Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . AVe are requested by tlie Chairman of the Building Committee to state that , in order to give the brethren the earliest opportunity of seeing the progress of at least some part of the works , the Vestibule , first-floor Corridor , and the Lodge-rooms opening out of it in the new buildings will be temporarily
lighted up , and thrown open for inspection , from six to eight o ' clock , previous to the assembling of Grand Lodge , on AVednesday evening next . A \ e are also desired to state that it would be impossible with safety to throw open the whole of the buildings at present , and the Committee therefore request that brethren will be so kind as not to endeavour to pass
beyond the first-floor Corridor . The Vestibule may be reached from the Great Hall , the Temple , or the Sussex . AVe remind the brethren that the Festival of the Boys'School takes place on the 8 fch of March , under the presidency of the R . W . Bro . the Duke of Manchester , Prov . G . Master of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire . A very full attendance is anticipated .
Grand Lodge.
The following is the official agenda of the business to be transacted in Grand Lodge on Wednesday , March 1 st : — 1 . The regulations for the government of Grand Lodge during the time of public business will be read . 2 . The minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 7 th of December , 1864 , will be read and put for confirmation .
3 . The election of a M . W . Grand Master . 4 . The election of a Grand Treasurer . 5 . The report of the Board of Benevolence for the lust quarter , in which is a recommendation for a grant to Bro . R . B ., of the Kent Lodge , So . 15 , London , for the sum of £ 100 . 6 . The report of the Annual Audit Committee of the Grand Lodge accounts for the year 1861 .
1 . THE REPORT ou THE BOARD or GENERAL PURPOSES . To the United Grand Zodge of Ancient Free and Accepted , Masons of England . The Board of General Purposes beg to report as follows : — 1 . Grand Lodge having by resolution , duly confirmed at the Quarterly Communication of the 1 st day of June , 186-1 ,
requested this Board to take into consideration the powers of a AVarden in tho event of the absence of the Master and Past Masters of the lodge , and to recommend to Grand Lodge such alterations , if any , in the Book of Constitutions in respect thereto as this Board shall deem necessary or advantageous to the welfare and good government of the Craft -. and the Board
having taken the whole question into their most careful consideration , after mature deliberation beg to report that they are of opinion that , the Book of Constitutions being silent upon the subject of all tiaditionavy laws relating to the administration of the rites and ceremonies of the Order , it is unadvisable to introduce into that Book matters which , up to this time , appear to
be studiously excluded from it . The Board are further of opinion that ifc is advisable that no degree in Freemasonry should be conferred upon any candidate unless a brother who has been duly installed as Master of a lodge do occupy the chair during the performance of the ceremony . 2 . The Board beg further to report that a complaint has been preferred by the Lodge of Benevolence against the Union
AVaterloo Lodge ( So . 13 ) , AVoolwieh , for having failed on two successive occasions to attend to speak in reference to a petition for relief , after having in due course certified the truth of the petition . The Master and Wardens having been summoned to answer the complaint , attended Avith the immediate Past Master and another Past Master of the- lodge . It
appeared that the immediate Past Master was Master of thelodge at the time the recommendation was signed . His explanation was that on the first occasion he was prevented attending by sudden illness , and that subsequently having gone out of office , he had , through forgetfulness , failed to remind the incoming Master that the ease was still undisposed of ,
and he expressed his regrets for his negligence . The Board being of opinion that the fault was not wilful , but that nevertheless it was the duty of the incoming Master and of the members of the lodge to have inquired as to what had been done upon the case , which duly appeared upon the minutes of the lodge , reprimanded the Master and the lodge , and
warned them to be more careful for the future . ( Signed ) J . LLEWELIYJS - EVANS , Freemasons' Hall , President .. February 14 th , 1865 .
To the report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on the 10 th February inst ., showing a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of £ 6 , 952 4 s . 2 d ., and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for petty cash , £ 50 . Of these sums there belongs to the Fund of Benevolence £ 733 13 s . 4 fZ ., to the Fund of General Purposes £ 5 , 829 lis . 3 cL , and there is the Unappropriated Account , £ 438 19 s . Id .
8 . THE REPORT OI ? THE BUILDING COMMITTEE . To the United Grand Zodge of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Mlasons of England . The Committee beg to report that the progress of the buildings has been somewhat more satisfactory of late , aud that the first section is now rapidly approaching completion .
The Committee also report that , according to the terms of the agreement , they have inquired into the position and responsibility of the new Company , and , being satisfied thereon * they have sanctioned the granting of a lease to Mr . Shrewsbury with power to transfer it to the new Company ; and they further report that the agreement for lease has been duly
executed , and that the premium of £ 5 , 000 has been received , and paid to the bankers of the Grand Treasurer . The Committee have very carefully considered the subject of the further progress of the works , and they are of opinion that it will be much to-the convenience of the tenants , as well as to
the advantage of the Craft , that the second and third sections should be proceeded with at the same time . The Committee are happy to report that all difficulties in the way of carrying out this object are now at an end ; and they , therefore , propose to let the contract for the third section , and to commence the works necessary for the completion ofthe whole of the buildings so soon as they have received the authority of Grand Lodge to
obtain the money necessary for that purpose . Tho Committee find that , in addition to the surplus funds which may arise from the Fund of General Purposes , ifc will he necessary to borrow the sum of £ 19 , 000 , in order to complete the buildings , and to provide the necessary furniture for the Masonic parts . The Committee have no doubt they will be able
to repay this amount within ten years , with interest at the rate of 4 per cent , per annum . As pointed out in their report of May , 1863 , the Committee desire to observe that there are several modes by wliich this money
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . AVe are requested by tlie Chairman of the Building Committee to state that , in order to give the brethren the earliest opportunity of seeing the progress of at least some part of the works , the Vestibule , first-floor Corridor , and the Lodge-rooms opening out of it in the new buildings will be temporarily
lighted up , and thrown open for inspection , from six to eight o ' clock , previous to the assembling of Grand Lodge , on AVednesday evening next . A \ e are also desired to state that it would be impossible with safety to throw open the whole of the buildings at present , and the Committee therefore request that brethren will be so kind as not to endeavour to pass
beyond the first-floor Corridor . The Vestibule may be reached from the Great Hall , the Temple , or the Sussex . AVe remind the brethren that the Festival of the Boys'School takes place on the 8 fch of March , under the presidency of the R . W . Bro . the Duke of Manchester , Prov . G . Master of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire . A very full attendance is anticipated .
