Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 3 of 3 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 3 →
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Hedges , Norris , Jones , and several other brethren . There were also present as visitors , Bros . Thompson , W . M . of the Domatic Lodge , and Creech , W . M . elect of the Camden Lodge . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M . ( Bro . Willett ) , the chair was in the first instance taken by Bro . Gilbard , P . M ., who , in a very able ancl impressive manner , initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry Mr . Romaine Delatorre and Mr . Charles Moore . The chair was then taken by Bro .
Hardey , P . M ., who in due form went through the beautiful ceremony of installation , Bro . John Norris Frost , late S . W ., being installed as W . M . for the ensuing year . The newlyinstalled W . M . then passed Bro . Daly to the second degree , and Bros . Golding , Johnson , and Ruston to the degree of a Master Mason , both ceremonies being done by him in a very able ancl effective manner . The W . M . then invested his officers for the ensuing year , Bro . A . A . Richards being S . W ., and Bro .
Edward Keogh , J . W . All Masonic business having been concluded , the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet in the large room at the Town Hall , supplied by Bro . Lewis , of the Red Lion , at which the chair was most ably filled by the new W . M ., and after the usual loyal and Masomc toasts , and some excellent songs by Bros . Donald King , Daly , Norris , and Creech , the brethren separated in time for the last train to London . A handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented to the
outgoing Master , Bro . Willett , for his efficient services in fche chair during his year of office . The lodge has only now entered upon the fourth year of its existence , and yet it already numbers over sixty members , and is the strongest lodge in the county of Middlesex beyond the ten miles district .
SOUTH WALES . CAKDIEE . — Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 36 . )—The anniversary meeting of this ancient lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , St . Mary-sfcrcet , on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., and most numerously and influentially attended . Among the distinguished visiting brethren were Bros . Wm . Done Bushell , P . Prov . G . M . Bristol ; Hy . Bridges , Prov . D . G . M . Somerset ; T . Mansel Talbot , Prov . D . G . M . Eastern Division South Wales ; J . C
Thorpe , W . M . ( and W . M . elect ) 960 , P . Prov . G . D . Oxon , & c . In the absence of the W . M ., Bro . Grierson , who has sailed since the last meeting for New Zealand , the Immediate P . M ., Bro . E . J . Thomas , presided with his usual ability . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes of the last regular lodge , and those of a lodge of emergency read and confirmed , the presiding W . M . suitably proposed a vote of condolence with the respected Prov . G . Master , on account of a very
severe domestic bereavement . The chair was then taken by Bro . R . F . Langley , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., & c , who has for many successive years , very much to the satisfaction of the brethren , conducted the installation ceremony , and who now proceeded to instal into the chair of K . S . Bro . David Roberts , who had been unanimously elected to that oflice at the previous lodge . The ceremony was performed in the worshipful brother ' s usually correct and impressive manner , and upon its conclusion the newly-installed W . M . returned thanks to the brethren for
the honour conferred upon him , and proceeded to appoint ancl invest , with suitable admonitions , his officers as follows : —Bros . T . II . Stephens , S . W . ; R . Hunt , J . W . ; E . J . Thomas ( by election ) Treas . ; E . Fisher , Sec ; J . B . Wilkes ( A . R . A ., Organist of Llandaff Cathedral ) , Org . ; T . Joy , S . D . ; M . Markes , J . D . ; J . Dawson , I . G . ; J . Owen , O . G . ; M . Markes , sen ., and H . Cousins , Stewards . The instructive and impressive addresses to the respective officers were ably and forcibly given by the
Installing P . M . The brethren having been called upon to salute the visiting brethren of distinction , that compliment was suitably acknowledged by Bros . Bridges , D . Prov . G . M . Somerset , ancl Talbot , D . Prov . G . M . of the province , both of whom expressed their warmest approbation of the elegant manner in which the installation ceremony hacl been performed . The lodge was closed in perfect harmony at six p . m ., and the brethren immediately adjourned to a most sumptuous banquet
provided by that noted Masonic caterer , Bro . H . Cousins , host of the Angel , and Steward . The ordinary loyal ancl Masonic toasts were given by the W . M . in an unusually happy manner , that of " Grand Lodge" being responded to by Bro . Bridges , Prov . G . S . B . ; "The D . Prov . G . M ., " hy Bro . 'Mbot ; "Prov . Grand Lodge , " by Bros . T . South , Prov : S . G . W ., and W . J . Gaskell , Prov . J . G . W . ; and "The Visitors" ( given at an early period of the evening to enable many to leave by train ) , by Bro . Wells , P . M ., Prov . S . G . W . Monmouth . The toasfc of the evening , "The Health of the WM . " was proposed in the
