time , between both of those candidates who shall be designated by most , votes in the preceding scrutiny . But if , in this third case , the votes are equal , that candidate who was first consecrated a Kni ght of the Order of the Temple is proclaimed Grand Master , which is forthwith announced to the General Convent .
32 . The Inthroning of the Grand Master takes place as follows : — The Ministers of the Order , the Grand Bailiff , the Grand Governor , the Grand Standard-Bearer , the Grand Chamberlain , the Grand Masters of Solemn Bites , go out into the Ante-cbarnber of tlie Profession , and conduct the Grand Master , elect , into the Temple to the seat of supplication . The acts of election are read by the Magisterial Secretary . Having accepted the officethe Grand Master elect kneels down
, . The Primate , with his General Coadjutors assisting , recites the 65 th Psalm . Prosperity to the Prince elect is implored . He blesses him , saying : "May the blessing of the Father , A an d of the Son , ig * and of the Hol y > J < Spirit descend and rest upon thee for ever . Amen . " *
He then lays his hands upon him , saying : " Receive the Holy Sp ' rii ; whose -soever sins thou reayest remit , they shall be remitted ; and wh ^ se-soever thou mayest retain , they shall be retained . " ( Which imposition is omitted , if a Prince shall be elected already endowed with it . ) He consecrates him with the holy oil , on the head , saying : " Be thine head anointed , and consecrated with the celestial ' benediction IN THE PATRIARCHIAL-APOSTOLIC ORDER ; in the Name of the Father > J < and of the Sont ^ and of the Hol >|<
, , y Spirit . Amen . Peace be with thee . Amen . " ( Which consecration is omitted , if a Prince shall be elected already endowed with it :. but he is proclaimed patriarch . ) Afterwards the Primate prays , saying : " 0 Christ , who hast anointed this PATRIARCH with holy oil , wherewith PRIESTS and PONTIFFS have been anointed faithful keepers , preservers , and defenders of thy most holy Church , anoint him with the holy oil
wherewith thou hast anointed kings and princes , who by faith have conquered kingdoms , have wrought righteousness , have obtained the promises . Pour out thy most holy unction upon his head , let it descend even to his inward parts , and penetrate the interior of his heart , and by thy grace may he be made worthy of the promises which most religions Icings and princes have obtained , that he may not only reign happily in the present age , but that he may come into their fellowship in the heavenly kingdom : through Christ our-Lord . Ainen . "
The prayer oemg ended , he anoints him on the head , breast , back , shoulder-blades , and arms , saying -. " I anoint thee a PRINCE with sacred oil ; in the name of the Father , » J < and of the Son , » J « f and of the Holy > Ji Spirit . Amen . " Lastly , anointing his palms , he says : "May these hands be anointed with the oil of sanctification , wherewith kings and prophetshave been anointed ; and as Samuel anointed David a king and . prophetso be thou blessed and constituted a PRINCE IN THE
KING-, DOM OF CHRIST ; EVANGELIZING throughout all the whole globe which thy Lord has given thee to rule with PATRIARCHAL-APOSTOLICAL AUTHORITY AND MAGISTERIAL POWER . May thy right hand be terrible ij < with the sacred sword ; may the other be powerful with the Holy > J « Cross . | AVhich may He deign to grant who lives and reigns , ivorld without end . Amen . '*' AVhich being done , he pays reverence with frankincense to the Graml Ivlrtsteiconsecrated PontiffTlictlie Wok of the
" . » Evangelists , the Rules of the Holy Father Bernard , the Charter of Transmission , the Statutes , the Relics of the Martyrs , and the Sword are brought , upon which the consecrated Grand Master thus swears :-" I , IS " . . . . AVILL , SAY , AND SWEAR , to hold the reins of government of the Militia of the Temple with paternal love ; to defend the Holy Cross ; to observe and order to be fulfilled , the Rules of the H . F . Bernardthe Charter of Transmissionand the several .
, , Statutes , Rules , Laws , and Decrees of the Order ; and to expend my strength and life for the honour , defence , and safety of every Brother of the Order . " Forthwith , the consecrated Grand Master is invested , by the Primate , with the Patriarchal Ornaments and Magisterial Insignia ,.
