Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 5 of 5 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 2 →
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of the Prov . S . G . AV ., Bro . C . T . Townsend was coupled with the toast . ( Drunk with all honours . ) The PROA ' . S . G . AVARDEN briefly acknowledged the compliment . Next followed the toast of " The Provincial Grand Chaplain , Bro . Sanderson , " with thanks to him for his excellent sermon . ( Loud applause . ) Bro . R . IS " . SANDERSON , in returning thanks , said , the present
flourishing condition of Masonry iu their province was a great cause of congratulation . And in whatever part of the province they might be , let them do their duty and bind themselves harmoniously together , without whicli , Masonry was but a rope of sand . ( Hear . ) Next followed , from the chair , the toast of " The Past Provincial Grand Officers , " uniting with the compliment the name of Bro . Pitcher . ( Masonic honours . )
Bro . PITCHER made a suitable reply . Bro . Bowles then sung his much admired Masonic song , called the "Five Points , " composed by Bro . T . G . Cresy , of Aideburgh , and set to music by Bro . Bowles . The song is dedicated to the Prov . G . M . Tbe R . AV . the PROV . G . MASTER again rose and proposed "The Worshipful Masters of the various lodges in the province , " uniting with the toast the name of the AV . M . of tbe youngest
lodge , Bro . AA . Lucia , of the Royal Edmund Lodge , Bury . { Masonic honours . ) Bro . LUCIA replied . The health of the Treasurer , Bro . Spencer Freeman , followed from the chair , the Prov . G . M . paying a high compliment to the brother holding that important and responsible position . ( The toast was drunk with all honour . ) Bro . SPENCER FREEMAN said he should ever endeavour to
discharge his duties to the best of his ability , and he trusted to the satisfaction ofthe Prov . G . M . aud all his Masonic brethren . ( Applause . ) Bro . GiSSiNG , Acting D . Prov . G . M ., replied to the toast of the W . M . ' s of lodges , urging the brethren to assist Bro . Binckes , in carrying out his intentions with regard to the Boys' School by subscribing liberally . Bros . J . TRACY and HENRY LUTE also offered some few
remarks on the subject . The R . AV . MASTER said as he had commenced the proceedings of the evening by drinking the health of tbe first lady in the land , so he would conclude by giving them the health of the ladies , on whose A _ eY _\__ he woubl asilc Bro . '__ . &<_ to respond . ( Drunk with all honours . ) The toast having been duly responded to , the Tyler's toast Tirought the proceedings to a close , and the Prov . G . M ., on leaving the room , was loudly cheered .
SOMERSETSHIRE . KEYNSHAM . —Eoyal Albert Edmard Lodge ( No . 908 ) . —On Wednesday , the 13 th inst ., Bro . C . Beckett was installed as W . M . of this lodge , at the Lamb Hotel , when a large number of brethren from Bath , Bristol , & c , assembled on the occasion , including Bro . H . Bridges , D . Prov . G . M . of Somerset , ancl several P . M . ' s of Somerset and adjoining provinces . After ' the officers had been invested , a very handsome jewel , accompanied
with an illuminated address elegantly framed , was presented by the memhers of the lodge to Bro . Monti-ie , P . M ., for his untiring exertions informing the lodge of which he was the first W . M ., after which about 30 brethren sat down to a most excellent dinner . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk and duly responded to , and the evening was enlivened by some suitable songs , glees , & c , by Bros . Pyne , Drayton , Reeves , and Watts , after which the company parted highly delighted with the evening ' s entertainment .
SURREY . REIGATE . —/ Surrey Lodge ( No . 416 . )—This lodge held its installation meeting at the Public Hall Lodge Room , on Saturday , 16 th July . Present—Bros . AV . Caruthers , AV . M . ; C . J . Smith , S . AV . ; A . Sisson , J . W . ; J . Lees , Morrison , Holman , P . M . 's ; W . T . Sargant , S . D . ; A . Kelsey , J . D . ; AV . Last ,. I . G . ; and other brethren . Visitors . Bros . J . Bradford , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . AV . HobbsP . M . 301 Christopher AVrenS . D . 315 G
; , ; , ; . Hough 473 ; La Touche , P . M . 54 ; E . Drewett , AV . M . 777 ; AV . Ross , S . AA' . 777 . The lodge being duly opened , the minutes of the previous lodge were read and confirmed . The lodge was subsequently opened in the third degree , when Bro . Henry Steed was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . Bro . C . J .