Grand Lodge.
The following is the official agenda of the business to be transacted in Grand Lodge on Wednesday , March 1 st : — 1 . The regulations for the government of Grand Lodge during the time of public business will be read . 2 . The minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 7 th of December , 1864 , will be read and put for confirmation .
3 . The election of a M . W . Grand Master . 4 . The election of a Grand Treasurer . 5 . The report of the Board of Benevolence for the lust quarter , in which is a recommendation for a grant to Bro . R . B ., of the Kent Lodge , So . 15 , London , for the sum of £ 100 . 6 . The report of the Annual Audit Committee of the Grand Lodge accounts for the year 1861 .
1 . THE REPORT ou THE BOARD or GENERAL PURPOSES . To the United Grand Zodge of Ancient Free and Accepted , Masons of England . The Board of General Purposes beg to report as follows : — 1 . Grand Lodge having by resolution , duly confirmed at the Quarterly Communication of the 1 st day of June , 186-1 ,
requested this Board to take into consideration the powers of a AVarden in tho event of the absence of the Master and Past Masters of the lodge , and to recommend to Grand Lodge such alterations , if any , in the Book of Constitutions in respect thereto as this Board shall deem necessary or advantageous to the welfare and good government of the Craft -. and the Board
having taken the whole question into their most careful consideration , after mature deliberation beg to report that they are of opinion that , the Book of Constitutions being silent upon the subject of all tiaditionavy laws relating to the administration of the rites and ceremonies of the Order , it is unadvisable to introduce into that Book matters which , up to this time , appear to
be studiously excluded from it . The Board are further of opinion that ifc is advisable that no degree in Freemasonry should be conferred upon any candidate unless a brother who has been duly installed as Master of a lodge do occupy the chair during the performance of the ceremony . 2 . The Board beg further to report that a complaint has been preferred by the Lodge of Benevolence against the Union
AVaterloo Lodge ( So . 13 ) , AVoolwieh , for having failed on two successive occasions to attend to speak in reference to a petition for relief , after having in due course certified the truth of the petition . The Master and Wardens having been summoned to answer the complaint , attended Avith the immediate Past Master and another Past Master of the- lodge . It
appeared that the immediate Past Master was Master of thelodge at the time the recommendation was signed . His explanation was that on the first occasion he was prevented attending by sudden illness , and that subsequently having gone out of office , he had , through forgetfulness , failed to remind the incoming Master that the ease was still undisposed of ,
and he expressed his regrets for his negligence . The Board being of opinion that the fault was not wilful , but that nevertheless it was the duty of the incoming Master and of the members of the lodge to have inquired as to what had been done upon the case , which duly appeared upon the minutes of the lodge , reprimanded the Master and the lodge , and
warned them to be more careful for the future . ( Signed ) J . LLEWELIYJS - EVANS , Freemasons' Hall , President .. February 14 th , 1865 .
To the report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on the 10 th February inst ., showing a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of £ 6 , 952 4 s . 2 d ., and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for petty cash , £ 50 . Of these sums there belongs to the Fund of Benevolence £ 733 13 s . 4 fZ ., to the Fund of General Purposes £ 5 , 829 lis . 3 cL , and there is the Unappropriated Account , £ 438 19 s . Id .
8 . THE REPORT OI ? THE BUILDING COMMITTEE . To the United Grand Zodge of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Mlasons of England . The Committee beg to report that the progress of the buildings has been somewhat more satisfactory of late , aud that the first section is now rapidly approaching completion .
The Committee also report that , according to the terms of the agreement , they have inquired into the position and responsibility of the new Company , and , being satisfied thereon * they have sanctioned the granting of a lease to Mr . Shrewsbury with power to transfer it to the new Company ; and they further report that the agreement for lease has been duly
executed , and that the premium of £ 5 , 000 has been received , and paid to the bankers of the Grand Treasurer . The Committee have very carefully considered the subject of the further progress of the works , and they are of opinion that it will be much to-the convenience of the tenants , as well as to
the advantage of the Craft , that the second and third sections should be proceeded with at the same time . The Committee are happy to report that all difficulties in the way of carrying out this object are now at an end ; and they , therefore , propose to let the contract for the third section , and to commence the works necessary for the completion ofthe whole of the buildings so soon as they have received the authority of Grand Lodge to
obtain the money necessary for that purpose . Tho Committee find that , in addition to the surplus funds which may arise from the Fund of General Purposes , ifc will he necessary to borrow the sum of £ 19 , 000 , in order to complete the buildings , and to provide the necessary furniture for the Masonic parts . The Committee have no doubt they will be able
to repay this amount within ten years , with interest at the rate of 4 per cent , per annum . As pointed out in their report of May , 1863 , the Committee desire to observe that there are several modes by wliich this money