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returned thanks . In the sister city the Masons were probably , he said , more numerous than in Quebec , but there was a want of that unity and enthusiasm ivhich were evident here . He desired to see the Craft in Montreal follow out the excellent example set them this clay by Quebec Masons . He trusted that the good feeling ancl fellowship which now subsisted between the two cities would always continue , and that the Grand Lodge of this district and
the Grand Lodge of Canada would ever continue to work harmoniously together . Both Grand Lodges hacl a common object , fellowship to mankind , and prosperity to Masonry . He hoped that , ere many years rolled over , tbe Montreal Masons would be able to reciprocate the compliment paid them to-day , by inviting their Quebec brethren to do a similar duty in Montreal . Bro . G . H . MAOAUEAT , of Shawenigan Lodge ( Canada Register ) Three Elvers , also [ returned thanks . In the city he came from ,
the brethren hacl learned to appreciate the benefits of Freemasonry , and nothing could produce a better effect on their minds than the splendid display this day made by the Masons of Quebec . The fraternity in Three Rivers wished to live on the square with all , but more especially with the Masons of Quebec . The GRAND TREASURER pro-tem , Bro . James Gillespie , with permission of the G . M ., proposed "The Health of Bro . Kennedy , " Commander of the Great Easternwhose absence he regretted this
, evening . He was confident that if the departure of the great ship could have been delayed , Bro . Kennedy woidd only have been too glad to attend this festival , and bring many with him . The toast was drank amid cheers . M . W . Bro . HAEINGTON proposed "The Health ofthe Grand Lodge of Scotland . " Bro . J . S . BOWEN , P . M . of St . Andrew ' s Lodge ( 356 ) , Eeg . of Scotlandacknowledged the honourj
, , . Bro . HAMBURGHER , from Germany , also returned thinks , stating that the lodge in which he had been made a Mason , was under the registry of Scotland , and he was pleased while visiting Quebec , to have this opportunity of enjoying the company of so many of the brethren .
Bro . J . SHAW , S . G . W ., proposed as the next toast , " Masons ' Wives and Masons' Bairns . " Bro . LADD , proposed as a toast , " The City of Quebec . May her prosperity keep pace with that of Montreal . " The G . M , then called the brethren to order , and shortly before midnight , closed the Grand Lodge . The festivities were , however , prolonged to a later hour , several volunteer toasts being drunk and it was almost two o'clock when the brethren separated" to
, Happy meet , sorry to part , ancl happy to meet again . " To show the interest taken by Masons , of whatever locality , in all that concerns the honour of the Craft , we may mention , on ' authority , that R . W . Bro . Gundry , Prov . G . M . of the county of Dorset , England , and W . Bro . J . Cope , of the Grand Lodge of New . York , immediately after the proceedings took stock for a lar ^ e amount in the new Masonic Hall Association . — Quebec Mercury .
VICTORIA . PEOVINCIAD GRAND LODGE , UNDER THE GEAND LODGE OE ENG-IAND . —INSTAXXATION or CAPTAIN FREDERICK CHARIES STANDISH AS PROV . GEAND MASTER . On Wednesday , the 12 th of June , the interesting ceremony of iastalling Bro . Capt . F . C Standish , Chief Commissioner of Police of Victoriaas Prov . Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons
, , under the Grand Lodge of England , took place in the Masonic Lodge Room , Hockin ' s Hotel , Elizabeth Street , Melbourne . The members of the lodges in the district had been summoned to attend at 4 o ' clock , p . m ., when there were about 300 brethren -present ; indeed such an assemblage of Masons has not occurred since the colony has been established . There are 37 lodges in the district , out of which number no less than 34 b
were represented y brethren from Melbourne , Geelong , Portland , St . Kilda , Williamsfcown , Sandhurst , Ballarat , Castlemaine , Emerald Hill , Daylesford , Hawthorne , Collingwood , Beechworth , Maldon , Gisborne , Sandridge , Richmond , Tarrangower , Kyneton , Creswick , Kiln * ore , Schnapper Point , and Warmambool . Shortly after the time stated to commence proceedings , a procession , consisting of the P . Prov . G . Officers , entered the lodge bthe
room , accompanied y R . W . Prov . G . M . The V . W . Past Deputy Prov . G . M ., Bro . Francis Thomas Gell , then opened the Provincial Grand Lodge , assisted by Bro H . W . Lowry , P . Prov . S . G . W ., and Bro . Gordon , P . Prov . J . G . W . ' The Patent of Appointment of Bro . Standish , by the M . AV . G . M ., -the Earl of Zetland , was then read by Bro . Robert Levick , P . Prov ! G . Sec . - The V . W . Past Deput y Prov . G . M . announced that , to avoid
