Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 2 of 2 Article PEOVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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on being called upon , sung one of his Avell arranged impromptu songs , which was received Avith great applause . The AV . M . next gave , " The Visitors to the Domatic Lodge , " expressing the gratification he felt at seeing them present , and hoped they would soon visit them again . He gave them all a cordial and hearty welcome . The toast was drunk with all the Masonic honours . Several of the visiting brethren returned thanks for the pleasure they had derived from the truly
Masonic welcome they had received , and said it would be to them a source of great gratification to again have the opportunity of mixing with the brethren of the Domatic Lodge . The AV . M . said the next toast was a most important one , as it \ yas * -the health of tlie Past Masters of the lodge ; and he knew their worth , for they were at all times ready to perform any duty that might be required of them , or to give the junior brethren that information which should fit them for offices they might
hereafter be called upon to fill . He gave " The Health of the P . M . ' s ofthe Lodge , Bros . Thompson , Smith , Carpenter , Ehnes , Brett , Marshall , Hayilon , and AVilson . " Bro . Carpenter , in a style of pleasantry which excited roars of laughter , returned thanks on behalf of the Past Masters , holding out to all strong inducements for them to arrive at that honourable position . " The Officers of the Lodge" was tho next toast , given in a fewappropriate remarks by the AV . M . for Avhich Bro . Simpson
, , S . W ., returned thanks , expressing a determination on his own part and that of his brother officers to do their duty to the best of their ability , and to support the AV . M . in carrying on the business of the lodge . " The Health of the Treasurer and Secretary" was also given and responded to , and the Tyler ' s toast brought this harmonious meeting to a close at an early hour .
LODGE OP CONFIDENCE ( NO . 193 ) . —The brethren of this admirable lodge assembled for the fulfilment of their Masonic duties ou Monday , the 13 th inst ., at Anderton's Hotel , when the under-mentioned ceremonials were gone through in a . manner reflecting the highest credit upon the AA . M ., Bro . Robhins , viz .: —Messrs . George Brett , John AVilliam Oliver , and John Bees George were introduced by him within the precincts of the Ancient Institution as E . A . ' s- Bros . Ramsay , Bateman , and Short were the recipients of the truths connected with the gradation to the F . C . ; and Bros . Batchelor , Brigden , and King weie raised to the sublime degree of M . M .
FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE LODOE ( No . 706 ) . —This lodge held its regular meeting at Freemasons' Hall , AA oolwich , on Friday , the 3 rd inst . Bro . Colonel Field , AV . M ., opened the lodge , and in a most able and efficient manner raised one brother to the sublime degree of a M . M . An \ wgenfc appeal was made by Bro . Walters , of 73 , for co-operation and support in forming a strong list of subscriptions which he was getting up , as Steward of tho Aged Freemasons and AVidows of Deceased
Members for 1866 . Before the Festival ho hoped to call again . The excellent AV . M . was pleased to order a minute to be made of this application . Thereupon the lodge was closed , and an admirable dinner being provided at the Freemasons ' Tavern , the brethren partook of it , and spent a very pleasant evening . LODGE OP ST . JAMES ( NO . 765 ) . —At the regular meeting of
this lodge , held on the 7 th inst ., at tho Leather Market Tavern , Bermondsey , Bro . AVilliam Oaff , W . M ., presided , and was supported by his officers and a large gathering of the brethren . One brother was passed , and four gentlemen wero initiated . Bro . F . Walters , P . M . 73 , informed the lodge that he intended to represent the Mount Lebanon Lodgo as Steward for the Royal Benevolent Institution at its Festival in 1866 when ho
, hoped to receive tho support of this lodge , because it was intimately associated with tho Mount Lebanon , tho founder and first AV . M . of St . James ' s being a P . M . of Mount Lebanon ; moreover , when it was first opened it was well supported by the P . M . ' s of 73 . The lodge was then closed . The visitors were Bros . F . Walters , T . S . Moore , and J . L . A allentin .