Smith , AV . M . elect , was then presented by Bro . Lees , acting as I . P . M ., and in a most able and impressive manner installed in the chair of K . S ., by Bro . J . Lewellyn Evans , P . M ., President of the Board of General Purposes . Having received the congratulations of the brethren and the usual salutes , the AV . M . appointed bis officers as follows : —La ' mson , S . AA' . ; Sargant , J . AV . ; Thomson , S . D . ; Foot , J . D . ; Last , I . G . Other Masonic business having been transacted , the brethren adjourned to
banquet , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given by the W . M ., and heartily responded to . The Tyler ' s toast closed a most agreeable meeting , and also one fraught with the best feelings in connection with the Craft and the Surrey Lodge in particular . The W . M . informed the brethren that , ou Saturday , the 23 rd inst ., the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Dobie , would hold bis lodge at Reigate , when the presence of Surrey brethren was especially requested ; and , as the reception of the
Provincial Grand Lodge was given to the Surrey Lodge , he felt the brethren of that lodge would do everything to promote the comfort and hospitality of their brethren at the meeting , to whom they offered a hearty welcome .
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) GARSTON . —Chapter of Harmony { Bo . 220 . )—This chapter was opened on Thursday , July 14 th , by P . M . E . Z . C . J . Banister , P . G . Dir . of Cers ., as Z . j P . M . E . Z . AV . J . May , H . ; P . M . E . Z . J . Hamer , as J . The " minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . George De la Parelle , of Lodge 249 , was exalted to the H . R . A . degree by the Acting 1 st Principal .
P . M . E . Z . Comp . James Hamer , delivered the first historical and tho mystic lectures ;"; P . M . E . Z . Comp . AV . J . May , the symbolic lecture . This being the night to elect the officers Comp . May , was elected 1 st Principal ; Comp . Pierpoint , 2 nd ; and Comp . C . Leedham , 3 rd ; Comp . Rev . J . Dunkley , P . S . ; Comp . Pearson , S . E . ; Comp . Urn ton , S . N . ; and P . M . E . Z . John Pepper , elected as Treasurer . Two candidates were proposed for exaltation . Several sums were voted for widows , and notice of motion was
given that Comp . May would , at the next meeting , propose that this chapter give a donation of £ 10 to the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows . Business over , the chapter was closed in solemn form .
Knights Templar.
WOOLAVICH . KEMEYS TYNTE ENCAMPMENT . —The last meeting of the season took place at the Freemasons' Hall , Woolwich , ou Friday , the 15 th of July . The fraters present were Sir Knt . E . J . Eraser , E . C . ; J . R . Thomson , 1 st . Gen . ; Col . Clerk , P . E . C . as 2 nd Gen . ; Capt . McLaughlin , Expert ; the V . H . and E . ProvGComDrHinxmanTreas . P . LairdSec . ; Capt .
. . . . , ; , Boyle , P . E . C . ; W . Smith , C . E ., P . E . C ; Matthew Cooke , G . Org . to G . Conclave of K . T . and several other Knts . The business was of a purely administrative character , aud after it was disposed of the Sir Knts . dined together , and passed one of their famous rational and pleasant evenings .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
METROPOLITAN . METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OE S . P . R . sJf . —A meeting of this chapter was held at Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , the 12 th . of July , when the following- members and visitors were present—C . J . Vigne , Capt . N . G . Philips , and Bro . Perrier , 33 ° ; Hyde Pullen , Dr . R . II . Goolden , Charles Goolden , J . Gibbs , 32 ° ; Dr . Keddell— Barlow— Sandesand — Blenkinsopp 31 ° ; Lord
, , , , Kenlis , R . Spencer , L . Lemanski , Matthew Cooke , Org . to Sup . G . Cons ., C . II . Cox , G . Lambert , M . H . Shuttle worth , and J . How , 30 ° ; G . Offor , AV . J . Meymott , R . A . Routh , — Strachan , H . J . Thompson , W . A . Roofl'e , F . Binckes , and H . Beddy , 18 ° . The 111 . Bro . Hyde Pullen , 32 ° , the M . AV . S ., performed his share of the work most admirably , and installed Bros . Lieut . Goolden , Handley , and La Mert as S . P ' s . R . iJ .. The S . G . I . G .,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