confusion , the ceremony of installation would take place in another room . Captain Standish , accompanied by Bro . Lowry , Bro . Rev . C . P . M . Bardiu , P . Prov . G . Chap ., and many Past Masters , retired , when he was duly installed by Bro . Lowry , assissted by the Eev . C . P- M . Bardin . The procession then re-formed , and on entering the Provincial Grand Lodge , the R . AV . Prov . G . M . was received with Masonic
demonstrations of pleasure . The ancient charges ivere next read by Bro . Leviek , to which the R . AV . Prov . G . M . signified his assent , after which the V . AA . Bro . Gell administered the usual oath in a very impressive manner . The R . AV . Prov . Grand Master was then proclaimed , ancl saluted with the grand honours seven times . The E . W . Prov . G . M . having thanked the brethren for their attendance , after alluding to the honour conferred upon him ,
by the M . AV . G . M ., stated that ho did not intend appointing any of his Provincial Grand Officers until the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge in September . In the meantime it would give him an opportunity of visiting the lodges , and enable him to form the acquaintanee of many of the brethren , and give him a better chance of selecting his officers . Many brethren attended from the Irish and Scotch constitutions in the districtamongst whom we noticed Bro . Jno . Thos . Smith ,
, M . L . A ., and Mayor of Melbourne , E . W . Prov . G . M . Irish Constitution , and his Deputy , Bro . Richard M'Chirc ; also the Bro . the Hon . AVm . Clarke Haines , M . L . A ., E , AV . Prov . G . M . Scotch Constitution , ancl his Deputy , Bro . Professor AV P . AA 11 son , Melbourne University . At seven o'clock about two hundred brethren partook of a sumptuous banquet , prepared by Bro . Hockin , ancl placed on the
table in his usual good style . The usual patriotic and Masonic toasts were duly honoured ; after which , a Masonic song— " Here ' s a Health to the Craft , " was sung by Mi-. AVhiteman , the composer . The R . AV . Prov . G . M . AAIIXIASI HAINES ( S . Cons . ) then called upon the Masons present to charge their glasses , and said that he had felt the greatest pleasure when asked to propose the next toast , because he was assured that it would be received with the same
cordiality with which it was given . He proposed the health ofthe right worshipful brother they hacl that day installed . ( Loud cheers . ) The toast required but few words from him , for the very large attendance and hilarity of the brethren assembled proved that every Mason was satisfied with the appointment . For himself , he looked on the appointment ivith great satisfaction , because he believed it would greatly promote the interests of the Craffc generally , ancl promote good feeling among them whatever their constitution
might be . He was sure the distinguished brother whose health he had proposed would win the affection of all Masons , ancl his ( Captain Staudish ' s ) energy ancl decision of character would make him to carry out the high duties of his office to the satisfaction of every one . The toast was drunk ivith much enthusiasm ancl Masonic applause . The E . AV . Prov . G . M ., Captain STA 2 rorsir , amid cheers , said he
was glad to return his warmest thanks for the compliments passed upon him by Bro . Haines , and his warm reception that evening , which offered every inducement to him to discharge the responsible duties of his office , so as to win the esteem ancl satisfaction of every brother in the colony . He knew how unworthy he ivas to fill the high office of Provincial Grand Master , and how many eminent Masons there were in the colony who were more
capable than himself , but he trusted that he should be able to avail himself of their kind advice and assistance . He was very grateful for so much of that advice and assistance as bad been already afforded . He hoped to be able to adhere to the Book of Constitution , ancl strictly preserve the ancient landmarks of the Order , so as to satisfy the E . AV . G . M . ancl the brethren ofthe colony . He would do all he could to promote Masonry , and use his utmost endeavours
to heal differences and re-establish peace . ( Cheers . ) He hoped that as a private individual or a Provincial Grand Master , no brother would ever regret the present day . ( Loud cheers . ) The E . AV . PROV . G . M . then proposed "The Healths of Bro . John . Thomas Smith , Right AVorshipful Provincial Grand Master for A ictoria , under the Grand Lodge of Ireland , and Bro . E . M'Clure , Eight AVorshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Victoria , under the Grand Lodge of Ireland , ancl the other Provincial Grand Officers . " He regretted the absence of the former gentleman . Bro . M'CHJEE briefly returned thanks for himself and Bro . J . T . Smith .