according to the Ritual of the books ( excepting the Sword , Stali " , Tiara , and Diadem ) . The Regent , Deputy-Grand Masters , and Princes , descend from their seats . They approach the seat of supplication . They con jointly place the Tiara , encompassed with a Diadem , on the Grand-Master newly consecrated , and co-arm his right hand with the-Sword of the most glorious Alaster , JACQUES the Martyr ( to whom be honour and but the other with the The
glory ) , Cross . Regent says : " To " the greater Glory of God the Father , > J < and the Son , ? J * and the Holy > J < Spirit ; in the name of the Most Illustrious and Most Holy Masters , our Fathers ,. Saint John the Apostle , aud Saint John the Baptist , and by command of the Order : Accept , Most Holy Father , the plenitude of Patriarchal-Apostolical Power ancl Magisterial Authority over the whole Militia of the Order of the Temple , as from the order all
our Fathers , Most Holy Masters , have held , or ought to have held , hitherto invested with the Grand Mastership ( to whom be honour and glory ) . Amen . May you live , 0 Father , and reign , in peace , and in the faith of Him who lives and reigns for ever and ever . Amen . " The Regent , Deputy Grand Masters and Princes , conduct the-Grand Alaster to the tiirone . The Grand Master being enthroned , he is proclaimed by the
Primate , according to the Ritual of the Books . Immediately the Grand Marshal , and the Grand Admiral , take care to announce the enthroning . The usual blast of the Trumpet of the Order is sounded , and the Grand Master is saluted with the arms of the knights , with the Standard , and with the Banner of AA ' ar . S 3 . After the enthroning , tho doors are thrown open , permission to enter is given to the Noviciate _ Esquires , to the Canonesses , to the inferior , serving , and other " faithful brethren of the Order .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
appear to be imbued with a true love of Masonry . Only the strongest confidence in my brethren of '" ' the mystic tio " could have induced me to make my wants known through r . n advertisement . I am living in a pretty , though sequestered , part of England , where there arc no eligible young ladies-I have , therefore , ventured to apply to my brethren in Masonry , to whom I have never applied in vain , many of
whom , doubtless , possess charming and accomplished younglady relatives , ivho would not , perhaps , object to share the joys and the sorrows of a rural parsonage . —L . T . " A Benedict writes , " I exceedingly regret that any brother ( more particularly a Reverend one ) should resort to the advertising columns as a means to obtain a wife . Surely the sweet relationship that should exist between man
and wife is too sacred a subject for an advertisement , like the sale broad acres or of fat oxen . I would ask any sensible man what respect he could possibly feel for such a woman ivho is so lost to delicacy to answer such an advertisement . I suppose the next thing we shall have , will be Paterfamilias advertising his daughters for marriage , and expatiating on their various charms in
not over chaste language . In conclusion , Mr . Editor , I Avould say that auy man who is unable to obtain a Avife without such means is by far better without one . —Nottingham . March 18 , 1861 . "
INSTALLATION OP S . G . M . OP KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . At the present time , with the installation of the new Supreme Grand Master of Knights Templar in prospect , it would be very acceptable to us , and many of your K . T . ' readers , if you can inform us what is the mode of proceeding , . in such events amongst the Chivalric Order of the Temple ? —H . H ., AV . H . M ., and T . J . T . —[ In the Manual of the Knights of the Order of the Temple , p . 63 , chap . 4 , Avhich treats " Of the Grand Master , " it states as follows : —
Art . 26 . The Grand Master holds the government of the Order ; therefore he alone has the supreme authority , and plenitude of chief power over the whole Order . 27 . The Grand Master watches over the preservation of tlie rights and privileges of the Order in general , and of each Knight in particular . 28 . The Grand Master is elected for life . 29 . The Grand Master is elected in the General Convent , from
among all the knights , professing the Apostolic Catholic Religion , see theArchet . andLevit . Hit . ( but excepting the , Primate , General Coadjutors , Coadjutors , and Chaplains ) as often as an Heir-Successor , a Magisterial Prince , shall not be appointed . 30 . The election of Grand Master takes place as follows : — The General Convent proposes five knights as candidates . Among the five candidates , three are designated ? by the Statutary Committees .
31 . AVhen the Statutary Committees , assembled in private conclave at the Magisterial Palace , have elected three among the five candidates , proposed by the General Convent ( the General Convent still continuing its sittings ) the Regent , his Privy Council , the Princes , the Primate , and his General Coadjutors , and nine Ministers , according to profession , the most ancient knights , be they endowed or not with dignities , titles , and benefices , immediately assemble in Grand Privy Council ; during which , they vote by ballot and
absolute plurality for the election of Grand Alaster . The Grand Master is elected from those candidates who have been presented by the Statutary Committees . If the votes given by these shall not show an absolute majority , the votes shall be taken a third time , between both of those candidates who shall be designated by most , votes in the preceding scrutiny . But if , in this third case , the votes are equal , that candidate who was first consecrated a Kni ght of the Order of the Temple is proclaimed Grand Master , which is forthwith announced to the General Convent .
