Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 2
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
that have been communicated orally by their authors to many thousands of ladies in every section of the Union , is most fraternally inscribed . " Ifc treats of the following matters , amongst others : — Forming a Constellation : A Subordinate Constellation ; The Cost of the Business ; The Supreme Constellation ; The Landmarks of the Order ; Instructions to Officers of
Constellations ; Love and Light ; Miss Barber of Georgia ; Dirge of the Mason ' s Daughter ; Adoptive Masonry Definition ; The Mason ' s Wife ; A Grateful Heart ; Dinna Forget , Ladies ; The Adoptive Claim ; History of Erench Adoptive Masonry ; An Honoured Place ; The Privileges of Women ; Female Exclusion ; Adoptive Miscellany of Facts ; Losing a , Lover ; The Dead Wife ; Consider This ; The
Membership Board ; Female Mysteries ; High Approval ; Masonic Degrees for Females ; the Knights Templars ; Neatness in Lodges ; The Ladies Excluded ; This is Masonry ; Mrs . Bolton ; Advantages of the Adoptive System . ]
THE MYSTERIES OE THE ASIATIC BROTHERS . Frederick the II . of Prussia is said to have been consecrated in the mysteries of the Asiatic Brothers about 1786 . What order do these Asiatic Brothers belong to ?—A EUROPEAN BTOTHER .
MASONRY IN AMERICA . Masonry in America is , at the present time , virtually defunct ; yet it is but a short time since the following was pretty widely circulated . Having a spare copy by me I send it you thinking if read , in connection with the present state of that people , it may afford some mental food to reflecting brethren . —H . N .
To the credit of our institution it may with perfect truth be averred , that it requires nolhng of its members that in the least degree conflicts with the duty they owe to themselves , to their families , to society , to their country , or to their God ; to its praise ifc may he said that its teachings inculcate and enforce the practice of all these duties , most clearly and impressively . ' Nothing less than this should be expected of an institution which claims an antiquity at least reaching to the days of Solomonancl a
uni-, versality coextensive with the lowest degree of civilization ; which asserts that so guileless has been her course , that in no country , and from no quarter , when a conscientious and enlightened performance of these duties was the ruling principle ancl honestly desired , has Masonry been persecuted or seriously opposed , except from the stupidly ignorant , the designedly wicked , or such as could not enter , or hacl been excluded from her pale . In proportion , and
wherever mankind have been enlightened and felt the power of moral truth , has Masonry spread and flourished ; silently as comes down the clews of Heaven diffused throughout society a healthful influence .
Many pages of the world ' s history would sustain these positions . Plenary proof of which , however , may be found in this age and in this country , conceded to be the freest , most enlightened , and christian on the globe , In this favoured land there are now over 200 , 000 Masons ; at least equal in talent ancl influence to any other like number of men in tbe Union—all more or less familiar with the symbolic teachings of our order , calculated to impress and improve both the mind and the heart . The simple announcement
of this fact , properly appreciated , should rejoice the heart of every true lover of our country as it is , ancl in a great measure dispel the growing forebodings of such as fear a rupture or dissolution of our Union , ancl a consequent end to many of the blessings ancl immunities we now enjoy , For we assert , and are prepared to prove , that Masonry ever has exerted an inlluence in favour of freedom , patriotism—man ' s highest and best temporal good . That in all
ages and countries , and especially in this age and land , the truest patriots and best citizens , the bravest among the brave , and the noblest among the noble , have been , and are , brethren of the mystic tie . Fully to sustain this we need not touch upon forbidden ground , or in the least draw aside the veil which hides from those without the things to be seen ancl heard only by those who are admitted within . The teachings and influence of Masonry are
