Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week,
was tried on Tuesday , at tho Liverpool assizes , for the murder of his steward . The witnesses for the prosecution—all coloured seamentold a story of almost incredible brutality ; but it was contended for the defence that the statements of thoso men wero not to be relied upon , and that the deceased died from the effects of a natural disease . The jury could not agree upon a verdict , and one of their number having been seized with sudden illness , they were discharged . Captain AVilson however , remains to he tried on several other counts charging him with acts under his command
of barbarous cruelty towards other men formerly . ——Mr . Baron Martin passed sentence upon Edward AVililamson , who had previously pleaded guilty to four indictments charging him with serious frauds upon the Eoyal Exchange Insurance Company , for which he had long acted as Manchester agent . Mr . James , Q . C . urged , as grounds for mitigation of punishment , that tho prisoner had a wife ancl eight children , that he hacl from the first determined not to attempt to conceal his guilt , ancl that he was suffering the keenest pangs of remorse . "
The learnedjudge , howeyer , while regretting that innocent persons were involved in the ruin and disgrace of the prisoner , felt that this was a case in which such considerations could not be allowed to interpose between the criminal ancl the penal consequences of his crimes . AVilliamson was , therefore , sentenced to fifteen years' penal servitude .- At the Central Criminal Court , on AArednesday , the Rev . James Eoe was arraigned on a charge of forging a cheque for £ 0 , 000 . According to the case for the prosecutionthe prisonerit appeared was dissatisfied ivith the amount of
, , tlie bequest left him by his uncle , and he conceived the idea of forging the cheque in his uncle ' s name , dating it the clay before he died , ancl sending it to himself in a letter , as if from his uncle . The fraud was discovered in the course of a Chancery suit instituted by the prisoners against the executors for the recovery of this £ 0 , 000 . A great deal of ingenuity was exhibited by the accused in forging the post marks upon the spurious letter . The jury found him guilty ancl he was condemned to ten years penal servitude . On Wednesday Charles AVilliam Jeffs was again brought
before Mr . D'Eyncourt , at Clerkenwell Police-court , charged with making a deadly assault on Francis Cossum , ancl stabbing him with a knife in the head . This tragic occurrence arose from the prisoner coining home at night ancl finding the prosecutor in the house with his wife , thereby having his suspicions aroused that he hacl sustained an injury in his domestic relations whieh , to a man of honour , is beyond reparation .
That these suspicions were but too true was placed beyond doubt hy the confession of Cossum before the magistrate at this present examination , when he freely admitted the criminal intimacy which hacl subsisted between himself and the wife of Jeffs . He further showed a proper sense of his own position in this sad affair by stating his intention to withdraw from the prosecution . Tho prisoner will be committed for trial , but is admitted to bail , A dreadful accident occurred near Flamborough , on Monday evening . In the morning , eleven gentlemen started from Scarborough for Flamboroughin
, a boat worked hy a boatman and a boy . One of the gentlemen , on reaching Flamborough , made up his mind to return to Scarborough by rail , while the others stuck to the boat , which left on her return voyage under the double disadvantage of a smart breeze ancl an excessive number of passengers . It is alleged tint the hilarious proceedings of tho visitors caused tho boatman some anxiety , but , however this may be , a squall caught the overweighted craft , which lurched to one side . The passengers , in tho panic of the moment , grasped the
gunwale , which was already under water , and in an instant the boat went down . Two fishing vessels were at hand , hut onty the boatman and tbe boy were saved—the ten excursionists perishing . The bodies of two gentlemen from Ashton have been picked up , and it has been ascertained that the party included several other persons from this district . At the inquest , which was held yesterday , on the bodies recovered , a verdict of accidental death was returned ; hut the jury censured the boatman for overcrowding his boat . A terrible accidentattended by fatal
con-, sequences to two persons , occurred at a steam saw-mill , in Devercllstreet , Dover-road , ont Saturday afternoon . Avhile in full work and all the people on the premises , the boiler used for moving the machinery exploded with great violence , destroying all within range of its force . The engine-driver ancl his son , a lad twelve years of age , must have met with immediate death . Besides much damage to property a number of persons have sustained serious injuries from the missiles flying in every direction . A serious fireresulting in the destruction of property to
, the extent of £ 6000 , occurred early on Saturday morning , in Long Millgate , Manchester . The fire broke out in the Old Irk Cotton Mills —a block of buildings used as cotton waste stores . Tho main warehouse was reduced to a complete wreck . The roof ancl walls fell in , and we regret to have to state that several of the firemen were seriously bruised hy the falling bricks .