Bro . GEEL , D . Prov . G . M ., said he hacl been entrusted by the R . AV . Prov . G . M . with the next toast , and he congratulated the brethren under the Scottish Constitution with havin » at the head of their Order a man like Bro . Haines , ( Here loud and enthusiastic cheering ensued for several minutes . ) Althoug h at the head of the Scottish Constitution , the English brethren could console themselves
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returned thanks . In the sister city the Masons were probably , he said , more numerous than in Quebec , but there was a want of that unity and enthusiasm ivhich were evident here . He desired to see the Craft in Montreal follow out the excellent example set them this clay by Quebec Masons . He trusted that the good feeling ancl fellowship which now subsisted between the two cities would always continue , and that the Grand Lodge of this district and
the Grand Lodge of Canada would ever continue to work harmoniously together . Both Grand Lodges hacl a common object , fellowship to mankind , and prosperity to Masonry . He hoped that , ere many years rolled over , tbe Montreal Masons would be able to reciprocate the compliment paid them to-day , by inviting their Quebec brethren to do a similar duty in Montreal . Bro . G . H . MAOAUEAT , of Shawenigan Lodge ( Canada Register ) Three Elvers , also [ returned thanks . In the city he came from ,
the brethren hacl learned to appreciate the benefits of Freemasonry , and nothing could produce a better effect on their minds than the splendid display this day made by the Masons of Quebec . The fraternity in Three Rivers wished to live on the square with all , but more especially with the Masons of Quebec . The GRAND TREASURER pro-tem , Bro . James Gillespie , with permission of the G . M ., proposed "The Health of Bro . Kennedy , " Commander of the Great Easternwhose absence he regretted this
, evening . He was confident that if the departure of the great ship could have been delayed , Bro . Kennedy woidd only have been too glad to attend this festival , and bring many with him . The toast was drank amid cheers . M . W . Bro . HAEINGTON proposed "The Health ofthe Grand Lodge of Scotland . " Bro . J . S . BOWEN , P . M . of St . Andrew ' s Lodge ( 356 ) , Eeg . of Scotlandacknowledged the honourj
, , . Bro . HAMBURGHER , from Germany , also returned thinks , stating that the lodge in which he had been made a Mason , was under the registry of Scotland , and he was pleased while visiting Quebec , to have this opportunity of enjoying the company of so many of the brethren .
Bro . J . SHAW , S . G . W ., proposed as the next toast , " Masons ' Wives and Masons' Bairns . " Bro . LADD , proposed as a toast , " The City of Quebec . May her prosperity keep pace with that of Montreal . " The G . M , then called the brethren to order , and shortly before midnight , closed the Grand Lodge . The festivities were , however , prolonged to a later hour , several volunteer toasts being drunk and it was almost two o'clock when the brethren separated" to
, Happy meet , sorry to part , ancl happy to meet again . " To show the interest taken by Masons , of whatever locality , in all that concerns the honour of the Craft , we may mention , on ' authority , that R . W . Bro . Gundry , Prov . G . M . of the county of Dorset , England , and W . Bro . J . Cope , of the Grand Lodge of New . York , immediately after the proceedings took stock for a lar ^ e amount in the new Masonic Hall Association . — Quebec Mercury .
VICTORIA . PEOVINCIAD GRAND LODGE , UNDER THE GEAND LODGE OE ENG-IAND . —INSTAXXATION or CAPTAIN FREDERICK CHARIES STANDISH AS PROV . GEAND MASTER . On Wednesday , the 12 th of June , the interesting ceremony of iastalling Bro . Capt . F . C Standish , Chief Commissioner of Police of Victoriaas Prov . Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons
, , under the Grand Lodge of England , took place in the Masonic Lodge Room , Hockin ' s Hotel , Elizabeth Street , Melbourne . The members of the lodges in the district had been summoned to attend at 4 o ' clock , p . m ., when there were about 300 brethren -present ; indeed such an assemblage of Masons has not occurred since the colony has been established . There are 37 lodges in the district , out of which number no less than 34 b
were represented y brethren from Melbourne , Geelong , Portland , St . Kilda , Williamsfcown , Sandhurst , Ballarat , Castlemaine , Emerald Hill , Daylesford , Hawthorne , Collingwood , Beechworth , Maldon , Gisborne , Sandridge , Richmond , Tarrangower , Kyneton , Creswick , Kiln * ore , Schnapper Point , and Warmambool . Shortly after the time stated to commence proceedings , a procession , consisting of the P . Prov . G . Officers , entered the lodge bthe
room , accompanied y R . W . Prov . G . M . The V . W . Past Deputy Prov . G . M ., Bro . Francis Thomas Gell , then opened the Provincial Grand Lodge , assisted by Bro H . W . Lowry , P . Prov . S . G . W ., and Bro . Gordon , P . Prov . J . G . W . ' The Patent of Appointment of Bro . Standish , by the M . AV . G . M ., -the Earl of Zetland , was then read by Bro . Robert Levick , P . Prov ! G . Sec . - The V . W . Past Deput y Prov . G . M . announced that , to avoid