32 . The Inthroning of the Grand Master takes place as follows : — The Ministers of the Order , the Grand Bailiff , the Grand Governor , the Grand Standard-Bearer , the Grand Chamberlain , the Grand Masters of Solemn Bites , go out into the Ante-cbarnber of tlie Profession , and conduct the Grand Master , elect , into the Temple to the seat of supplication . The acts of election are read by the Magisterial Secretary . Having accepted the officethe Grand Master elect kneels down
, . The Primate , with his General Coadjutors assisting , recites the 65 th Psalm . Prosperity to the Prince elect is implored . He blesses him , saying : "May the blessing of the Father , A an d of the Son , ig * and of the Hol y > J < Spirit descend and rest upon thee for ever . Amen . " *
He then lays his hands upon him , saying : " Receive the Holy Sp ' rii ; whose -soever sins thou reayest remit , they shall be remitted ; and wh ^ se-soever thou mayest retain , they shall be retained . " ( Which imposition is omitted , if a Prince shall be elected already endowed with it . ) He consecrates him with the holy oil , on the head , saying : " Be thine head anointed , and consecrated with the celestial ' benediction IN THE PATRIARCHIAL-APOSTOLIC ORDER ; in the Name of the Father > J < and of the Sont ^ and of the Hol >|<
, , y Spirit . Amen . Peace be with thee . Amen . " ( Which consecration is omitted , if a Prince shall be elected already endowed with it :. but he is proclaimed patriarch . ) Afterwards the Primate prays , saying : " 0 Christ , who hast anointed this PATRIARCH with holy oil , wherewith PRIESTS and PONTIFFS have been anointed faithful keepers , preservers , and defenders of thy most holy Church , anoint him with the holy oil
wherewith thou hast anointed kings and princes , who by faith have conquered kingdoms , have wrought righteousness , have obtained the promises . Pour out thy most holy unction upon his head , let it descend even to his inward parts , and penetrate the interior of his heart , and by thy grace may he be made worthy of the promises which most religions Icings and princes have obtained , that he may not only reign happily in the present age , but that he may come into their fellowship in the heavenly kingdom : through Christ our-Lord . Ainen . "
The prayer oemg ended , he anoints him on the head , breast , back , shoulder-blades , and arms , saying -. " I anoint thee a PRINCE with sacred oil ; in the name of the Father , » J < and of the Son , » J « f and of the Holy > Ji Spirit . Amen . " Lastly , anointing his palms , he says : "May these hands be anointed with the oil of sanctification , wherewith kings and prophetshave been anointed ; and as Samuel anointed David a king and . prophetso be thou blessed and constituted a PRINCE IN THE
KING-, DOM OF CHRIST ; EVANGELIZING throughout all the whole globe which thy Lord has given thee to rule with PATRIARCHAL-APOSTOLICAL AUTHORITY AND MAGISTERIAL POWER . May thy right hand be terrible ij < with the sacred sword ; may the other be powerful with the Holy > J « Cross . | AVhich may He deign to grant who lives and reigns , ivorld without end . Amen . '*' AVhich being done , he pays reverence with frankincense to the Graml Ivlrtsteiconsecrated PontiffTlictlie Wok of the
" . » Evangelists , the Rules of the Holy Father Bernard , the Charter of Transmission , the Statutes , the Relics of the Martyrs , and the Sword are brought , upon which the consecrated Grand Master thus swears :-" I , IS " . . . . AVILL , SAY , AND SWEAR , to hold the reins of government of the Militia of the Temple with paternal love ; to defend the Holy Cross ; to observe and order to be fulfilled , the Rules of the H . F . Bernardthe Charter of Transmissionand the several .
, , Statutes , Rules , Laws , and Decrees of the Order ; and to expend my strength and life for the honour , defence , and safety of every Brother of the Order . " Forthwith , the consecrated Grand Master is invested , by the Primate , with the Patriarchal Ornaments and Magisterial Insignia ,.
according to the Ritual of the books ( excepting the Sword , Stali " , Tiara , and Diadem ) . The Regent , Deputy-Grand Masters , and Princes , descend from their seats . They approach the seat of supplication . They con jointly place the Tiara , encompassed with a Diadem , on the Grand-Master newly consecrated , and co-arm his right hand with the-Sword of the most glorious Alaster , JACQUES the Martyr ( to whom be honour and but the other with the The
glory ) , Cross . Regent says : " To " the greater Glory of God the Father , > J < and the Son , ? J * and the Holy > J < Spirit ; in the name of the Most Illustrious and Most Holy Masters , our Fathers ,. Saint John the Apostle , aud Saint John the Baptist , and by command of the Order : Accept , Most Holy Father , the plenitude of Patriarchal-Apostolical Power ancl Magisterial Authority over the whole Militia of the Order of the Temple , as from the order all
our Fathers , Most Holy Masters , have held , or ought to have held , hitherto invested with the Grand Mastership ( to whom be honour and glory ) . Amen . May you live , 0 Father , and reign , in peace , and in the faith of Him who lives and reigns for ever and ever . Amen . " The Regent , Deputy Grand Masters and Princes , conduct the-Grand Alaster to the tiirone . The Grand Master being enthroned , he is proclaimed by the
Primate , according to the Ritual of the Books . Immediately the Grand Marshal , and the Grand Admiral , take care to announce the enthroning . The usual blast of the Trumpet of the Order is sounded , and the Grand Master is saluted with the arms of the knights , with the Standard , and with the Banner of AA ' ar . S 3 . After the enthroning , tho doors are thrown open , permission to enter is given to the Noviciate _ Esquires , to the Canonesses , to the inferior , serving , and other " faithful brethren of the Order .