FOKEICHJ LSTELLIGEXCE . —The Moniteur of Tuesday contains the text of the Convention concluded between Great Britain ancl France to regulate the emigration of Indian labourers into the French colonies . It provides for the residence of British consular agents to regulate the embarkation of the labourers afc either British or French ports , ancl contains a number of stipulations for the duo care of the labourers on the voyage , for the manner of their labour , the non-separation of families , their return to their native places in certain cases , ancl other arrangements for the
proper management of the emigration . The Convention is to come into operation from tho 1 st July , 1802 , ancl to have effect for three years and a-half , unless due notice he given for its cessation . The British Governor-General of India is to have the power of suspending at any timo the emigration to ono or various French colonies , in caso he has reason to believe that proper measures have not been taken there for the protection of the emigrants . In any such case , however , the French Government will have the right of putting an end to the Convention altogether if it should think proper . A congress of artists , representing all the
The Week,
leading nations of Europe , is now sitting at Antwerp , principally for the purpose of devising measures to give greater protection to artists than they now enjoy against the system—actually grown into a regular trade —of counterfeiting their works . The Congress will also consider many other important questions relative to the condition and the improvement of art , more especially of architecture . The artistic interests of Great Britain are represented hy Sir Edwin Lanclseer , Mr . Westmacott , ancl many other eminent men . The King of Italy is stated to have left Turin for Florencewhere ho will be present at the opening of the
, National Exhibition ; and it is said that he will proceed from thence to Naples , and remain in that city until the re-assembling of the Italian Parliament . It has been several times rumoured within the last few clays that General Cialdini had resigned the civil administration of Naples , and merely retained his military post . This rumour which was circulated even in the Turin Opinione , has been denied . The foundation for the rumour is alleged to be that Signer Cantelli , Cialdini's Secretary , and Signor Blasio , have resigned their posts—or
least , only retain them until successors shall have been appointed . The Hungarian Diet ma 3 ' be said to be dissolved . At least , the order for its dissolution has actually arrived in Pesth . A Roj'al Commissioner made his appearance on AVednesday in that city , bearing the decree which is to declare tho Diet at an end . The Lower House held a private sitting for the purpose of considering the course to he followed on their part , and it was expected that at a subsequent hour the sitting would be made publicand that the system of policy agreed upon would be
an-, nounced . The formal dissolution ofthe Diet was expected to take place on Thursday . Hungary will then probably fall back upon a course of passive resistance , yielding only where sho cannot actually struggle , and awaiting any opportunity which the chances of European politics may bring about for enabling her to obtain her rights either by menace or force . Preparations for the coronation of the King ancl Queen of Prussia are
being hurried forward . The clay chosen for the ceremony is the 18 th of October , the anniversary of the battle of Leipsig . The University of Leipsig has published a decree , formally erasing from its register the name of Oscar Becker , who attempted to assassinate the King of Prussia . The growing fermentation which exists in Poland is further manifested hy serious disturbances which occurred on Saturday at Kalish , in consequence of the arrest of an apothecary . Crowds assembled and demanded his release , which seems to have been granted ; but the demonstrations of popular discontent were rather increased than lessened by
this concession , ancl it was not until the whole Russian garrison had been called out , aud had threatened to fire on the people , that the multitude dispersed . AMERICA . —Hy the Arabia ancl Anglo-Saxon we are in the receipt of advices from New York to the Sth inst . At that time General M'Clellan was vigorously occupied in reorganising the United States army ; but , determined to keep his own counsel , and that tho Southerners shall learn nothing from himhe wisely withholds all information concerning his
, intentions from the press . Secessionist privateers are displaying considerable daring and activity in the Gulf of Mexico ancl on the coast of . North Carolina ; but one of them , hight the Petrel , has caught a Tartar in the frigate SI . Lawrence , by whom her crew was captured and herself sunk . During a recent action with the' Confederates in Missouri , a force of 270 United States cavalry are said to have cut their way through 4000 ofthe latter . The town of IIampton , near Fort Monroe , had been evacuated hythe Federal troopsancl had been burned bj' a body of Secessionists under
, Colonel Magruder . General M'Dowell ' s report of his defeat at Bull ' s Run had been published . It states the Federal loss to have been 19 officers ancl 4-62 men killed , 6 ' 1 officers ancl 947 mon wounded , and 40 officers ancl 1170 men missing . The Southerners , it is admitted , captured 23 pieces of artillery , 2500 muskets , and SOOO knapsacks and blankets .