confusion , the ceremony of installation would take place in another room . Captain Standish , accompanied by Bro . Lowry , Bro . Rev . C . P . M . Bardiu , P . Prov . G . Chap ., and many Past Masters , retired , when he was duly installed by Bro . Lowry , assissted by the Eev . C . P- M . Bardin . The procession then re-formed , and on entering the Provincial Grand Lodge , the R . AV . Prov . G . M . was received with Masonic
demonstrations of pleasure . The ancient charges ivere next read by Bro . Leviek , to which the R . AV . Prov . G . M . signified his assent , after which the V . AA . Bro . Gell administered the usual oath in a very impressive manner . The R . AV . Prov . Grand Master was then proclaimed , ancl saluted with the grand honours seven times . The E . W . Prov . G . M . having thanked the brethren for their attendance , after alluding to the honour conferred upon him ,
by the M . AV . G . M ., stated that ho did not intend appointing any of his Provincial Grand Officers until the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge in September . In the meantime it would give him an opportunity of visiting the lodges , and enable him to form the acquaintanee of many of the brethren , and give him a better chance of selecting his officers . Many brethren attended from the Irish and Scotch constitutions in the districtamongst whom we noticed Bro . Jno . Thos . Smith ,
, M . L . A ., and Mayor of Melbourne , E . W . Prov . G . M . Irish Constitution , and his Deputy , Bro . Richard M'Chirc ; also the Bro . the Hon . AVm . Clarke Haines , M . L . A ., E , AV . Prov . G . M . Scotch Constitution , ancl his Deputy , Bro . Professor AV P . AA 11 son , Melbourne University . At seven o'clock about two hundred brethren partook of a sumptuous banquet , prepared by Bro . Hockin , ancl placed on the
table in his usual good style . The usual patriotic and Masonic toasts were duly honoured ; after which , a Masonic song— " Here ' s a Health to the Craft , " was sung by Mi-. AVhiteman , the composer . The R . AV . Prov . G . M . AAIIXIASI HAINES ( S . Cons . ) then called upon the Masons present to charge their glasses , and said that he had felt the greatest pleasure when asked to propose the next toast , because he was assured that it would be received with the same
cordiality with which it was given . He proposed the health ofthe right worshipful brother they hacl that day installed . ( Loud cheers . ) The toast required but few words from him , for the very large attendance and hilarity of the brethren assembled proved that every Mason was satisfied with the appointment . For himself , he looked on the appointment ivith great satisfaction , because he believed it would greatly promote the interests of the Craffc generally , ancl promote good feeling among them whatever their constitution
might be . He was sure the distinguished brother whose health he had proposed would win the affection of all Masons , ancl his ( Captain Staudish ' s ) energy ancl decision of character would make him to carry out the high duties of his office to the satisfaction of every one . The toast was drunk ivith much enthusiasm ancl Masonic applause . The E . AV . Prov . G . M ., Captain STA 2 rorsir , amid cheers , said he
was glad to return his warmest thanks for the compliments passed upon him by Bro . Haines , and his warm reception that evening , which offered every inducement to him to discharge the responsible duties of his office , so as to win the esteem ancl satisfaction of every brother in the colony . He knew how unworthy he ivas to fill the high office of Provincial Grand Master , and how many eminent Masons there were in the colony who were more
capable than himself , but he trusted that he should be able to avail himself of their kind advice and assistance . He was very grateful for so much of that advice and assistance as bad been already afforded . He hoped to be able to adhere to the Book of Constitution , ancl strictly preserve the ancient landmarks of the Order , so as to satisfy the E . AV . G . M . ancl the brethren ofthe colony . He would do all he could to promote Masonry , and use his utmost endeavours
to heal differences and re-establish peace . ( Cheers . ) He hoped that as a private individual or a Provincial Grand Master , no brother would ever regret the present day . ( Loud cheers . ) The E . AV . PROV . G . M . then proposed "The Healths of Bro . John . Thomas Smith , Right AVorshipful Provincial Grand Master for A ictoria , under the Grand Lodge of Ireland , and Bro . E . M'Clure , Eight AVorshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Victoria , under the Grand Lodge of Ireland , ancl the other Provincial Grand Officers . " He regretted the absence of the former gentleman . Bro . M'CHJEE briefly returned thanks for himself and Bro . J . T . Smith .
Bro . GEEL , D . Prov . G . M ., said he hacl been entrusted by the R . AV . Prov . G . M . with the next toast , and he congratulated the brethren under the Scottish Constitution with havin » at the head of their Order a man like Bro . Haines , ( Here loud and enthusiastic cheering ensued for several minutes . ) Althoug h at the head of the Scottish Constitution , the English brethren could console themselves