ROYAL ALBERT LODGE ( NO . 907 ) . —A meeting of this lodge Avas held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Monday , the 20 th inst . The lodge was opened by Bro . J . Downs , AV . M ., assisted by Bros . J . A . Farnfield , S . W . ; T . Peters , J . W . ; J . Smith , P . M . and Treas . ; 11 . W . Little , Sec ; W . H . Farnfield , S . D . ; J . Abbott , J . D . ; C . Chard , I . G . ; C . P . Farnfield , Nugent , Terry , Pendygrass , Walker , together with Watson , Lewis , and Bennett , P . M . ' s . The minutes having been read and confirmed , a ballot taken for
was the Rev . J . M . A aughan , which proved in his favour , and that gentleman being in attendance was regularly
introduced and initiated into the Order . Bro . J . C . Cheetham was afterwards raised to the degree of a M . M . This being the regular night of election , Bro . J . A . Farnfield , S . AV ., was unanimously elected AV . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . Smith , P . M ., re-elected Treas . ; and Daly , Tyler . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet under the presidency of Bro . Smith , the AV . M . being too unwell to remain . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been iven and received
g with enthusiasm , the W . M ., Bro . Smith , in his usual felicitous style proposed the health of tho initiate , and expressed the great pleasure it gave him to welcome another reverend brother as a member of the lodgo . Bro . Vaughan thanked the W . M . and the brethren for the cordial reception given to the toast , and assured them that he only regretted not having sooner become a member of the Order . The Visitors' toast
then followed , and was responded to by Bros . C . Vennell , Sec . Board of Grand Stewards , and S . W . Lodge of Antiquity ; W . II . Hubbard . W . M . 173 , and other distinguished brethren . Then AV . M . then gave "The AV . M . elect , " stating that the lodge looked forward to a very prosperous j ear of office with Bio . J . A . Farnfield as Master " , as he was not only an able and zealous Mason , but one thoroughly respected and admired by every member of the lodge . The W . M . elect , in returning thanks , said that when he took a retrospective view of tbe position of the lodge when he first joined it—at which time ifc
numbered but eight or ten members—and compared it with the prosperous state to wliich it had now attained , he felt not only pleased , but proud of the progress made by the Royal Albert , and doubly so , as the brethren had honoured him by electing him to the chair of such a lodge . He could assure them that his best endeavours should be devotedto maintaining its prestige and advancing its interests at all times , and if he failed in doing so he trusted it would not be found attributable
to want of will to do so . Bro . Farnfield resumed his seafc amidst the applause of the brethren . Bro . Bennett then proposed the AA . M ., lamenting his absence , hut expatiating on the merits of the excellent brother who occup ied his place that evening . Bro . Smith , he said , was always ready ( and sp were he and his brother P . M . Lewis ) , not only ready , but gratifiedto forward the cause of Freemasonry , whenever an opportunity
offered to be of any assistance . Bro . Smith , in his reply , thanked Bros . Lewis and Bennett for the fraternal feeling they had always shown , not only towards himself , but to the lodge generally , and ended by proposing their healths as P . M . ' s . The toast of the officers was appropriately responded to by Bro . Peters , J . W ., to whom , as Avell as to Bros . Lewis , Abbott , C . P . Farnfield , and other brethren , the lodge Avas much indebted for
several capital songs . The visitors were Bros . C . Vennell , G . Steward ; W . H . Hubbard , W . M . 173 ; Rev . R . N . Russell , AV . M . 810 ; P . Eichard , Prov . G . S . B ., Jersey ; and H . Moseley , J . AV . 554 .