of the Prov . S . G . AV ., Bro . C . T . Townsend was coupled with the toast . ( Drunk with all honours . ) The PROA ' . S . G . AVARDEN briefly acknowledged the compliment . Next followed the toast of " The Provincial Grand Chaplain , Bro . Sanderson , " with thanks to him for his excellent sermon . ( Loud applause . ) Bro . R . IS " . SANDERSON , in returning thanks , said , the present
flourishing condition of Masonry iu their province was a great cause of congratulation . And in whatever part of the province they might be , let them do their duty and bind themselves harmoniously together , without whicli , Masonry was but a rope of sand . ( Hear . ) Next followed , from the chair , the toast of " The Past Provincial Grand Officers , " uniting with the compliment the name of Bro . Pitcher . ( Masonic honours . )
Bro . PITCHER made a suitable reply . Bro . Bowles then sung his much admired Masonic song , called the "Five Points , " composed by Bro . T . G . Cresy , of Aideburgh , and set to music by Bro . Bowles . The song is dedicated to the Prov . G . M . Tbe R . AV . the PROV . G . MASTER again rose and proposed "The Worshipful Masters of the various lodges in the province , " uniting with the toast the name of the AV . M . of tbe youngest
lodge , Bro . AA . Lucia , of the Royal Edmund Lodge , Bury . { Masonic honours . ) Bro . LUCIA replied . The health of the Treasurer , Bro . Spencer Freeman , followed from the chair , the Prov . G . M . paying a high compliment to the brother holding that important and responsible position . ( The toast was drunk with all honour . ) Bro . SPENCER FREEMAN said he should ever endeavour to
discharge his duties to the best of his ability , and he trusted to the satisfaction ofthe Prov . G . M . aud all his Masonic brethren . ( Applause . ) Bro . GiSSiNG , Acting D . Prov . G . M ., replied to the toast of the W . M . ' s of lodges , urging the brethren to assist Bro . Binckes , in carrying out his intentions with regard to the Boys' School by subscribing liberally . Bros . J . TRACY and HENRY LUTE also offered some few
remarks on the subject . The R . AV . MASTER said as he had commenced the proceedings of the evening by drinking the health of tbe first lady in the land , so he would conclude by giving them the health of the ladies , on whose A _ eY _\__ he woubl asilc Bro . '__ . &<_ to respond . ( Drunk with all honours . ) The toast having been duly responded to , the Tyler's toast Tirought the proceedings to a close , and the Prov . G . M ., on leaving the room , was loudly cheered .
SOMERSETSHIRE . KEYNSHAM . —Eoyal Albert Edmard Lodge ( No . 908 ) . —On Wednesday , the 13 th inst ., Bro . C . Beckett was installed as W . M . of this lodge , at the Lamb Hotel , when a large number of brethren from Bath , Bristol , & c , assembled on the occasion , including Bro . H . Bridges , D . Prov . G . M . of Somerset , ancl several P . M . ' s of Somerset and adjoining provinces . After ' the officers had been invested , a very handsome jewel , accompanied
with an illuminated address elegantly framed , was presented by the memhers of the lodge to Bro . Monti-ie , P . M ., for his untiring exertions informing the lodge of which he was the first W . M ., after which about 30 brethren sat down to a most excellent dinner . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk and duly responded to , and the evening was enlivened by some suitable songs , glees , & c , by Bros . Pyne , Drayton , Reeves , and Watts , after which the company parted highly delighted with the evening ' s entertainment .
SURREY . REIGATE . —/ Surrey Lodge ( No . 416 . )—This lodge held its installation meeting at the Public Hall Lodge Room , on Saturday , 16 th July . Present—Bros . AV . Caruthers , AV . M . ; C . J . Smith , S . AV . ; A . Sisson , J . W . ; J . Lees , Morrison , Holman , P . M . 's ; W . T . Sargant , S . D . ; A . Kelsey , J . D . ; AV . Last ,. I . G . ; and other brethren . Visitors . Bros . J . Bradford , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . AV . HobbsP . M . 301 Christopher AVrenS . D . 315 G
; , ; , ; . Hough 473 ; La Touche , P . M . 54 ; E . Drewett , AV . M . 777 ; AV . Ross , S . AA' . 777 . The lodge being duly opened , the minutes of the previous lodge were read and confirmed . The lodge was subsequently opened in the third degree , when Bro . Henry Steed was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . Bro . C . J .