MEXICO . —Mexico continues to be torn by faction ; and , what is worse , the President Juarez , whose administration is favoured by the English Government , seems utterly powerless to assert ancl maintain his authority to any good purpose . At the last accounts he was left without a Cabinet , ancl unable to form one ; the reactionary—priest—party were growing in numbers and in strength ; and on the 25 th of June a band of 2000 rebel cavalry , under the command of Marqueza , penetrated to thevery heart of the city . Here , however , resistance was offered to them ,
and they decamped in hot haste , after encountering some loss . On their retreat they committed the most barbarous outrages ; but next day General Ortega was on their track , ancl another fight was expected to come off . _ Meanwhile the Mexican Congress , " -fiddling whilst the city was burning , " was occupied in discussions of the silliest character— -the most important of thorn being the propriety of abolishing the title of Don as a prefix to gentlemen ' s names . On the night of the 6 th of July , Mr . H . Beale , an English merchant , was murdered at his own house , ancl the greatest alarm prevailed among the foreign residents , Marqueza having raised the cry of " Death to all foreigners , especially to the French . "
To Correspondents.
A CLERGYMAN shall be answered next week . Buo . C . ( Alpina Lodge . )—His communication shall appear at an early date . R . S . —Send us the engraving . UNITED STATES . —Masonic ancl other publications are alike suffering under the pressure of the present unfortunate circumstances . The Voice of Masonry stopped in April . AVe are not aware whether Bro . Elisha D . Cooke is still in this country .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week,
was tried on Tuesday , at tho Liverpool assizes , for the murder of his steward . The witnesses for the prosecution—all coloured seamentold a story of almost incredible brutality ; but it was contended for the defence that the statements of thoso men wero not to be relied upon , and that the deceased died from the effects of a natural disease . The jury could not agree upon a verdict , and one of their number having been seized with sudden illness , they were discharged . Captain AVilson however , remains to he tried on several other counts charging him with acts under his command
of barbarous cruelty towards other men formerly . ——Mr . Baron Martin passed sentence upon Edward AVililamson , who had previously pleaded guilty to four indictments charging him with serious frauds upon the Eoyal Exchange Insurance Company , for which he had long acted as Manchester agent . Mr . James , Q . C . urged , as grounds for mitigation of punishment , that tho prisoner had a wife ancl eight children , that he hacl from the first determined not to attempt to conceal his guilt , ancl that he was suffering the keenest pangs of remorse . "
The learnedjudge , howeyer , while regretting that innocent persons were involved in the ruin and disgrace of the prisoner , felt that this was a case in which such considerations could not be allowed to interpose between the criminal ancl the penal consequences of his crimes . AVilliamson was , therefore , sentenced to fifteen years' penal servitude .- At the Central Criminal Court , on AArednesday , the Rev . James Eoe was arraigned on a charge of forging a cheque for £ 0 , 000 . According to the case for the prosecutionthe prisonerit appeared was dissatisfied ivith the amount of
, , tlie bequest left him by his uncle , and he conceived the idea of forging the cheque in his uncle ' s name , dating it the clay before he died , ancl sending it to himself in a letter , as if from his uncle . The fraud was discovered in the course of a Chancery suit instituted by the prisoners against the executors for the recovery of this £ 0 , 000 . A great deal of ingenuity was exhibited by the accused in forging the post marks upon the spurious letter . The jury found him guilty ancl he was condemned to ten years penal servitude . On Wednesday Charles AVilliam Jeffs was again brought
before Mr . D'Eyncourt , at Clerkenwell Police-court , charged with making a deadly assault on Francis Cossum , ancl stabbing him with a knife in the head . This tragic occurrence arose from the prisoner coining home at night ancl finding the prosecutor in the house with his wife , thereby having his suspicions aroused that he hacl sustained an injury in his domestic relations whieh , to a man of honour , is beyond reparation .