most eloquent , as well as feeling and flattering terms , by Bro . W . D . Bushell , P . Prov . G . M . Bristol , & c , and very felicitously replied to by Bro . Roberts . " The Past Masters , " responded to by the senior P . M ., Bro . Hodges ; ancl numerous other toasts followed , the Masonic honours being given iu hearty style ; and at a seasonable hour a most agreeable and social meeting was brought to a conclusion by " The Tyler's " toasfc . The harmony of the evening was contributed to by the musical performances of Bros . Fisher , Dawson , Calder , and others ; and the whole of the proceedings were marked by great goodwill and kindly fellowship on all sides .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
HAMPSHIRE . CONSECRATION AND iNAtrotrBATiON OE THE ROYAX , MIMTAEY - CHAPTEB OE S . P . R . ^ A IDEESHOT . Owing to the exertions of the 111 . Bro . Lieut . C . H . Cox , and others , the Supreme Grand Council of the 33 ° granted a warrant for a Rose Croix Chapter , under the name ofthe Royal Military Chapter , to be held at the Masonic Club Rooms , Victoria-road ,
Aldershofc , which chapter was formally consecrated and opened on Thursday , June 16 th , 18 G 4 . At the opening of the chapter there were present Lieut .-Col . Bowyer , Lieut . G . Com . 33 ° ; Lieut .-Col . Clerk , G . Sec . General 33 ° ; Capt . N . G . Philips , 33 ° ; Baron Bulow , 33 " , France ; Hyde . Pullen , 32 ° , Assist . G . Sec S . G . C . ; Matthew Cooke , Org . to Sup . G . Cons ., 30 "; Lieut . H . C . Cox , 30 ° , M . W . S . designate j W . E . Gumbleton , 30 ° ; Col . Meehan , 30 ° ; H . Hollingsworfch ,
30 ° ; Capt . Sandeman , 30 ° ; F . Binckes , 18 ° ; R . S . Hulbert , 18 ° j Owen Low , 18 ° ; and H . J . Thompson , 18 ° ; with others whose names could not be procured . The Masonic crying evil—a want of punctuality , even with military men on the confines of a camp—was again manifested , though ifc is hut fair to state there was a field-day in progress afc the time , which accounted for some portion of the delay . Afc last , however , all was prepared , and Lieut .-Col . Bowyer , 33 ° ,
proceeded to consecrate the chapter , and performed that ceremony in a manner beyond all praise . The 111 . Bro . Hyde Pullen , then installed Bros . Raul , Eve , Sothran , Howard , and Wallace ; and this ceremony was admirahlv and impressively done . Lieut .-Col . Clerk , 33 ° , then installed Lieut . Cox , 30 ° , the new M . W . S ., and ifc is needless to say more than that Col . Clerk , according to his usual practice , acquitted himself with that readiness and perfection which seems to be a part and parcel of
himself . The music was performed by the 111 . Bro . Matthew Cooke , 30 ° , Org . to the Supreme Grand Council . After the installation of M . W . S ., Lieut . Cox was pleased to appoint the following Ex . and Perf . brethren : —R . Eve , H . Prelate ; R . S . Hulbert , 1 st Gen . ; F . G . Irvin , 2 nd Gen . ; Howard , G . Marshal ; Rowley , Raphael ; and Sothran , Capt . of the Guard .
After the routine business had been disposed of , the chapter was closed , and the brethren present adjourned to a very sumptuous and elegant dinner at Bro . Tilbury ' s , the Royal Hotel . After the banquet Lieut . Cox , 30 ° , M . W . 8 ., gave the usual loyal and patriotic toasts , and then came to that of the Supreme Grand Council and its M . P . Sov . G . Com . Dr . Leeson . They were honoured that day by the attendance of three of its members , Lieut .-Col . Bowyer , Lieut .-Col . Clerk , and Captain
Philips . He felt that every member of the Royal Military Chapter owed them their warmest thanks for having attended there that clay to superintend , countenance , and support by their presence that , the first meeting of their little chapter . The toasfc was drank with enthusiasm . Col . BOWYER said , in the name of Dr . Leeson and the Supreme Grand Council , they were obliged for the honour of the toast . They were always happy to promote the efficiency of
the high grades , ancl were highly gratified at being called upon to do so that clay . He felt , on his own part , much pleased in having been present to undertake the duties of consecrating the chapter —( heav , hear)—as he could imagine no locality better adapted to encourage a spirit of chivalry than the town in which they were then met . As to the stability of the chapter , it was believed , from the many Masonic residents to be found there , its permanence and prosperity were likely to be ensured , and he hoped to be there again to see it . ( Hear , hear . ) The
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Hedges , Norris , Jones , and several other brethren . There were also present as visitors , Bros . Thompson , W . M . of the Domatic Lodge , and Creech , W . M . elect of the Camden Lodge . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M . ( Bro . Willett ) , the chair was in the first instance taken by Bro . Gilbard , P . M ., who , in a very able ancl impressive manner , initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry Mr . Romaine Delatorre and Mr . Charles Moore . The chair was then taken by Bro .