emphatically conservative . Before the candidate is admitted , is first his petition , he promises " conformity to the Ancient Usages and established customs of the Order . " That these "Ancient Usages" are unchangeable , never to be abrogated , altered , or impunged , is a principle of the Order . In the first degree he is charged thafc , "in fche State a Mason is to behave as a peaceful and dutiful subject , conforming cheerfully to the government under ivhich he lives . " He afterwards promises "obedience
to the constitution , and conformity to the laws , rules , and regulations of the Craffc , not subversive to the Ancient Landmarks—to be a peaceable citizen , ancl cheerfully to conform to the laws of the country in which he resides ; not to be concerned in plots and conspiracies against Government , but patiently to submit to the decisions of the Supreme Legislature . " These promises and admonitions , thus renewed , strengthened and enlarged at every step in the ladderbecome to a greater or less
, degree the ruling principles . If a mason at heart he is therefore a conservative , law abiding , and obedient citizen ; and such , we aver , has been the character , in an eminent degree , of the members of our fraternity in every age so far as their history can be traced . Masonry as exemplified in the acts and doings of her sons is eminently patriotic as well as conservative . To sustain this position in connection with our present we shall only
purpose , refer to a few ot the more iirominent Masonic worthies of our own land and country . It is conceded that a majority ( some say nearly all ) of the signers of the Declaration of our National Independence were Freemasons . Among these was Benjamin Franklin , the first Grand Master of Pennsylvania . Nearly every officer of our revolutionary army , with Washington , Warren , and Lafayette , hacl been pledgee ! at the altar of Masonry , ancl there learned lessons of
self-denial , prudence , fortitude , ancl patriotism . Several of the members of the Convention which framed our National Constitution , were brothers of Washington , its president ; ancl among its ablest exponents and defenders , both dead and living , may be ranken a Marshall , Livingston , Clinton , Jackson , Baldwin , Clay , Cass , Buchanan , ancl many others , lights of our Order , and statesmen whose memory shall be cherished , wherever among men ' s hearts shall be found that beat to the blessings and emotions of
patriotism ancl liberty . Masonry though diffused and spread all over our union , with its lodges in every section of our country , has no sectional divisions or schisms . It is one and the same everywhere . Unlike the churches and parties' which have been rent asunder , it has no "Mason ' s and Dixon ' s linei" dividing the north from the south . All are members of the same fold , learning the same lessons of peace ancl order from the same symbolic teachings . All are brothers of Washington
and citizens of Washington's country . They revere his memory and are largely contributing to the erection of his monument in our nation's capital . The demon of political faction or disunion can never obtrude upon and disturb the confidence and harmony of the lodge room . Could such a spirit having entered into one iu name a brother , cross our threshold , the cry would come up , " what have we to do with thee . " " Suffer us to go away into the herd of swine . " The Mason of the North can never cease to regard and
receive as a brother the Mason of the south ; or for one moment give countenance to any act that shall look to a separation , such as would array the one against the other as enemies . Demagogues may rant , fanaticism may rage , the waves of party spirit may roar and foam , while Masonry in its purity prevails ; and Masons , practising without the lessons they learn within the lodge , exert the influence which as citizens they possess , as they have hitherto so nobly and effectually donethe Union can never be dissolved . They have the power
, to hush the tempest , to calm the storm , ancl chase away any clouds which from that quarter may darken our horizon . They can ( as on the 4 th of July , 177 G , did our fathers ) speak with a voice which shall be heard in every part of our land , by true men in all ranks and conditions , occupations and professions , parties ancl creeds , both North ancl South , saying : " The Union , it must ancl shall bo preserved . So mote it be .