DERBYSHIRE . DERBY . —Arhoretum Zodge ( No . 731 ) . —At a meeting ot the members of this lodge , held at Bro . Williamson ' s , Arboretum Hotel , Derby , on the ~ 8 th inst ., Bro . II . Carson , P . M . of the Royal Sussex Lodge , Repton , was elected AV . M . for the ensuing year . There was a' very numerous attendance of the Craft . The installation of tho W . M . elect and the annual banquet will take place on AVednesdayMarch 8 on which occasion a splendid
, , silver cup will be presented by the brethren ot the lodge to Bro . AV . Gadsby , jun ., AVIIO has for several years past ably officiated in the honorary capacity of Secretary to the lodge . DEA'ONSHIRE . MORICE TOWN , DEVONPORT . —Zodge St . Auhi / n ( So . 954 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the evening of
Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., at six o'clock precisely , under the presidency of tho AV . M ., Bro . Horace Byron Kent . The duties , after the usual confirmation of the minutes of the last regular and the two emergency meetings , were to ballot for three candidates , to pass two brethren of the E . A . degree , and to raise a brother to the sublime degree of M . M . The ballot having been taken and proving satisfactory , the gentlemen named in the
summons were declared to he duly elected . The lodge having been raised to the third degree , a brother was raised to tho third degree in Masonry . The duties of the two candidates for
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
on being called upon , sung one of his Avell arranged impromptu songs , which was received Avith great applause . The AV . M . next gave , " The Visitors to the Domatic Lodge , " expressing the gratification he felt at seeing them present , and hoped they would soon visit them again . He gave them all a cordial and hearty welcome . The toast was drunk with all the Masonic honours . Several of the visiting brethren returned thanks for the pleasure they had derived from the truly
Masonic welcome they had received , and said it would be to them a source of great gratification to again have the opportunity of mixing with the brethren of the Domatic Lodge . The AV . M . said the next toast was a most important one , as it \ yas * -the health of tlie Past Masters of the lodge ; and he knew their worth , for they were at all times ready to perform any duty that might be required of them , or to give the junior brethren that information which should fit them for offices they might
hereafter be called upon to fill . He gave " The Health of the P . M . ' s ofthe Lodge , Bros . Thompson , Smith , Carpenter , Ehnes , Brett , Marshall , Hayilon , and AVilson . " Bro . Carpenter , in a style of pleasantry which excited roars of laughter , returned thanks on behalf of the Past Masters , holding out to all strong inducements for them to arrive at that honourable position . " The Officers of the Lodge" was tho next toast , given in a fewappropriate remarks by the AV . M . for Avhich Bro . Simpson
, , S . W ., returned thanks , expressing a determination on his own part and that of his brother officers to do their duty to the best of their ability , and to support the AV . M . in carrying on the business of the lodge . " The Health of the Treasurer and Secretary" was also given and responded to , and the Tyler ' s toast brought this harmonious meeting to a close at an early hour .
LODGE OP CONFIDENCE ( NO . 193 ) . —The brethren of this admirable lodge assembled for the fulfilment of their Masonic duties ou Monday , the 13 th inst ., at Anderton's Hotel , when the under-mentioned ceremonials were gone through in a . manner reflecting the highest credit upon the AA . M ., Bro . Robhins , viz .: —Messrs . George Brett , John AVilliam Oliver , and John Bees George were introduced by him within the precincts of the Ancient Institution as E . A . ' s- Bros . Ramsay , Bateman , and Short were the recipients of the truths connected with the gradation to the F . C . ; and Bros . Batchelor , Brigden , and King weie raised to the sublime degree of M . M .
FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE LODOE ( No . 706 ) . —This lodge held its regular meeting at Freemasons' Hall , AA oolwich , on Friday , the 3 rd inst . Bro . Colonel Field , AV . M ., opened the lodge , and in a most able and efficient manner raised one brother to the sublime degree of a M . M . An \ wgenfc appeal was made by Bro . Walters , of 73 , for co-operation and support in forming a strong list of subscriptions which he was getting up , as Steward of tho Aged Freemasons and AVidows of Deceased
Members for 1866 . Before the Festival ho hoped to call again . The excellent AV . M . was pleased to order a minute to be made of this application . Thereupon the lodge was closed , and an admirable dinner being provided at the Freemasons ' Tavern , the brethren partook of it , and spent a very pleasant evening . LODGE OP ST . JAMES ( NO . 765 ) . —At the regular meeting of
this lodge , held on the 7 th inst ., at tho Leather Market Tavern , Bermondsey , Bro . AVilliam Oaff , W . M ., presided , and was supported by his officers and a large gathering of the brethren . One brother was passed , and four gentlemen wero initiated . Bro . F . Walters , P . M . 73 , informed the lodge that he intended to represent the Mount Lebanon Lodgo as Steward for the Royal Benevolent Institution at its Festival in 1866 when ho
, hoped to receive tho support of this lodge , because it was intimately associated with tho Mount Lebanon , tho founder and first AV . M . of St . James ' s being a P . M . of Mount Lebanon ; moreover , when it was first opened it was well supported by the P . M . ' s of 73 . The lodge was then closed . The visitors were Bros . F . Walters , T . S . Moore , and J . L . A allentin .