Hardey , P . M ., who in due form went through the beautiful ceremony of installation , Bro . John Norris Frost , late S . W ., being installed as W . M . for the ensuing year . The newlyinstalled W . M . then passed Bro . Daly to the second degree , and Bros . Golding , Johnson , and Ruston to the degree of a Master Mason , both ceremonies being done by him in a very able ancl effective manner . The W . M . then invested his officers for the ensuing year , Bro . A . A . Richards being S . W ., and Bro .
Edward Keogh , J . W . All Masonic business having been concluded , the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet in the large room at the Town Hall , supplied by Bro . Lewis , of the Red Lion , at which the chair was most ably filled by the new W . M ., and after the usual loyal and Masomc toasts , and some excellent songs by Bros . Donald King , Daly , Norris , and Creech , the brethren separated in time for the last train to London . A handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented to the
outgoing Master , Bro . Willett , for his efficient services in fche chair during his year of office . The lodge has only now entered upon the fourth year of its existence , and yet it already numbers over sixty members , and is the strongest lodge in the county of Middlesex beyond the ten miles district .
SOUTH WALES . CAKDIEE . — Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 36 . )—The anniversary meeting of this ancient lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , St . Mary-sfcrcet , on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., and most numerously and influentially attended . Among the distinguished visiting brethren were Bros . Wm . Done Bushell , P . Prov . G . M . Bristol ; Hy . Bridges , Prov . D . G . M . Somerset ; T . Mansel Talbot , Prov . D . G . M . Eastern Division South Wales ; J . C
Thorpe , W . M . ( and W . M . elect ) 960 , P . Prov . G . D . Oxon , & c . In the absence of the W . M ., Bro . Grierson , who has sailed since the last meeting for New Zealand , the Immediate P . M ., Bro . E . J . Thomas , presided with his usual ability . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes of the last regular lodge , and those of a lodge of emergency read and confirmed , the presiding W . M . suitably proposed a vote of condolence with the respected Prov . G . Master , on account of a very
severe domestic bereavement . The chair was then taken by Bro . R . F . Langley , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., & c , who has for many successive years , very much to the satisfaction of the brethren , conducted the installation ceremony , and who now proceeded to instal into the chair of K . S . Bro . David Roberts , who had been unanimously elected to that oflice at the previous lodge . The ceremony was performed in the worshipful brother ' s usually correct and impressive manner , and upon its conclusion the newly-installed W . M . returned thanks to the brethren for
the honour conferred upon him , and proceeded to appoint ancl invest , with suitable admonitions , his officers as follows : —Bros . T . II . Stephens , S . W . ; R . Hunt , J . W . ; E . J . Thomas ( by election ) Treas . ; E . Fisher , Sec ; J . B . Wilkes ( A . R . A ., Organist of Llandaff Cathedral ) , Org . ; T . Joy , S . D . ; M . Markes , J . D . ; J . Dawson , I . G . ; J . Owen , O . G . ; M . Markes , sen ., and H . Cousins , Stewards . The instructive and impressive addresses to the respective officers were ably and forcibly given by the
Installing P . M . The brethren having been called upon to salute the visiting brethren of distinction , that compliment was suitably acknowledged by Bros . Bridges , D . Prov . G . M . Somerset , ancl Talbot , D . Prov . G . M . of the province , both of whom expressed their warmest approbation of the elegant manner in which the installation ceremony hacl been performed . The lodge was closed in perfect harmony at six p . m ., and the brethren immediately adjourned to a most sumptuous banquet
provided by that noted Masonic caterer , Bro . H . Cousins , host of the Angel , and Steward . The ordinary loyal ancl Masonic toasts were given by the W . M . in an unusually happy manner , that of " Grand Lodge" being responded to by Bro . Bridges , Prov . G . S . B . ; "The D . Prov . G . M ., " hy Bro . 'Mbot ; "Prov . Grand Lodge , " by Bros . T . South , Prov : S . G . W ., and W . J . Gaskell , Prov . J . G . W . ; and "The Visitors" ( given at an early period of the evening to enable many to leave by train ) , by Bro . Wells , P . M ., Prov . S . G . W . Monmouth . The toasfc of the evening , "The Health of the WM . " was proposed in the