PATRIARCH 03 ? THE CRUSADES . Is there such a degree as Patriarch of the Crusades ?—G . E . M— [ Yes . It is the 29 ° of the Ancient ancl Accepted Bite , better known as the Grand Scotch Knight of St . Andrew . ] BRO . HENRY O ' BRIEN . On the publication of his work on the Round TowersI
, asked Henry O'Brien whether he was a Freemason ( I was not myself at the time ) , his reply was , " yes , or how should I know anything about it . " - —J . How . CHAPTER 0 P HARODUM . Does not'Spes' mean Chapter of Harodim ? Ilerodom , you are awareis the Eose Croix , of which there are many
, members . The Chapter of Harodim died out with Bro . Preston , unless tho nine worthies or Excellent Masters that met at the Crown Tavern , Clerkenwell Green , between thirty and forfcy years ago , was a continuation of it . I believe one of those brethren is alive . —J . How . —[ There is no such thing as Herodom , it should be Heredom . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
that have been communicated orally by their authors to many thousands of ladies in every section of the Union , is most fraternally inscribed . " Ifc treats of the following matters , amongst others : — Forming a Constellation : A Subordinate Constellation ; The Cost of the Business ; The Supreme Constellation ; The Landmarks of the Order ; Instructions to Officers of
Constellations ; Love and Light ; Miss Barber of Georgia ; Dirge of the Mason ' s Daughter ; Adoptive Masonry Definition ; The Mason ' s Wife ; A Grateful Heart ; Dinna Forget , Ladies ; The Adoptive Claim ; History of Erench Adoptive Masonry ; An Honoured Place ; The Privileges of Women ; Female Exclusion ; Adoptive Miscellany of Facts ; Losing a , Lover ; The Dead Wife ; Consider This ; The
Membership Board ; Female Mysteries ; High Approval ; Masonic Degrees for Females ; the Knights Templars ; Neatness in Lodges ; The Ladies Excluded ; This is Masonry ; Mrs . Bolton ; Advantages of the Adoptive System . ]
THE MYSTERIES OE THE ASIATIC BROTHERS . Frederick the II . of Prussia is said to have been consecrated in the mysteries of the Asiatic Brothers about 1786 . What order do these Asiatic Brothers belong to ?—A EUROPEAN BTOTHER .
MASONRY IN AMERICA . Masonry in America is , at the present time , virtually defunct ; yet it is but a short time since the following was pretty widely circulated . Having a spare copy by me I send it you thinking if read , in connection with the present state of that people , it may afford some mental food to reflecting brethren . —H . N .
To the credit of our institution it may with perfect truth be averred , that it requires nolhng of its members that in the least degree conflicts with the duty they owe to themselves , to their families , to society , to their country , or to their God ; to its praise ifc may he said that its teachings inculcate and enforce the practice of all these duties , most clearly and impressively . ' Nothing less than this should be expected of an institution which claims an antiquity at least reaching to the days of Solomonancl a
uni-, versality coextensive with the lowest degree of civilization ; which asserts that so guileless has been her course , that in no country , and from no quarter , when a conscientious and enlightened performance of these duties was the ruling principle ancl honestly desired , has Masonry been persecuted or seriously opposed , except from the stupidly ignorant , the designedly wicked , or such as could not enter , or hacl been excluded from her pale . In proportion , and
wherever mankind have been enlightened and felt the power of moral truth , has Masonry spread and flourished ; silently as comes down the clews of Heaven diffused throughout society a healthful influence .
Many pages of the world ' s history would sustain these positions . Plenary proof of which , however , may be found in this age and in this country , conceded to be the freest , most enlightened , and christian on the globe , In this favoured land there are now over 200 , 000 Masons ; at least equal in talent ancl influence to any other like number of men in tbe Union—all more or less familiar with the symbolic teachings of our order , calculated to impress and improve both the mind and the heart . The simple announcement
of this fact , properly appreciated , should rejoice the heart of every true lover of our country as it is , ancl in a great measure dispel the growing forebodings of such as fear a rupture or dissolution of our Union , ancl a consequent end to many of the blessings ancl immunities we now enjoy , For we assert , and are prepared to prove , that Masonry ever has exerted an inlluence in favour of freedom , patriotism—man ' s highest and best temporal good . That in all
ages and countries , and especially in this age and land , the truest patriots and best citizens , the bravest among the brave , and the noblest among the noble , have been , and are , brethren of the mystic tie . Fully to sustain this we need not touch upon forbidden ground , or in the least draw aside the veil which hides from those without the things to be seen ancl heard only by those who are admitted within . The teachings and influence of Masonry are