ROYAL ALBERT LODGE ( NO . 907 ) . —A meeting of this lodge Avas held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Monday , the 20 th inst . The lodge was opened by Bro . J . Downs , AV . M ., assisted by Bros . J . A . Farnfield , S . W . ; T . Peters , J . W . ; J . Smith , P . M . and Treas . ; 11 . W . Little , Sec ; W . H . Farnfield , S . D . ; J . Abbott , J . D . ; C . Chard , I . G . ; C . P . Farnfield , Nugent , Terry , Pendygrass , Walker , together with Watson , Lewis , and Bennett , P . M . ' s . The minutes having been read and confirmed , a ballot taken for
was the Rev . J . M . A aughan , which proved in his favour , and that gentleman being in attendance was regularly
introduced and initiated into the Order . Bro . J . C . Cheetham was afterwards raised to the degree of a M . M . This being the regular night of election , Bro . J . A . Farnfield , S . AV ., was unanimously elected AV . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . Smith , P . M ., re-elected Treas . ; and Daly , Tyler . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet under the presidency of Bro . Smith , the AV . M . being too unwell to remain . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been iven and received
g with enthusiasm , the W . M ., Bro . Smith , in his usual felicitous style proposed the health of tho initiate , and expressed the great pleasure it gave him to welcome another reverend brother as a member of the lodgo . Bro . Vaughan thanked the W . M . and the brethren for the cordial reception given to the toast , and assured them that he only regretted not having sooner become a member of the Order . The Visitors' toast
then followed , and was responded to by Bros . C . Vennell , Sec . Board of Grand Stewards , and S . W . Lodge of Antiquity ; W . II . Hubbard . W . M . 173 , and other distinguished brethren . Then AV . M . then gave "The AV . M . elect , " stating that the lodge looked forward to a very prosperous j ear of office with Bio . J . A . Farnfield as Master " , as he was not only an able and zealous Mason , but one thoroughly respected and admired by every member of the lodge . The W . M . elect , in returning thanks , said that when he took a retrospective view of tbe position of the lodge when he first joined it—at which time ifc
numbered but eight or ten members—and compared it with the prosperous state to wliich it had now attained , he felt not only pleased , but proud of the progress made by the Royal Albert , and doubly so , as the brethren had honoured him by electing him to the chair of such a lodge . He could assure them that his best endeavours should be devotedto maintaining its prestige and advancing its interests at all times , and if he failed in doing so he trusted it would not be found attributable
to want of will to do so . Bro . Farnfield resumed his seafc amidst the applause of the brethren . Bro . Bennett then proposed the AA . M ., lamenting his absence , hut expatiating on the merits of the excellent brother who occup ied his place that evening . Bro . Smith , he said , was always ready ( and sp were he and his brother P . M . Lewis ) , not only ready , but gratifiedto forward the cause of Freemasonry , whenever an opportunity
offered to be of any assistance . Bro . Smith , in his reply , thanked Bros . Lewis and Bennett for the fraternal feeling they had always shown , not only towards himself , but to the lodge generally , and ended by proposing their healths as P . M . ' s . The toast of the officers was appropriately responded to by Bro . Peters , J . W ., to whom , as Avell as to Bros . Lewis , Abbott , C . P . Farnfield , and other brethren , the lodge Avas much indebted for
several capital songs . The visitors were Bros . C . Vennell , G . Steward ; W . H . Hubbard , W . M . 173 ; Rev . R . N . Russell , AV . M . 810 ; P . Eichard , Prov . G . S . B ., Jersey ; and H . Moseley , J . AV . 554 .
DERBYSHIRE . DERBY . —Arhoretum Zodge ( No . 731 ) . —At a meeting ot the members of this lodge , held at Bro . Williamson ' s , Arboretum Hotel , Derby , on the ~ 8 th inst ., Bro . II . Carson , P . M . of the Royal Sussex Lodge , Repton , was elected AV . M . for the ensuing year . There was a' very numerous attendance of the Craft . The installation of tho W . M . elect and the annual banquet will take place on AVednesdayMarch 8 on which occasion a splendid
, , silver cup will be presented by the brethren ot the lodge to Bro . AV . Gadsby , jun ., AVIIO has for several years past ably officiated in the honorary capacity of Secretary to the lodge . DEA'ONSHIRE . MORICE TOWN , DEVONPORT . —Zodge St . Auhi / n ( So . 954 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the evening of
Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., at six o'clock precisely , under the presidency of tho AV . M ., Bro . Horace Byron Kent . The duties , after the usual confirmation of the minutes of the last regular and the two emergency meetings , were to ballot for three candidates , to pass two brethren of the E . A . degree , and to raise a brother to the sublime degree of M . M . The ballot having been taken and proving satisfactory , the gentlemen named in the
summons were declared to he duly elected . The lodge having been raised to the third degree , a brother was raised to tho third degree in Masonry . The duties of the two candidates for