most eloquent , as well as feeling and flattering terms , by Bro . W . D . Bushell , P . Prov . G . M . Bristol , & c , and very felicitously replied to by Bro . Roberts . " The Past Masters , " responded to by the senior P . M ., Bro . Hodges ; ancl numerous other toasts followed , the Masonic honours being given iu hearty style ; and at a seasonable hour a most agreeable and social meeting was brought to a conclusion by " The Tyler's " toasfc . The harmony of the evening was contributed to by the musical performances of Bros . Fisher , Dawson , Calder , and others ; and the whole of the proceedings were marked by great goodwill and kindly fellowship on all sides .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
HAMPSHIRE . CONSECRATION AND iNAtrotrBATiON OE THE ROYAX , MIMTAEY - CHAPTEB OE S . P . R . ^ A IDEESHOT . Owing to the exertions of the 111 . Bro . Lieut . C . H . Cox , and others , the Supreme Grand Council of the 33 ° granted a warrant for a Rose Croix Chapter , under the name ofthe Royal Military Chapter , to be held at the Masonic Club Rooms , Victoria-road ,
Aldershofc , which chapter was formally consecrated and opened on Thursday , June 16 th , 18 G 4 . At the opening of the chapter there were present Lieut .-Col . Bowyer , Lieut . G . Com . 33 ° ; Lieut .-Col . Clerk , G . Sec . General 33 ° ; Capt . N . G . Philips , 33 ° ; Baron Bulow , 33 " , France ; Hyde . Pullen , 32 ° , Assist . G . Sec S . G . C . ; Matthew Cooke , Org . to Sup . G . Cons ., 30 "; Lieut . H . C . Cox , 30 ° , M . W . S . designate j W . E . Gumbleton , 30 ° ; Col . Meehan , 30 ° ; H . Hollingsworfch ,
30 ° ; Capt . Sandeman , 30 ° ; F . Binckes , 18 ° ; R . S . Hulbert , 18 ° j Owen Low , 18 ° ; and H . J . Thompson , 18 ° ; with others whose names could not be procured . The Masonic crying evil—a want of punctuality , even with military men on the confines of a camp—was again manifested , though ifc is hut fair to state there was a field-day in progress afc the time , which accounted for some portion of the delay . Afc last , however , all was prepared , and Lieut .-Col . Bowyer , 33 ° ,
proceeded to consecrate the chapter , and performed that ceremony in a manner beyond all praise . The 111 . Bro . Hyde Pullen , then installed Bros . Raul , Eve , Sothran , Howard , and Wallace ; and this ceremony was admirahlv and impressively done . Lieut .-Col . Clerk , 33 ° , then installed Lieut . Cox , 30 ° , the new M . W . S ., and ifc is needless to say more than that Col . Clerk , according to his usual practice , acquitted himself with that readiness and perfection which seems to be a part and parcel of
himself . The music was performed by the 111 . Bro . Matthew Cooke , 30 ° , Org . to the Supreme Grand Council . After the installation of M . W . S ., Lieut . Cox was pleased to appoint the following Ex . and Perf . brethren : —R . Eve , H . Prelate ; R . S . Hulbert , 1 st Gen . ; F . G . Irvin , 2 nd Gen . ; Howard , G . Marshal ; Rowley , Raphael ; and Sothran , Capt . of the Guard .
After the routine business had been disposed of , the chapter was closed , and the brethren present adjourned to a very sumptuous and elegant dinner at Bro . Tilbury ' s , the Royal Hotel . After the banquet Lieut . Cox , 30 ° , M . W . 8 ., gave the usual loyal and patriotic toasts , and then came to that of the Supreme Grand Council and its M . P . Sov . G . Com . Dr . Leeson . They were honoured that day by the attendance of three of its members , Lieut .-Col . Bowyer , Lieut .-Col . Clerk , and Captain
Philips . He felt that every member of the Royal Military Chapter owed them their warmest thanks for having attended there that clay to superintend , countenance , and support by their presence that , the first meeting of their little chapter . The toasfc was drank with enthusiasm . Col . BOWYER said , in the name of Dr . Leeson and the Supreme Grand Council , they were obliged for the honour of the toast . They were always happy to promote the efficiency of
the high grades , ancl were highly gratified at being called upon to do so that clay . He felt , on his own part , much pleased in having been present to undertake the duties of consecrating the chapter —( heav , hear)—as he could imagine no locality better adapted to encourage a spirit of chivalry than the town in which they were then met . As to the stability of the chapter , it was believed , from the many Masonic residents to be found there , its permanence and prosperity were likely to be ensured , and he hoped to be there again to see it . ( Hear , hear . ) The