Smith , AV . M . elect , was then presented by Bro . Lees , acting as I . P . M ., and in a most able and impressive manner installed in the chair of K . S ., by Bro . J . Lewellyn Evans , P . M ., President of the Board of General Purposes . Having received the congratulations of the brethren and the usual salutes , the AV . M . appointed bis officers as follows : —La ' mson , S . AA' . ; Sargant , J . AV . ; Thomson , S . D . ; Foot , J . D . ; Last , I . G . Other Masonic business having been transacted , the brethren adjourned to
banquet , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given by the W . M ., and heartily responded to . The Tyler ' s toast closed a most agreeable meeting , and also one fraught with the best feelings in connection with the Craft and the Surrey Lodge in particular . The W . M . informed the brethren that , ou Saturday , the 23 rd inst ., the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Dobie , would hold bis lodge at Reigate , when the presence of Surrey brethren was especially requested ; and , as the reception of the
Provincial Grand Lodge was given to the Surrey Lodge , he felt the brethren of that lodge would do everything to promote the comfort and hospitality of their brethren at the meeting , to whom they offered a hearty welcome .
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) GARSTON . —Chapter of Harmony { Bo . 220 . )—This chapter was opened on Thursday , July 14 th , by P . M . E . Z . C . J . Banister , P . G . Dir . of Cers ., as Z . j P . M . E . Z . AV . J . May , H . ; P . M . E . Z . J . Hamer , as J . The " minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . George De la Parelle , of Lodge 249 , was exalted to the H . R . A . degree by the Acting 1 st Principal .
P . M . E . Z . Comp . James Hamer , delivered the first historical and tho mystic lectures ;"; P . M . E . Z . Comp . AV . J . May , the symbolic lecture . This being the night to elect the officers Comp . May , was elected 1 st Principal ; Comp . Pierpoint , 2 nd ; and Comp . C . Leedham , 3 rd ; Comp . Rev . J . Dunkley , P . S . ; Comp . Pearson , S . E . ; Comp . Urn ton , S . N . ; and P . M . E . Z . John Pepper , elected as Treasurer . Two candidates were proposed for exaltation . Several sums were voted for widows , and notice of motion was
given that Comp . May would , at the next meeting , propose that this chapter give a donation of £ 10 to the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows . Business over , the chapter was closed in solemn form .
Knights Templar.
WOOLAVICH . KEMEYS TYNTE ENCAMPMENT . —The last meeting of the season took place at the Freemasons' Hall , Woolwich , ou Friday , the 15 th of July . The fraters present were Sir Knt . E . J . Eraser , E . C . ; J . R . Thomson , 1 st . Gen . ; Col . Clerk , P . E . C . as 2 nd Gen . ; Capt . McLaughlin , Expert ; the V . H . and E . ProvGComDrHinxmanTreas . P . LairdSec . ; Capt .
. . . . , ; , Boyle , P . E . C . ; W . Smith , C . E ., P . E . C ; Matthew Cooke , G . Org . to G . Conclave of K . T . and several other Knts . The business was of a purely administrative character , aud after it was disposed of the Sir Knts . dined together , and passed one of their famous rational and pleasant evenings .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
METROPOLITAN . METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OE S . P . R . sJf . —A meeting of this chapter was held at Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , the 12 th . of July , when the following- members and visitors were present—C . J . Vigne , Capt . N . G . Philips , and Bro . Perrier , 33 ° ; Hyde Pullen , Dr . R . II . Goolden , Charles Goolden , J . Gibbs , 32 ° ; Dr . Keddell— Barlow— Sandesand — Blenkinsopp 31 ° ; Lord
, , , , Kenlis , R . Spencer , L . Lemanski , Matthew Cooke , Org . to Sup . G . Cons ., C . II . Cox , G . Lambert , M . H . Shuttle worth , and J . How , 30 ° ; G . Offor , AV . J . Meymott , R . A . Routh , — Strachan , H . J . Thompson , W . A . Roofl'e , F . Binckes , and H . Beddy , 18 ° . The 111 . Bro . Hyde Pullen , 32 ° , the M . AV . S ., performed his share of the work most admirably , and installed Bros . Lieut . Goolden , Handley , and La Mert as S . P ' s . R . iJ .. The S . G . I . G .,