emphatically conservative . Before the candidate is admitted , is first his petition , he promises " conformity to the Ancient Usages and established customs of the Order . " That these "Ancient Usages" are unchangeable , never to be abrogated , altered , or impunged , is a principle of the Order . In the first degree he is charged thafc , "in fche State a Mason is to behave as a peaceful and dutiful subject , conforming cheerfully to the government under ivhich he lives . " He afterwards promises "obedience
to the constitution , and conformity to the laws , rules , and regulations of the Craffc , not subversive to the Ancient Landmarks—to be a peaceable citizen , ancl cheerfully to conform to the laws of the country in which he resides ; not to be concerned in plots and conspiracies against Government , but patiently to submit to the decisions of the Supreme Legislature . " These promises and admonitions , thus renewed , strengthened and enlarged at every step in the ladderbecome to a greater or less
, degree the ruling principles . If a mason at heart he is therefore a conservative , law abiding , and obedient citizen ; and such , we aver , has been the character , in an eminent degree , of the members of our fraternity in every age so far as their history can be traced . Masonry as exemplified in the acts and doings of her sons is eminently patriotic as well as conservative . To sustain this position in connection with our present we shall only
purpose , refer to a few ot the more iirominent Masonic worthies of our own land and country . It is conceded that a majority ( some say nearly all ) of the signers of the Declaration of our National Independence were Freemasons . Among these was Benjamin Franklin , the first Grand Master of Pennsylvania . Nearly every officer of our revolutionary army , with Washington , Warren , and Lafayette , hacl been pledgee ! at the altar of Masonry , ancl there learned lessons of
self-denial , prudence , fortitude , ancl patriotism . Several of the members of the Convention which framed our National Constitution , were brothers of Washington , its president ; ancl among its ablest exponents and defenders , both dead and living , may be ranken a Marshall , Livingston , Clinton , Jackson , Baldwin , Clay , Cass , Buchanan , ancl many others , lights of our Order , and statesmen whose memory shall be cherished , wherever among men ' s hearts shall be found that beat to the blessings and emotions of
patriotism ancl liberty . Masonry though diffused and spread all over our union , with its lodges in every section of our country , has no sectional divisions or schisms . It is one and the same everywhere . Unlike the churches and parties' which have been rent asunder , it has no "Mason ' s and Dixon ' s linei" dividing the north from the south . All are members of the same fold , learning the same lessons of peace ancl order from the same symbolic teachings . All are brothers of Washington
and citizens of Washington's country . They revere his memory and are largely contributing to the erection of his monument in our nation's capital . The demon of political faction or disunion can never obtrude upon and disturb the confidence and harmony of the lodge room . Could such a spirit having entered into one iu name a brother , cross our threshold , the cry would come up , " what have we to do with thee . " " Suffer us to go away into the herd of swine . " The Mason of the North can never cease to regard and
receive as a brother the Mason of the south ; or for one moment give countenance to any act that shall look to a separation , such as would array the one against the other as enemies . Demagogues may rant , fanaticism may rage , the waves of party spirit may roar and foam , while Masonry in its purity prevails ; and Masons , practising without the lessons they learn within the lodge , exert the influence which as citizens they possess , as they have hitherto so nobly and effectually donethe Union can never be dissolved . They have the power
, to hush the tempest , to calm the storm , ancl chase away any clouds which from that quarter may darken our horizon . They can ( as on the 4 th of July , 177 G , did our fathers ) speak with a voice which shall be heard in every part of our land , by true men in all ranks and conditions , occupations and professions , parties ancl creeds , both North ancl South , saying : " The Union , it must ancl shall bo preserved . So mote it be .
PATRIARCH 03 ? THE CRUSADES . Is there such a degree as Patriarch of the Crusades ?—G . E . M— [ Yes . It is the 29 ° of the Ancient ancl Accepted Bite , better known as the Grand Scotch Knight of St . Andrew . ] BRO . HENRY O ' BRIEN . On the publication of his work on the Round TowersI
, asked Henry O'Brien whether he was a Freemason ( I was not myself at the time ) , his reply was , " yes , or how should I know anything about it . " - —J . How . CHAPTER 0 P HARODUM . Does not'Spes' mean Chapter of Harodim ? Ilerodom , you are awareis the Eose Croix , of which there are many
, members . The Chapter of Harodim died out with Bro . Preston , unless tho nine worthies or Excellent Masters that met at the Crown Tavern , Clerkenwell Green , between thirty and forfcy years ago , was a continuation of it . I believe one of those brethren is alive . —J . How . —[ There is no such thing as Herodom , it should be Heredom . ]