That these suspicions were but too true was placed beyond doubt hy the confession of Cossum before the magistrate at this present examination , when he freely admitted the criminal intimacy which hacl subsisted between himself and the wife of Jeffs . He further showed a proper sense of his own position in this sad affair by stating his intention to withdraw from the prosecution . Tho prisoner will be committed for trial , but is admitted to bail , A dreadful accident occurred near Flamborough , on Monday evening . In the morning , eleven gentlemen started from Scarborough for Flamboroughin
, a boat worked hy a boatman and a boy . One of the gentlemen , on reaching Flamborough , made up his mind to return to Scarborough by rail , while the others stuck to the boat , which left on her return voyage under the double disadvantage of a smart breeze ancl an excessive number of passengers . It is alleged tint the hilarious proceedings of tho visitors caused tho boatman some anxiety , but , however this may be , a squall caught the overweighted craft , which lurched to one side . The passengers , in tho panic of the moment , grasped the
gunwale , which was already under water , and in an instant the boat went down . Two fishing vessels were at hand , hut onty the boatman and tbe boy were saved—the ten excursionists perishing . The bodies of two gentlemen from Ashton have been picked up , and it has been ascertained that the party included several other persons from this district . At the inquest , which was held yesterday , on the bodies recovered , a verdict of accidental death was returned ; hut the jury censured the boatman for overcrowding his boat . A terrible accidentattended by fatal
con-, sequences to two persons , occurred at a steam saw-mill , in Devercllstreet , Dover-road , ont Saturday afternoon . Avhile in full work and all the people on the premises , the boiler used for moving the machinery exploded with great violence , destroying all within range of its force . The engine-driver ancl his son , a lad twelve years of age , must have met with immediate death . Besides much damage to property a number of persons have sustained serious injuries from the missiles flying in every direction . A serious fireresulting in the destruction of property to
, the extent of £ 6000 , occurred early on Saturday morning , in Long Millgate , Manchester . The fire broke out in the Old Irk Cotton Mills —a block of buildings used as cotton waste stores . Tho main warehouse was reduced to a complete wreck . The roof ancl walls fell in , and we regret to have to state that several of the firemen were seriously bruised hy the falling bricks .
FOKEICHJ LSTELLIGEXCE . —The Moniteur of Tuesday contains the text of the Convention concluded between Great Britain ancl France to regulate the emigration of Indian labourers into the French colonies . It provides for the residence of British consular agents to regulate the embarkation of the labourers afc either British or French ports , ancl contains a number of stipulations for the duo care of the labourers on the voyage , for the manner of their labour , the non-separation of families , their return to their native places in certain cases , ancl other arrangements for the
proper management of the emigration . The Convention is to come into operation from tho 1 st July , 1802 , ancl to have effect for three years and a-half , unless due notice he given for its cessation . The British Governor-General of India is to have the power of suspending at any timo the emigration to ono or various French colonies , in caso he has reason to believe that proper measures have not been taken there for the protection of the emigrants . In any such case , however , the French Government will have the right of putting an end to the Convention altogether if it should think proper . A congress of artists , representing all the
The Week,
leading nations of Europe , is now sitting at Antwerp , principally for the purpose of devising measures to give greater protection to artists than they now enjoy against the system—actually grown into a regular trade —of counterfeiting their works . The Congress will also consider many other important questions relative to the condition and the improvement of art , more especially of architecture . The artistic interests of Great Britain are represented hy Sir Edwin Lanclseer , Mr . Westmacott , ancl many other eminent men . The King of Italy is stated to have left Turin for Florencewhere ho will be present at the opening of the
, National Exhibition ; and it is said that he will proceed from thence to Naples , and remain in that city until the re-assembling of the Italian Parliament . It has been several times rumoured within the last few clays that General Cialdini had resigned the civil administration of Naples , and merely retained his military post . This rumour which was circulated even in the Turin Opinione , has been denied . The foundation for the rumour is alleged to be that Signer Cantelli , Cialdini's Secretary , and Signor Blasio , have resigned their posts—or
least , only retain them until successors shall have been appointed . The Hungarian Diet ma 3 ' be said to be dissolved . At least , the order for its dissolution has actually arrived in Pesth . A Roj'al Commissioner made his appearance on AVednesday in that city , bearing the decree which is to declare tho Diet at an end . The Lower House held a private sitting for the purpose of considering the course to he followed on their part , and it was expected that at a subsequent hour the sitting would be made publicand that the system of policy agreed upon would be
an-, nounced . The formal dissolution ofthe Diet was expected to take place on Thursday . Hungary will then probably fall back upon a course of passive resistance , yielding only where sho cannot actually struggle , and awaiting any opportunity which the chances of European politics may bring about for enabling her to obtain her rights either by menace or force . Preparations for the coronation of the King ancl Queen of Prussia are
being hurried forward . The clay chosen for the ceremony is the 18 th of October , the anniversary of the battle of Leipsig . The University of Leipsig has published a decree , formally erasing from its register the name of Oscar Becker , who attempted to assassinate the King of Prussia . The growing fermentation which exists in Poland is further manifested hy serious disturbances which occurred on Saturday at Kalish , in consequence of the arrest of an apothecary . Crowds assembled and demanded his release , which seems to have been granted ; but the demonstrations of popular discontent were rather increased than lessened by
this concession , ancl it was not until the whole Russian garrison had been called out , aud had threatened to fire on the people , that the multitude dispersed . AMERICA . —Hy the Arabia ancl Anglo-Saxon we are in the receipt of advices from New York to the Sth inst . At that time General M'Clellan was vigorously occupied in reorganising the United States army ; but , determined to keep his own counsel , and that tho Southerners shall learn nothing from himhe wisely withholds all information concerning his
, intentions from the press . Secessionist privateers are displaying considerable daring and activity in the Gulf of Mexico ancl on the coast of . North Carolina ; but one of them , hight the Petrel , has caught a Tartar in the frigate SI . Lawrence , by whom her crew was captured and herself sunk . During a recent action with the' Confederates in Missouri , a force of 270 United States cavalry are said to have cut their way through 4000 ofthe latter . The town of IIampton , near Fort Monroe , had been evacuated hythe Federal troopsancl had been burned bj' a body of Secessionists under
, Colonel Magruder . General M'Dowell ' s report of his defeat at Bull ' s Run had been published . It states the Federal loss to have been 19 officers ancl 4-62 men killed , 6 ' 1 officers ancl 947 mon wounded , and 40 officers ancl 1170 men missing . The Southerners , it is admitted , captured 23 pieces of artillery , 2500 muskets , and SOOO knapsacks and blankets .
MEXICO . —Mexico continues to be torn by faction ; and , what is worse , the President Juarez , whose administration is favoured by the English Government , seems utterly powerless to assert ancl maintain his authority to any good purpose . At the last accounts he was left without a Cabinet , ancl unable to form one ; the reactionary—priest—party were growing in numbers and in strength ; and on the 25 th of June a band of 2000 rebel cavalry , under the command of Marqueza , penetrated to thevery heart of the city . Here , however , resistance was offered to them ,
and they decamped in hot haste , after encountering some loss . On their retreat they committed the most barbarous outrages ; but next day General Ortega was on their track , ancl another fight was expected to come off . _ Meanwhile the Mexican Congress , " -fiddling whilst the city was burning , " was occupied in discussions of the silliest character— -the most important of thorn being the propriety of abolishing the title of Don as a prefix to gentlemen ' s names . On the night of the 6 th of July , Mr . H . Beale , an English merchant , was murdered at his own house , ancl the greatest alarm prevailed among the foreign residents , Marqueza having raised the cry of " Death to all foreigners , especially to the French . "
To Correspondents.
A CLERGYMAN shall be answered next week . Buo . C . ( Alpina Lodge . )—His communication shall appear at an early date . R . S . —Send us the engraving . UNITED STATES . —Masonic ancl other publications are alike suffering under the pressure of the present unfortunate circumstances . The Voice of Masonry stopped in April . AVe are not aware whether Bro . Elisha D . Cooke is still in this country .